3 years ago
2 changed files with 83 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
[Unit] |
Description=ergo |
After=network.target mysql.service |
[Service] |
Type=notify |
User=ergo |
WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/ergo |
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ergo run --conf /etc/ergo/ircd.yaml |
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID |
Restart=on-failure |
LimitNOFILE=1048576 |
NotifyAccess=main |
PrivateNetwork=true |
[Install] |
WantedBy=multi-user.target |
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ |
%define debug_package %{nil} |
Name : ergo |
Version : 2.7.0 |
Release : 1%{?dist} |
Summary : A modern IRC server (daemon/ircd) written in Go |
Group : System/Web |
License : MIT License |
URL : https://gohugo.io/ |
Source0 : ergo.service |
BuildRequires : golang |
BuildRequires : git |
Requires : git |
%description |
%prep |
%setup -T -q -c %{name}-%{version} |
mkdir -p go/src/github.com/ergochat/ |
cd go/src/github.com/ergochat/ |
git clone https://github.com/ergochat/ergo |
%build |
export GOPATH=`pwd`/go |
export GO111MODULE=on |
cd go/src/github.com/ergochat/ergo |
git checkout tags/v%{version} |
export SHORTCOMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) |
export BUILDDATE=$(date +%Y%m%d) |
%ifarch ppc64 |
export CGO_ENABLED=1 |
%endif |
go build -v -ldflags "-extldflags -s -w -B 0x$(head -c20 /dev/urandom|od -An -tx1|tr -d ' \n') -buildid "%{version}" -X 'main.commit="$SHORTCOMMIT"'" -o ergo |
%ifarch ppc64 |
%endif |
%install |
install -p -D -m 0555 go/src/github.com/ergochat/ergo/ergo %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ergo |
install -p -D -m 0644 go/src/github.com/ergochat/ergo/default.yaml %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/ergo/ircd.yaml |
install -p -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE0} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/ergo.service |
%post |
%systemd_post ergo.service |
%preun |
%systemd_preun ergo.service |
%postun |
%systemd_postun ergo.service |
%files |
%doc |
%{_bindir}/ergo |
%{_sysconfdir}/ergo/ircd.yaml |
%{_unitdir}/ergo.service |
%changelog |
Reference in new issue