1185 lines
24 KiB

; usbdux_firmware.asm
; Copyright (C) 2004,2009 Bernd Porr, Bernd.Porr@f2s.com
; For usbdux.c
; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
; Firmware: usbdux_firmware.asm for usbdux.c
; Description: University of Stirling USB DAQ & INCITE Technology Limited
; Devices: [ITL] USB-DUX (usbdux.o)
; Author: Bernd Porr <Bernd.Porr@f2s.com>
; Updated: 17 Apr 2009
; Status: stable
.inc fx2-include.asm
.equ CHANNELLIST,80h ; channellist in indirect memory
.equ CMD_FLAG,90h ; flag if next IN transf is DIO
.equ SGLCHANNEL,91h ; channel for INSN
.equ PWMFLAG,92h ; PWM
.equ DIOSTAT0,98h ; last status of the digital port
.equ DIOSTAT1,99h ; same for the second counter
.equ CTR0,0A0H ; counter 0
.equ CTR1,0A2H ; counter 1
.org 0000h ; after reset the processor starts here
ljmp main ; jump to the main loop
.org 000bh ; timer 0 irq
ljmp timer0_isr
.org 0043h ; the IRQ2-vector
ljmp jmptbl ; irq service-routine
.org 0100h ; start of the jump table
jmptbl: ljmp sudav_isr
ljmp sof_isr
ljmp sutok_isr
ljmp suspend_isr
ljmp usbreset_isr
ljmp hispeed_isr
ljmp ep0ack_isr
ljmp spare_isr
ljmp ep0in_isr
ljmp ep0out_isr
ljmp ep1in_isr
ljmp ep1out_isr
ljmp ep2_isr
ljmp ep4_isr
ljmp ep6_isr
ljmp ep8_isr
ljmp ibn_isr
ljmp spare_isr
ljmp ep0ping_isr
ljmp ep1ping_isr
ljmp ep2ping_isr
ljmp ep4ping_isr
ljmp ep6ping_isr
ljmp ep8ping_isr
ljmp errlimit_isr
ljmp spare_isr
ljmp spare_isr
ljmp spare_isr
ljmp ep2isoerr_isr
ljmp ep4isoerr_isr
ljmp ep6isoerr_isr
ljmp ep8isoerr_isr
;; dummy isr
push dps
push dpl
push dph
push dpl1
push dph1
push acc
push psw
;; clear the USB2 irq bit and return
mov a,EXIF
clr acc.4
mov EXIF,a
pop psw
pop acc
pop dph1
pop dpl1
pop dph
pop dpl
pop dps
;;; main program
;;; basically only initialises the processor and
;;; then engages in an endless loop
mov DPTR,#CPUCS ; CPU control register
mov a,#00010000b ; 48Mhz
lcall syncdelaywr
mov dptr,#REVCTL
mov a,#00000011b ; allows skip
lcall syncdelaywr
mov IP,#0 ; all std 8051 int have low priority
mov EIP,#0FFH ; all FX2 interrupts have high priority
mov dptr,#INTSETUP ; IRQ setup register
mov a,#08h ; enable autovector
lcall syncdelaywr
lcall initAD ; init the ports to the converters
lcall initeps ; init the isochronous data-transfer
lcall init_timer
mloop2: nop
;;; pwm
mov r0,#PWMFLAG ; pwm on?
mov a,@r0 ; get info
jz mloop2 ; it's off
mov a,GPIFTRIG ; GPIF status
anl a,#80h ; done bit
jz mloop2 ; GPIF still busy
mov a,#01h ; WR,EP4, 01 = EP4
mov GPIFTRIG,a ; restart it
sjmp mloop2 ; loop for ever
;;; GPIF waveform for PWM
;; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7(not used)
;; len (gives 50.007Hz)
.db 195, 195, 195, 195, 195, 195, 1, 1
;; opcode
.db 002H, 006H, 002H, 002H, 002H, 002H, 002H, 002H
;; out
.db 0ffH, 0ffH, 0ffH, 0ffH, 0ffH, 0ffH, 0ffH, 0ffH
;; log
.db 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H
mov r0,#PWMFLAG ; flag for PWM
mov a,#0 ; PWM (for the main loop)
mov @r0,a ; set it
mov dptr,#IFCONFIG ; switch off GPIF
mov a,#10000000b ; gpif, 30MHz, internal IFCLK
lcall syncdelaywr
;;; init PWM
mov dptr,#IFCONFIG ; switch on IFCLK signal
mov a,#10000010b ; gpif, 30MHz, internal IFCLK
lcall syncdelaywr
mov OEB,0FFH ; output to port B
mov a,#10100000b ; valid, out, bulk
movx @DPTR,a
;; reset the endpoint
mov dptr,#FIFORESET
mov a,#80h ; NAK
lcall syncdelaywr
mov a,#84h ; reset EP4 + NAK
lcall syncdelaywr
mov a,#0 ; normal op
lcall syncdelaywr
mov dptr,#EP4BCL
mov a,#0H ; discard packets
lcall syncdelaywr ; empty FIFO buffer
lcall syncdelaywr ; empty FIFO buffer
;; aborts all transfers by the GPIF
mov dptr,#GPIFABORT
mov a,#0ffh ; abort all transfers
lcall syncdelaywr
;; wait for GPIF to finish
mov a,GPIFTRIG ; GPIF status
anl a,#80h ; done bit
jz wait_f_abort ; GPIF busy
mov dptr,#GPIFCTLCFG
mov a,#10000000b ; tri state for CTRL
lcall syncdelaywr
mov a,#11110000b ; all CTL outputs low
lcall syncdelaywr
;; abort if FIFO is empty
mov a,#00000001b ; abort if empty
lcall syncdelaywr
mov a,#00000001b ; stop if GPIF flg
lcall syncdelaywr
;; transaction counter
mov a,#0ffH
mov dptr,#GPIFTCB3
lcall syncdelaywr
;; transaction counter
mov a,#0ffH
mov dptr,#GPIFTCB2
lcall syncdelaywr
;; transaction counter
mov a,#0ffH ; 512 bytes
mov dptr,#GPIFTCB1
lcall syncdelaywr
;; transaction counter
mov a,#0ffH
mov dptr,#GPIFTCB0
lcall syncdelaywr
;; RDY pins. Not used here.
mov a,#0
lcall syncdelaywr
;; drives the output in the IDLE state
mov a,#1
mov dptr,#GPIFIDLECS
lcall syncdelaywr
;; direct data transfer from the EP to the GPIF
mov dptr,#EP4FIFOCFG
mov a,#00010000b ; autoout=1, byte-wide
lcall syncdelaywr
;; waveform 0 is used for FIFO out
mov a,#00000000b
movx @dptr,a
lcall syncdelay
;; transfer the delay byte from the EP to the waveform
mov dptr,#0e781h ; EP1 buffer
movx a,@dptr ; get the delay
mov dptr,#waveform ; points to the waveform
mov r2,#6 ; fill 6 bytes
movx @dptr,a ; save timing in a xxx
inc dptr
djnz r2,timloop ; fill the 6 delay bytes
;; load waveform
lcall syncdelay
lcall syncdelay
mov dptr,#waveform ; points to the waveform
mov AUTOPTRSETUP,#7 ; autoinc and enable
lcall syncdelay
mov r2,#20H ; 32 bytes to transfer
movx a,@dptr
inc dptr
push dpl
push dph
push dpl1
push dph1
mov dptr,#XAUTODAT2
movx @dptr,a
lcall syncdelay
pop dph1
pop dpl1
pop dph
pop dpl
djnz r2,wavetr
mov dptr,#OUTPKTEND
mov a,#084H
lcall syncdelaywr
lcall syncdelaywr
mov r0,#PWMFLAG ; flag for PWM
mov a,#1 ; PWM (for the main loop)
mov @r0,a ; set it
;;; initialise the ports for the AD-converter
mov OEA,#27H ;PortA0,A1,A2,A5 Outputs
mov IOA,#22H ;/CS = 1, disable transfers to the converters
;;; init the timer for the soft counters
;; init the timer for 2ms sampling rate
mov CKCON,#00000001b; CLKOUT/12 for timer
mov TL0,#010H ; 16
mov TH0,#0H ; 256
mov IE,#82H ; switch on timer interrupt (80H for all IRQs)
mov TMOD,#00000000b ; 13 bit counters
setb TCON.4 ; enable timer 0
;;; from here it's only IRQ handling...
;;; A/D-conversion:
;;; control-byte in a,
;;; result in r3(low) and r4(high)
;;; this routine is optimised for speed
readAD: ; mask the control byte
anl a,#01111100b ; only the channel, gain+pol are left
orl a,#10000001b ; start bit, external clock
;; set CS to low
clr IOA.1 ; set /CS to zero
;; send the control byte to the AD-converter
mov R2,#8 ; bit-counter
bitlp: jnb ACC.7,bitzero ; jump if Bit7 = 0?
setb IOA.2 ; set the DIN bit
sjmp clock ; continue with the clock
bitzero:clr IOA.2 ; clear the DIN bit
clock: setb IOA.0 ; SCLK = 1
clr IOA.0 ; SCLK = 0
rl a ; next Bit
djnz R2,bitlp
;; continue the aquisition (already started)
clr IOA.2 ; clear the DIN bit
mov R2,#5 ; five steps for the aquision
clockaq:setb IOA.0 ; SCLK = 1
clr IOA.0 ; SCLK = 0
djnz R2,clockaq ; loop
;; read highbyte from the A/D-converter
;; and do the conversion
mov r4,#0 ; Highbyte goes into R4
mov R2,#4 ; COUNTER 4 data bits in the MSB
mov r5,#08h ; create bit-mask
gethi: ; loop get the 8 highest bits from MSB downw
setb IOA.0 ; SCLK = 1
clr IOA.0 ; SCLK = 0
mov a,IOA ; from port A
jnb ACC.4,zerob ; the in-bit is zero
mov a,r4 ; get the byte
orl a,r5 ; or the bit to the result
mov r4,a ; save it again in r4
zerob: mov a,r5 ; get r5 in order to shift the mask
rr a ; rotate right
mov r5,a ; back to r5
djnz R2,gethi
;; read the lowbyte from the A/D-converter
mov r3,#0 ; Lowbyte goes into R3
mov r2,#8 ; COUNTER 8 data-bits in the LSB
mov r5,#80h ; create bit-mask
getlo: ; loop get the 8 highest bits from MSB downw
setb IOA.0 ; SCLK = 1
clr IOA.0 ; SCLK = 0
mov a,IOA ; from port A
jnb ACC.4,zerob2 ; the in-bit is zero
mov a,r3 ; get the result-byte
orl a,r5 ; or the bit to the result
mov r3,a ; save it again in r4
zerob2: mov a,r5 ; get r5 in order to shift the mask
rr a ; rotate right
mov r5,a ; back to r5
djnz R2,getlo
setb IOA.1 ; set /CS to one
;;; aquires data from A/D channels and stores them in the EP6 buffer
mov AUTOPTRH1,#0F8H ; auto pointer on EP6
mov AUTOPTRL1,#00H
mov r0,#CHANNELLIST ; points to the channellist
mov a,@r0 ; number of channels
mov r1,a ; counter
mov DPTR,#XAUTODAT1 ; auto pointer
inc r0
mov a,@r0 ; Channel
lcall readAD
mov a,R3 ;
movx @DPTR,A
mov a,R4 ;
movx @DPTR,A
djnz r1,convloop
;;; initilise the transfer
;;; It is assumed that the USB interface is in alternate setting 3
mov dptr,#FIFORESET
mov a,#80H
movx @dptr,a ; reset all fifos
mov a,#2
movx @dptr,a ;
mov a,#4
movx @dptr,a ;
mov a,#6
movx @dptr,a ;
mov a,#8
movx @dptr,a ;
mov a,#0
movx @dptr,a ; normal operat
mov a,#10010010b ; valid, out, double buff, iso
movx @DPTR,a
mov dptr,#EP2FIFOCFG
mov a,#00000000b ; manual
movx @dptr,a
mov dptr,#EP2BCL ; "arm" it
mov a,#00h
movx @DPTR,a ; can receive data
lcall syncdelay ; wait to sync
movx @DPTR,a ; can receive data
lcall syncdelay ; wait to sync
movx @DPTR,a ; can receive data
lcall syncdelay ; wait to sync
mov a,#10100000b ; valid
movx @dptr,a
mov dptr,#EP1OUTBC ; "arm" it
mov a,#00h
movx @DPTR,a ; can receive data
lcall syncdelay ; wait until we can write again
movx @dptr,a ; make shure its really empty
lcall syncdelay ; wait
mov DPTR,#EP6CFG ; ISO data from here to the host
mov a,#11010010b ; Valid
movx @DPTR,a ; ISO transfer, double buffering
mov DPTR,#EP8CFG ; EP8
mov a,#11100000b ; BULK data from here to the host
movx @DPTR,a ;
mov dptr,#EPIE ; interrupt enable
mov a,#10001000b ; enable irq for ep1out,8
movx @dptr,a ; do it
mov dptr,#EPIRQ ; clear IRQs
mov a,#10100000b
movx @dptr,a
;; enable interrups
mov DPTR,#USBIE ; USB int enables register
mov a,#2 ; enables SOF (1ms/125us interrupt)
movx @DPTR,a ;
mov EIE,#00000001b ; enable INT2 in the 8051's SFR
mov IE,#80h ; IE, enable all interrupts
;;; counter
;;; r0: DIOSTAT
;;; r1: counter address
;;; r2: up/down-mask
;;; r3: reset-mask
;;; r4: clock-mask
mov a,IOB ; actual IOB input state
mov r5,a ; save in r5
anl a,r3 ; bit mask for reset
jz no_reset ; reset if one
clr a ; set counter to zero
mov @r1,a
inc r4
mov @r1,a
sjmp ctr_end
mov a,@r0 ; get last state
xrl a,r5 ; has it changed?
anl a,r5 ; is it now on?
anl a,r4 ; mask out the port
jz ctr_end ; no rising edge
mov a,r5 ; get port B again
anl a,r2 ; test if up or down
jnz ctr_up ; count up
mov a,@r1
dec a
mov @r1,a
cjne a,#0ffh,ctr_end ; underflow?
inc r1 ; high byte
mov a,@r1
dec a
mov @r1,a
sjmp ctr_end
ctr_up: ; count up
mov a,@r1
inc a
mov @r1,a
jnz ctr_end
inc r1 ; high byte
mov a,@r1
inc a
mov @r1,a
mov a,r5
mov @r0,a
;;; implements two soft counters with up/down and reset
push dps
push acc
push psw
push 00h ; R0
push 01h ; R1
push 02h ; R2
push 03h ; R3
push 04h ; R4
push 05h ; R5
mov r0,#DIOSTAT0 ; status of port
mov r1,#CTR0 ; address of counter0
mov a,#00000001b ; bit 0
mov r4,a ; clock
rl a ; bit 1
mov r2,a ; up/down
rl a ; bit 2
mov r3,a ; reset mask
lcall counter
inc r0 ; to DISTAT1
inc r1 ; to CTR1
inc r1
mov a,r3
rl a ; bit 3
rl a ; bit 4
mov r4,a ; clock
rl a ; bit 5
mov r2,a ; up/down
rl a ; bit 6
mov r3,a ; reset
lcall counter
pop 05h ; R5
pop 04h ; R4
pop 03h ; R3
pop 02h ; R2
pop 01h ; R1
pop 00h ; R0
pop psw
pop acc
pop dps
;;; interrupt-routine for SOF
;;; is for full speed
push dps
push dpl
push dph
push dpl1
push dph1
push acc
push psw
push 00h ; R0
push 01h ; R1
push 02h ; R2
push 03h ; R3
push 04h ; R4
push 05h ; R5
push 06h ; R6
push 07h ; R7
mov a,EP2468STAT
anl a,#20H ; full?
jnz epfull ; EP6-buffer is full
lcall conv_ad ; conversion
mov DPTR,#EP6BCH ; byte count H
mov a,#0 ; is zero
lcall syncdelaywr ; wait until we can write again
mov DPTR,#EP6BCL ; byte count L
mov a,#10H ; is 8x word = 16 bytes
lcall syncdelaywr ; wait until we can write again
;; do the D/A conversion
mov a,EP2468STAT
anl a,#01H ; empty
jnz epempty ; nothing to get
mov dptr,#0F000H ; EP2 fifo buffer
lcall dalo ; conversion
mov dptr,#EP2BCL ; "arm" it
mov a,#00h
lcall syncdelaywr ; wait for the rec to sync
lcall syncdelaywr ; wait for the rec to sync
;; clear INT2
mov a,EXIF ; FIRST clear the USB (INT2) interrupt request
clr acc.4
mov EXIF,a ; Note: EXIF reg is not 8051 bit-addressable
mov DPTR,#USBIRQ ; points to the SOF
mov a,#2 ; clear the SOF
movx @DPTR,a
pop 07h
pop 06h
pop 05h
pop 04h ; R4
pop 03h ; R3
pop 02h ; R2
pop 01h ; R1
pop 00h ; R0
pop psw
pop acc
pop dph1
pop dpl1
pop dph
pop dpl
pop dps
;; erase all data in ep8
mov dptr,#FIFORESET
mov a,#80H ; NAK
lcall syncdelaywr
mov dptr,#FIFORESET
mov a,#8 ; reset EP8
lcall syncdelaywr
mov dptr,#FIFORESET
mov a,#0 ; normal operation
lcall syncdelaywr
;; throw out old data
mov dptr,#FIFORESET
mov a,#80H ; NAK
lcall syncdelaywr
mov dptr,#FIFORESET
mov a,#6 ; reset EP6
lcall syncdelaywr
mov dptr,#FIFORESET
mov a,#0 ; normal operation
lcall syncdelaywr
;;; interrupt-routine for ep1out
;;; receives the channel list and other commands
push dps
push dpl
push dph
push dpl1
push dph1
push acc
push psw
push 00h ; R0
push 01h ; R1
push 02h ; R2
push 03h ; R3
push 04h ; R4
push 05h ; R5
push 06h ; R6
push 07h ; R7
mov dptr,#0E780h ; FIFO buffer of EP1OUT
movx a,@dptr ; get the first byte
mov r0,#CMD_FLAG ; pointer to the command byte
mov @r0,a ; store the command byte for ep8
mov dptr,#ep1out_jmp; jump table for the different functions
rl a ; multiply by 2: sizeof sjmp
jmp @a+dptr ; jump to the jump table
;; jump table, corresponds to the command bytes defined
;; in usbdux.c
sjmp storechannellist; a=0
sjmp single_da ; a=1
sjmp config_digital_b; a=2
sjmp write_digital_b ; a=3
sjmp storesglchannel ; a=4
sjmp readcounter ; a=5
sjmp writecounter ; a=6
sjmp pwm_on ; a=7
sjmp pwm_off ; a=8
lcall startPWM
sjmp over_da
lcall stopPWM
sjmp over_da
;; read the counter
lcall reset_ep8 ; reset ep8
lcall ep8_ops ; fill the counter data in there
sjmp over_da ; jump to the end
;; write zeroes to the counters
mov dptr,#0e781h ; buffer
mov r0,#CTR0 ; r0 points to counter 0
movx a,@dptr ; channel number
jz wrctr0 ; first channel
mov r1,a ; counter
inc r0 ; next counter
inc r0 ; next counter
djnz r1,wrctrl ; advance to the right counter
inc dptr ; get to the value
movx a,@dptr ; get value
mov @r0,a ; save in ctr
inc r0 ; next byte
inc dptr
movx a,@dptr ; get value
mov @r0,a ; save in ctr
sjmp over_da ; jump to the end
mov r0,#SGLCHANNEL ; the conversion bytes are now stored in 80h
mov dptr,#0e781h ; FIFO buffer of EP1OUT
movx a,@dptr ;
mov @r0,a
lcall reset_ep8 ; reset FIFO
;; Save new A/D data in EP8. This is the first byte
;; the host will read during an INSN. If there are
;; more to come they will be handled by the ISR of
;; ep8.
lcall ep8_ops ; get A/D data
sjmp over_da
;;; Channellist:
;;; the first byte is zero:
;;; we've just received the channel list
;;; the channel list is stored in the addresses from CHANNELLIST which
;;; are _only_ reachable by indirect addressing
mov r0,#CHANNELLIST ; the conversion bytes are now stored in 80h
mov r2,#9 ; counter
mov dptr,#0e781h ; FIFO buffer of EP1OUT
movx a,@dptr ;
mov @r0,a
inc dptr
inc r0
djnz r2,chanlloop
lcall reset_ep6 ; reset FIFO
;; load new A/D data into EP6
;; This must be done. Otherwise the ISR is never called.
;; The ISR is only called when data has _left_ the
;; ep buffer here it has to be refilled.
lcall ep6_arm ; fill with the first data byte
sjmp over_da
;;; Single DA conversion. The 2 bytes are in the FIFO buffer
mov dptr,#0e781h ; FIFO buffer of EP1OUT
lcall dalo ; conversion
sjmp over_da
;;; configure the port B as input or output (bitwise)
mov dptr,#0e781h ; FIFO buffer of EP1OUT
movx a,@dptr ; get the second byte
mov OEB,a ; set the output enable bits
sjmp over_da
;;; Write one byte to the external digital port B
;;; and prepare for digital read
mov dptr,#0e781h ; FIFO buffer of EP1OUT
movx a,@dptr ; get the second byte
mov OEB,a ; output enable
inc dptr ; next byte
movx a,@dptr ; bits
mov IOB,a ; send the byte to the I/O port
lcall reset_ep8 ; reset FIFO of ep 8
;; fill ep8 with new data from port B
;; When the host requests the data it's already there.
;; This must be so. Otherwise the ISR is not called.
;; The ISR is only called when a packet has been delivered
;; to the host. Thus, we need a packet here in the
;; first instance.
lcall ep8_ops ; get digital data
;; for all commands the same
mov dptr,#EP1OUTBC
mov a,#00h
lcall syncdelaywr ; arm
lcall syncdelaywr ; arm
lcall syncdelaywr ; arm
;; clear INT2
mov a,EXIF ; FIRST clear the USB (INT2) interrupt request
clr acc.4
mov EXIF,a ; Note: EXIF reg is not 8051 bit-addressable
mov a,#00001000b ; clear the ep1outirq
movx @DPTR,a
pop 07h
pop 06h
pop 05h
pop 04h ; R4
pop 03h ; R3
pop 02h ; R2
pop 01h ; R1
pop 00h ; R0
pop psw
pop acc
pop dph1
pop dpl1
pop dph
pop dpl
pop dps
;;; all channels
movx a,@dptr ; number of channels
inc dptr ; pointer to the first channel
mov r0,a ; 4 channels
movx a,@dptr ; get the first low byte
mov r3,a ; store in r3 (see below)
inc dptr ; point to the high byte
movx a,@dptr ; get the high byte
mov r4,a ; store in r4 (for writeDA)
inc dptr ; point to the channel number
movx a,@dptr ; get the channel number
inc dptr ; get ready for the next channel
lcall writeDA ; write value to the DAC
djnz r0,nextDA ; next channel
;;; D/A-conversion:
;;; control-byte in a,
;;; value in r3(low) and r4(high)
writeDA: ; mask the control byte
anl a,#11000000b ; only the channel is left
orl a,#00110000b ; internal clock, bipolar mode, +/-5V
orl a,r4 ; or the value of R4 to it
;; set CS to low
clr IOA.5 ; set /CS to zero
;; send the first byte to the DA-converter
mov R2,#8 ; bit-counter
DA1: jnb ACC.7,zeroda ; jump if Bit7 = 0?
setb IOA.2 ; set the DIN bit
sjmp clkda ; continue with the clock
zeroda: clr IOA.2 ; clear the DIN bit
clkda: setb IOA.0 ; SCLK = 1
clr IOA.0 ; SCLK = 0
rl a ; next Bit
djnz R2,DA1
;; send the second byte to the DA-converter
mov a,r3 ; low byte
mov R2,#8 ; bit-counter
DA2: jnb ACC.7,zeroda2 ; jump if Bit7 = 0?
setb IOA.2 ; set the DIN bit
sjmp clkda2 ; continue with the clock
zeroda2:clr IOA.2 ; clear the DIN bit
clkda2: setb IOA.0 ; SCLK = 1
clr IOA.0 ; SCLK = 0
rl a ; next Bit
djnz R2,DA2
setb IOA.5 ; set /CS to one
noDA: ret
;;; arm ep6
lcall conv_ad
mov DPTR,#EP6BCH ; byte count H
mov a,#0 ; is zero
lcall syncdelaywr ; wait until the length has arrived
mov DPTR,#EP6BCL ; byte count L
mov a,#10H ; is one
lcall syncdelaywr ; wait until the length has been proc
;;; converts one analog/digital channel and stores it in EP8
;;; also gets the content of the digital ports B and D depending on
;;; the COMMAND flag
mov dptr,#0fc01h ; ep8 fifo buffer
clr a ; high byte
movx @dptr,a ; set H=0
mov dptr,#0fc00h ; low byte
mov r0,#CMD_FLAG
mov a,@r0
movx @dptr,a ; save command byte
mov dptr,#ep8_jmp ; jump table for the different functions
rl a ; multiply by 2: sizeof sjmp
jmp @a+dptr ; jump to the jump table
;; jump table, corresponds to the command bytes defined
;; in usbdux.c
sjmp ep8_err ; a=0, err
sjmp ep8_err ; a=1, err
sjmp ep8_err ; a=2, err
sjmp ep8_dio ; a=3, digital read
sjmp ep8_sglchannel ; a=4, analog A/D
sjmp ep8_readctr ; a=5, read counter
sjmp ep8_err ; a=6, write counter
;; reads all counters
mov r0,#CTR0 ; points to counter0
mov dptr,#0fc02h ; ep8 fifo buffer
mov r1,#8 ; transfer 4 16bit counters
mov a,@r0 ; get the counter
movx @dptr,a ; save in the fifo buffer
inc r0 ; inc pointer to the counters
inc dptr ; inc pointer to the fifo buffer
djnz r1,ep8_ctrlp ; loop until ready
sjmp ep8_send ; send the data
;; read one A/D channel
mov r0,#SGLCHANNEL ; points to the channel
mov a,@r0 ; Ch0
lcall readAD ; start the conversion
mov DPTR,#0fc02h ; EP8 FIFO
mov a,R3 ; get low byte
movx @DPTR,A ; store in FIFO
inc dptr ; next fifo entry
mov a,R4 ; get high byte
movx @DPTR,A ; store in FIFO
sjmp ep8_send ; send the data
;; read the digital lines
mov DPTR,#0fc02h ; store the contents of port B
mov a,IOB ; in the next
movx @dptr,a ; entry of the buffer
inc dptr
clr a ; high byte is zero
movx @dptr,a ; next byte of the EP
mov DPTR,#EP8BCH ; byte count H
mov a,#0 ; is zero
lcall syncdelaywr
mov DPTR,#EP8BCL ; byte count L
mov a,#10H ; 16 bytes
lcall syncdelaywr ; send the data over to the host
;;; EP8 interrupt: gets one measurement from the AD converter and
;;; sends it via EP8. The channel # is stored in address 80H.
;;; It also gets the state of the digital registers B and D.
push dps
push dpl
push dph
push dpl1
push dph1
push acc
push psw
push 00h ; R0
push 01h ; R1
push 02h ; R2
push 03h ; R3
push 04h ; R4
push 05h ; R5
push 06h ; R6
push 07h ; R7
lcall ep8_ops
;; clear INT2
mov a,EXIF ; FIRST clear the USB (INT2) interrupt request
clr acc.4
mov EXIF,a ; Note: EXIF reg is not 8051 bit-addressable
mov a,#10000000b ; clear the ep8irq
movx @DPTR,a
pop 07h
pop 06h
pop 05h
pop 04h ; R4
pop 03h ; R3
pop 02h ; R2
pop 01h ; R1
pop 00h ; R0
pop psw
pop acc
pop dph1
pop dpl1
pop dph
pop dpl
pop dps
;; need to delay every time the byte counters
;; for the EPs have been changed.
movx @dptr,a
lcall syncdelay