With --header, git-rev-list gives us the contents of the commit
in-line, so we don't need to exec a git-cat-file to get it, and we
don't need the readobj command either.
Also fixed a residual problem with handling the commit that
has a parent listed twice.
This happens in the linux-2.6 tree. We draw the graph line
double-thick to show that this happened.
Also fix a bug where we got a bogus "No commit information available"
line at the end on simple repositories like this one.
Fix bug in changing font size in entry widgets.
Fix bug with B1 click before anything has been drawn.
Use "units" and "pages" instead of "u" and "p" for tk8.5.
Make up/down/pgup/pgdn work again
Return in find string entry does find
Scale circles and lines with font size
Fix scrolling to make entire selected line visible
Use white circle for commits not listed but put in to terminate lines
Fix diff parsing for created and deleted files
Stop . bindings firing on find string entry keypresses
Fix geometry saving/restoring a bit
Show the terminal commits
Highlight comment matches in the comment window
Selecting in the listbox reduces the text view to just the
diff for the file(s) selected
Added -c option for color-by-committer
Added some more key bindings