@ -1090,6 +1090,17 @@ repository that you pulled from.
@@ -1090,6 +1090,17 @@ repository that you pulled from.
<<fast-forwards,fast forward>>; instead, your branch will just be
updated to point to the latest commit from the upstream branch).
The git-pull command can also be given "." as the "remote" repository, in
which case it just merges in a branch from the current repository; so
the commands
$ git pull . branch
$ git merge branch
are roughly equivalent. The former is actually very commonly used.
Submitting patches to a project
@ -1418,13 +1429,155 @@ which will display the given version of the file.
@@ -1418,13 +1429,155 @@ which will display the given version of the file.
Working with other version control systems
TODO: CVS, Subversion, ?
TODO: CVS, Subversion, series-of-release-tarballs, ?
Cleaning up history: rebasing, cherry-picking, and patch series
Rewriting history and maintaining patch series
Normally commits are only added to a project, never taken away or
replaced. Git is designed with this assumption, and violating it will
cause git's merge machinery (for example) to do the wrong thing.
However, there is a situation in which it can be useful to violate this
Creating the perfect patch series
Suppose you are a contributor to a large project, and you want to add a
complicated feature, and to present it to the other developers in a way
that makes it easy for them to read your changes, verify that they are
correct, and understand why you made each change.
If you present all of your changes as a single patch (or commit), they may
find it is too much to digest all at once.
If you present them with the entire history of your work, complete with
mistakes, corrections, and dead ends, they may be overwhelmed.
So the ideal is usually to produce a series of patches such that:
1. Each patch can be applied in order.
2. Each patch includes a single logical change, together with a
message explaining the change.
3. No patch introduces a regression: after applying any initial
part of the series, the resulting project still compiles and
works, and has no bugs that it didn't have before.
4. The complete series produces the same end result as your own
(probably much messier!) development process did.
We will introduce some tools that can help you do this, explain how to use
them, and then explain some of the problems that can arise because you are
rewriting history.
Keeping a patch series up to date using git-rebase
Suppose you have a series of commits in a branch "mywork", which
originally branched off from "origin".
Suppose you create a branch "mywork" on a remote-tracking branch "origin",
and created some commits on top of it:
$ git checkout -b mywork origin
$ vi file.txt
$ git commit
$ vi otherfile.txt
$ git commit
You have performed no merges into mywork, so it is just a simple linear
sequence of patches on top of "origin":
o--o--o <-- origin
o--o--o <-- mywork
Some more interesting work has been done in the upstream project, and
"origin" has advanced:
o--o--O--o--o--o <-- origin
a--b--c <-- mywork
At this point, you could use "pull" to merge your changes back in;
the result would create a new merge commit, like this:
o--o--O--o--o--o <-- origin
\ \
a--b--c--m <-- mywork
However, if you prefer to keep the history in mywork a simple series of
commits without any merges, you may instead choose to use
$ git checkout mywork
$ git rebase origin
This will remove each of your commits from mywork, temporarily saving them
as patches (in a directory named ".dotest"), update mywork to point at the
latest version of origin, then apply each of the saved patches to the new
mywork. The result will look like:
o--o--O--o--o--o <-- origin
a'--b'--c' <-- mywork
In the process, it may discover conflicts. In that case it will stop and
allow you to fix the conflicts as described in
"<<resolving-a-merge,Resolving a merge>>". Once the index is updated with
the results of the conflict resolution, instead of creating a new commit,
just run
$ git rebase --continue
and git will continue applying the rest of the patches.
At any point you may use the --abort option to abort this process and
return mywork to the state it had before you started the rebase:
$ git rebase --abort
Reordering or selecting from a patch series
Given one existing commit, the gitlink:git-cherry-pick[1] command allows
you to apply the change introduced by that commit and create a new commit
that records it.
This can be useful for modifying a patch series.
TODO: elaborate
Other tools
There are numerous other tools, such as stgit, which exist for the purpose
of maintianing a patch series. These are out of the scope of this manual.
Problems with rewriting history
The primary problem with rewriting the history of a branch has to do with
TODO: elaborate
TODO: rebase, cherry-pick, pointers to other tools (like stgit)
Git internals