#! /bin/bash
export QUIET_TEST=1
export VALGRIND=
run_test () {
tot_tests=$[tot_tests + 1]
echo -n "$@: "
if [ -n "$VALGRIND" ]; then
if [ -f $1.supp ]; then
VGLOCAL="$VGLOCAL --suppressions=$1.supp"
if $VGLOCAL "./$@"; then
tot_pass=$[tot_pass + 1]
if [ "$ret" == "1" ]; then
tot_config=$[tot_config + 1]
elif [ "$ret" == "2" ]; then
tot_fail=$[tot_fail + 1]
elif [ "$ret" == "$VGCODE" ]; then
tot_vg=$[tot_vg + 1]
tot_strange=$[tot_strange + 1]
tree1_tests () {
# Read-only tests
run_test get_mem_rsv $TREE
run_test root_node $TREE
run_test find_property $TREE
run_test subnode_offset $TREE
run_test path_offset $TREE
run_test get_name $TREE
run_test getprop $TREE
run_test get_phandle $TREE
run_test get_path $TREE
run_test supernode_atdepth_offset $TREE
run_test parent_offset $TREE
run_test node_offset_by_prop_value $TREE
run_test node_offset_by_phandle $TREE
run_test node_check_compatible $TREE
run_test node_offset_by_compatible $TREE
run_test notfound $TREE
# Write-in-place tests
run_test setprop_inplace $TREE
run_test nop_property $TREE
run_test nop_node $TREE
tree1_tests_rw () {
# Read-write tests
run_test setprop $TREE
run_test del_property $TREE
run_test del_node $TREE
ALL_LAYOUTS="mts mst tms tsm smt stm"
libfdt_tests () {
tree1_tests test_tree1.dtb
# Sequential write tests
run_test sw_tree1
tree1_tests sw_tree1.test.dtb
tree1_tests unfinished_tree1.test.dtb
run_test dtbs_equal_ordered test_tree1.dtb sw_tree1.test.dtb
# fdt_move tests
for tree in test_tree1.dtb sw_tree1.test.dtb unfinished_tree1.test.dtb; do
rm -f moved.$tree shunted.$tree deshunted.$tree
run_test move_and_save $tree
run_test dtbs_equal_ordered $tree moved.$tree
run_test dtbs_equal_ordered $tree shunted.$tree
run_test dtbs_equal_ordered $tree deshunted.$tree
# v16 and alternate layout tests
for tree in test_tree1.dtb; do
for version in 17 16; do
for layout in $ALL_LAYOUTS; do
run_test mangle-layout $tree $version $layout
tree1_tests v$version.$layout.$tree
run_test dtbs_equal_ordered $tree v$version.$layout.$tree
# Read-write tests
for basetree in test_tree1.dtb; do
for version in 17 16; do
for layout in $ALL_LAYOUTS; do
rm -f opened.$tree repacked.$tree
run_test open_pack $tree
tree1_tests opened.$tree
tree1_tests repacked.$tree
tree1_tests_rw $tree
tree1_tests_rw opened.$tree
tree1_tests_rw repacked.$tree
run_test rw_tree1
tree1_tests rw_tree1.test.dtb
tree1_tests_rw rw_tree1.test.dtb
# Tests for behaviour on various sorts of corrupted trees
run_test truncated_property
dtc_tests () {
run_test dtc.sh -I dts -O dtb -o dtc_tree1.test.dtb test_tree1.dts
tree1_tests dtc_tree1.test.dtb
tree1_tests_rw dtc_tree1.test.dtb
run_test dtbs_equal_ordered dtc_tree1.test.dtb test_tree1.dtb
run_test dtc.sh -I dts -O dtb -o dtc_tree1_dts0.test.dtb test_tree1_dts0.dts
tree1_tests dtc_tree1_dts0.test.dtb
tree1_tests_rw dtc_tree1_dts0.test.dtb
run_test dtc.sh -I dts -O dtb -o dtc_escapes.test.dtb escapes.dts
run_test string_escapes dtc_escapes.test.dtb
run_test dtc.sh -I dts -O dtb -o dtc_references.test.dtb references.dts
run_test references dtc_references.test.dtb
dtc: Fix some lexical problems with references
The recent change to the lexer to only recognize property and node
names in the appropriate context removed a number of lexical warts in
our language that would have gotten ugly as we add expression support
and so forth.
But there's one nasty one remaining: references can contain a full
path, including the various problematic node name characters (',', '+'
and '-', for example). This would cause trouble with expressions, and
it also causes trouble with the patch I'm working on to allow
expanding references to paths rather than phandles. This patch
therefore reworks the lexer to mitigate these problems.
- References to labels cause no problems. These are now
recognized separately from references to full paths. No syntax change
- References to full paths, including problematic characters
are allowed by "quoting" the path with braces
e.g. &{/pci@10000/somedevice@3,8000}. The braces protect any internal
problematic characters from being confused with operators or whatever.
- For compatibility with existing dts files, in v0 dts files
we allow bare references to paths as before &/foo/bar/whatever - but
*only* if the path contains no troublesome characters. Specifically
only [a-zA-Z0-9_@/] are allowed.
This is an incompatible change to the dts-v1 format, but since AFAIK
no-one has yet switched to dts-v1 files, I think we can get away with
it. Better to make the transition when people to convert to v1, and
get rid of the problematic old syntax.
Strictly speaking, it's also an incompatible change to the v0 format,
since some path references that were allowed before are no longer
allowed. I suspect no-one has been using the no-longer-supported
forms (certainly none of the kernel dts files will cause trouble).
We might need to think about this harder, though.
Signed-off-by: David Gibson <david@gibson.dropbear.id.au>
18 years ago
run_test dtc.sh -I dts -O dtb -o dtc_references_dts0.test.dtb references_dts0.dts
run_test references dtc_references_dts0.test.dtb
# Check -Odts mode preserve all dtb information
for tree in test_tree1.dtb dtc_tree1.test.dtb dtc_escapes.test.dtb ; do
run_test dtc.sh -I dtb -O dts -o odts_$tree.test.dts $tree
run_test dtc.sh -I dts -O dtb -o odts_$tree.test.dtb odts_$tree.test.dts
run_test dtbs_equal_ordered $tree odts_$tree.test.dtb
# Check some checks
run_test dtc-checkfails.sh -I dts -O dtb dup-nodename.dts
run_test dtc-checkfails.sh -I dts -O dtb dup-propname.dts
run_test dtc-checkfails.sh -I dts -O dtb dup-phandle.dts
run_test dtc-checkfails.sh -I dts -O dtb zero-phandle.dts
run_test dtc-checkfails.sh -I dts -O dtb minusone-phandle.dts
dtc: Flexible tree checking infrastructure (v2)
dtc: Flexible tree checking infrastructure
Here, at last, is a substantial start on revising dtc's infrastructure
for checking the tree; this is the rework I've been saying was
necessary practically since dtc was first release.
In the new model, we have a table of "check" structures, each with a
name, references to checking functions, and status variables. Each
check can (in principle) be individually switched off or on (as either
a warning or error). Checks have a list of prerequisites, so if
checks need to rely on results from earlier checks to make sense (or
even to avoid crashing) they just need to list the relevant other
checks there.
For now, only the "structural" checks and the fixups for phandle
references are converted to the new mechanism. The rather more
involved semantic checks (which is where this new mechanism will
really be useful) will have to be converted in future patches.
At present, there's no user interface for turning on/off the checks -
the -f option now forces output even if "error" level checks fail.
Again, future patches will be needed to add the fine-grained control,
but that should be quite straightforward with the infrastructure
implemented here.
Also adds a testcase for the handling of bad references, which catches
a bug encountered while developing this patch.
Signed-off-by: David Gibson <david@gibson.dropbear.id.au>
18 years ago
run_test dtc-checkfails.sh -I dts -O dtb nonexist-node-ref.dts
run_test dtc-checkfails.sh -I dts -O dtb nonexist-label-ref.dts
while getopts "vt:m" ARG ; do
case $ARG in
VALGRIND="valgrind --tool=memcheck -q --error-exitcode=$VGCODE"
if [ -z "$TESTSETS" ]; then
TESTSETS="libfdt dtc"
# Make sure we don't have stale blobs lying around
rm -f *.test.dtb *.test.dts
for set in $TESTSETS; do
case $set in
echo -e "********** TEST SUMMARY"
echo -e "* Total testcases: $tot_tests"
echo -e "* PASS: $tot_pass"
echo -e "* FAIL: $tot_fail"
echo -e "* Bad configuration: $tot_config"
if [ -n "$VALGRIND" ]; then
echo -e "* valgrind errors: $tot_vg"
echo -e "* Strange test result: $tot_strange"
echo -e "**********"