You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

40 lines
1.3 KiB

diff -up vim82/src/spellsuggest.c.cve0943 vim82/src/spellsuggest.c
--- vim82/src/spellsuggest.c.cve0943 2022-03-28 20:48:07.079197805 +0200
+++ vim82/src/spellsuggest.c 2022-03-28 20:48:07.101197522 +0200
@@ -501,6 +501,10 @@ spell_suggest(int count)
curwin->w_cursor.col = VIsual.col;
+ // make sure we don't include the NUL at the end of the line
+ line = ml_get_curline();
+ if (badlen > STRLEN(line) - curwin->w_cursor.col)
+ badlen = STRLEN(line) - curwin->w_cursor.col;
// Find the start of the badly spelled word.
else if (spell_move_to(curwin, FORWARD, TRUE, TRUE, NULL) == 0
diff -up vim82/src/testdir/test_spell.vim.cve0943 vim82/src/testdir/test_spell.vim
--- vim82/src/testdir/test_spell.vim.cve0943 2022-03-28 20:48:07.102197509 +0200
+++ vim82/src/testdir/test_spell.vim 2022-03-28 20:49:05.038452974 +0200
@@ -441,6 +441,21 @@ func Test_spellsuggest_expr_errors()
delfunc MySuggest3
+func Test_spellsuggest_visual_end_of_line()
+ let enc_save = &encoding
+ set encoding=iso8859
+ " This was reading beyond the end of the line.
+ norm R00000000000
+ sil norm 0
+ sil! norm i00000)
+ sil! norm i00000)
+ call feedkeys("\<CR>")
+ norm z=
+ let &encoding = enc_save
func Test_spellinfo()
let runtime = substitute($VIMRUNTIME, '\\', '/', 'g')