# For more information, visit: # http://radicale.org/user_documentation/#idapache-and-mod-wsgi # WARNING: To use this correctly, you will need to set: # "setsebool -P httpd_can_read_write_radicale=1" # # ServerName cal.localhost # WSGIDaemonProcess radicale user=radicale group=radicale threads=1 umask=0027 # WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/share/radicale/radicale.wsgi # # WSGIProcessGroup radicale # WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} # AllowOverride None # # ## You may want to use apache's authentication # AuthBasicProvider file # AuthType Basic # AuthName "Enter your credentials" # AuthUserFile /path/to/httpdfile/ # AuthGroupFile /dev/null # Require valid-user # # RewriteEngine On # RewriteCond %{REMOTE_USER}%{PATH_INFO} !^([^/]+/)\1 # RewriteRule .* - [Forbidden] # # # #