Setting up ---------- Setting up gitolite after rpm-install can be done as follows. On the server: 0) copy your admin user's ssh public key to /tmp/ (change foo to your username) 1) run "su - gitolite3" to get a login shell on the gitolite user 2) run "cp /tmp/ ." (change foo to your username) 3) run "gitolite setup -pk ~/" 4) all done, exit the gitolite3 user shelll (CTRL+D). On whatever machine your key came from (maybe your workstation or another account on the same server): 5) run "git clone gitolite3@:gitolite-admin" to start adding users and repos. To upgrade from a pre 3.0 release, read: Your setup might be more complex than mine was and thus require more care and customization, backup everything before you start! The process I followed on my installation was as follows: 1. su - gitolite 2. git clone repositories/gitolite-admin.git 3. su to root 4. yum remove gitolite : this will preserve your old .ssh/authorized keys. 5. su - gitolite 6. mv .gitolite.rc .gitolite.rc-old 7. rm -rf repositories/gitolite-admin.git 8. Checked documentation to make sure I didn't need to preset the new .rc. I didn't, I have a very simple configuration. 9. su to root 10. yum install gitolite3 11. su - gitolite3 12. gitolite setup -a admin 13. cd to your gitolite admin 14. gitolite push -f At this point, everything worked as expected. Quick Notes for admin operations -------------------------------- To administer gitolite, make changes to the config file (conf/gitolite.conf) and/or the pubkeys (in subdirectory 'keydir') in any gitolite-admin clone, then git add, git commit, and git push. ADDING REPOS: Do NOT add repos manually on the server. Edit the config file to give *some* user access to the repo. When you push, an empty repo will be created on the server. ADDING USERS: copy their pubkey as keydir/.pub, add it, commit and push.