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24 lines
464 B

sleep 1 &&
# - Compositor (lite and safe mode) -
# compton -cC -r 20 -l -20 -t -20 -o 0.6 &
# - Compositor -
# compton --backend glx --glx-no-stencil -cC -r 20 -l -20 -t -20 -o 0.6 &
# - Compositor (with blur) -
# compton --backend glx --glx-no-stencil --blur-background --blur-kern 7x7box -cC -r 20 -l -20 -t -20 -o 0.6 &
conky &
nm-applet &
redshift-gtk &
volumeicon &
# evolution &
# gwe &
# pasystray &
# telegram-desktop &
# workrave &