--- a/lib/keys.in 2019-09-18 19:52:15.000000000 +0300 +++ b/lib/keys.in 2019-10-11 04:36:30.076380710 +0300 @@ -9,12 +9,28 @@ # XF86. Valid modifiers are Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Meta, Super and Hyper. # key "Alt+Ctrl+t" @XTERMCMD@ +key "Super+r" rofi -show drun +key "Super+s" gnome-screenshot +# key "Super+s" deepin-screenshot +# key "Super+s" flameshot gui +key "Super+f" xdg-open /home +key "Super+e" gedit +key "Super+h" @XTERMCMD@ -- htop key "Alt+Ctrl+b" xdg-open about:blank -key "Alt+Ctrl+s" xdg-open https://www.google.com +# key "Alt+Ctrl+s" xdg-open https://www.google.com +key "Super+Shift+p" poweroff +key "Super+Shift+r" reboot +key "Super+Shift+s" systemctl suspend key "Super+KP_Subtract" amixer sset Master 5%- key "Super+KP_Add" amixer sset Master 5%+ +key "Super+q" amixer sset Master 5%- +key "Super+w" amixer sset Master 5%+ + +key "XF86MonBrightnessDown" xbacklight -dec 1 +key "XF86MonBrightnessUp" xbacklight -inc 1 + # "Multimedia key" bindings for Xorg. Gather the keycodes of your # advanced function keys by watching the output of the xev command whilest # pressing those keys and map those symbols by using xmodmap.