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28 lines
776 B

# Get systemd_start_stop_functions()
startline=$(grep -n "systemd_start_stop_functions()" "$file" | cut -d: -f1 | head -1)
endline=$(grep -n "displaylink_bootstrapper_code()" "$file" | cut -d: -f1 | head -1)
source <(
tail -n +$startline $file | head -n +$(($endline - $startline - 1))
# Get displaylink_bootstrapper_code()
startline=$(grep -n "displaylink_bootstrapper_code()" "$file" | cut -d: -f1 | head -1)
endline=$(grep -n "chmod 0744 \"\$filename\"" "$file" | cut -d: -f1 | head -1)
source <(
tail -n +$startline $file | head -n +$(($endline - $startline + 2))
COREDIR=$(mktemp -d)
create_bootstrap_file "systemd" "$COREDIR/"
sed -i -e '1 s/^.*$/\#!\/usr\/bin\/bash/' "$COREDIR/"
cat "$COREDIR/"
rm -rf "$COREDIR"