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Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2015 18:37:08 +0200
From: Jan Kratochvil <jan dot kratochvil at redhat dot com>
To: gdb-patches at sourceware dot org
Subject: [testsuite patch] Fix testsuite regression by: Do not skip prologue for asm (.S) files
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I have somehow missed gdb.asm/asm-source.exp PASS->FAIL even on x86_64.
It has no longer valid assumption that "break" breaks after the prologue even
in assembler. So I have changed this assumption of the testfile.
Tested it FAIL->PASSes on x86_64, ppc64 and s390x.
OK for check-in?
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2015-06-29 Jan Kratochvil <jan.kratochvil@redhat.com>
* gdb.asm/asm-source.exp (f at main): Stop at gdbasm_enter.
(n at main): New.
* gdb.asm/asmsrc1.s: Add comment "mark: main enter".
Index: gdb-7.6.1/gdb/testsuite/gdb.asm/asm-source.exp
--- gdb-7.6.1.orig/gdb/testsuite/gdb.asm/asm-source.exp
+++ gdb-7.6.1/gdb/testsuite/gdb.asm/asm-source.exp
@@ -272,6 +272,7 @@ if { [istarget "m6811-*-*"] || [istarget
# Collect some line numbers.
+set line_enter [expr [gdb_get_line_number "main enter" "asmsrc1.s"] + 1]
set line_main [expr [gdb_get_line_number "main start" "asmsrc1.s"] + 1]
set line_call_foo2 [expr [gdb_get_line_number "call foo2" "asmsrc1.s"] + 1]
set line_search_comment [expr [gdb_get_line_number "search" "asmsrc1.s"] + 1]
@@ -295,7 +296,10 @@ if ![runto_main] then {
# Execute the `f' command and see if the result includes source info.
-gdb_test "f" "asmsrc1\[.\]s:$line_main.*several_nops" "f at main"
+gdb_test "f" "asmsrc1\[.\]s:$line_enter.*gdbasm_enter" "f at main"
+# Execute the `n' command.
+gdb_test "n" "$line_main\[ \]*.*several_nops" "n at main"
# See if we properly `next' over a macro with several insns.
gdb_test "n" "$line_call_foo2\[ \]*.*foo2" "next over macro"
Index: gdb-7.6.1/gdb/testsuite/gdb.asm/asmsrc1.s
--- gdb-7.6.1.orig/gdb/testsuite/gdb.asm/asmsrc1.s
+++ gdb-7.6.1/gdb/testsuite/gdb.asm/asmsrc1.s
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
.global main
gdbasm_declare main
+ comment "mark: main enter"
comment "Call a macro that consists of several lines of assembler code."