176 lines
6.8 KiB

From 18385565374c36eda8306c57715332d5ae6eb9a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Jakub=20=C4=8Cajka?= <jcajka@redhat.com>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2018 13:38:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] cmd/go/internal/work : improve pkgconfig support to work
with latest(1.4+) pkgconf
Fixes #23373
Fix interfacing with latest(1.4+) pkgconf versions, as they have change the output format, by extending parsing function splitPkgConfigOutput to accommodate more possible fragment escaping formats. Function is based on pkgconfigs own implementation at https://github.com/pkgconf/pkgconf/blob/master/libpkgconf/argvsplit.c. Along with this change test case TestSplitPkgConfigOutput have been expanded. Thanks to ignatenko for help on test cases and insights in to the pkgconfig.
Change-Id: I55301bb564b07128d5564ec1454dd247f84a95c3
src/cmd/go/internal/work/build_test.go | 44 +++++++++++++++++---
src/cmd/go/internal/work/exec.go | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
2 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/cmd/go/internal/work/build_test.go b/src/cmd/go/internal/work/build_test.go
index 3f5ba37c64..c3c63a97a4 100644
--- a/src/cmd/go/internal/work/build_test.go
+++ b/src/cmd/go/internal/work/build_test.go
@@ -39,14 +39,46 @@ func TestSplitPkgConfigOutput(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
in []byte
want []string
+ pass bool
- {[]byte(`-r:foo -L/usr/white\ space/lib -lfoo\ bar -lbar\ baz`), []string{"-r:foo", "-L/usr/white space/lib", "-lfoo bar", "-lbar baz"}},
- {[]byte(`-lextra\ fun\ arg\\`), []string{`-lextra fun arg\`}},
- {[]byte(`broken flag\`), []string{"broken", "flag"}},
- {[]byte("\textra whitespace\r\n"), []string{"extra", "whitespace"}},
- {[]byte(" \r\n "), nil},
+ {[]byte(`-r:foo -L/usr/white\ space/lib -lfoo\ bar -lbar\ baz`), []string{"-r:foo", "-L/usr/white space/lib", "-lfoo bar", "-lbar baz"}, true},
+ {[]byte(`-lextra\ fun\ arg\\`), []string{`-lextra fun arg\`}, true},
+ {[]byte(`broken flag\`), []string{"broken", "flag"}, true},
+ {[]byte(`extra broken flag \`), []string{"extra", "broken", "flag"}, true},
+ {[]byte(`\`), nil, true},
+ {[]byte("\textra whitespace\r\n"), []string{"extra", "whitespace"}, true},
+ {[]byte(" \r\n "), nil, true},
+ {[]byte(`"-r:foo" "-L/usr/white space/lib" "-lfoo bar" "-lbar baz"`), []string{"-r:foo", "-L/usr/white space/lib", "-lfoo bar", "-lbar baz"}, true},
+ {[]byte(`"-lextra fun arg\\"`), []string{`-lextra fun arg\`}, true},
+ {[]byte(`" \r\n\ "`), []string{` \r\n\ `}, true},
+ {[]byte(`""`), nil, true},
+ {[]byte(``), nil, true},
+ {[]byte(`"\\"`), []string{`\`}, true},
+ {[]byte(`"\x"`), []string{`\x`}, true},
+ {[]byte(`"\\x"`), []string{`\x`}, true},
+ {[]byte(`'\\'`), []string{`\`}, true},
+ {[]byte(`'\x'`), []string{`\x`}, true},
+ {[]byte(`"\\x"`), []string{`\x`}, true},
+ {[]byte(`-fPIC -I/test/include/foo -DQUOTED='"/test/share/doc"'`), []string{"-fPIC", "-I/test/include/foo", `-DQUOTED="/test/share/doc"`}, true},
+ {[]byte(`-fPIC -I/test/include/foo -DQUOTED="/test/share/doc"`), []string{"-fPIC", "-I/test/include/foo", "-DQUOTED=/test/share/doc"}, true},
+ {[]byte(`-fPIC -I/test/include/foo -DQUOTED=\"/test/share/doc\"`), []string{"-fPIC", "-I/test/include/foo", `-DQUOTED="/test/share/doc"`}, true},
+ {[]byte(`-fPIC -I/test/include/foo -DQUOTED='/test/share/doc'`), []string{"-fPIC", "-I/test/include/foo", "-DQUOTED=/test/share/doc"}, true},
+ {[]byte(`-DQUOTED='/te\st/share/d\oc'`), []string{`-DQUOTED=/te\st/share/d\oc`}, true},
+ {[]byte(`-Dhello=10 -Dworld=+32 -DDEFINED_FROM_PKG_CONFIG=hello\ world`), []string{"-Dhello=10", "-Dworld=+32", "-DDEFINED_FROM_PKG_CONFIG=hello world"}, true},
+ {[]byte(`" \r\n `), nil, false},
+ {[]byte(`"-r:foo" "-L/usr/white space/lib "-lfoo bar" "-lbar baz"`), nil, false},
+ {[]byte(`"-lextra fun arg\\`), nil, false},
} {
- got := splitPkgConfigOutput(test.in)
+ got, err := splitPkgConfigOutput(test.in)
+ if err != nil {
+ if test.pass {
+ t.Errorf("splitPkgConfigOutput(%v) = %v; function returned error %v", test.in, got, err)
+ }
+ if got != nil {
+ t.Errorf("splitPkgConfigOutput failed with error %v and output has been non nil %v", err, got)
+ }
+ continue
+ }
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.want) {
t.Errorf("splitPkgConfigOutput(%v) = %v; want %v", test.in, got, test.want)
diff --git a/src/cmd/go/internal/work/exec.go b/src/cmd/go/internal/work/exec.go
index a50c996041..5596638e48 100644
--- a/src/cmd/go/internal/work/exec.go
+++ b/src/cmd/go/internal/work/exec.go
@@ -900,36 +900,62 @@ func (b *Builder) PkgconfigCmd() string {
// splitPkgConfigOutput parses the pkg-config output into a slice of
-// flags. pkg-config always uses \ to escape special characters.
-func splitPkgConfigOutput(out []byte) []string {
+// flags. This implements the algorithm from pkgconf/libpkgconf/argvsplit.c
+func splitPkgConfigOutput(out []byte) ([]string, error) {
if len(out) == 0 {
- return nil
+ return nil, nil
var flags []string
- flag := make([]byte, len(out))
- r, w := 0, 0
- for r < len(out) {
- switch out[r] {
- case ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n':
- if w > 0 {
- flags = append(flags, string(flag[:w]))
+ flag := make([]byte, 0, len(out))
+ escaped := false
+ quote := byte(0)
+ for _, c := range out {
+ if escaped {
+ if quote == '"' || quote == '\'' {
+ switch c {
+ case '$', '`', '"', '\\':
+ default:
+ flag = append(flag, '\\')
+ }
+ flag = append(flag, c)
+ } else {
+ flag = append(flag, c)
- w = 0
- case '\\':
- r++
- fallthrough
- default:
- if r < len(out) {
- flag[w] = out[r]
- w++
+ escaped = false
+ } else if quote != 0 {
+ if c == quote {
+ quote = 0
+ } else {
+ switch c {
+ case '\\':
+ escaped = true
+ default:
+ flag = append(flag, c)
+ }
+ } else if strings.IndexByte(" \t\n\v\f\r", c) < 0 {
+ switch c {
+ case '\\':
+ escaped = true
+ case '\'', '"':
+ quote = c
+ default:
+ flag = append(flag, c)
+ }
+ } else if len(flag) != 0 {
+ flags = append(flags, string(flag))
+ flag = flag[:0]
- r++
- if w > 0 {
- flags = append(flags, string(flag[:w]))
+ if quote != 0 {
+ return nil, errors.New("unterminated quoted string in pkgconf output ")
+ } else if len(flag) != 0 {
+ flags = append(flags, string(flag))
- return flags
+ return flags, nil
// Calls pkg-config if needed and returns the cflags/ldflags needed to build the package.
@@ -961,7 +987,10 @@ func (b *Builder) getPkgConfigFlags(p *load.Package) (cflags, ldflags []string,
return nil, nil, errPrintedOutput
if len(out) > 0 {
- cflags = splitPkgConfigOutput(out)
+ cflags, err = splitPkgConfigOutput(out)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, nil, err
+ }
if err := checkCompilerFlags("CFLAGS", "pkg-config --cflags", cflags); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err