154 lines
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From a1e8f04634112d64383f0079421cf9cf5a154c0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vincent Pit <perl@profvince.com>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 14:17:00 -0300
Subject: [PATCH] Properly duplicate PerlIO::encoding objects
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Upstream commit ported to 5.16.3:
commit 0ee3fa26f660ac426e3e082f77d806c9d1471f93
Author: Vincent Pit <perl@profvince.com>
Date: Fri Aug 28 14:17:00 2015 -0300
Properly duplicate PerlIO::encoding objects
PerlIO::encoding objects are usually initialized by calling Perl methods,
essentially from the pushed() and getarg() callbacks. During cloning, the
PerlIO API will by default call these methods to initialize the duplicate
struct when the PerlIOBase parent struct is itself duplicated. This does
not behave so well because the perl interpreter is not ready to call
methods at this point, for the stacks are not set up yet.
The proper way to duplicate the PerlIO::encoding object is to call sv_dup()
on its members from the dup() PerlIO callback. So the only catch is to make
the getarg() and pushed() calls implied by the duplication of the underlying
PerlIOBase object aware that they are called during cloning, and make them
wait that the control flow returns to the dup() callback. Fortunately,
getarg() knows since its param argument is then non-null, and its return
value is passed immediately to pushed(), so it is enough to tag this
returned value with a custom magic so that pushed() can see it is being
called during cloning.
This fixes [RT #31923].
Signed-off-by: Petr Písař <ppisar@redhat.com>
ext/PerlIO-encoding/encoding.xs | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++--
ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/threads.t | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/threads.t
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 02e8234..5caa981 100644
@@ -3791,6 +3791,7 @@ ext/PerlIO-encoding/MANIFEST PerlIO::encoding list of files
ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/encoding.t See if PerlIO encoding conversion works
ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/fallback.t See if PerlIO fallbacks work
ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/nolooping.t Tests for PerlIO::encoding
+ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/threads.t Tests PerlIO::encoding and threads
ext/PerlIO-mmap/mmap.pm PerlIO layer for memory maps
ext/PerlIO-mmap/mmap.xs PerlIO layer for memory maps
ext/PerlIO-scalar/scalar.pm PerlIO layer for scalars
diff --git a/ext/PerlIO-encoding/encoding.xs b/ext/PerlIO-encoding/encoding.xs
index 98d89e9..d5efb62 100644
--- a/ext/PerlIO-encoding/encoding.xs
+++ b/ext/PerlIO-encoding/encoding.xs
@@ -49,13 +49,23 @@ typedef struct {
#define NEEDS_LINES 1
+static const MGVTBL PerlIOEncode_tag = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
SV *
PerlIOEncode_getarg(pTHX_ PerlIO * f, CLONE_PARAMS * param, int flags)
PerlIOEncode *e = PerlIOSelf(f, PerlIOEncode);
- SV *sv = &PL_sv_undef;
+ SV *sv;
+ /* During cloning, return an undef token object so that _pushed() knows
+ * that it should not call methods and wait for _dup() to actually dup the
+ * encoding object. */
+ if (param) {
+ sv = newSV(0);
+ sv_magicext(sv, NULL, PERL_MAGIC_ext, &PerlIOEncode_tag, 0, 0);
+ return sv;
+ }
+ sv = &PL_sv_undef;
if (e->enc) {
/* Not 100% sure stack swap is right thing to do during dup ... */
@@ -86,6 +96,14 @@ PerlIOEncode_pushed(pTHX_ PerlIO * f, const char *mode, SV * arg, PerlIO_funcs *
IV code = PerlIOBuf_pushed(aTHX_ f, mode, Nullsv,tab);
SV *result = Nullsv;
+ if (SvTYPE(arg) >= SVt_PVMG
+ && mg_findext(arg, PERL_MAGIC_ext, &PerlIOEncode_tag)) {
+ e->enc = NULL;
+ e->chk = NULL;
+ e->inEncodeCall = 0;
+ return code;
+ }
@@ -558,6 +576,9 @@ PerlIOEncode_dup(pTHX_ PerlIO * f, PerlIO * o,
if (oe->enc) {
fe->enc = PerlIO_sv_dup(aTHX_ oe->enc, params);
+ if (oe->chk) {
+ fe->chk = PerlIO_sv_dup(aTHX_ oe->chk, params);
+ }
return f;
diff --git a/ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/threads.t b/ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/threads.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64f0e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/threads.t
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use Config;
+ if ($Config{extensions} !~ /\bEncode\b/) {
+ print "1..0 # Skip: no Encode\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ unless ($Config{useithreads}) {
+ print "1..0 # Skip: no threads\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+use threads;
+use Test::More tests => 3 + 1;
+binmode *STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
+SKIP: {
+ local $@;
+ my $ret = eval {
+ my $thread = threads->create(sub { pass 'in thread'; return 1 });
+ skip 'test thread could not be spawned' => 3 unless $thread;
+ $thread->join;
+ };
+ is $@, '', 'thread did not croak';
+ is $ret, 1, 'thread returned the right value';
+pass 'passes at least one test';