You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

532 lines
15 KiB

%bcond_with bootstrap
# temporalily ignore test failures
# due to
%ifarch aarch64
%bcond_without ignore_tests
%bcond_with ignore_tests
# build ids are not currently generated:
# also, debuginfo extraction currently fails with
# "Failed to write file: invalid section alignment"
%global debug_package %{nil}
# we are shipping the full contents of src in the data subpackage, which
# contains binary-like things (ELF data for tests, etc)
%global _binaries_in_noarch_packages_terminate_build 0
# Do not check any files in doc or src for requires
%global __requires_exclude_from ^(%{_datadir}|/usr/lib)/%{name}/(doc|src)/.*$
# Don't alter timestamps of especially the .a files (or else go will rebuild later)
# Actually, don't strip at all since we are not even building debug packages and this corrupts the dwarf testdata
%global __strip /bin/true
# rpmbuild magic to keep from having meta dependency on
%define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
%define __find_requires %{nil}
%global __spec_install_post /usr/lib/rpm/check-rpaths /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot \
%global golibdir %{_libdir}/golang
# This macro may not always be defined, ensure it is
%{!?gopath: %global gopath %{_datadir}/gocode}
# Golang build options.
# Build golang using external/internal(close to cgo disabled) linking.
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ppc64le %{arm} aarch64 s390x
%global external_linker 1
%global external_linker 0
# Build golang with cgo enabled/disabled(later equals more or less to internal linking).
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ppc64le %{arm} aarch64 s390x
%global cgo_enabled 1
%global cgo_enabled 0
# Use golang/gcc-go as bootstrap compiler
%if %{with bootstrap}
%global golang_bootstrap 0
%global golang_bootstrap 1
# Controls what ever we fail on failed tests
%if %{with ignore_tests}
%global fail_on_tests 0
%global fail_on_tests 1
# Build golang shared objects for stdlib
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 ppc64le %{arm} aarch64
%global shared 1
%global shared 0
# Pre build std lib with -race enabled
%ifarch x86_64 ppc64le
%global race 1
%global race 0
# Fedora GOROOT
%global goroot /usr/lib/%{name}
%ifarch x86_64
%global gohostarch amd64
%ifarch %{ix86}
%global gohostarch 386
%ifarch %{arm}
%global gohostarch arm
%ifarch aarch64
%global gohostarch arm64
%ifarch ppc64
%global gohostarch ppc64
%ifarch ppc64le
%global gohostarch ppc64le
%ifarch s390x
%global gohostarch s390x
%global go_api 1.19.2
%global go_version %{go_api}
# For rpmdev-bumpspec and releng automation
%global baserelease 1
Name: golang
Version: %{go_version}
Release: %{baserelease}%{?dist}
Summary: The Go Programming Language
# source tree includes several copies of Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt under Public Domain
License: BSD and Public Domain
# make possible to override default traceback level at build time by setting build tag rpm_crashtraceback
Source1: fedora.go
# The compiler is written in Go. Needs go(1.4+) compiler for build.
%if !%{golang_bootstrap}
BuildRequires: gcc-go >= 5
BuildRequires: golang > 1.4
%if 0%{?rhel} > 6 || 0%{?fedora} > 0
BuildRequires: hostname
BuildRequires: net-tools
# for tests
BuildRequires: pcre-devel, glibc-static, procps-ng
Provides: go = %{version}-%{release}
# Bundled/Vendored provides generated by based on the in tree module data
# - in version filed substituted with . per versioning guidelines
Provides: bundled(golang( =
Provides: bundled(golang( =
Provides: bundled(golang( =
Provides: bundled(golang( =
Provides: bundled(golang( = 0.4.1
Provides: bundled(golang( =
Provides: bundled(golang( =
Provides: bundled(golang( = 0.3.4
Provides: bundled(golang( =
Provides: bundled(golang( =
Requires: %{name}-bin = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-src = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: go-srpm-macros
#Patch1: 0001-Don-t-use-the-bundled-tzdata-at-runtime-except-for-t.patch
Patch2: 0002-syscall-expose-IfInfomsg.X__ifi_pad-on-s390x.patch
Patch3: 0003-cmd-go-disable-Google-s-proxy-and-sumdb.patch
# Having documentation separate was broken
Obsoletes: %{name}-docs < 1.1-4
# RPM can't handle symlink -> dir with subpackages, so merge back
Obsoletes: %{name}-data < 1.1.1-4
# go1.4 deprecates a few packages
Obsoletes: %{name}-vim < 1.4
Obsoletes: emacs-%{name} < 1.4
# These are the only RHEL/Fedora architectures that we compile this package for
ExclusiveArch: %{golang_arches}
Source100: golang-gdbinit
%package docs
Summary: Golang compiler docs
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch: noarch
Obsoletes: %{name}-docs < 1.1-4
%description docs
%package misc
Summary: Golang compiler miscellaneous sources
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch: noarch
%description misc
%package tests
Summary: Golang compiler tests for stdlib
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch: noarch
%description tests
%package src
Summary: Golang compiler source tree
BuildArch: noarch
%description src
%package bin
Summary: Golang core compiler tools
# Some distributions refer to this package by this name
Provides: %{name}-go = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: go = %{version}-%{release}
# Pre-go1.5, all arches had to be bootstrapped individually, before usable, and
# env variables to compile for the target os-arch.
# Now the host compiler needs only the GOOS and GOARCH environment variables
# set to compile for the target os-arch.
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-bin-linux-386 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-bin-linux-amd64 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-bin-linux-arm < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-linux-386 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-linux-amd64 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-linux-arm < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-darwin-386 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-darwin-amd64 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-windows-386 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-windows-amd64 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-plan9-386 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-plan9-amd64 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-freebsd-386 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-freebsd-amd64 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-freebsd-arm < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-netbsd-386 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-netbsd-amd64 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-netbsd-arm < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-openbsd-386 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: %{name}-pkg-openbsd-amd64 < 1.4.99
Obsoletes: golang-vet < 0-12.1
Obsoletes: golang-cover < 0-12.1
Requires(post): %{_sbindir}/update-alternatives
Requires(preun): %{_sbindir}/update-alternatives
# We strip the meta dependency, but go does require glibc.
# This is an odd issue, still looking for a better fix.
Requires: glibc
Requires: gcc
Requires: git
#Requires: subversion, mercurial
%description bin
# Workaround old RPM bug of symlink-replaced-with-dir failure
%pretrans -p <lua>
for _,d in pairs({"api", "doc", "include", "lib", "src"}) do
path = "%{goroot}/" .. d
if posix.stat(path, "type") == "link" then
%if %{shared}
%package shared
Summary: Golang shared object libraries
%description shared
%if %{race}
%package race
Summary: Golang std library with -race enabled
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
%description race
%autosetup -p1 -n go
cp %{SOURCE1} ./src/runtime/
# print out system information
uname -a
cat /proc/cpuinfo
cat /proc/meminfo
# bootstrap compiler GOROOT
%if !%{golang_bootstrap}
export GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP=%{goroot}
# set up final install location
export GOROOT_FINAL=%{goroot}
export GOHOSTOS=linux
export GOHOSTARCH=%{gohostarch}
pushd src
# use our gcc options for this build, but store gcc as default for compiler
export CC="gcc"
export CC_FOR_TARGET="gcc"
export GOOS=linux
export GOARCH=%{gohostarch}
%if !%{external_linker}
export GO_LDFLAGS="-linkmode internal"
%if !%{cgo_enabled}
export CGO_ENABLED=0
./make.bash --no-clean -v
# build shared std lib
%if %{shared}
GOROOT=$(pwd) PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH go install -buildmode=shared -v -x std
%if %{race}
GOROOT=$(pwd) PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH go install -race -v -x std
echo "== 1 =="
# remove GC build cache
rm -rf pkg/obj/go-build/*
# create the top level directories
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{goroot}
# install everything into libdir (until symlink problems are fixed)
cp -apv api bin doc lib pkg src misc test VERSION \
echo "== 2 =="
# bz1099206
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{goroot}/src -exec touch -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{goroot}/VERSION "{}" \;
# and level out all the built archives
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{goroot}/pkg
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{goroot}/pkg -exec touch -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{goroot}/pkg "{}" \;
# generate the spec file ownership of this source tree and packages
rm -f $src_list $pkg_list $docs_list $misc_list $tests_list $shared_list $race_list
touch $src_list $pkg_list $docs_list $misc_list $tests_list $shared_list $race_list
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{goroot}
echo "== 3 =="
find src/ -type d -a \( ! -name testdata -a ! -ipath '*/testdata/*' \) -printf '%%%dir %{goroot}/%p\n' >> $src_list
find src/ ! -type d -a \( ! -ipath '*/testdata/*' -a ! -name '*_test.go' \) -printf '%{goroot}/%p\n' >> $src_list
find bin/ pkg/ -type d -a ! -path '*_dynlink/*' -a ! -path '*_race/*' -printf '%%%dir %{goroot}/%p\n' >> $pkg_list
find bin/ pkg/ ! -type d -a ! -path '*_dynlink/*' -a ! -path '*_race/*' -printf '%{goroot}/%p\n' >> $pkg_list
find doc/ -type d -printf '%%%dir %{goroot}/%p\n' >> $docs_list
find doc/ ! -type d -printf '%{goroot}/%p\n' >> $docs_list
find misc/ -type d -printf '%%%dir %{goroot}/%p\n' >> $misc_list
find misc/ ! -type d -printf '%{goroot}/%p\n' >> $misc_list
%if %{shared}
echo "== 4 =="
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{golibdir}/
for file in $(find . -iname "*.so" ); do
chmod 755 $file
mv $file %{buildroot}/%{golibdir}
pushd $(dirname $file)
ln -fs %{golibdir}/$(basename $file) $(basename $file)
echo "%%{goroot}/$file" >> $shared_list
echo "%%{golibdir}/$(basename $file)" >> $shared_list
find pkg/*_dynlink/ -type d -printf '%%%dir %{goroot}/%p\n' >> $shared_list
find pkg/*_dynlink/ ! -type d -printf '%{goroot}/%p\n' >> $shared_list
echo "== 5 =="
%if %{race}
find pkg/*_race/ -type d -printf '%%%dir %{goroot}/%p\n' >> $race_list
find pkg/*_race/ ! -type d -printf '%{goroot}/%p\n' >> $race_list
find test/ -type d -printf '%%%dir %{goroot}/%p\n' >> $tests_list
find test/ ! -type d -printf '%{goroot}/%p\n' >> $tests_list
find src/ -type d -a \( -name testdata -o -ipath '*/testdata/*' \) -printf '%%%dir %{goroot}/%p\n' >> $tests_list
find src/ ! -type d -a \( -ipath '*/testdata/*' -o -name '*_test.go' \) -printf '%{goroot}/%p\n' >> $tests_list
# this is only the
find lib/ -type d -printf '%%%dir %{goroot}/%p\n' >> $tests_list
find lib/ ! -type d -printf '%{goroot}/%p\n' >> $tests_list
echo "== 6 =="
# remove the doc Makefile
rm -rfv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{goroot}/doc/Makefile
# put binaries to bindir, linked to the arch we're building,
# leave the arch independent pieces in {goroot}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{goroot}/bin/linux_%{gohostarch}
ln -sf %{goroot}/bin/go $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{goroot}/bin/linux_%{gohostarch}/go
ln -sf %{goroot}/bin/gofmt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{goroot}/bin/linux_%{gohostarch}/gofmt
# ensure these exist and are owned
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{gopath}/src/
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{gopath}/src/
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{gopath}/src/
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{gopath}/src/
echo "== 7 =="
# make sure these files exist and point to alternatives
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/go
ln -sf /etc/alternatives/go $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/go
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/gofmt
ln -sf /etc/alternatives/gofmt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/gofmt
# gdbinit
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/gdbinit.d
cp -av %{SOURCE100} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/gdbinit.d/golang.gdb
echo "== END OF INSTALL =="
export GOROOT=$(pwd -P)
export PATH="$GOROOT"/bin:"$PATH"
cd src
export CC="gcc"
%if !%{external_linker}
export GO_LDFLAGS="-linkmode internal"
%if !%{cgo_enabled} || !%{external_linker}
export CGO_ENABLED=0
# workaround for until it gests fixed
# Commented until the patch is ready, this workaround suggested in the link above
# doesn't work properly
#ifarch aarch64
#export CGO_CFLAGS="-mno-outline-atomics"
# make sure to not timeout
%if %{fail_on_tests}
./run.bash --no-rebuild -v -v -v -k
./run.bash --no-rebuild -v -v -v -k || :
cd ..
%post bin
%{_sbindir}/update-alternatives --install %{_bindir}/go \
go %{goroot}/bin/go 90 \
--slave %{_bindir}/gofmt gofmt %{goroot}/bin/gofmt
%preun bin
if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
%{_sbindir}/update-alternatives --remove go %{goroot}/bin/go
# VERSION has to be present in the GOROOT, for `go install std` to work
%doc %{goroot}/VERSION
%dir %{goroot}/doc
# go files
%dir %{goroot}
# ensure directory ownership, so they are cleaned up if empty
%dir %{gopath}
%dir %{gopath}/src
%dir %{gopath}/src/
%dir %{gopath}/src/
%dir %{gopath}/src/
%dir %{gopath}/src/
%dir %{gopath}/src/
%dir %{gopath}/src/
# gdbinit (for gdb debugging)
%files src -f go-src.list
%files docs -f go-docs.list
%files misc -f go-misc.list
%files tests -f go-tests.list
%files bin -f go-pkg.list
%if %{shared}
%files shared -f go-shared.list
%if %{race}
%files race -f go-race.list