637 lines
23 KiB

# power.d stuff breaks more than it helps, so drop it for now
%bcond_with power_d
%global quirkdbver 20100619
Name: pm-utils
Summary: Power management utilities and scripts
License: GPLv2
Version: 1.4.1
Release: 27%{?dist}
Group: System Environment/Base
URL: http://pm-utils.freedesktop.org
%ifnarch s390 s390x
Requires: kbd
%if %{with power_d}
# power.d/disable_wol
Requires: ethtool
# power.d/harddisk
Requires: hdparm
# power.d/wireless
Requires: wireless-tools
BuildRequires: xmlto
Source0: http://pm-utils.freedesktop.org/releases/pm-utils-%{version}.tar.gz
Source1: http://pm-utils.freedesktop.org/releases/pm-quirks-%{quirkdbver}.tar.gz
Source23: pm-utils-bugreport-info.sh
Source24: pm-utils-bugreport-info.sh.8
# Use append instead of write for init_logfile (#660329)
Patch0: pm-utils-1.4.1-init-logfile-append.patch
# Fix typo in 55NetworkManager (#722759)
Patch1: pm-utils-1.4.1-networkmanager-typo-fix.patch
# Add support for grub2 in 01grub hook
Patch2: pm-utils-1.4.1-grub2.patch
# Fix hooks exit code logging
Patch3: pm-utils-1.4.1-hook-exit-code-log.patch
# Fix line spacing in logs to be easier to read (#750755)
Patch4: pm-utils-1.4.1-log-line-spacing-fix.patch
# Fix NetworkManager dbus methods (fd.o #42500 / RH #740342)
Patch5: pm-utils-1.4.1-nm_method.patch
# Add support for in-kernel (from kernel 3.6) suspend to both (#843657)
Patch6: pm-utils-1.4.1-add-in-kernel-suspend-to-both.patch
# Patch sent upstream
Patch7: pm-utils-1.4.1-man-fix.patch
The pm-utils package contains utilities and scripts useful for tasks related
to power management.
%package devel
Summary: Files for development using %{name}
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
# for /usr/share/pkgconfig
Requires: pkgconfig
%description devel
This package contains the pkg-config files for development
when building programs that use %{name}.
%setup -q
tar -xzf %{SOURCE1}
%patch0 -p1 -b .init-logfile-append
%patch1 -p1 -b .network-manager-typo-fix.patch
%patch2 -p1 -b .grub2
%patch3 -p1 -b .hook-exit-code-log
%patch4 -p1 -b .log-line-spacing-fix
%patch5 -p1 -b .nm_method
%patch6 -p1 -b .add-in-kernel-suspend-to-both
%patch7 -p1 -b .man-fix
%configure --docdir=%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}
install -D -m 0600 /dev/null $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/log/pm-suspend.log
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/run/pm-utils/{locks,pm-suspend,pm-powersave}
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/run/pm-utils/locks/{pm-suspend.lock,pm-powersave.lock}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/run/pm-utils/{pm-suspend,pm-powersave}/storage
install -D -m 0755 %{SOURCE23} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}/pm-utils-bugreport-info.sh
install -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE24} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/pm-utils-bugreport-info.sh.8
# Install quirks
cp -r video-quirks $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pm-utils
%if ! %{with power_d}
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pm-utils/power.d/*
# Install extra documentation
cp -p COPYING AUTHORS ChangeLog $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/
# Clean storage to prevent left-behind files. These files are dynamically
# created in runtime (also with dynamic names), thus it is hard to track
# them individually.
rm -rf %{_localstatedir}/run/pm-utils/{pm-suspend,pm-powersave}/storage/*
%if %{with power_d}
%ghost %{_localstatedir}/run/pm-utils
# no logrotate needed, because only one run of pm-utils is stored
# in the logfile
%ghost %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_localstatedir}/log/pm-suspend.log
%files devel
* Fri Aug 15 2014 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-27
- Added man page for pm-utils-bugreport-info.sh
Resolves: rhbz#948552
* Fri Jan 24 2014 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-26
- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24
* Fri Dec 27 2013 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-25
- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27
* Mon Jul 1 2013 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-24
- Minor man fixes
* Thu Feb 14 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.4.1-23
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild
* Wed Oct 17 2012 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-22
- Fixed pm-suspend-hybrid to return hibernation method to previous state
Resolves: rhbz#866487
* Fri Jul 27 2012 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-21
- Added support for in-kernel suspend to both (from kernel-3.6)
Resolves: rhbz#843657
* Sat Jul 21 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.4.1-20
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
* Tue Mar 6 2012 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-19
- Minor change to summary
* Fri Jan 20 2012 Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-18
- nm_method.patch: fix dbus methods used to sleep/resume NM
(fd.o #42500, RH #740342)
* Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.4.1-17
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
* Tue Dec 20 2011 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta@iki.fi> - 1.4.1-16
- Fix dependencies based on whether power.d/* are shipped (#769071).
* Thu Dec 15 2011 Robin Lee <cheeselee@fedoraproject.org> - 1.4.1-15
- Rearranged the included documentation
* Wed Nov 30 2011 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-14
- Removed restorecon hack from init_logfile, it is now correctly handled by selinux
* Wed Nov 02 2011 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-13
- Fixed line spacing in logs to be easier to read (log-line-spacing-fix patch)
Resolves: rhbz#750755
* Mon Aug 22 2011 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-12
- Added support for grub2 in 01grub hook (grub2 patch)
- Fixed hooks exit code logging (hook-exit-code-log patch)
* Wed Aug 17 2011 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-11
- Rebuilt due to bug in rpm-4.9.1
* Tue Jul 19 2011 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-10
- Fixed typo in 55NetworkManager
Resolves: rhbz#722759
* Thu Jul 07 2011 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.4.1-9
- Drop Requires: radeontool, not needed with KMS.
* Tue Jun 07 2011 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-8
- restorecon now runs conditionaly
Resolves: rhbz#710928
* Wed Mar 23 2011 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-7
- Fixed typo, related to #663995
* Thu Mar 17 2011 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-6
- Fixed AVC during suspend / hibernate (#663995)
* Wed Feb 09 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.4.1-5
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
* Tue Jan 04 2011 Matthew Garrett <mjg@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-4
- Remove the powersave fragments (#667129, #667131, #667132)
* Tue Dec 07 2010 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-3
- Used append instead of write for init_logfile (#660329)
- Fixed and ghosted /var/run/pm-utils (#656668)
- Added postun script to clean state storage
- Updated pm-utils-bugreport-info.sh, it requires root privileges for
correct function, moved to sbin
* Thu Nov 18 2010 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-2
- Remove HAL from pm-utils-bugreport-info.sh
- Add quirkdb
* Mon Oct 11 2010 Jaroslav Škarvada <jskarvad@redhat.com> - 1.4.1-1
- New version
- Dropped pm-utils-99hd-apm-restore hook, similar functionality provided by
harddrive script
* Fri Oct 08 2010 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 1.3.1-2
- Drop the vbetool dependency, suspend is only supported on KMS drivers.
* Thu Sep 01 2010 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.3.1-1
- New upstream version
- Drop the HAL dependancy.
* Sun Mar 21 2010 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.3.0-1
- New upstream version
* Wed Feb 24 2010 Jiri Skala <jskala@redhat.com> -
- latest upstream version
- fixed typo in 98smart-kernel-video
* Thu Nov 12 2009 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.2.6-1
- New upstream version
- Make KMS detection more accurate for several KMS drivers
- Fix several typos on the documentation.
* Wed Aug 05 2009 Till Maas <opensource@till.name> - 1.2.5-6
- filesystem subpackage contents are now provided by filesystem (Red Hat
Bugzilla 515362) filesystem-2.4.28-1.fc12
* Sun Jul 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.2.5-5
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
* Sat Jul 18 2009 Till Maas <opensource@till.name> - 1.2.5-4
- Remove atd script
- create filesystem subpackage for hooks
* Fri Jul 17 2009 Marcela Mašláňová <mmaslano@redhat.com> - 1.2.5-3
- move atd script into pm-utils
* Thu Jun 25 2009 Till Maas <opensource@till.name> - 1.2.5-2
- add check for hdparm in hd-apm-restore
* Fri Apr 24 2009 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com> 1.2.5-1.1
- we don't have kbd and hdparm on s390(x), disable build requirements
* Tue Apr 14 2009 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.2.5-1
- New upstream version
- If running on a system that is using KMS, we will refuse to handle any video
quirks passed to us by HAL, and we will not chvt to an empty console.
- Fix a longstanding bug in tuning scheduler powersaving knobs on SMT systems.
* Thu Feb 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.2.4-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
* Mon Feb 09 2009 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.2.4-1
- Update to 1.2.4
- Fixes a glitch in module unloading
- Numerous small usability and debugging improvements
* Mon Dec 08 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.2.3-1
- Update to 1.2.3
- Removed 55battery, 50ntpd, and 65alsa hooks
* Tue Nov 04 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> -
- Add a patch from airlied to disable quirks when radeon is being used with KMS.
* Mon Oct 13 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> -
- Update to
- Supports automatically pulling quirks from HAL and has the ability to save
the last working set of quirks to an .fdi file.
* Thu Sep 11 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.2.0-1
- Update to 1.2.0
- The core hook-running machinery will now abort running hooks of one fails,
and the front-end scripts will return a failure error code if hook-running
was aborted.
* Mon Jun 22 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> -
- Update to
* Fri Jun 20 2008 Till Maas <opensource@till.name> -
- %%pre and %%post scriptlets should not be needed anymore, old
config files should be already moved in every supported release
and the selinux context for the logfile should be restored by
- remove pcitulils BR, it was needed for vbetool, which is in a
separate package now
- substitute %%{__rm} macros for uniform macro usage
* Mon May 29 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> -
- Update to
* Mon May 28 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> -
- Change BR from docbook-utils to xmlto
* Mon May 28 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> -
- Update to
* Mon May 12 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-2
- Add missing BR for docbook-utils
* Mon May 12 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.1.1-1
- Update to 1.1.1, and drop patches that no longer apply.
* Wed Apr 30 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.1.0-9
- Remove the usermode dep on the advice of Till Maas.
* Wed Apr 30 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.1.0-8
- Rip out all the consolehelper and PAM stuff - users are not meant to be
running these tools directly and it's a massive change from upstream.
* Fri Apr 18 2008 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 1.1.0-7
- Default to "shutdown" for hibernate unless it's unavailable.
* Tue Apr 15 2008 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.1.0-6
- Don't error on post restorecon call (which can fail if selinux is disabled)
* Mon Apr 14 2008 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 1.1.0-5
- remove double %%dir %%{_libdir}/pm-utils
- update pm-utils-99hd-apm-restore to work with current pm-utils release
Red Hat Bugzilla: #442294
- move config file for hd apm restore away from config.d, which is only used
for pm-utils internal config anymore
- own /var/run/pm-utils/ and create storage/locks subdirs (may be
needed for selinux)
- make sure an empty logfile is created after install (touch -a ...)
- sort %%files
- make Source0: an URL
- remove Conflicts: bluez utils, all supported Fedora releases ship
already a newer version
- remove unused BR: hal-devel, dbus-devel, pkgconfig, docbook-utils
* Mon Apr 8 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.1.0-4
- Fix build on 64 bit machines - harder.
* Mon Apr 8 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.1.0-3
- Fix build on 64 bit machines.
* Mon Apr 8 2008 Richard Hughes <rhughes@redhat.com> - 1.1.0-2
- Actually do the build.
* Mon Apr 7 2008 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 1.1.0-1
- Update to 1.1.0
- Add devel subpackage for the pc file
* Thu Apr 03 2008 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 0.99.4-16
- x86_64 is not a macro, don't %%ifarch on it.
* Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.99.4-15
- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
* Fri Jan 11 2008 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 0.99.4-14
- add pm-utils-bugreport-info.sh script to collect information for bugreports
- require Hal (RH #428452)
* Wed Jan 09 2008 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 0.99.4-13
- update README to describe the current beheaviour of pm-utils
* Tue Jan 08 2008 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 0.99.4-12
- remove ExclusiveArch, because it contains all supported archs
(in case an arch schould be excluded, please use ExcludeArch)
- improve readability of usermode setup
- remove pm-restart pm-shutdown from usermode setup, because
there are no such binaries
- list more files in %%files explicit to make it obvious when
there are changes in the distributed package
- add .conf suffix to oldconfig files
* Tue Jan 08 2008 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 0.99.4-11
- make it possible to specify the hibernate mode (RH #375701)
* Wed Jan 02 2008 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 0.99.4-10
- enhance hd-apm-restore and add a config file
- fix source-definition for hd-apm-restore
- add hook suffix for hook script
* Wed Jan 02 2008 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 0.99.4-9
- restore hd apm level (RH #382061)
- Add hdparm requires for new hook
* Mon Dec 31 2007 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 0.99.4-8
- Add documentation to %%doc
* Sun Dec 30 2007 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 0.99.4-7
- fix some bugs (RH #302401)
* Tue Nov 27 2007 Dennis Gilmore <dennis@ausil.us> - 0.99.4-6
- add sparc archs to ExclusiveArch list
* Wed Oct 10 2007 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 0.99.4-5
- Require vbetool only for x86 archs (RH #325741)
- add missing BR for docbook-utils
* Thu Sep 20 2007 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 0.99.4-4
- fix manpage cut and paste mistake (RH #286201)
* Thu Sep 20 2007 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 0.99.4-3
- remove unused patch (vidhooks)
- add patch to keep logfile (RH #237840 (f7), #238068 (devel)),
to keep selinux context
- simplify spec
- restore selinux context of logfile in %%post
- use rpmmacros more often
* Tue Sep 11 2007 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 0.99.4-2
- Require vbetool not on ppc and ppc64
* Mon Sep 10 2007 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.99.4-1
- Merge new upstream
- remove pm/power.d/laptop-tools
- add --quirk-reset-brightness (needed for the Fujitsu Lifebook S7110)
* Sat Sep 08 2007 Till Maas <opensource till name> - 0.99.3-12
- Adjust %%files to own /etc/pm/ and /usr/lib/pm-utils/ (#233906)
- remove (C|CXX|F)FLAGS definitions, they are already in %%configure
- remove Core in Summary tag
- add URL for pm-utils
- add %%{?arm} to ExclusiveArch (#245463)
- remove vbetool and require it (it is a separate package now)
- remove radeontool and require it (it is a separate package now)
- Update License Tag
- cleanup buildrequires
- clear %%setup
* Mon Aug 27 2007 Adam Jackson <ajax@redhat.com> 0.99.3-11
- Install (not just build) vbetool and radeontool on x86_64 too
- Explicitly list files under %%_sbindir, so they don't drop away again
- Light spec cleanups
* Thu Aug 16 2007 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com> - 0.99.3-10
- License verification and update
* Wed Jul 18 2007 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com> - 0.99.3-9
- Fixed description to be distribution independant (#247366)
* Thu Jun 07 2007 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.99.3-8
- Bump release and rebuild for newer buildsystem code
* Tue Jun 05 2007 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com> - 0.99.3-7
- Bump release and rebuild
* Tue May 29 2007 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com> - 0.99.3-6
- Fixed missing builds for vbetool and radeontool for some archs (#241469)
- Fixed typo in functions where wrong variable was used (#241633)
* Wed May 16 2007 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.99.3-5
- ... and create the directory the logfile goes in.
* Wed May 16 2007 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.99.3-4
- Bump release to appease Koji.
* Wed May 16 2007 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.99.3-3
- Create logfile in %%post and %%gost it.
* Wed Apr 25 2007 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.99.3-2
- Get rid of bogus redirect on "vbetool post"
- add zlib linkage for vbetool and radeontool
* Mon Mar 26 2007 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.99.3-1
- update to 0.99.3
- configure manually in the spec to avoid %%_lib as lib64
* Tue Mar 13 2007 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.99.2-1
- update to 0.99.2
* Fri Feb 2 2007 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.99.1-1
- Fix setsysfont hook to actually hit tty0, not the pty of the current task.
* Tue Jan 30 2007 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> - 0.19.1-6
- build so that hooks run properly on resume; fix syntax error in
functions-intel (pjones)
* Fri Jan 26 2007 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com> - 0.19.1-5
- Fixed problem with changes in 10NetworkManager hook (#224556)
* Wed Jan 24 2007 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com> - 0.19.1-4
- Start/stop correct services in 10NetworkManager hook (#215253)
- Fixed check for /sys/power/disk and /sys/power/state (#214407)
- Added proper error messages in case /sys/power/disk or /sys/power/state are
missing (#215386)
- Removed service calls and module load/unload for bluetooth hook (#213387)
- Added hook file to restore the sysfont after resume (#215391)
- Added the possibility to disable hibernate and suspend completely via the
config file (#216459)
- Symlinked the config file to /etc/sysconfig/power-management (#216459)
- Fixed pm-powersave permission check bug (#222819)
- Small specfile cleanups
* Sun Oct 1 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.19.1-3
- Disable bluetooth suspend/reusme hook by default; the kernel modules seem
to support this correctly these days.
* Thu Sep 28 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.19.1-2
- Ignore emacs backup files in config directories (#185979)
* Tue Aug 8 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.19.1-1
- Hopefully fix Centrino ThinkPad suspend+resume
- Hopefully fix Intel Mac Mini/MacBook suspend+resume
* Mon Jul 31 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> - 0.19-3
- doing the vbestate save/restore on intel video with the modesetting
intel xorg driver is broken. so don't do it.
* Tue Jul 18 2006 John (J5) Palmieri <johnp@redhat.com> - 0.19-2
- requier a newer version of D-Bus and rebuild
* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 0.19-1.1
- rebuild
* Tue Jun 13 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.19-1
- update from CVS
- move pam and consolehelper stuff here.
- move video hooks here since HAL isn't ready
* Tue Apr 25 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.18-1
- Make it work cross-distro
* Mon Apr 17 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.17-1
- add more helper functions
- rework things that were forking an extra subshell
- fix the suspend lock
- work around bluetooth/usb suspend wackiness
* Fri Mar 17 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.16-1
- rework the difference between hibernate and suspend; get rid of PM_MODE
- add 00clear script
- move default_resume_kernel from "functions" to 01grub's hibernate section
* Sat Mar 11 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.15-1
- fix hibernate check in a way that doesn't break "sleep".
* Fri Mar 10 2006 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.14-1
- fix hibernate check in /etc/pm/hooks/20video
* Fri Mar 03 2006 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com> - 0.13-1
- Revert last changes for ATI graphics chips as they seem to cause more
problems than they solved.
* Wed Mar 01 2006 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com> - 0.12-1
- Use vbetool post instead of vbetool dpms on for ATI cards.
* Tue Feb 28 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com>
- allow building on all x86 arches (#183175)
* Tue Feb 28 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> - 0.11-1
- fix display on resume with nvidia graphics
- add infrastructure to tell what pm-util is running; don't resume
video on return from hibernate as the BIOS has already re-initialized it
* Fri Feb 24 2006 Phil Knirsch <pknirsch@redhat.com> - 0.10-1
- Added missing pciutils-devel BuildRequires (#182566)
- Fixed missing vbestata save/restore calls for video suspend/resume (#182167,
- Renamed hook scripts to allow local pre and post inserts (#179421)
- Added support for blinking led lights on Thinkpad Laptops during suspend
- Added pm-powersave script for powersaving via HAL (#169054)
- Added symlinks for pm-shutdown and pm-restart (#165953)
* Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 0.09-1.2
- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
* Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 0.09-1.1
- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
* Tue Jan 24 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> - 0.09-1
- Remove button module on suspend
- Set default kernel in grub to current one when hibernating
so that resume works
* Thu Dec 22 2005 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.08-1
- Fix scripts for new pciutils
* Fri Dec 9 2005 Dave Jones <davej@redhat.com>
- Update to latest vbetool (0.5-1)
Now also built on x86-64 too.
* Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com>
- rebuilt
* Thu Dec 01 2005 John (J5) Palmieri <johnp@redhat.com> - 0.07-3
- rebuild for the new dbus
* Wed Nov 30 2005 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.07-2
- restart ntpd in the background
- switch terminals early so we don't wake the screen back up
* Fri Nov 18 2005 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> - 0.06-3
- nix that, wait for the kernel to settle down
* Wed Nov 16 2005 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> - 0.06-2
- fix LRMI usage in vbetool
* Thu Nov 10 2005 Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com> - 0.06-1
- kill acpi_video_cmd calls in functions-ati
- fix lcd_on in functions-ati
* Fri Sep 30 2005 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> - 0.05-1
- check for presence of various tools/files before using them (#169560, #196562)
* Fri Aug 12 2005 Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> - 0.04-1
- add pm-hibernate
* Tue Jul 05 2005 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> - 0.03-1
- fix path to video functions in video hook
* Mon Jul 04 2005 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> - 0.02-1
- add a pm-suspend (#155613)
* Wed Apr 13 2005 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> - 0.01-1
- initial version - package up vbetool, radeontool, new on_ac_power