/* ***** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK ***** * Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version * 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * ***** END COPYRIGHT BLOCK ***** */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "pkcs11.h" #include "pkcs11n.h" /* * windows specific globing search */ #ifdef WIN32 #include <windows.h> #include <winver.h> #include <winreg.h> #include <direct.h> #include <shlobj.h> #define PINST_FILE_DATA WIN32_FIND_DATA #define PINST_ITERATOR HANDLE #define PINST_FIRST(pattern, data) FindFirstFile(pattern, &data) #define PINST_PATH(iter, data) (data).cFileName #define PINST_NEXT(iter, data) FindNextFile(iter, &data) #define PINST_FREE_ITER(iter, data) FindClose(iter) #define PINST_INVALID_ITERATOR INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE #define PINST_IS_DIRECTORY(iter, data) \ ((data).dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) #define PINST_IS_HIDDEN(iter, data) \ ((data).dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) #define PINST_FULLPATH(tempPath,path) tempPath #define PINST_ERROR DWORD #define PINST_NO_MORE ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES #define PINST_SET_ERROR(x) SetLastError(x) #define PINST_GET_ERROR() GetLastError() #define PINST_FS "\\" /*#define NETSCAPE_KEY "Software\\Netscape\\Netscape Navigator\\Main" */ #define NETSCAPE_KEY "Software\\Netscape\\Netscape Navigator" #define NETSCAPE_SUBKEY_1 "Main" #define NETSCAPE_SUBKEY_2 "Install Directory" /* capture the window's error string */ static void winPerror(FILE *outFile, DWORD error, const char *msgString) { char buffer[256]; char *cp; DWORD ret; fprintf(outFile,"*** %s: ",msgString); sprintf(buffer,"Format message problem, error = %d (0x%x)\n", error, error); ret=FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, error, 0, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL); for (cp=buffer; *cp; cp++) { if (*cp == '\r') *cp = ' '; } fprintf(outFile, buffer); } #endif /* * otherwise we are assuming unix (posix) */ #ifndef PINST_FILE_DATA #define UNIX #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <glob.h> #define PINST_FILE_DATA glob_t #define PINST_ITERATOR int #define PINST_INVALID_ITERATOR -1 #define PINST_FIRST(pattern, data) \ ((glob(pattern, GLOB_MARK, NULL, &data) == 0) ? 0 : PINST_INVALID_ITERATOR) #define PINST_PATH(iter, data) \ (((data).gl_pathv == NULL) ? 0 : (data).gl_pathv[iter] ) #define PINST_NEXT(iter, data) (((data).gl_pathc > ++iter) ? iter : 0) #define PINST_FREE_ITER(iter, data) globfree(&data) #define PINST_IS_DIRECTORY(iter, data) pinst_isdir(PINST_PATH(iter,data)) #define PINST_IS_HIDDEN(iter, data) (0) #define PINST_FULLPATH(tempPath,path) path #define PINST_ERROR int #define NO_ERROR 0 #define PINST_NO_MORE NO_ERROR #define PINST_SET_ERROR(x) #define PINST_GET_ERROR() NO_ERROR #define PINST_FS "/" #define MAX_PATH PATH_MAX static int pinst_isdir(const char *path) { int len = strlen(path); return (len > 0) && (path[len-1] == '/'); } #endif typedef enum _InstType { Install, UnInstall, } InstType; typedef enum _DirType { AppDataDir = 0, HomeDir, NetscapeInstallDir, MaxDirType, } DirType; char *dirPaths[MaxDirType] = { NULL }; typedef struct _DirList { DirType dirType; char *search; char *tail; } DirList; DirList dirList[] = { #ifdef WIN32 { AppDataDir, "Mozilla\\Profiles\\*", "*.slt" }, { AppDataDir, "Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\*", NULL }, { AppDataDir, "Thunderbird\\Profiles\\*", NULL }, { NetscapeInstallDir, "..\\Users\\*", NULL }, #endif #ifndef MAC #ifdef UNIX { HomeDir, ".mozilla/firefox/*", NULL }, { HomeDir, ".mozilla/*", NULL }, { HomeDir, ".thunderbird/*", NULL }, { HomeDir, ".netscape", NULL }, #endif #endif #ifdef MAC { HomeDir, "Library/Mozilla/Profiles/*", "*.slt"}, { HomeDir, "Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/*", NULL }, { HomeDir, "Library/Thunderbird/Profiles/*", NULL }, #endif }; int verbose = 0; int dirListCount = sizeof(dirList)/sizeof(dirList[0]); static void usage(char *prog) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s [-u][-v] [-p path] module\n", prog); return; } /* Utility printing functions */ #define CONFIG_TAG "configDir=" int installPKCS11(char *dirPath, InstType type, char *module) { char *paramString = (char *)malloc(strlen(dirPath)+sizeof(CONFIG_TAG)+3); char *cp; char **rc; if (paramString == NULL) { PINST_SET_ERROR(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; } sprintf(paramString,CONFIG_TAG"\"%s\" ",dirPath); /* translate all the \'s to /'s */ for (cp=paramString; *cp; cp++) { if (*cp == '\\') *cp='/'; } /* don't call this if you have NSS initialized!!, use SECMOD_AddModule * or SECMOD_AddUserModule instead */ rc = (char **) NSC_ModuleDBFunc(type == Install ? SECMOD_MODULE_DB_FUNCTION_ADD : SECMOD_MODULE_DB_FUNCTION_DEL, paramString, module); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Install \"%s\" in %s : %s\n", module, dirPath, rc ? *rc : "Fail" ); } free(paramString); return 1; } int installAllPKCS11(char *dirPath, char *search, char *tail, InstType type, char *module) { char *searchString; unsigned long searchStringLen; int len; char *tempPath, *fileStart; PINST_FILE_DATA fileData; PINST_ITERATOR iter; PINST_ERROR err = NO_ERROR; char *myPath = NULL; searchString = (char *)malloc(strlen(dirPath)+2+strlen(search)); if (searchString == NULL) { PINST_SET_ERROR(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; } sprintf(searchString,"%s" PINST_FS "%s",dirPath,search); searchStringLen = strlen(searchString); tempPath=malloc(searchStringLen+MAX_PATH+1); if (tempPath == NULL) { free(searchString); PINST_SET_ERROR(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return 0; } strcpy(tempPath, searchString); fileStart = strrchr(tempPath, *PINST_FS); if (fileStart == NULL) { tempPath[searchStringLen] = *PINST_FS; fileStart = &tempPath[searchStringLen]; } fileStart++; iter = PINST_FIRST(searchString, fileData); free(searchString); if (iter == PINST_INVALID_ITERATOR) { /* error set by PINST_FIRST */ free(tempPath); return 0; } len=1; do { char *path = PINST_PATH(iter, fileData); if(!path) { break; } if (!PINST_IS_DIRECTORY(iter, fileData)) { continue; } if (PINST_IS_HIDDEN(iter, fileData)) { continue; } /* skip . and .. */ if ((path[0] == '.') && ((path[1] == 0) || (path[1] == '.' && path[2] == 0)) ) { continue; } strcpy(fileStart,path); myPath=PINST_FULLPATH(tempPath,path); if (tail) { installAllPKCS11(myPath, tail, NULL, type, module); } else { installPKCS11(myPath, type, module); } } while (PINST_NEXT(iter, fileData)); free(tempPath); err = PINST_GET_ERROR(); PINST_FREE_ITER(iter,fileData); if (err != PINST_NO_MORE) { /* restore the previous error (in case FindClose trashes it) */ PINST_SET_ERROR(err); return 0; } return 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *module = NULL; char *prog = *argv++; char *cp; int argCount = 0; int i; InstType type = Install; char * path = NULL; #ifdef WIN32 BOOL brc; HKEY regKey; unsigned long lrc; TCHAR appData[MAX_PATH]; char netscapeInstall[MAX_PATH]; unsigned long nsInstallSize = MAX_PATH; #endif /* * parse the arglist; */ while ((cp = *argv++) != 0) { if (*cp == '-') { while (*++cp) switch (*cp) { case 'i': type = Install; break; case 'u': type = UnInstall; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'p': path = *argv++; if (path == NULL) { usage(prog); return 2; } break; default: usage(prog); return 2; } } else switch (argCount++) { case 0: module = cp; break; default: usage(prog); return 2; } } if (module == NULL) { usage(prog); } if (path) { installAllPKCS11(path, "", NULL, type, module); return 0; } #ifdef WIN32 /* App Data Dir */ brc = SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, appData, CSIDL_APPDATA, FALSE); if (brc) { dirPaths[AppDataDir] = appData; } else { if (verbose) { winPerror(stderr, GetLastError(), "Reading App Directory"); } } /* Netscape Install Dir */ lrc = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, NETSCAPE_KEY, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, ®Key); if (lrc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { int i = 0; TCHAR productName[255]; HKEY prodKey; HKEY mainKey; while ((lrc = RegEnumKey(regKey, i, productName, sizeof(productName))) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { i++; lrc = RegOpenKeyEx(regKey, productName, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &prodKey); if (lrc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (verbose) { winPerror(stderr, GetLastError(), "Reading Netscape 4.0 prodkey"); fprintf(stderr,"Product = %s\n",productName); } continue; } lrc = RegOpenKeyEx(prodKey, NETSCAPE_SUBKEY_1, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &mainKey); if (lrc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(prodKey); continue; } /* open main */ lrc = RegQueryValueEx(mainKey, NETSCAPE_SUBKEY_2, NULL, NULL, netscapeInstall, &nsInstallSize); RegCloseKey(mainKey); RegCloseKey(prodKey); if (lrc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (netscapeInstall[nsInstallSize-1] == 0) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Found Netscape 4.0 Install directory\n"); } dirPaths[NetscapeInstallDir] = netscapeInstall; break; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Reading Netscape 4.0 key: Value too large\n"); } } else { if (verbose) { winPerror(stderr, lrc, "Reading Netscape 4.0 key"); } } } if ((lrc != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (lrc != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) { winPerror(stderr, lrc, "EnumKey on Netscape Registry Key failed"); } } else { if (verbose) { winPerror(stderr, lrc, "Openning Netscape 4.0 key"); } } #endif #ifdef UNIX dirPaths[HomeDir] = getenv("HOME"); #endif /* OK, now search the directories and complete the Install */ for (i=0; i < dirListCount; i++) { char *dirPath = dirPaths[dirList[i].dirType]; if (!dirPath) { continue; } installAllPKCS11(dirPath, dirList[i].search, dirList[i].tail, type, module); } return 0; }