autofs-5.1.0-beta1 - fix expire when server not responding

From: Ian Kent <>

The change to handle expire of symlinks relies on doing a stat(2)
call to check if the path to be expired is a symlink.

But system calls that invoke a path walk on real mounts need to be
avoided during expire because if the server isn't responding they
will hang.
 CHANGELOG          |    1 +
 daemon/automount.c |    7 ++++++-
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

--- autofs-5.0.7.orig/CHANGELOG
+++ autofs-5.0.7/CHANGELOG
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
 - fix incorrect max key length in defaults get_hash().
 - fix xfn sets incorrect lexer state.
 - fix old style key lookup.
+- fix expire when server not responding.
 25/07/2012 autofs-5.0.7
--- autofs-5.0.7.orig/daemon/automount.c
+++ autofs-5.0.7/daemon/automount.c
@@ -573,9 +573,13 @@ int umount_multi(struct autofs_point *ap
 	debug(ap->logopt, "path %s incl %d", path, incl);
+	/* If path is a mount it can't be a symlink */
+	if (is_mounted(_PATH_MOUNTED, path, MNTS_ALL))
+		goto real_mount;
 	if (lstat(path, &st)) {
-		     "failed to stat mount point directory %s", path);
+		     "failed to stat directory or symlink %s", path);
 		return 1;
@@ -617,6 +621,7 @@ int umount_multi(struct autofs_point *ap
 		return 0;
 	is_autofs_fs = 0;
 	if (master_find_submount(ap, path))
 		is_autofs_fs = 1;