 libmultipath/dmparser.c |    9 +++++++++
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)

Index: multipath-tools-130222/libmultipath/dmparser.c
--- multipath-tools-130222.orig/libmultipath/dmparser.c
+++ multipath-tools-130222/libmultipath/dmparser.c
@@ -360,6 +360,15 @@ disassemble_map (vector pathvec, char *
 			else if (!strlen(pp->wwid))
 				strncpy(pp->wwid, mpp->wwid, WWID_SIZE);
+			/*
+			 * Something went wrong. Likely the user changed the
+			 * path uid_attribute after creating a device
+			 */
+			else if (strcmp(pp->wwid, mpp->wwid) != 0) {
+				condlog(0, "%s: path wwid appears to have changed. Using map wwid.\n", pp->dev_t);
+				strncpy(pp->wwid, mpp->wwid, WWID_SIZE);
+			}
 			pgp->id ^= (long)pp;
 			pp->pgindex = i + 1;