diff --git sepolgen-1.2.3/ChangeLog sepolgen-1.2.3/ChangeLog
index 7cc0a18..bda7a2e 100644
--- sepolgen-1.2.3/ChangeLog
+++ sepolgen-1.2.3/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+	* Remove additional files when cleaning, from Nicolas Iooss.
+	* Add support for TYPEBOUNDS statement in INTERFACE policy files, from Miroslav Grepl.
 1.2.3 2016-02-23
 	* Support latest refpolicy interfaces, from Nicolas Iooss.
 	* Make sepolgen-ifgen output deterministic with Python>=3.3, from Nicolas Iooss.
diff --git sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/Makefile sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/Makefile
index 9ac7651..d3aa771 100644
--- sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/Makefile
+++ sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/Makefile
@@ -11,5 +11,4 @@ install: all
 	rm -f parser.out parsetab.py
 	rm -f *~ *.pyc
+	rm -rf __pycache__
diff --git sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/access.py sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/access.py
index a5d8698..7606561 100644
--- sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/access.py
+++ sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/access.py
@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ class AccessVector(util.Comparison):
             self.audit_msgs = []
             self.type = audit2why.TERULE
             self.data = []
+            self.obj_path = None
+            self.base_type = None
         # when implementing __eq__ also __hash__ is needed on py2
         # if object is muttable __hash__ should be None
         self.__hash__ = None
@@ -138,6 +140,29 @@ class AccessVector(util.Comparison):
         return "allow %s %s:%s %s;" % (self.src_type, self.tgt_type,
                                         self.obj_class, self.perms.to_space_str())
+    def base_file_type(self):
+        base_type_array = []
+        base_type_array = [self.base_type, self.tgt_type, self.src_type]
+        return base_type_array
+    def __cmp__(self, other):
+        if self.src_type != other.src_type:
+            return cmp(self.src_type, other.src_type)
+        if self.tgt_type != other.tgt_type:
+            return cmp(self.tgt_type, other.tgt_type)
+        if self.obj_class != self.obj_class:
+            return cmp(self.obj_class, other.obj_class)
+        if len(self.perms) != len(other.perms):
+            return cmp(len(self.perms), len(other.perms))
+        x = list(self.perms)
+        x.sort()
+        y = list(other.perms)
+        y.sort()
+        for pa, pb in zip(x, y):
+            if pa != pb:
+                return cmp(pa, pb)
+        return 0
     def _compare(self, other, method):
             x = list(self.perms)
@@ -257,7 +282,8 @@ class AccessVectorSet:
         for av in l:
-    def add(self, src_type, tgt_type, obj_class, perms, audit_msg=None, avc_type=audit2why.TERULE, data=[]):
+    def add(self, src_type, tgt_type, obj_class, perms, obj_path=None,
+            base_type=None, audit_msg=None, avc_type=audit2why.TERULE, data=[]):
         """Add an access vector to the set.
         tgt = self.src.setdefault(src_type, { })
@@ -270,7 +296,9 @@ class AccessVectorSet:
             access.src_type = src_type
             access.tgt_type = tgt_type
             access.obj_class = obj_class
+            access.obj_path = obj_path
             access.data = data
+            access.base_type = base_type
             access.type = avc_type
             cls[obj_class, avc_type] = access
diff --git sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/audit.py sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/audit.py
index 724d3ea..ef1f6cc 100644
--- sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/audit.py
+++ sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/audit.py
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ class AVCMessage(AuditMessage):
         self.exe = ""
         self.path = ""
         self.name = ""
+        self.ino = ""
         self.accesses = []
         self.denial = True
         self.type = audit2why.TERULE
@@ -237,6 +238,10 @@ class AVCMessage(AuditMessage):
                 self.exe = fields[1][1:-1]
             elif fields[0] == "name":
                 self.name = fields[1][1:-1]
+            elif fields[0] == "path":
+                self.path = fields[1][1:-1]
+            elif fields[0] == "ino":
+                self.ino = fields[1]
         if not found_src or not found_tgt or not found_class or not found_access:
             raise ValueError("AVC message in invalid format [%s]\n" % self.message)
@@ -361,7 +366,9 @@ class AuditParser:
         self.path_msgs = []
         self.by_header = { }
         self.check_input_file = False
+        self.inode_dict = { }
+        self.__store_base_types()
     # Low-level parsing function - tries to determine if this audit
     # message is an SELinux related message and then parses it into
     # the appropriate AuditMessage subclass. This function deliberately
@@ -376,7 +383,9 @@ class AuditParser:
     #   AuditMessage (or subclass) - object representing a parsed
     #      and valid audit message.
     def __parse_line(self, line):
-        rec = line.split()
+        # strip("\x1c\x1d\x1e\x85") is only needed for python2
+        # since str.split() in python3 already does this
+        rec = [x.strip("\x1c\x1d\x1e\x85") for x in line.split()]
         for i in rec:
             found = False
             if i == "avc:" or i == "message=avc:" or i == "msg='avc:":
@@ -499,6 +508,61 @@ class AuditParser:
         return role_types
+    def __restore_path(self, name, inode):
+        import subprocess
+        import os
+        path = ""
+        # Optimizing
+        if name == "" or inode == "":
+            return path
+        for d in self.inode_dict:
+            if d == inode and self.inode_dict[d] == name:
+                return path
+            if d == inode and self.inode_dict[d] != name:
+                return self.inode_dict[d]
+        if inode not in self.inode_dict.keys():
+            self.inode_dict[inode] = name
+        command = "locate -b '\%s'" % name
+        try:
+            output = subprocess.check_output(command,
+                                             stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
+                                             shell=True,
+                                             universal_newlines=True)
+            try:
+                ino = int(inode)
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+            for file in output.split("\n"):
+                try:
+                    if int(os.lstat(file).st_ino) == ino:
+                        self.inode_dict[inode] = path = file
+                        return path
+                except:
+                    pass
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+            pass
+        return path
+    def __store_base_types(self):
+        import sepolicy
+        self.base_types = sepolicy.get_types_from_attribute("base_file_type")
+    def __get_base_type(self, tcontext, scontext):
+        import sepolicy
+        # Prevent unnecessary searching
+        if (self.old_scontext == scontext and
+            self.old_tcontext == tcontext):
+            return
+        self.old_scontext = scontext
+        self.old_tcontext = tcontext
+        for btype in self.base_types:
+            if btype == tcontext:
+                for writable in sepolicy.get_writable_files(scontext):
+                    if writable.endswith(tcontext) and writable.startswith(scontext.rstrip("_t")):
+                        return writable
+                return 0
     def to_access(self, avc_filter=None, only_denials=True):
         """Convert the audit logs access into a an access vector set.
@@ -517,16 +581,23 @@ class AuditParser:
            audit logs parsed by this object.
         av_set = access.AccessVectorSet()
+        self.old_scontext = ""
+        self.old_tcontext = ""
         for avc in self.avc_msgs:
             if avc.denial != True and only_denials:
+            base_type = self.__get_base_type(avc.tcontext.type, avc.scontext.type)
+            if avc.path == "":
+                avc.path = self.__restore_path(avc.name, avc.ino)
             if avc_filter:
                 if avc_filter.filter(avc):
                     av_set.add(avc.scontext.type, avc.tcontext.type, avc.tclass,
-                               avc.accesses, avc, avc_type=avc.type, data=avc.data)
+                               avc.accesses, avc.path, base_type, avc,
+                               avc_type=avc.type, data=avc.data)
                 av_set.add(avc.scontext.type, avc.tcontext.type, avc.tclass,
-                           avc.accesses, avc, avc_type=avc.type, data=avc.data)
+                           avc.accesses, avc.path, base_type, avc,
+                           avc_type=avc.type, data=avc.data)
         return av_set
 class AVCTypeFilter:
diff --git sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/policygen.py sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/policygen.py
index 34c8401..f374132 100644
--- sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/policygen.py
+++ sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/policygen.py
@@ -82,8 +82,9 @@ class PolicyGenerator:
             self.module = refpolicy.Module()
         self.dontaudit = False
+        self.mislabled = None
         self.domains = None
     def set_gen_refpol(self, if_set=None, perm_maps=None):
         """Set whether reference policy interfaces are generated.
@@ -153,6 +154,18 @@ class PolicyGenerator:
         """Return the generated module"""
         return self.module
+    def __restore_label(self, av):
+        import selinux
+        try:
+            context = selinux.matchpathcon(av.obj_path, 0)
+            split = context[1].split(":")[2]
+            if split != av.tgt_type:
+                self.mislabled = split
+                return
+        except OSError:
+            pass
+        self.mislabled = None
     def __add_allow_rules(self, avs):
         for av in avs:
             rule = refpolicy.AVRule(av)
@@ -161,6 +174,34 @@ class PolicyGenerator:
             rule.comment = ""
             if self.explain:
                 rule.comment = str(refpolicy.Comment(explain_access(av, verbosity=self.explain)))
+            # base_type[0] == 0 means there exists a base type but not the path
+            # base_type[0] == None means user isn't using base type
+            # base_type[1] contains the target context
+            # base_type[2] contains the source type
+            base_type = av.base_file_type()
+            if base_type[0] == 0 and av.type != audit2why.ALLOW:
+                  rule.comment += "\n#!!!! WARNING: '%s' is a base type." % "".join(base_type[1])
+            for perm in av.perms:
+                if perm == "write" or perm == "create":
+                    permission = True
+                    break
+                else:
+                    permission = False
+            # Catch perms 'write' and 'create' for base types
+            if (base_type[0] is not None and base_type[0] != 0
+                and permission and av.type != audit2why.ALLOW):
+                if av.obj_class == dir:
+                    comp = "(/.*?)"
+                else:
+                    comp = ""
+                rule.comment += "\n#!!!! WARNING '%s' is not allowed to write or create to %s.  Change the label to %s." % ("".join(base_type[2]), "".join(base_type[1]), "".join(base_type[0]))
+                if av.obj_path != "":
+                    rule.comment += "\n#!!!! $ semanage fcontext -a -t %s %s%s   \n#!!!! $ restorecon -R -v %s" % ("".join(base_type[0]), "".join(av.obj_path), "".join(comp) ,"".join(av.obj_path))
+            self.__restore_label(av)
+            if self.mislabled is not None and av.type != audit2why.ALLOW:
+                rule.comment += "\n#!!!! The file '%s' is mislabeled on your system.  \n#!!!! Fix with $ restorecon -R -v %s" % ("".join(av.obj_path), "".join(av.obj_path))
             if av.type == audit2why.ALLOW:
                 rule.comment += "\n#!!!! This avc is allowed in the current policy"
             if av.type == audit2why.DONTAUDIT:
diff --git sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/refparser.py sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/refparser.py
index 9b1d0c8..2cef8e8 100644
--- sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/refparser.py
+++ sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/refparser.py
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ tokens = (
@@ -178,6 +179,7 @@ reserved = {
     'auditallow' : 'AUDITALLOW',
     'neverallow' : 'NEVERALLOW',
     'permissive' : 'PERMISSIVE',
+    'typebounds' : 'TYPEBOUNDS',
     'type_transition' : 'TYPE_TRANSITION',
     'type_change' : 'TYPE_CHANGE',
     'type_member' : 'TYPE_MEMBER',
@@ -502,6 +504,7 @@ def p_policy_stmt(p):
     '''policy_stmt : gen_require
                    | avrule_def
                    | typerule_def
+                   | typebound_def
                    | typeattribute_def
                    | roleattribute_def
                    | interface_call
@@ -823,6 +826,13 @@ def p_typerule_def(p):
     t.file_name = p[7]
     p[0] = t
+def p_typebound_def(p):
+    '''typebound_def : TYPEBOUNDS IDENTIFIER comma_list SEMI'''
+    t = refpolicy.TypeBound()
+    t.type = p[2]
+    t.tgt_types.update(p[3])
+    p[0] = t
 def p_bool(p):
diff --git sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/refpolicy.py sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/refpolicy.py
index 31b40d8..2ee029c 100644
--- sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/refpolicy.py
+++ sepolgen-1.2.3/src/sepolgen/refpolicy.py
@@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ class Node(PolicyBase):
     def typerules(self):
         return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, TypeRule), walktree(self))
+    def typebounds(self):
+        return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, TypeBound), walktree(self))
     def typeattributes(self):
         """Iterate over all of the TypeAttribute children of this Interface."""
         return filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, TypeAttribute), walktree(self))
@@ -522,6 +525,19 @@ class TypeRule(Leaf):
+class TypeBound(Leaf):
+    """SElinux typebound statement.
+    This class represents a typebound statement.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+        Leaf.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.type = ""
+        self.tgt_types = IdSet()
+    def to_string(self):
+        return "typebounds %s %s;" % (self.type, self.tgt_types.to_comma_str())
 class RoleAllow(Leaf):
     def __init__(self, parent=None):
diff --git sepolgen-1.2.3/tests/.gitignore sepolgen-1.2.3/tests/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c120af8
--- /dev/null
+++ sepolgen-1.2.3/tests/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git sepolgen-1.2.3/tests/Makefile sepolgen-1.2.3/tests/Makefile
index 924a9be..e17eef2 100644
--- sepolgen-1.2.3/tests/Makefile
+++ sepolgen-1.2.3/tests/Makefile
@@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ clean:
 	rm -f *~ *.pyc
 	rm -f parser.out parsetab.py
 	rm -f out.txt
+	rm -f module_compile_test.fc
+	rm -f module_compile_test.if
 	rm -f module_compile_test.pp
 	rm -f output
+	rm -rf __pycache__ tmp
 	$(PYTHON) run-tests.py
diff --git sepolgen-1.2.3/tests/module_compile_test.te sepolgen-1.2.3/tests/module_compile_test.te
index 446c8dc..b365448 100644
--- sepolgen-1.2.3/tests/module_compile_test.te
+++ sepolgen-1.2.3/tests/module_compile_test.te
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-module foo 1.0;
+module module_compile_test 1.0;
 require {
 	type foo, bar;
 	class file { read write };
-allow foo bar : file { read write };
\ No newline at end of file
+allow foo bar : file { read write };