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29 lines
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--- rpm-4.11.3/ 2019-01-02 13:14:10.222068485 +0100
+++ rpm-4.11.3/ 2019-01-02 13:36:46.212326391 +0100
@@ -52,6 +52,25 @@
--pipe "(echo 'ch() { chown -h -- \"$1\" \"$3\";chgrp -h -- \"$2\" \"$3\"; }';grep '^ch '|grep -v \(none\))|sh" \
--POPTdesc=$"set user/group ownership of files in a package"
+rpm alias --setcaps -q --qf \
+ "[if \[ -f %{FILENAMES:shescape} -a ! -L %{FILENAMES:shescape} \]; then\n\
+%|FILECAPS?{ if \[ -n %{FILECAPS:shescape} \]; then\n\
+ setcap %{FILECAPS:shescape} %{FILENAMES:shescape}\n\
+ el}:{ }|if \[ -n \"\$(getcap %{FILENAMES:shescape})\" \]; then\n\
+ setcap -r %{FILENAMES:shescape}\n\
+ fi\n\
+fi\n]" \
+ --pipe "sh" \
+ --POPTdesc=$"set capabilities of files in a package"
+rpm alias --restore -q --qf \
+ '[ rpm --setugids %{NAME:shescape}; \
+ rpm --setperms %{NAME:shescape}; \
+ rpm --setcaps %{NAME:shescape}; \n]' --pipe "sh" \
+ --POPTdesc=$"restore file/directory permissions"
rpm alias --conflicts --qf \
"[%|VERBOSE?{%{CONFLICTFLAGS:deptype}: }:{}|%{CONFLICTNEVRS}\n]" \
--POPTdesc=$"list capabilities this package conflicts with"