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die() { warn "$*"; exit 1; }
[ -d "$upgradedir" ] || die "'$upgradedir' doesn't exist"
echo "saving initramfs to $upgradedir"
mount -t tmpfs -o mode=755 tmpfs "$upgradedir" \
|| die "Can't mount tmpfs for $upgradedir"
cp -ax / "$upgradedir" || die "failed to save initramfs to $upgradedir"
# switch off initrd mode
rm -f "$upgradedir/etc/initrd-release"
# make sure we have os-release
ln -sf "system-upgrade-release" "$upgradedir/etc/os-release"
create_newroot_dir() {
local newdir="$1"
# Save the current mount options
# mountinfo consists of lines of the form:
# <mount-ID> <parent-ID> <major>:<minor> <root> <mount point> <options> <optional fields> ... - <fstype> <source> <super options>
# This loops assumes that $NEWROOT is a mount point and that we can
# ignore <root>, since nothing should be mounted in a chroot jail yet
local old_opts=""
local mount_id parent_id major_minor root mount_point options rest
while read -r mount_id parent_id major_minor root mount_point options \
rest ; do
if [ "$mount_point" = "$NEWROOT" ]; then
done < /proc/self/mountinfo
if [ -z "$old_opts" ]; then
if [ ! -d "$NEWROOT/$newdir" ]; then
# attempt to create the dir if it's not already present.
# NOTE: this is somewhat unreliable and should be avoided if possible,
# e.g. by making sure the required dirs exist before reboot
mount -o remount,rw "$NEWROOT"
mkdir -p "$NEWROOT/$newdir"
mount -o remount,"$old_opts" "$NEWROOT"
bind_into_newroot() {
local dir="$1"
echo "making /$dir available inside $NEWROOT"
create_newroot_dir "$dir"
mount --bind $upgradedir/$dir $NEWROOT/$dir \
|| warn "failed to bind /$dir into $NEWROOT"
# leave a note for upgrade-prep.service
> $NEWROOT/$dir/.please-unmount
# make our kernel modules available inside the system so we can load drivers
bind_into_newroot lib/modules/$(uname -r)
# plymouthd will crash if it tries to load a plymouth module from a previous
# version that was ABI-incompatible (e.g. F17 in F18 plymouthd).
[ -d /$plydir ] || plydir=lib64/plymouth
bind_into_newroot $plydir
# Create /run in $NEWROOT if not already available
create_newroot_dir run
# If $NEWROOT does not use systemd, mask out initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db since
# nothing will be repopulating the data
[ -x "$NEWROOT/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" ] || \
ln -sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service