#!/usr/bin/python3 import os, re, sys from io import open def list_whence(): with open('WHENCE', encoding='utf-8') as whence: for line in whence: match = re.match(r'(?:File|Source):\s*"(.*)"', line) if match: yield match.group(1) continue match = re.match(r'(?:File|Source):\s*(\S*)', line) if match: yield match.group(1) continue match = re.match(r'Licen[cs]e: (?:.*\bSee (.*) for details\.?|(\S*))\n', line) if match: if match.group(1): for name in re.split(r', | and ', match.group(1)): yield name continue if match.group(2): # Just one word - may or may not be a filename if not re.search(r'unknown|distributable', match.group(2), re.IGNORECASE): yield match.group(2) continue def list_whence_files(): with open('WHENCE', encoding='utf-8') as whence: for line in whence: match = re.match(r'File:\s*(.*)', line) if match: yield match.group(1).replace("\ ", " ") continue def list_git(): with os.popen('git ls-files') as git_files: for line in git_files: yield line.rstrip('\n') def main(): ret = 0 whence_list = list(list_whence()) whence_files = list(list_whence_files()) known_files = set(name for name in whence_list if not name.endswith('/')) | \ set(['check_whence.py', 'configure', 'Makefile', 'README', 'copy-firmware.sh', 'WHENCE']) known_prefixes = set(name for name in whence_list if name.endswith('/')) git_files = set(list_git()) for name in set(fw for fw in whence_files if whence_files.count(fw) > 1): sys.stderr.write('E: %s listed in WHENCE twice\n' % name) ret = 1 for name in sorted(list(known_files - git_files)): sys.stderr.write('E: %s listed in WHENCE does not exist\n' % name) ret = 1 for name in sorted(list(git_files - known_files)): # Ignore subdirectory changelogs and GPG detached signatures if (name.endswith('/ChangeLog') or (name.endswith('.asc') and name[:-4] in known_files)): continue # Ignore unknown files in known directories for prefix in known_prefixes: if name.startswith(prefix): break else: sys.stderr.write('E: %s not listed in WHENCE\n' % name) ret = 1 return ret if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())