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=head1 NAME |
Git - Perl interface to the Git version control system |
=cut |
package Git; |
use 5.008; |
use strict; |
# Totally unstable API. |
$VERSION = '0.01'; |
=head1 SYNOPSIS |
use Git; |
my $version = Git::command_oneline('version'); |
git_cmd_try { Git::command_noisy('update-server-info') } |
'%s failed w/ code %d'; |
my $repo = Git->repository (Directory => '/srv/git/cogito.git'); |
my @revs = $repo->command('rev-list', '--since=last monday', '--all'); |
my ($fh, $c) = $repo->command_output_pipe('rev-list', '--since=last monday', '--all'); |
my $lastrev = <$fh>; chomp $lastrev; |
$repo->command_close_pipe($fh, $c); |
my $lastrev = $repo->command_oneline( [ 'rev-list', '--all' ], |
STDERR => 0 ); |
my $sha1 = $repo->hash_and_insert_object('file.txt'); |
my $tempfile = tempfile(); |
my $size = $repo->cat_blob($sha1, $tempfile); |
=cut |
require Exporter; |
@ISA = qw(Exporter); |
@EXPORT = qw(git_cmd_try); |
# Methods which can be called as standalone functions as well: |
@EXPORT_OK = qw(command command_oneline command_noisy |
command_output_pipe command_input_pipe command_close_pipe |
command_bidi_pipe command_close_bidi_pipe |
version exec_path html_path hash_object git_cmd_try |
remote_refs prompt |
get_tz_offset |
credential credential_read credential_write |
temp_acquire temp_release temp_reset temp_path); |
This module provides Perl scripts easy way to interface the Git version control |
system. The modules have an easy and well-tested way to call arbitrary Git |
commands; in the future, the interface will also provide specialized methods |
for doing easily operations which are not totally trivial to do over |
the generic command interface. |
While some commands can be executed outside of any context (e.g. 'version' |
or 'init'), most operations require a repository context, which in practice |
means getting an instance of the Git object using the repository() constructor. |
(In the future, we will also get a new_repository() constructor.) All commands |
called as methods of the object are then executed in the context of the |
repository. |
Part of the "repository state" is also information about path to the attached |
working copy (unless you work with a bare repository). You can also navigate |
inside of the working copy using the C<wc_chdir()> method. (Note that |
the repository object is self-contained and will not change working directory |
of your process.) |
TODO: In the future, we might also do |
my $remoterepo = $repo->remote_repository (Name => 'cogito', Branch => 'master'); |
$remoterepo ||= Git->remote_repository (''); |
my @refs = $remoterepo->refs(); |
Currently, the module merely wraps calls to external Git tools. In the future, |
it will provide a much faster way to interact with Git by linking directly |
to libgit. This should be completely opaque to the user, though (performance |
increase notwithstanding). |
=cut |
use Carp qw(carp croak); # but croak is bad - throw instead |
use Error qw(:try); |
use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd); |
use IPC::Open2 qw(open2); |
use Fcntl qw(SEEK_SET SEEK_CUR); |
use Time::Local qw(timegm); |
} |
=over 4 |
=item repository ( OPTIONS ) |
=item repository ( DIRECTORY ) |
=item repository () |
Construct a new repository object. |
C<OPTIONS> are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs. |
Possible options are: |
B<Repository> - Path to the Git repository. |
B<WorkingCopy> - Path to the associated working copy; not strictly required |
as many commands will happily crunch on a bare repository. |
B<WorkingSubdir> - Subdirectory in the working copy to work inside. |
Just left undefined if you do not want to limit the scope of operations. |
B<Directory> - Path to the Git working directory in its usual setup. |
The C<.git> directory is searched in the directory and all the parent |
directories; if found, C<WorkingCopy> is set to the directory containing |
it and C<Repository> to the C<.git> directory itself. If no C<.git> |
directory was found, the C<Directory> is assumed to be a bare repository, |
C<Repository> is set to point at it and C<WorkingCopy> is left undefined. |
If the C<$GIT_DIR> environment variable is set, things behave as expected |
as well. |
You should not use both C<Directory> and either of C<Repository> and |
C<WorkingCopy> - the results of that are undefined. |
Alternatively, a directory path may be passed as a single scalar argument |
to the constructor; it is equivalent to setting only the C<Directory> option |
field. |
Calling the constructor with no options whatsoever is equivalent to |
calling it with C<< Directory => '.' >>. In general, if you are building |
a standard porcelain command, simply doing C<< Git->repository() >> should |
do the right thing and setup the object to reflect exactly where the user |
is right now. |
=cut |
sub repository { |
my $class = shift; |
my @args = @_; |
my %opts = (); |
my $self; |
if (defined $args[0]) { |
if ($#args % 2 != 1) { |
# Not a hash. |
$#args == 0 or throw Error::Simple("bad usage"); |
%opts = ( Directory => $args[0] ); |
} else { |
%opts = @args; |
} |
} |
if (not defined $opts{Repository} and not defined $opts{WorkingCopy} |
and not defined $opts{Directory}) { |
$opts{Directory} = '.'; |
} |
if (defined $opts{Directory}) { |
-d $opts{Directory} or throw Error::Simple("Directory not found: $opts{Directory} $!"); |
my $search = Git->repository(WorkingCopy => $opts{Directory}); |
my $dir; |
try { |
$dir = $search->command_oneline(['rev-parse', '--git-dir'], |
STDERR => 0); |
} catch Git::Error::Command with { |
$dir = undef; |
}; |
if ($dir) { |
$dir =~ m#^/# or $dir = $opts{Directory} . '/' . $dir; |
$opts{Repository} = abs_path($dir); |
# If --git-dir went ok, this shouldn't die either. |
my $prefix = $search->command_oneline('rev-parse', '--show-prefix'); |
$dir = abs_path($opts{Directory}) . '/'; |
if ($prefix) { |
if (substr($dir, -length($prefix)) ne $prefix) { |
throw Error::Simple("rev-parse confused me - $dir does not have trailing $prefix"); |
} |
substr($dir, -length($prefix)) = ''; |
} |
$opts{WorkingCopy} = $dir; |
$opts{WorkingSubdir} = $prefix; |
} else { |
# A bare repository? Let's see... |
$dir = $opts{Directory}; |
unless (-d "$dir/refs" and -d "$dir/objects" and -e "$dir/HEAD") { |
# Mimic git-rev-parse --git-dir error message: |
throw Error::Simple("fatal: Not a git repository: $dir"); |
} |
my $search = Git->repository(Repository => $dir); |
try { |
$search->command('symbolic-ref', 'HEAD'); |
} catch Git::Error::Command with { |
# Mimic git-rev-parse --git-dir error message: |
throw Error::Simple("fatal: Not a git repository: $dir"); |
} |
$opts{Repository} = abs_path($dir); |
} |
delete $opts{Directory}; |
} |
$self = { opts => \%opts }; |
bless $self, $class; |
} |
=back |
=head1 METHODS |
=over 4 |
=item command ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] ) |
=item command ( [ COMMAND, ARGUMENTS... ], { Opt => Val ... } ) |
Execute the given Git C<COMMAND> (specify it without the 'git-' |
prefix), optionally with the specified extra C<ARGUMENTS>. |
The second more elaborate form can be used if you want to further adjust |
the command execution. Currently, only one option is supported: |
B<STDERR> - How to deal with the command's error output. By default (C<undef>) |
it is delivered to the caller's C<STDERR>. A false value (0 or '') will cause |
it to be thrown away. If you want to process it, you can get it in a filehandle |
you specify, but you must be extremely careful; if the error output is not |
very short and you want to read it in the same process as where you called |
C<command()>, you are set up for a nice deadlock! |
The method can be called without any instance or on a specified Git repository |
(in that case the command will be run in the repository context). |
In scalar context, it returns all the command output in a single string |
(verbatim). |
In array context, it returns an array containing lines printed to the |
command's stdout (without trailing newlines). |
In both cases, the command's stdin and stderr are the same as the caller's. |
=cut |
sub command { |
my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@_); |
if (not defined wantarray) { |
# Nothing to pepper the possible exception with. |
_cmd_close($ctx, $fh); |
} elsif (not wantarray) { |
local $/; |
my $text = <$fh>; |
try { |
_cmd_close($ctx, $fh); |
} catch Git::Error::Command with { |
# Pepper with the output: |
my $E = shift; |
$E->{'-outputref'} = \$text; |
throw $E; |
}; |
return $text; |
} else { |
my @lines = <$fh>; |
defined and chomp for @lines; |
try { |
_cmd_close($ctx, $fh); |
} catch Git::Error::Command with { |
my $E = shift; |
$E->{'-outputref'} = \@lines; |
throw $E; |
}; |
return @lines; |
} |
} |
=item command_oneline ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] ) |
=item command_oneline ( [ COMMAND, ARGUMENTS... ], { Opt => Val ... } ) |
Execute the given C<COMMAND> in the same way as command() |
does but always return a scalar string containing the first line |
of the command's standard output. |
=cut |
sub command_oneline { |
my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@_); |
my $line = <$fh>; |
defined $line and chomp $line; |
try { |
_cmd_close($ctx, $fh); |
} catch Git::Error::Command with { |
# Pepper with the output: |
my $E = shift; |
$E->{'-outputref'} = \$line; |
throw $E; |
}; |
return $line; |
} |
=item command_output_pipe ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] ) |
=item command_output_pipe ( [ COMMAND, ARGUMENTS... ], { Opt => Val ... } ) |
Execute the given C<COMMAND> in the same way as command() |
does but return a pipe filehandle from which the command output can be |
read. |
The function can return C<($pipe, $ctx)> in array context. |
See C<command_close_pipe()> for details. |
=cut |
sub command_output_pipe { |
_command_common_pipe('-|', @_); |
} |
=item command_input_pipe ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] ) |
=item command_input_pipe ( [ COMMAND, ARGUMENTS... ], { Opt => Val ... } ) |
Execute the given C<COMMAND> in the same way as command_output_pipe() |
does but return an input pipe filehandle instead; the command output |
is not captured. |
The function can return C<($pipe, $ctx)> in array context. |
See C<command_close_pipe()> for details. |
=cut |
sub command_input_pipe { |
_command_common_pipe('|-', @_); |
} |
=item command_close_pipe ( PIPE [, CTX ] ) |
Close the C<PIPE> as returned from C<command_*_pipe()>, checking |
whether the command finished successfully. The optional C<CTX> argument |
is required if you want to see the command name in the error message, |
and it is the second value returned by C<command_*_pipe()> when |
called in array context. The call idiom is: |
my ($fh, $ctx) = $r->command_output_pipe('status'); |
while (<$fh>) { ... } |
$r->command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx); |
Note that you should not rely on whatever actually is in C<CTX>; |
currently it is simply the command name but in future the context might |
have more complicated structure. |
=cut |
sub command_close_pipe { |
my ($self, $fh, $ctx) = _maybe_self(@_); |
$ctx ||= '<unknown>'; |
_cmd_close($ctx, $fh); |
} |
=item command_bidi_pipe ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] ) |
Execute the given C<COMMAND> in the same way as command_output_pipe() |
does but return both an input pipe filehandle and an output pipe filehandle. |
The function will return return C<($pid, $pipe_in, $pipe_out, $ctx)>. |
See C<command_close_bidi_pipe()> for details. |
=cut |
sub command_bidi_pipe { |
my ($pid, $in, $out); |
my ($self) = _maybe_self(@_); |
local %ENV = %ENV; |
my $cwd_save = undef; |
if ($self) { |
shift; |
$cwd_save = cwd(); |
_setup_git_cmd_env($self); |
} |
$pid = open2($in, $out, 'git', @_); |
chdir($cwd_save) if $cwd_save; |
return ($pid, $in, $out, join(' ', @_)); |
} |
=item command_close_bidi_pipe ( PID, PIPE_IN, PIPE_OUT [, CTX] ) |
Close the C<PIPE_IN> and C<PIPE_OUT> as returned from C<command_bidi_pipe()>, |
checking whether the command finished successfully. The optional C<CTX> |
argument is required if you want to see the command name in the error message, |
and it is the fourth value returned by C<command_bidi_pipe()>. The call idiom |
is: |
my ($pid, $in, $out, $ctx) = $r->command_bidi_pipe('cat-file --batch-check'); |
print $out "000000000\n"; |
while (<$in>) { ... } |
$r->command_close_bidi_pipe($pid, $in, $out, $ctx); |
Note that you should not rely on whatever actually is in C<CTX>; |
currently it is simply the command name but in future the context might |
have more complicated structure. |
C<PIPE_IN> and C<PIPE_OUT> may be C<undef> if they have been closed prior to |
calling this function. This may be useful in a query-response type of |
commands where caller first writes a query and later reads response, eg: |
my ($pid, $in, $out, $ctx) = $r->command_bidi_pipe('cat-file --batch-check'); |
print $out "000000000\n"; |
close $out; |
while (<$in>) { ... } |
$r->command_close_bidi_pipe($pid, $in, undef, $ctx); |
This idiom may prevent potential dead locks caused by data sent to the output |
pipe not being flushed and thus not reaching the executed command. |
=cut |
sub command_close_bidi_pipe { |
local $?; |
my ($self, $pid, $in, $out, $ctx) = _maybe_self(@_); |
_cmd_close($ctx, (grep { defined } ($in, $out))); |
waitpid $pid, 0; |
if ($? >> 8) { |
throw Git::Error::Command($ctx, $? >>8); |
} |
} |
=item command_noisy ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] ) |
Execute the given C<COMMAND> in the same way as command() does but do not |
capture the command output - the standard output is not redirected and goes |
to the standard output of the caller application. |
While the method is called command_noisy(), you might want to as well use |
it for the most silent Git commands which you know will never pollute your |
stdout but you want to avoid the overhead of the pipe setup when calling them. |
The function returns only after the command has finished running. |
=cut |
sub command_noisy { |
my ($self, $cmd, @args) = _maybe_self(@_); |
_check_valid_cmd($cmd); |
my $pid = fork; |
if (not defined $pid) { |
throw Error::Simple("fork failed: $!"); |
} elsif ($pid == 0) { |
_cmd_exec($self, $cmd, @args); |
} |
if (waitpid($pid, 0) > 0 and $?>>8 != 0) { |
throw Git::Error::Command(join(' ', $cmd, @args), $? >> 8); |
} |
} |
=item version () |
Return the Git version in use. |
=cut |
sub version { |
my $verstr = command_oneline('--version'); |
$verstr =~ s/^git version //; |
$verstr; |
} |
=item exec_path () |
Return path to the Git sub-command executables (the same as |
C<git --exec-path>). Useful mostly only internally. |
=cut |
sub exec_path { command_oneline('--exec-path') } |
=item html_path () |
Return path to the Git html documentation (the same as |
C<git --html-path>). Useful mostly only internally. |
=cut |
sub html_path { command_oneline('--html-path') } |
=item get_tz_offset ( TIME ) |
Return the time zone offset from GMT in the form +/-HHMM where HH is |
the number of hours from GMT and MM is the number of minutes. This is |
the equivalent of what strftime("%z", ...) would provide on a GNU |
platform. |
If TIME is not supplied, the current local time is used. |
=cut |
sub get_tz_offset { |
# some systmes don't handle or mishandle %z, so be creative. |
my $t = shift || time; |
my $gm = timegm(localtime($t)); |
my $sign = qw( + + - )[ $gm <=> $t ]; |
return sprintf("%s%02d%02d", $sign, (gmtime(abs($t - $gm)))[2,1]); |
} |
=item prompt ( PROMPT , ISPASSWORD ) |
Query user C<PROMPT> and return answer from user. |
Honours GIT_ASKPASS and SSH_ASKPASS environment variables for querying |
the user. If no *_ASKPASS variable is set or an error occoured, |
the terminal is tried as a fallback. |
If C<ISPASSWORD> is set and true, the terminal disables echo. |
=cut |
sub prompt { |
my ($prompt, $isPassword) = @_; |
my $ret; |
if (exists $ENV{'GIT_ASKPASS'}) { |
$ret = _prompt($ENV{'GIT_ASKPASS'}, $prompt); |
} |
if (!defined $ret && exists $ENV{'SSH_ASKPASS'}) { |
$ret = _prompt($ENV{'SSH_ASKPASS'}, $prompt); |
} |
if (!defined $ret) { |
print STDERR $prompt; |
STDERR->flush; |
if (defined $isPassword && $isPassword) { |
require Term::ReadKey; |
Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('noecho'); |
$ret = ''; |
while (defined(my $key = Term::ReadKey::ReadKey(0))) { |
last if $key =~ /[\012\015]/; # \n\r |
$ret .= $key; |
} |
Term::ReadKey::ReadMode('restore'); |
print STDERR "\n"; |
STDERR->flush; |
} else { |
chomp($ret = <STDIN>); |
} |
} |
return $ret; |
} |
sub _prompt { |
my ($askpass, $prompt) = @_; |
return unless length $askpass; |
$prompt =~ s/\n/ /g; |
my $ret; |
open my $fh, "-|", $askpass, $prompt or return; |
$ret = <$fh>; |
$ret =~ s/[\015\012]//g; # strip \r\n, chomp does not work on all systems (i.e. windows) as expected |
close ($fh); |
return $ret; |
} |
=item repo_path () |
Return path to the git repository. Must be called on a repository instance. |
=cut |
sub repo_path { $_[0]->{opts}->{Repository} } |
=item wc_path () |
Return path to the working copy. Must be called on a repository instance. |
=cut |
sub wc_path { $_[0]->{opts}->{WorkingCopy} } |
=item wc_subdir () |
Return path to the subdirectory inside of a working copy. Must be called |
on a repository instance. |
=cut |
sub wc_subdir { $_[0]->{opts}->{WorkingSubdir} ||= '' } |
=item wc_chdir ( SUBDIR ) |
Change the working copy subdirectory to work within. The C<SUBDIR> is |
relative to the working copy root directory (not the current subdirectory). |
Must be called on a repository instance attached to a working copy |
and the directory must exist. |
=cut |
sub wc_chdir { |
my ($self, $subdir) = @_; |
$self->wc_path() |
or throw Error::Simple("bare repository"); |
-d $self->wc_path().'/'.$subdir |
or throw Error::Simple("subdir not found: $subdir $!"); |
# Of course we will not "hold" the subdirectory so anyone |
# can delete it now and we will never know. But at least we tried. |
$self->{opts}->{WorkingSubdir} = $subdir; |
} |
=item config ( VARIABLE ) |
Retrieve the configuration C<VARIABLE> in the same manner as C<config> |
does. In scalar context requires the variable to be set only one time |
(exception is thrown otherwise), in array context returns allows the |
variable to be set multiple times and returns all the values. |
=cut |
sub config { |
return _config_common({}, @_); |
} |
=item config_bool ( VARIABLE ) |
Retrieve the bool configuration C<VARIABLE>. The return value |
is usable as a boolean in perl (and C<undef> if it's not defined, |
of course). |
=cut |
sub config_bool { |
my $val = scalar _config_common({'kind' => '--bool'}, @_); |
# Do not rewrite this as return (defined $val && $val eq 'true') |
# as some callers do care what kind of falsehood they receive. |
if (!defined $val) { |
return undef; |
} else { |
return $val eq 'true'; |
} |
} |
=item config_path ( VARIABLE ) |
Retrieve the path configuration C<VARIABLE>. The return value |
is an expanded path or C<undef> if it's not defined. |
=cut |
sub config_path { |
return _config_common({'kind' => '--path'}, @_); |
} |
=item config_int ( VARIABLE ) |
Retrieve the integer configuration C<VARIABLE>. The return value |
is simple decimal number. An optional value suffix of 'k', 'm', |
or 'g' in the config file will cause the value to be multiplied |
by 1024, 1048576 (1024^2), or 1073741824 (1024^3) prior to output. |
It would return C<undef> if configuration variable is not defined, |
=cut |
sub config_int { |
return scalar _config_common({'kind' => '--int'}, @_); |
} |
# Common subroutine to implement bulk of what the config* family of methods |
# do. This curently wraps command('config') so it is not so fast. |
sub _config_common { |
my ($opts) = shift @_; |
my ($self, $var) = _maybe_self(@_); |
try { |
my @cmd = ('config', $opts->{'kind'} ? $opts->{'kind'} : ()); |
unshift @cmd, $self if $self; |
if (wantarray) { |
return command(@cmd, '--get-all', $var); |
} else { |
return command_oneline(@cmd, '--get', $var); |
} |
} catch Git::Error::Command with { |
my $E = shift; |
if ($E->value() == 1) { |
# Key not found. |
return; |
} else { |
throw $E; |
} |
}; |
} |
=item get_colorbool ( NAME ) |
Finds if color should be used for NAMEd operation from the configuration, |
and returns boolean (true for "use color", false for "do not use color"). |
=cut |
sub get_colorbool { |
my ($self, $var) = @_; |
my $stdout_to_tty = (-t STDOUT) ? "true" : "false"; |
my $use_color = $self->command_oneline('config', '--get-colorbool', |
$var, $stdout_to_tty); |
return ($use_color eq 'true'); |
} |
=item get_color ( SLOT, COLOR ) |
Finds color for SLOT from the configuration, while defaulting to COLOR, |
and returns the ANSI color escape sequence: |
print $repo->get_color("color.interactive.prompt", "underline blue white"); |
print "some text"; |
print $repo->get_color("", "normal"); |
=cut |
sub get_color { |
my ($self, $slot, $default) = @_; |
my $color = $self->command_oneline('config', '--get-color', $slot, $default); |
if (!defined $color) { |
$color = ""; |
} |
return $color; |
} |
=item remote_refs ( REPOSITORY [, GROUPS [, REFGLOBS ] ] ) |
This function returns a hashref of refs stored in a given remote repository. |
The hash is in the format C<refname =\> hash>. For tags, the C<refname> entry |
contains the tag object while a C<refname^{}> entry gives the tagged objects. |
C<REPOSITORY> has the same meaning as the appropriate C<git-ls-remote> |
argument; either a URL or a remote name (if called on a repository instance). |
C<GROUPS> is an optional arrayref that can contain 'tags' to return all the |
tags and/or 'heads' to return all the heads. C<REFGLOB> is an optional array |
of strings containing a shell-like glob to further limit the refs returned in |
the hash; the meaning is again the same as the appropriate C<git-ls-remote> |
argument. |
This function may or may not be called on a repository instance. In the former |
case, remote names as defined in the repository are recognized as repository |
specifiers. |
=cut |
sub remote_refs { |
my ($self, $repo, $groups, $refglobs) = _maybe_self(@_); |
my @args; |
if (ref $groups eq 'ARRAY') { |
foreach (@$groups) { |
if ($_ eq 'heads') { |
push (@args, '--heads'); |
} elsif ($_ eq 'tags') { |
push (@args, '--tags'); |
} else { |
# Ignore unknown groups for future |
# compatibility |
} |
} |
} |
push (@args, $repo); |
if (ref $refglobs eq 'ARRAY') { |
push (@args, @$refglobs); |
} |
my @self = $self ? ($self) : (); # Ultra trickery |
my ($fh, $ctx) = Git::command_output_pipe(@self, 'ls-remote', @args); |
my %refs; |
while (<$fh>) { |
chomp; |
my ($hash, $ref) = split(/\t/, $_, 2); |
$refs{$ref} = $hash; |
} |
Git::command_close_pipe(@self, $fh, $ctx); |
return \%refs; |
} |
=item ident ( TYPE | IDENTSTR ) |
=item ident_person ( TYPE | IDENTSTR | IDENTARRAY ) |
This suite of functions retrieves and parses ident information, as stored |
in the commit and tag objects or produced by C<var GIT_type_IDENT> (thus |
C<TYPE> can be either I<author> or I<committer>; case is insignificant). |
The C<ident> method retrieves the ident information from C<git var> |
and either returns it as a scalar string or as an array with the fields parsed. |
Alternatively, it can take a prepared ident string (e.g. from the commit |
object) and just parse it. |
C<ident_person> returns the person part of the ident - name and email; |
it can take the same arguments as C<ident> or the array returned by C<ident>. |
The synopsis is like: |
my ($name, $email, $time_tz) = ident('author'); |
"$name <$email>" eq ident_person('author'); |
"$name <$email>" eq ident_person($name); |
$time_tz =~ /^\d+ [+-]\d{4}$/; |
=cut |
sub ident { |
my ($self, $type) = _maybe_self(@_); |
my $identstr; |
if (lc $type eq lc 'committer' or lc $type eq lc 'author') { |
my @cmd = ('var', 'GIT_'.uc($type).'_IDENT'); |
unshift @cmd, $self if $self; |
$identstr = command_oneline(@cmd); |
} else { |
$identstr = $type; |
} |
if (wantarray) { |
return $identstr =~ /^(.*) <(.*)> (\d+ [+-]\d{4})$/; |
} else { |
return $identstr; |
} |
} |
sub ident_person { |
my ($self, @ident) = _maybe_self(@_); |
$#ident == 0 and @ident = $self ? $self->ident($ident[0]) : ident($ident[0]); |
return "$ident[0] <$ident[1]>"; |
} |
=item hash_object ( TYPE, FILENAME ) |
Compute the SHA1 object id of the given C<FILENAME> considering it is |
of the C<TYPE> object type (C<blob>, C<commit>, C<tree>). |
The method can be called without any instance or on a specified Git repository, |
it makes zero difference. |
The function returns the SHA1 hash. |
=cut |
# TODO: Support for passing FILEHANDLE instead of FILENAME |
sub hash_object { |
my ($self, $type, $file) = _maybe_self(@_); |
command_oneline('hash-object', '-t', $type, $file); |
} |
=item hash_and_insert_object ( FILENAME ) |
Compute the SHA1 object id of the given C<FILENAME> and add the object to the |
object database. |
The function returns the SHA1 hash. |
=cut |
# TODO: Support for passing FILEHANDLE instead of FILENAME |
sub hash_and_insert_object { |
my ($self, $filename) = @_; |
carp "Bad filename \"$filename\"" if $filename =~ /[\r\n]/; |
$self->_open_hash_and_insert_object_if_needed(); |
my ($in, $out) = ($self->{hash_object_in}, $self->{hash_object_out}); |
unless (print $out $filename, "\n") { |
$self->_close_hash_and_insert_object(); |
throw Error::Simple("out pipe went bad"); |
} |
chomp(my $hash = <$in>); |
unless (defined($hash)) { |
$self->_close_hash_and_insert_object(); |
throw Error::Simple("in pipe went bad"); |
} |
return $hash; |
} |
sub _open_hash_and_insert_object_if_needed { |
my ($self) = @_; |
return if defined($self->{hash_object_pid}); |
($self->{hash_object_pid}, $self->{hash_object_in}, |
$self->{hash_object_out}, $self->{hash_object_ctx}) = |
$self->command_bidi_pipe(qw(hash-object -w --stdin-paths --no-filters)); |
} |
sub _close_hash_and_insert_object { |
my ($self) = @_; |
return unless defined($self->{hash_object_pid}); |
my @vars = map { 'hash_object_' . $_ } qw(pid in out ctx); |
command_close_bidi_pipe(@$self{@vars}); |
delete @$self{@vars}; |
} |
=item cat_blob ( SHA1, FILEHANDLE ) |
Prints the contents of the blob identified by C<SHA1> to C<FILEHANDLE> and |
returns the number of bytes printed. |
=cut |
sub cat_blob { |
my ($self, $sha1, $fh) = @_; |
$self->_open_cat_blob_if_needed(); |
my ($in, $out) = ($self->{cat_blob_in}, $self->{cat_blob_out}); |
unless (print $out $sha1, "\n") { |
$self->_close_cat_blob(); |
throw Error::Simple("out pipe went bad"); |
} |
my $description = <$in>; |
if ($description =~ / missing$/) { |
carp "$sha1 doesn't exist in the repository"; |
return -1; |
} |
if ($description !~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{40} \S+ (\d+)$/) { |
carp "Unexpected result returned from git cat-file"; |
return -1; |
} |
my $size = $1; |
my $blob; |
my $bytesLeft = $size; |
while (1) { |
last unless $bytesLeft; |
my $bytesToRead = $bytesLeft < 1024 ? $bytesLeft : 1024; |
my $read = read($in, $blob, $bytesToRead); |
unless (defined($read)) { |
$self->_close_cat_blob(); |
throw Error::Simple("in pipe went bad"); |
} |
unless (print $fh $blob) { |
$self->_close_cat_blob(); |
throw Error::Simple("couldn't write to passed in filehandle"); |
} |
$bytesLeft -= $read; |
} |
# Skip past the trailing newline. |
my $newline; |
my $read = read($in, $newline, 1); |
unless (defined($read)) { |
$self->_close_cat_blob(); |
throw Error::Simple("in pipe went bad"); |
} |
unless ($read == 1 && $newline eq "\n") { |
$self->_close_cat_blob(); |
throw Error::Simple("didn't find newline after blob"); |
} |
return $size; |
} |
sub _open_cat_blob_if_needed { |
my ($self) = @_; |
return if defined($self->{cat_blob_pid}); |
($self->{cat_blob_pid}, $self->{cat_blob_in}, |
$self->{cat_blob_out}, $self->{cat_blob_ctx}) = |
$self->command_bidi_pipe(qw(cat-file --batch)); |
} |
sub _close_cat_blob { |
my ($self) = @_; |
return unless defined($self->{cat_blob_pid}); |
my @vars = map { 'cat_blob_' . $_ } qw(pid in out ctx); |
command_close_bidi_pipe(@$self{@vars}); |
delete @$self{@vars}; |
} |
=item credential_read( FILEHANDLE ) |
Reads credential key-value pairs from C<FILEHANDLE>. Reading stops at EOF or |
when an empty line is encountered. Each line must be of the form C<key=value> |
with a non-empty key. Function returns hash with all read values. Any white |
space (other than new-line character) is preserved. |
=cut |
sub credential_read { |
my ($self, $reader) = _maybe_self(@_); |
my %credential; |
while (<$reader>) { |
chomp; |
if ($_ eq '') { |
last; |
} elsif (!/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/) { |
throw Error::Simple("unable to parse git credential data:\n$_"); |
} |
$credential{$1} = $2; |
} |
return %credential; |
} |
=item credential_write( FILEHANDLE, CREDENTIAL_HASHREF ) |
Writes credential key-value pairs from hash referenced by |
C<CREDENTIAL_HASHREF> to C<FILEHANDLE>. Keys and values cannot contain |
new-lines or NUL bytes characters, and key cannot contain equal signs nor be |
empty (if they do Error::Simple is thrown). Any white space is preserved. If |
value for a key is C<undef>, it will be skipped. |
If C<'url'> key exists it will be written first. (All the other key-value |
pairs are written in sorted order but you should not depend on that). Once |
all lines are written, an empty line is printed. |
=cut |
sub credential_write { |
my ($self, $writer, $credential) = _maybe_self(@_); |
my ($key, $value); |
# Check if $credential is valid prior to writing anything |
while (($key, $value) = each %$credential) { |
if (!defined $key || !length $key) { |
throw Error::Simple("credential key empty or undefined"); |
} elsif ($key =~ /[=\n\0]/) { |
throw Error::Simple("credential key contains invalid characters: $key"); |
} elsif (defined $value && $value =~ /[\n\0]/) { |
throw Error::Simple("credential value for key=$key contains invalid characters: $value"); |
} |
} |
for $key (sort { |
# url overwrites other fields, so it must come first |
return -1 if $a eq 'url'; |
return 1 if $b eq 'url'; |
return $a cmp $b; |
} keys %$credential) { |
if (defined $credential->{$key}) { |
print $writer $key, '=', $credential->{$key}, "\n"; |
} |
} |
print $writer "\n"; |
} |
sub _credential_run { |
my ($self, $credential, $op) = _maybe_self(@_); |
my ($pid, $reader, $writer, $ctx) = command_bidi_pipe('credential', $op); |
credential_write $writer, $credential; |
close $writer; |
if ($op eq "fill") { |
%$credential = credential_read $reader; |
} |
if (<$reader>) { |
throw Error::Simple("unexpected output from git credential $op response:\n$_\n"); |
} |
command_close_bidi_pipe($pid, $reader, undef, $ctx); |
} |
=item credential( CREDENTIAL_HASHREF [, OPERATION ] ) |
=item credential( CREDENTIAL_HASHREF, CODE ) |
Executes C<git credential> for a given set of credentials and specified |
operation. In both forms C<CREDENTIAL_HASHREF> needs to be a reference to |
a hash which stores credentials. Under certain conditions the hash can |
change. |
In the first form, C<OPERATION> can be C<'fill'>, C<'approve'> or C<'reject'>, |
and function will execute corresponding C<git credential> sub-command. If |
it's omitted C<'fill'> is assumed. In case of C<'fill'> the values stored in |
C<CREDENTIAL_HASHREF> will be changed to the ones returned by the C<git |
credential fill> command. The usual usage would look something like: |
my %cred = ( |
'protocol' => 'https', |
'host' => '', |
'username' => 'bob' |
); |
Git::credential \%cred; |
if (try_to_authenticate($cred{'username'}, $cred{'password'})) { |
Git::credential \%cred, 'approve'; |
... do more stuff ... |
} else { |
Git::credential \%cred, 'reject'; |
} |
In the second form, C<CODE> needs to be a reference to a subroutine. The |
function will execute C<git credential fill> to fill the provided credential |
hash, then call C<CODE> with C<CREDENTIAL_HASHREF> as the sole argument. If |
C<CODE>'s return value is defined, the function will execute C<git credential |
approve> (if return value yields true) or C<git credential reject> (if return |
value is false). If the return value is undef, nothing at all is executed; |
this is useful, for example, if the credential could neither be verified nor |
rejected due to an unrelated network error. The return value is the same as |
what C<CODE> returns. With this form, the usage might look as follows: |
if (Git::credential { |
'protocol' => 'https', |
'host' => '', |
'username' => 'bob' |
}, sub { |
my $cred = shift; |
return !!try_to_authenticate($cred->{'username'}, |
$cred->{'password'}); |
}) { |
... do more stuff ... |
} |
=cut |
sub credential { |
my ($self, $credential, $op_or_code) = (_maybe_self(@_), 'fill'); |
if ('CODE' eq ref $op_or_code) { |
_credential_run $credential, 'fill'; |
my $ret = $op_or_code->($credential); |
if (defined $ret) { |
_credential_run $credential, $ret ? 'approve' : 'reject'; |
} |
return $ret; |
} else { |
_credential_run $credential, $op_or_code; |
} |
} |
{ # %TEMP_* Lexical Context |
=item temp_acquire ( NAME ) |
Attempts to retreive the temporary file mapped to the string C<NAME>. If an |
associated temp file has not been created this session or was closed, it is |
created, cached, and set for autoflush and binmode. |
Internally locks the file mapped to C<NAME>. This lock must be released with |
C<temp_release()> when the temp file is no longer needed. Subsequent attempts |
to retrieve temporary files mapped to the same C<NAME> while still locked will |
cause an error. This locking mechanism provides a weak guarantee and is not |
threadsafe. It does provide some error checking to help prevent temp file refs |
writing over one another. |
In general, the L<File::Handle> returned should not be closed by consumers as |
it defeats the purpose of this caching mechanism. If you need to close the temp |
file handle, then you should use L<File::Temp> or another temp file faculty |
directly. If a handle is closed and then requested again, then a warning will |
issue. |
=cut |
sub temp_acquire { |
my $temp_fd = _temp_cache(@_); |
$TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}{locked} = 1; |
$temp_fd; |
} |
=item temp_release ( NAME ) |
=item temp_release ( FILEHANDLE ) |
Releases a lock acquired through C<temp_acquire()>. Can be called either with |
the C<NAME> mapping used when acquiring the temp file or with the C<FILEHANDLE> |
referencing a locked temp file. |
Warns if an attempt is made to release a file that is not locked. |
The temp file will be truncated before being released. This can help to reduce |
disk I/O where the system is smart enough to detect the truncation while data |
is in the output buffers. Beware that after the temp file is released and |
truncated, any operations on that file may fail miserably until it is |
re-acquired. All contents are lost between each release and acquire mapped to |
the same string. |
=cut |
sub temp_release { |
my ($self, $temp_fd, $trunc) = _maybe_self(@_); |
if (exists $TEMP_FILEMAP{$temp_fd}) { |
$temp_fd = $TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}; |
} |
unless ($TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}{locked}) { |
carp "Attempt to release temp file '", |
$temp_fd, "' that has not been locked"; |
} |
temp_reset($temp_fd) if $trunc and $temp_fd->opened; |
$TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}{locked} = 0; |
undef; |
} |
sub _temp_cache { |
my ($self, $name) = _maybe_self(@_); |
_verify_require(); |
my $temp_fd = \$TEMP_FILEMAP{$name}; |
if (defined $$temp_fd and $$temp_fd->opened) { |
if ($TEMP_FILES{$$temp_fd}{locked}) { |
throw Error::Simple("Temp file with moniker '" . |
$name . "' already in use"); |
} |
} else { |
if (defined $$temp_fd) { |
# then we're here because of a closed handle. |
carp "Temp file '", $name, |
"' was closed. Opening replacement."; |
} |
my $fname; |
my $tmpdir; |
if (defined $self) { |
$tmpdir = $self->repo_path(); |
} |
($$temp_fd, $fname) = File::Temp->tempfile( |
'Git_XXXXXX', UNLINK => 1, DIR => $tmpdir, |
) or throw Error::Simple("couldn't open new temp file"); |
$$temp_fd->autoflush; |
binmode $$temp_fd; |
$TEMP_FILES{$$temp_fd}{fname} = $fname; |
} |
$$temp_fd; |
} |
sub _verify_require { |
eval { require File::Temp; require File::Spec; }; |
$@ and throw Error::Simple($@); |
} |
=item temp_reset ( FILEHANDLE ) |
Truncates and resets the position of the C<FILEHANDLE>. |
=cut |
sub temp_reset { |
my ($self, $temp_fd) = _maybe_self(@_); |
truncate $temp_fd, 0 |
or throw Error::Simple("couldn't truncate file"); |
sysseek($temp_fd, 0, SEEK_SET) and seek($temp_fd, 0, SEEK_SET) |
or throw Error::Simple("couldn't seek to beginning of file"); |
sysseek($temp_fd, 0, SEEK_CUR) == 0 and tell($temp_fd) == 0 |
or throw Error::Simple("expected file position to be reset"); |
} |
=item temp_path ( NAME ) |
=item temp_path ( FILEHANDLE ) |
Returns the filename associated with the given tempfile. |
=cut |
sub temp_path { |
my ($self, $temp_fd) = _maybe_self(@_); |
if (exists $TEMP_FILEMAP{$temp_fd}) { |
$temp_fd = $TEMP_FILEMAP{$temp_fd}; |
} |
$TEMP_FILES{$temp_fd}{fname}; |
} |
sub END { |
unlink values %TEMP_FILEMAP if %TEMP_FILEMAP; |
} |
} # %TEMP_* Lexical Context |
=back |
All functions are supposed to throw Perl exceptions in case of errors. |
See the L<Error> module on how to catch those. Most exceptions are mere |
L<Error::Simple> instances. |
However, the C<command()>, C<command_oneline()> and C<command_noisy()> |
functions suite can throw C<Git::Error::Command> exceptions as well: those are |
thrown when the external command returns an error code and contain the error |
code as well as access to the captured command's output. The exception class |
provides the usual C<stringify> and C<value> (command's exit code) methods and |
in addition also a C<cmd_output> method that returns either an array or a |
string with the captured command output (depending on the original function |
call context; C<command_noisy()> returns C<undef>) and $<cmdline> which |
returns the command and its arguments (but without proper quoting). |
Note that the C<command_*_pipe()> functions cannot throw this exception since |
it has no idea whether the command failed or not. You will only find out |
at the time you C<close> the pipe; if you want to have that automated, |
use C<command_close_pipe()>, which can throw the exception. |
=cut |
{ |
package Git::Error::Command; |
@Git::Error::Command::ISA = qw(Error); |
sub new { |
my $self = shift; |
my $cmdline = '' . shift; |
my $value = 0 + shift; |
my $outputref = shift; |
my(@args) = (); |
local $Error::Depth = $Error::Depth + 1; |
push(@args, '-cmdline', $cmdline); |
push(@args, '-value', $value); |
push(@args, '-outputref', $outputref); |
$self->SUPER::new(-text => 'command returned error', @args); |
} |
sub stringify { |
my $self = shift; |
my $text = $self->SUPER::stringify; |
$self->cmdline() . ': ' . $text . ': ' . $self->value() . "\n"; |
} |
sub cmdline { |
my $self = shift; |
$self->{'-cmdline'}; |
} |
sub cmd_output { |
my $self = shift; |
my $ref = $self->{'-outputref'}; |
defined $ref or undef; |
if (ref $ref eq 'ARRAY') { |
return @$ref; |
} else { # SCALAR |
return $$ref; |
} |
} |
} |
=over 4 |
=item git_cmd_try { CODE } ERRMSG |
This magical statement will automatically catch any C<Git::Error::Command> |
exceptions thrown by C<CODE> and make your program die with C<ERRMSG> |
on its lips; the message will have %s substituted for the command line |
and %d for the exit status. This statement is useful mostly for producing |
more user-friendly error messages. |
In case of no exception caught the statement returns C<CODE>'s return value. |
Note that this is the only auto-exported function. |
=cut |
sub git_cmd_try(&$) { |
my ($code, $errmsg) = @_; |
my @result; |
my $err; |
my $array = wantarray; |
try { |
if ($array) { |
@result = &$code; |
} else { |
$result[0] = &$code; |
} |
} catch Git::Error::Command with { |
my $E = shift; |
$err = $errmsg; |
$err =~ s/\%s/$E->cmdline()/ge; |
$err =~ s/\%d/$E->value()/ge; |
# We can't croak here since would mangle |
# that to Error::Simple. |
}; |
$err and croak $err; |
return $array ? @result : $result[0]; |
} |
=back |
=head1 COPYRIGHT |
Copyright 2006 by Petr Baudis E<lt>pasky@suse.czE<gt>. |
This module is free software; it may be used, copied, modified |
and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence, |
either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. |
=cut |
# Take raw method argument list and return ($obj, @args) in case |
# the method was called upon an instance and (undef, @args) if |
# it was called directly. |
sub _maybe_self { |
UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Git') ? @_ : (undef, @_); |
} |
# Check if the command id is something reasonable. |
sub _check_valid_cmd { |
my ($cmd) = @_; |
$cmd =~ /^[a-z0-9A-Z_-]+$/ or throw Error::Simple("bad command: $cmd"); |
} |
# Common backend for the pipe creators. |
sub _command_common_pipe { |
my $direction = shift; |
my ($self, @p) = _maybe_self(@_); |
my (%opts, $cmd, @args); |
if (ref $p[0]) { |
($cmd, @args) = @{shift @p}; |
%opts = ref $p[0] ? %{$p[0]} : @p; |
} else { |
($cmd, @args) = @p; |
} |
_check_valid_cmd($cmd); |
my $fh; |
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { |
# ActiveState Perl |
#defined $opts{STDERR} and |
# warn 'ignoring STDERR option - running w/ ActiveState'; |
$direction eq '-|' or |
die 'input pipe for ActiveState not implemented'; |
# the strange construction with *ACPIPE is just to |
# explain the tie below that we want to bind to |
# a handle class, not scalar. It is not known if |
# it is something specific to ActiveState Perl or |
# just a Perl quirk. |
tie (*ACPIPE, 'Git::activestate_pipe', $cmd, @args); |
$fh = *ACPIPE; |
} else { |
my $pid = open($fh, $direction); |
if (not defined $pid) { |
throw Error::Simple("open failed: $!"); |
} elsif ($pid == 0) { |
if (defined $opts{STDERR}) { |
close STDERR; |
} |
if ($opts{STDERR}) { |
open (STDERR, '>&', $opts{STDERR}) |
or die "dup failed: $!"; |
} |
_cmd_exec($self, $cmd, @args); |
} |
} |
return wantarray ? ($fh, join(' ', $cmd, @args)) : $fh; |
} |
# When already in the subprocess, set up the appropriate state |
# for the given repository and execute the git command. |
sub _cmd_exec { |
my ($self, @args) = @_; |
_setup_git_cmd_env($self); |
_execv_git_cmd(@args); |
die qq[exec "@args" failed: $!]; |
} |
# set up the appropriate state for git command |
sub _setup_git_cmd_env { |
my $self = shift; |
if ($self) { |
$self->repo_path() and $ENV{'GIT_DIR'} = $self->repo_path(); |
$self->repo_path() and $self->wc_path() |
and $ENV{'GIT_WORK_TREE'} = $self->wc_path(); |
$self->wc_path() and chdir($self->wc_path()); |
$self->wc_subdir() and chdir($self->wc_subdir()); |
} |
} |
# Execute the given Git command ($_[0]) with arguments ($_[1..]) |
# by searching for it at proper places. |
sub _execv_git_cmd { exec('git', @_); } |
# Close pipe to a subprocess. |
sub _cmd_close { |
my $ctx = shift @_; |
foreach my $fh (@_) { |
if (close $fh) { |
# nop |
} elsif ($!) { |
# It's just close, no point in fatalities |
carp "error closing pipe: $!"; |
} elsif ($? >> 8) { |
# The caller should pepper this. |
throw Git::Error::Command($ctx, $? >> 8); |
} |
# else we might e.g. closed a live stream; the command |
# dying of SIGPIPE would drive us here. |
} |
} |
sub DESTROY { |
my ($self) = @_; |
$self->_close_hash_and_insert_object(); |
$self->_close_cat_blob(); |
} |
# Pipe implementation for ActiveState Perl. |
package Git::activestate_pipe; |
use strict; |
my ($class, @params) = @_; |
# FIXME: This is probably horrible idea and the thing will explode |
# at the moment you give it arguments that require some quoting, |
# but I have no ActiveState clue... --pasky |
# Let's just hope ActiveState Perl does at least the quoting |
# correctly. |
my @data = qx{git @params}; |
bless { i => 0, data => \@data }, $class; |
} |
sub READLINE { |
my $self = shift; |
if ($self->{i} >= scalar @{$self->{data}}) { |
return undef; |
} |
my $i = $self->{i}; |
if (wantarray) { |
$self->{i} = $#{$self->{'data'}} + 1; |
return splice(@{$self->{'data'}}, $i); |
} |
$self->{i} = $i + 1; |
return $self->{'data'}->[ $i ]; |
} |
sub CLOSE { |
my $self = shift; |
delete $self->{data}; |
delete $self->{i}; |
} |
sub EOF { |
my $self = shift; |
return ($self->{i} >= scalar @{$self->{data}}); |
} |
1; # Famous last words