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# git-gui tree browser
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
set next_browser_id 0
proc new_browser {commit} {
global next_browser_id cursor_ptr M1B
global browser_commit browser_status browser_stack browser_path browser_busy
if {[winfo ismapped .]} {
set w .browser[incr next_browser_id]
set tl $w
toplevel $w
} else {
set w {}
set tl .
set w_list $w.list.l
set browser_commit($w_list) $commit
set browser_status($w_list) {Starting...}
set browser_stack($w_list) {}
set browser_path($w_list) $browser_commit($w_list):
set browser_busy($w_list) 1
label $w.path -textvariable browser_path($w_list) \
-anchor w \
-justify left \
-borderwidth 1 \
-relief sunken \
-font font_uibold
pack $w.path -anchor w -side top -fill x
frame $w.list
text $w_list -background white -borderwidth 0 \
-cursor $cursor_ptr \
-state disabled \
-wrap none \
-height 20 \
-width 70 \
-xscrollcommand [list $w.list.sbx set] \
-yscrollcommand [list $w.list.sby set]
$w_list tag conf in_sel \
-background [$w_list cget -foreground] \
-foreground [$w_list cget -background]
scrollbar $w.list.sbx -orient h -command [list $w_list xview]
scrollbar $w.list.sby -orient v -command [list $w_list yview]
pack $w.list.sbx -side bottom -fill x
pack $w.list.sby -side right -fill y
pack $w_list -side left -fill both -expand 1
pack $w.list -side top -fill both -expand 1
label $w.status -textvariable browser_status($w_list) \
-anchor w \
-justify left \
-borderwidth 1 \
-relief sunken
pack $w.status -anchor w -side bottom -fill x
bind $w_list <Button-1> "browser_click 0 $w_list @%x,%y;break"
bind $w_list <Double-Button-1> "browser_click 1 $w_list @%x,%y;break"
bind $w_list <$M1B-Up> "browser_parent $w_list;break"
bind $w_list <$M1B-Left> "browser_parent $w_list;break"
bind $w_list <Up> "browser_move -1 $w_list;break"
bind $w_list <Down> "browser_move 1 $w_list;break"
bind $w_list <$M1B-Right> "browser_enter $w_list;break"
bind $w_list <Return> "browser_enter $w_list;break"
bind $w_list <Prior> "browser_page -1 $w_list;break"
bind $w_list <Next> "browser_page 1 $w_list;break"
bind $w_list <Left> break
bind $w_list <Right> break
bind $tl <Visibility> "focus $w"
bind $tl <Destroy> "
array unset browser_buffer $w_list
array unset browser_files $w_list
array unset browser_status $w_list
array unset browser_stack $w_list
array unset browser_path $w_list
array unset browser_commit $w_list
array unset browser_busy $w_list
wm title $tl "[appname] ([reponame]): File Browser"
ls_tree $w_list $browser_commit($w_list) {}
proc browser_move {dir w} {
global browser_files browser_busy
if {$browser_busy($w)} return
set lno [lindex [split [$w index in_sel.first] .] 0]
incr lno $dir
if {[lindex $browser_files($w) [expr {$lno - 1}]] ne {}} {
$w tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
$w tag add in_sel $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
$w see $lno.0
proc browser_page {dir w} {
global browser_files browser_busy
if {$browser_busy($w)} return
$w yview scroll $dir pages
set lno [expr {int(
[lindex [$w yview] 0]
* [llength $browser_files($w)]
+ 1)}]
if {[lindex $browser_files($w) [expr {$lno - 1}]] ne {}} {
$w tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
$w tag add in_sel $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
$w see $lno.0
proc browser_parent {w} {
global browser_files browser_status browser_path
global browser_stack browser_busy
if {$browser_busy($w)} return
set info [lindex $browser_files($w) 0]
if {[lindex $info 0] eq {parent}} {
set parent [lindex $browser_stack($w) end-1]
set browser_stack($w) [lrange $browser_stack($w) 0 end-2]
if {$browser_stack($w) eq {}} {
regsub {:.*$} $browser_path($w) {:} browser_path($w)
} else {
regsub {/[^/]+$} $browser_path($w) {} browser_path($w)
set browser_status($w) "Loading $browser_path($w)..."
ls_tree $w [lindex $parent 0] [lindex $parent 1]
proc browser_enter {w} {
global browser_files browser_status browser_path
global browser_commit browser_stack browser_busy
if {$browser_busy($w)} return
set lno [lindex [split [$w index in_sel.first] .] 0]
set info [lindex $browser_files($w) [expr {$lno - 1}]]
if {$info ne {}} {
switch -- [lindex $info 0] {
parent {
browser_parent $w
tree {
set name [lindex $info 2]
set escn [escape_path $name]
set browser_status($w) "Loading $escn..."
append browser_path($w) $escn
ls_tree $w [lindex $info 1] $name
blob {
set name [lindex $info 2]
set p {}
foreach n $browser_stack($w) {
append p [lindex $n 1]
append p $name
show_blame $browser_commit($w) $p
proc browser_click {was_double_click w pos} {
global browser_files browser_busy
if {$browser_busy($w)} return
set lno [lindex [split [$w index $pos] .] 0]
focus $w
if {[lindex $browser_files($w) [expr {$lno - 1}]] ne {}} {
$w tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
$w tag add in_sel $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
if {$was_double_click} {
browser_enter $w
proc ls_tree {w tree_id name} {
global browser_buffer browser_files browser_stack browser_busy
set browser_buffer($w) {}
set browser_files($w) {}
set browser_busy($w) 1
$w conf -state normal
$w tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
$w delete 0.0 end
if {$browser_stack($w) ne {}} {
$w image create end \
-align center -padx 5 -pady 1 \
-name icon0 \
-image file_uplevel
$w insert end {[Up To Parent]}
lappend browser_files($w) parent
lappend browser_stack($w) [list $tree_id $name]
$w conf -state disabled
set cmd [list git ls-tree -z $tree_id]
set fd [open "| $cmd" r]
fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
fileevent $fd readable [list read_ls_tree $fd $w]
proc read_ls_tree {fd w} {
global browser_buffer browser_files browser_status browser_busy
if {![winfo exists $w]} {
catch {close $fd}
append browser_buffer($w) [read $fd]
set pck [split $browser_buffer($w) "\0"]
set browser_buffer($w) [lindex $pck end]
set n [llength $browser_files($w)]
$w conf -state normal
foreach p [lrange $pck 0 end-1] {
set info [split $p "\t"]
set path [lindex $info 1]
set info [split [lindex $info 0] { }]
set type [lindex $info 1]
set object [lindex $info 2]
switch -- $type {
blob {
set image file_mod
tree {
set image file_dir
append path /
default {
set image file_question
if {$n > 0} {$w insert end "\n"}
$w image create end \
-align center -padx 5 -pady 1 \
-name icon[incr n] \
-image $image
$w insert end [escape_path $path]
lappend browser_files($w) [list $type $object $path]
$w conf -state disabled
if {[eof $fd]} {
close $fd
set browser_status($w) Ready.
set browser_busy($w) 0
array unset browser_buffer $w
if {$n > 0} {
$w tag add in_sel 1.0 2.0
focus -force $w