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402 lines
15 KiB
402 lines
15 KiB
package Generators::Vcxproj; |
require Exporter; |
use strict; |
use vars qw($VERSION); |
use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex); |
our $VERSION = '1.00'; |
@ISA = qw(Exporter); |
push @EXPORT_OK, qw(generate); |
} |
sub generate_guid ($) { |
my $hex = sha256_hex($_[0]); |
$hex =~ s/^(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{12}).*/{$1-$2-$3-$4-$5}/; |
$hex =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; |
return $hex; |
} |
sub generate { |
my ($git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, %build_structure) = @_; |
my @libs = @{$build_structure{"LIBS"}}; |
foreach (@libs) { |
createProject($_, $git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, \%build_structure, 1); |
} |
my @apps = @{$build_structure{"APPS"}}; |
foreach (@apps) { |
createProject($_, $git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, \%build_structure, 0); |
} |
createGlueProject($git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, %build_structure); |
return 0; |
} |
sub createProject { |
my ($name, $git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, $build_structure, $static_library) = @_; |
my $label = $static_library ? "lib" : "app"; |
my $prefix = $static_library ? "LIBS_" : "APPS_"; |
my $config_type = $static_library ? "StaticLibrary" : "Application"; |
print "Generate $name vcxproj $label project\n"; |
my $cdup = $name; |
$cdup =~ s/[^\/]+/../g; |
$cdup =~ s/\//\\/g; |
$rel_dir = $rel_dir eq "." ? $cdup : "$cdup\\$rel_dir"; |
$rel_dir =~ s/\//\\/g; |
my $target = $name; |
if ($static_library) { |
$target =~ s/\.a//; |
} else { |
$target =~ s/\.exe//; |
} |
my $uuid = generate_guid($name); |
$$build_structure{"$prefix${target}_GUID"} = $uuid; |
my $vcxproj = $target; |
$vcxproj =~ s/(.*\/)?(.*)/$&\/$2.vcxproj/; |
$vcxproj =~ s/([^\/]*)(\/lib)\/(lib.vcxproj)/$1$2\/$1_$3/; |
$$build_structure{"$prefix${target}_VCXPROJ"} = $vcxproj; |
my @srcs = sort(map("$rel_dir\\$_", @{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_SOURCES"}})); |
my @sources; |
foreach (@srcs) { |
$_ =~ s/\//\\/g; |
push(@sources, $_); |
} |
my $defines = join(";", sort(@{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_DEFINES"}})); |
my $includes= join(";", sort(map { s/^-I//; s/\//\\/g; File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($_) ? $_ : "$rel_dir\\$_" } @{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_INCLUDES"}})); |
my $cflags = join(" ", sort(map { s/^-[GLMOWZ].*//; s/.* .*/"$&"/; $_; } @{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_CFLAGS"}})); |
$cflags =~ s/</</g; |
$cflags =~ s/>/>/g; |
my $libs_release = "\n "; |
my $libs_debug = "\n "; |
if (!$static_library) { |
$libs_release = join(";", sort(grep /^(?!libgit\.lib|xdiff\/lib\.lib|vcs-svn\/lib\.lib|reftable\/libreftable\.lib)/, @{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_LIBS"}})); |
$libs_debug = $libs_release; |
$libs_debug =~ s/zlib\.lib/zlibd\.lib/g; |
$libs_debug =~ s/libexpat\.lib/libexpatd\.lib/g; |
$libs_debug =~ s/libcurl\.lib/libcurl-d\.lib/g; |
} |
$defines =~ s/-D//g; |
$defines =~ s/</</g; |
$defines =~ s/>/>/g; |
$defines =~ s/\'//g; |
die "Could not create the directory $target for $label project!\n" unless (-d "$target" || mkdir "$target"); |
open F, ">$vcxproj" or die "Could not open $vcxproj for writing!\n"; |
binmode F, ":crlf :utf8"; |
print F chr(0xFEFF); |
print F << "EOM"; |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns=""> |
<ItemGroup Label="ProjectConfigurations"> |
<ProjectConfiguration Include="Debug|Win32"> |
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<Platform>Win32</Platform> |
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<Configuration>Debug</Configuration> |
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<VCPKGArchDirectory>$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\vcpkg\\installed\\\$(VCPKGArch)</VCPKGArchDirectory> |
<VCPKGBinDirectory Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">\$(VCPKGArchDirectory)\\debug\\bin</VCPKGBinDirectory> |
<VCPKGLibDirectory Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">\$(VCPKGArchDirectory)\\debug\\lib</VCPKGLibDirectory> |
<VCPKGBinDirectory Condition="'\$(Configuration)'!='Debug'">\$(VCPKGArchDirectory)\\bin</VCPKGBinDirectory> |
<VCPKGLibDirectory Condition="'\$(Configuration)'!='Debug'">\$(VCPKGArchDirectory)\\lib</VCPKGLibDirectory> |
<VCPKGIncludeDirectory>\$(VCPKGArchDirectory)\\include</VCPKGIncludeDirectory> |
<VCPKGLibs Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">$libs_debug</VCPKGLibs> |
<VCPKGLibs Condition="'\$(Configuration)'!='Debug'">$libs_release</VCPKGLibs> |
</PropertyGroup> |
<Import Project="\$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" /> |
<PropertyGroup Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Debug'" Label="Configuration"> |
<UseDebugLibraries>true</UseDebugLibraries> |
<LinkIncremental>true</LinkIncremental> |
</PropertyGroup> |
<PropertyGroup Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Release'" Label="Configuration"> |
<UseDebugLibraries>false</UseDebugLibraries> |
<WholeProgramOptimization>true</WholeProgramOptimization> |
</PropertyGroup> |
<PropertyGroup> |
<ConfigurationType>$config_type</ConfigurationType> |
<PlatformToolset>v140</PlatformToolset> |
<!-- <CharacterSet>UTF-8</CharacterSet> --> |
<OutDir>..\\</OutDir> |
<!-- <IntDir>\$(ProjectDir)\$(Configuration)\\</IntDir> --> |
</PropertyGroup> |
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<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionSettings"> |
</ImportGroup> |
<ImportGroup Label="Shared"> |
</ImportGroup> |
<ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets"> |
<Import Project="\$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.\$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('\$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.\$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" /> |
</ImportGroup> |
<PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros" /> |
<PropertyGroup> |
<GenerateManifest>false</GenerateManifest> |
<EnableManagedIncrementalBuild>true</EnableManagedIncrementalBuild> |
</PropertyGroup> |
<ItemDefinitionGroup> |
<ClCompile> |
<AdditionalOptions>$cflags %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions> |
<AdditionalIncludeDirectories>$cdup;$cdup\\compat;$cdup\\compat\\regex;$cdup\\compat\\win32;$cdup\\compat\\poll;$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\include;\$(VCPKGIncludeDirectory);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories> |
<EnableParallelCodeGeneration /> |
<InlineFunctionExpansion>OnlyExplicitInline</InlineFunctionExpansion> |
<PrecompiledHeader /> |
<DebugInformationFormat>ProgramDatabase</DebugInformationFormat> |
</ClCompile> |
<Lib> |
<SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner> |
</Lib> |
<Link> |
<AdditionalLibraryDirectories>\$(VCPKGLibDirectory);%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)</AdditionalLibraryDirectories> |
<AdditionalDependencies>\$(VCPKGLibs);\$(AdditionalDependencies)</AdditionalDependencies> |
<AdditionalOptions>invalidcontinue.obj %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions> |
<EntryPointSymbol>wmainCRTStartup</EntryPointSymbol> |
<ManifestFile>$cdup\\compat\\win32\\git.manifest</ManifestFile> |
<SubSystem>Console</SubSystem> |
</Link> |
if ($target eq 'libgit') { |
print F << "EOM"; |
<PreBuildEvent Condition="!Exists('$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\vcpkg\\installed\\\$(VCPKGArch)\\include\\openssl\\ssl.h')"> |
<Message>Initialize VCPKG</Message> |
<Command>del "$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\vcpkg"</Command> |
<Command>call "$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\vcpkg_install.bat"</Command> |
</PreBuildEvent> |
} |
print F << "EOM"; |
</ItemDefinitionGroup> |
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'\$(Platform)'=='Win32'"> |
<Link> |
<TargetMachine>MachineX86</TargetMachine> |
</Link> |
</ItemDefinitionGroup> |
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Debug'"> |
<ClCompile> |
<Optimization>Disabled</Optimization> |
<PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;_DEBUG;$defines;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions> |
<RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDebugDLL</RuntimeLibrary> |
</ClCompile> |
<Link> |
<GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation> |
</Link> |
</ItemDefinitionGroup> |
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Release'"> |
<ClCompile> |
<Optimization>MaxSpeed</Optimization> |
<IntrinsicFunctions>true</IntrinsicFunctions> |
<PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;NDEBUG;$defines;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions> |
<RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDLL</RuntimeLibrary> |
<FunctionLevelLinking>true</FunctionLevelLinking> |
<FavorSizeOrSpeed>Speed</FavorSizeOrSpeed> |
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<EnableCOMDATFolding>true</EnableCOMDATFolding> |
<OptimizeReferences>true</OptimizeReferences> |
</Link> |
</ItemDefinitionGroup> |
<ItemGroup> |
foreach(@sources) { |
print F << "EOM"; |
<ClCompile Include="$_" /> |
} |
print F << "EOM"; |
</ItemGroup> |
if (!$static_library || $target =~ 'vcs-svn' || $target =~ 'xdiff') { |
my $uuid_libgit = $$build_structure{"LIBS_libgit_GUID"}; |
my $uuid_libreftable = $$build_structure{"LIBS_reftable/libreftable_GUID"}; |
my $uuid_xdiff_lib = $$build_structure{"LIBS_xdiff/lib_GUID"}; |
print F << "EOM"; |
<ItemGroup> |
<ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\libgit\\libgit.vcxproj"> |
<Project>$uuid_libgit</Project> |
<ReferenceOutputAssembly>false</ReferenceOutputAssembly> |
</ProjectReference> |
if (!($name =~ /xdiff|libreftable/)) { |
print F << "EOM"; |
<ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\reftable\\libreftable\\libreftable.vcxproj"> |
<Project>$uuid_libreftable</Project> |
<ReferenceOutputAssembly>false</ReferenceOutputAssembly> |
</ProjectReference> |
} |
if (!($name =~ 'xdiff')) { |
print F << "EOM"; |
<ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\xdiff\\lib\\xdiff_lib.vcxproj"> |
<Project>$uuid_xdiff_lib</Project> |
<ReferenceOutputAssembly>false</ReferenceOutputAssembly> |
</ProjectReference> |
} |
if ($name =~ /(test-(line-buffer|svn-fe)|^git-remote-testsvn)\.exe$/) { |
my $uuid_vcs_svn_lib = $$build_structure{"LIBS_vcs-svn/lib_GUID"}; |
print F << "EOM"; |
<ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\vcs-svn\\lib\\vcs-svn_lib.vcxproj"> |
<Project>$uuid_vcs_svn_lib</Project> |
<ReferenceOutputAssembly>false</ReferenceOutputAssembly> |
</ProjectReference> |
} |
print F << "EOM"; |
</ItemGroup> |
} |
print F << "EOM"; |
<Import Project="\$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" /> |
if (!$static_library) { |
print F << "EOM"; |
<Target Name="${target}_AfterBuild" AfterTargets="AfterBuild"> |
<ItemGroup> |
<DLLsAndPDBs Include="\$(VCPKGBinDirectory)\\*.dll;\$(VCPKGBinDirectory)\\*.pdb" /> |
</ItemGroup> |
<Copy SourceFiles="@(DLLsAndPDBs)" DestinationFolder="\$(OutDir)" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" UseHardlinksIfPossible="true" /> |
<MakeDir Directories="..\\templates\\blt\\branches" /> |
</Target> |
} |
if ($target eq 'git') { |
print F " <Import Project=\"LinkOrCopyBuiltins.targets\" />\n"; |
} |
if ($target eq 'git-remote-http') { |
print F " <Import Project=\"LinkOrCopyRemoteHttp.targets\" />\n"; |
} |
print F << "EOM"; |
</Project> |
close F; |
} |
sub createGlueProject { |
my ($git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, %build_structure) = @_; |
print "Generate solutions file\n"; |
$rel_dir = "..\\$rel_dir"; |
$rel_dir =~ s/\//\\/g; |
my $SLN_HEAD = "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00\n# Visual Studio 2010\n"; |
my $SLN_PRE = "Project(\"{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}\") = "; |
my $SLN_POST = "\nEndProject\n"; |
my @libs = @{$build_structure{"LIBS"}}; |
my @tmp; |
foreach (@libs) { |
$_ =~ s/\.a//; |
push(@tmp, $_); |
} |
@libs = @tmp; |
my @apps = @{$build_structure{"APPS"}}; |
@tmp = (); |
foreach (@apps) { |
$_ =~ s/\.exe//; |
if ($_ eq "git" ) { |
unshift(@tmp, $_); |
} else { |
push(@tmp, $_); |
} |
} |
@apps = @tmp; |
open F, ">git.sln" || die "Could not open git.sln for writing!\n"; |
binmode F, ":crlf :utf8"; |
print F chr(0xFEFF); |
print F "$SLN_HEAD"; |
foreach (@apps) { |
my $appname = $_; |
my $uuid = $build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_GUID"}; |
print F "$SLN_PRE"; |
my $vcxproj = $build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_VCXPROJ"}; |
$vcxproj =~ s/\//\\/g; |
$appname =~ s/.*\///; |
print F "\"${appname}\", \"${vcxproj}\", \"${uuid}\""; |
print F "$SLN_POST"; |
} |
foreach (@libs) { |
my $libname = $_; |
my $uuid = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_GUID"}; |
print F "$SLN_PRE"; |
my $vcxproj = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_VCXPROJ"}; |
$vcxproj =~ s/\//\\/g; |
$libname =~ s/\//_/g; |
print F "\"${libname}\", \"${vcxproj}\", \"${uuid}\""; |
print F "$SLN_POST"; |
} |
print F << "EOM"; |
Global |
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution |
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64 |
Debug|x86 = Debug|x86 |
Release|x64 = Release|x64 |
Release|x86 = Release|x86 |
EndGlobalSection |
print F << "EOM"; |
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution |
foreach (@apps) { |
my $appname = $_; |
my $uuid = $build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_GUID"}; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Win32\n"; |
} |
foreach (@libs) { |
my $libname = $_; |
my $uuid = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_GUID"}; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Win32\n"; |
} |
print F << "EOM"; |
EndGlobalSection |
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution |
HideSolutionNode = FALSE |
EndGlobalSection |
EndGlobal |
close F; |
} |