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# goto line number
# based on code from gitk, Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras
class linebar {
field w
field ctext
field linenum {}
constructor new {i_w i_text args} {
global use_ttk NS
set w $i_w
set ctext $i_text
${NS}::frame $w
${NS}::label $w.l -text [mc "Goto Line:"]
entry $w.ent \
-textvariable ${__this}::linenum \
-background lightgreen \
-validate key \
-validatecommand [cb _validate %P]
${NS}::button $ -text [mc Go] -command [cb _incrgoto]
pack $w.l -side left
pack $ -side right
pack $w.ent -side left -expand 1 -fill x
eval grid conf $w -sticky we $args
grid remove $w
bind $w.ent <Return> [cb _incrgoto]
bind $w.ent <Escape> [cb hide]
bind $w <Destroy> [list delete_this $this]
return $this
method show {} {
if {![visible $this]} {
grid $w
focus -force $w.ent
method hide {} {
if {[visible $this]} {
$w.ent delete 0 end
focus $ctext
grid remove $w
method visible {} {
return [winfo ismapped $w]
method editor {} {
return $w.ent
method _validate {P} {
# only accept numbers as input
string is integer $P
method _incrgoto {} {
if {$linenum ne {}} {
$ctext see $linenum.0
hide $this