626 lines
16 KiB
626 lines
16 KiB
package Generators::Vcproj; |
require Exporter; |
use strict; |
use vars qw($VERSION); |
our $VERSION = '1.00'; |
@ISA = qw(Exporter); |
push @EXPORT_OK, qw(generate); |
} |
my $guid_index = 0; |
my @GUIDS = ( |
"{E07B9989-2BF7-4F21-8918-BE22BA467AC3}", |
"{278FFB51-0296-4A44-A81A-22B87B7C3592}", |
"{7346A2C4-F0FD-444F-9EBE-1AF23B2B5650}", |
"{67F421AC-EB34-4D49-820B-3196807B423F}", |
"{385DCFE1-CC8C-4211-A451-80FCFC31CA51}", |
"{97CC46C5-D2CC-4D26-B634-E75792B79916}", |
"{C7CE21FE-6EF8-4012-A5C7-A22BCEDFBA11}", |
"{51575134-3FDF-42D1-BABD-3FB12669C6C9}", |
"{0AE195E4-9823-4B87-8E6F-20C5614AF2FF}", |
"{4B918255-67CA-43BB-A46C-26704B666E6B}", |
"{18CCFEEF-C8EE-4CC1-A265-26F95C9F4649}", |
"{5D5D90FA-01B7-4973-AFE5-CA88C53AC197}", |
"{1F054320-036D-49E1-B384-FB5DF0BC8AC0}", |
"{7CED65EE-F2D9-4171-825B-C7D561FE5786}", |
"{8D341679-0F07-4664-9A56-3BA0DE88B9BC}", |
"{C189FEDC-2957-4BD7-9FA4-7622241EA145}", |
"{66844203-1B9F-4C53-9274-164FFF95B847}", |
"{E4FEA145-DECC-440D-AEEA-598CF381FD43}", |
"{73300A8E-C8AC-41B0-B555-4F596B681BA7}", |
"{873FDEB1-D01D-40BF-A1BF-8BBC58EC0F51}", |
"{7922C8BE-76C5-4AC6-8BF7-885C0F93B782}", |
"{E245D370-308B-4A49-BFC1-1E527827975F}", |
"{F6FA957B-66FC-4ED7-B260-E59BBE4FE813}", |
"{E6055070-0198-431A-BC49-8DB6CEE770AE}", |
"{54159234-C3EB-43DA-906B-CE5DA5C74654}", |
"{594CFC35-0B60-46F6-B8EF-9983ACC1187D}", |
"{D93FCAB7-1F01-48D2-B832-F761B83231A5}", |
"{DBA5E6AC-E7BE-42D3-8703-4E787141526E}", |
"{6171953F-DD26-44C7-A3BE-CC45F86FC11F}", |
"{9E19DDBE-F5E4-4A26-A2FE-0616E04879B8}", |
"{AE81A615-99E3-4885-9CE0-D9CAA193E867}", |
"{FBF4067E-1855-4F6C-8BCD-4D62E801A04D}", |
"{17007948-6593-4AEB-8106-F7884B4F2C19}", |
"{199D4C8D-8639-4DA6-82EF-08668C35DEE0}", |
"{E085E50E-C140-4CF3-BE4B-094B14F0DDD6}", |
"{00785268-A9CC-4E40-AC29-BAC0019159CE}", |
"{4C06F56A-DCDB-46A6-B67C-02339935CF12}", |
"{3A62D3FD-519E-4EC9-8171-D2C1BFEA022F}", |
"{3A62D3FD-519E-4EC9-8171-D2C1BFEA022F}", |
"{9392EB58-D7BA-410B-B1F0-B2FAA6BC89A7}", |
"{2ACAB2D5-E0CE-4027-BCA0-D78B2D7A6C66}", |
"{86E216C3-43CE-481A-BCB2-BE5E62850635}", |
"{FB631291-7923-4B91-9A57-7B18FDBB7A42}", |
"{0A176EC9-E934-45B8-B87F-16C7F4C80039}", |
"{DF55CA80-46E8-4C53-B65B-4990A23DD444}", |
"{3A0F9895-55D2-4710-BE5E-AD7498B5BF44}", |
"{294BDC5A-F448-48B6-8110-DD0A81820F8C}", |
"{4B9F66E9-FAC9-47AB-B1EF-C16756FBFD06}", |
"{72EA49C6-2806-48BD-B81B-D4905102E19C}", |
"{5728EB7E-8929-486C-8CD5-3238D060E768}" |
); |
sub generate { |
my ($git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, %build_structure) = @_; |
my @libs = @{$build_structure{"LIBS"}}; |
foreach (@libs) { |
createLibProject($_, $git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, \%build_structure); |
} |
my @apps = @{$build_structure{"APPS"}}; |
foreach (@apps) { |
createAppProject($_, $git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, \%build_structure); |
} |
createGlueProject($git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, %build_structure); |
return 0; |
} |
sub createLibProject { |
my ($libname, $git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, $build_structure) = @_; |
print "Generate $libname vcproj lib project\n"; |
$rel_dir = "..\\$rel_dir"; |
$rel_dir =~ s/\//\\/g; |
my $target = $libname; |
$target =~ s/\//_/g; |
$target =~ s/\.a//; |
my $uuid = $GUIDS[$guid_index]; |
$$build_structure{"LIBS_${target}_GUID"} = $uuid; |
$guid_index += 1; |
my @srcs = sort(map("$rel_dir\\$_", @{$$build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_SOURCES"}})); |
my @sources; |
foreach (@srcs) { |
$_ =~ s/\//\\/g; |
push(@sources, $_); |
} |
my $defines = join(",", sort(@{$$build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_DEFINES"}})); |
my $includes= join(";", sort(map(""$rel_dir\\$_"", @{$$build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_INCLUDES"}}))); |
my $cflags = join(" ", sort(@{$$build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_CFLAGS"}})); |
$cflags =~ s/\"/"/g; |
my $cflags_debug = $cflags; |
$cflags_debug =~ s/-MT/-MTd/; |
$cflags_debug =~ s/-O.//; |
my $cflags_release = $cflags; |
$cflags_release =~ s/-MTd/-MT/; |
my @tmp = @{$$build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_LFLAGS"}}; |
my @tmp2 = (); |
foreach (@tmp) { |
if (/^-LTCG/) { |
} elsif (/^-L/) { |
$_ =~ s/^-L/-LIBPATH:$rel_dir\//; |
} |
push(@tmp2, $_); |
} |
my $lflags = join(" ", sort(@tmp)); |
$defines =~ s/-D//g; |
$defines =~ s/\"/\\"/g; |
$defines =~ s/\'//g; |
$includes =~ s/-I//g; |
mkdir "$target" || die "Could not create the directory $target for lib project!\n"; |
open F, ">$target/$target.vcproj" || die "Could not open $target/$target.pro for writing!\n"; |
binmode F, ":crlf"; |
print F << "EOM"; |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "Windows-1252"?> |
<VisualStudioProject |
ProjectType="Visual C++" |
Version="9,00" |
Name="$target" |
ProjectGUID="$uuid"> |
<Platforms> |
<Platform |
Name="Win32"/> |
</Platforms> |
<ToolFiles> |
</ToolFiles> |
<Configurations> |
<Configuration |
Name="Debug|Win32" |
OutputDirectory="$rel_dir" |
ConfigurationType="4" |
CharacterSet="0" |
IntermediateDirectory="\$(ProjectDir)\$(ConfigurationName)" |
> |
<Tool |
Name="VCPreBuildEventTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCCustomBuildTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCMIDLTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCCLCompilerTool" |
AdditionalOptions="$cflags_debug" |
Optimization="0" |
InlineFunctionExpansion="1" |
AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$includes" |
PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32,_DEBUG,$defines" |
MinimalRebuild="true" |
RuntimeLibrary="1" |
UsePrecompiledHeader="0" |
ProgramDataBaseFileName="\$(IntDir)\\\$(TargetName).pdb" |
WarningLevel="3" |
DebugInformationFormat="3" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCPreLinkEventTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCLibrarianTool" |
SuppressStartupBanner="true" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCALinkTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCXDCMakeTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCBscMakeTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCFxCopTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCPostBuildEventTool" |
/> |
</Configuration> |
<Configuration |
Name="Release|Win32" |
OutputDirectory="$rel_dir" |
ConfigurationType="4" |
CharacterSet="0" |
WholeProgramOptimization="1" |
IntermediateDirectory="\$(ProjectDir)\$(ConfigurationName)" |
> |
<Tool |
Name="VCPreBuildEventTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCCustomBuildTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCMIDLTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCCLCompilerTool" |
AdditionalOptions="$cflags_release" |
Optimization="2" |
InlineFunctionExpansion="1" |
EnableIntrinsicFunctions="true" |
AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$includes" |
PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32,NDEBUG,$defines" |
RuntimeLibrary="0" |
EnableFunctionLevelLinking="true" |
UsePrecompiledHeader="0" |
ProgramDataBaseFileName="\$(IntDir)\\\$(TargetName).pdb" |
WarningLevel="3" |
DebugInformationFormat="3" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCPreLinkEventTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCLibrarianTool" |
SuppressStartupBanner="true" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCALinkTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCXDCMakeTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCBscMakeTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCFxCopTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCPostBuildEventTool" |
/> |
</Configuration> |
</Configurations> |
<Files> |
<Filter |
Name="Source Files" |
Filter="cpp;c;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx" |
UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}"> |
foreach(@sources) { |
print F << "EOM"; |
<File |
RelativePath="$_"/> |
} |
print F << "EOM"; |
</Filter> |
</Files> |
<Globals> |
</Globals> |
</VisualStudioProject> |
close F; |
} |
sub createAppProject { |
my ($appname, $git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, $build_structure) = @_; |
print "Generate $appname vcproj app project\n"; |
$rel_dir = "..\\$rel_dir"; |
$rel_dir =~ s/\//\\/g; |
my $target = $appname; |
$target =~ s/\//_/g; |
$target =~ s/\.exe//; |
my $uuid = $GUIDS[$guid_index]; |
$$build_structure{"APPS_${target}_GUID"} = $uuid; |
$guid_index += 1; |
my @srcs = sort(map("$rel_dir\\$_", @{$$build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_SOURCES"}})); |
my @sources; |
foreach (@srcs) { |
$_ =~ s/\//\\/g; |
push(@sources, $_); |
} |
my $defines = join(",", sort(@{$$build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_DEFINES"}})); |
my $includes= join(";", sort(map(""$rel_dir\\$_"", @{$$build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_INCLUDES"}}))); |
my $cflags = join(" ", sort(@{$$build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_CFLAGS"}})); |
$cflags =~ s/\"/"/g; |
my $cflags_debug = $cflags; |
$cflags_debug =~ s/-MT/-MTd/; |
$cflags_debug =~ s/-O.//; |
my $cflags_release = $cflags; |
$cflags_release =~ s/-MTd/-MT/; |
my $libs; |
foreach (sort(@{$$build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_LIBS"}})) { |
$_ =~ s/\//_/g; |
$libs .= " $_"; |
} |
my @tmp = @{$$build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_LFLAGS"}}; |
my @tmp2 = (); |
foreach (@tmp) { |
if (/^-LTCG/) { |
} elsif (/^-L/) { |
$_ =~ s/^-L/-LIBPATH:$rel_dir\//; |
} |
push(@tmp2, $_); |
} |
my $lflags = join(" ", sort(@tmp)) . " -LIBPATH:$rel_dir"; |
$defines =~ s/-D//g; |
$defines =~ s/\"/\\"/g; |
$defines =~ s/\'//g; |
$defines =~ s/\\\\/\\/g; |
$includes =~ s/-I//g; |
mkdir "$target" || die "Could not create the directory $target for lib project!\n"; |
open F, ">$target/$target.vcproj" || die "Could not open $target/$target.pro for writing!\n"; |
binmode F, ":crlf"; |
print F << "EOM"; |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "Windows-1252"?> |
<VisualStudioProject |
ProjectType="Visual C++" |
Version="9,00" |
Name="$target" |
ProjectGUID="$uuid"> |
<Platforms> |
<Platform |
Name="Win32"/> |
</Platforms> |
<ToolFiles> |
</ToolFiles> |
<Configurations> |
<Configuration |
Name="Debug|Win32" |
OutputDirectory="$rel_dir" |
ConfigurationType="1" |
CharacterSet="0" |
IntermediateDirectory="\$(ProjectDir)\$(ConfigurationName)" |
> |
<Tool |
Name="VCPreBuildEventTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCCustomBuildTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCMIDLTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCCLCompilerTool" |
AdditionalOptions="$cflags_debug" |
Optimization="0" |
InlineFunctionExpansion="1" |
AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$includes" |
PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32,_DEBUG,$defines" |
MinimalRebuild="true" |
RuntimeLibrary="1" |
UsePrecompiledHeader="0" |
ProgramDataBaseFileName="\$(IntDir)\\\$(TargetName).pdb" |
WarningLevel="3" |
DebugInformationFormat="3" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCPreLinkEventTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCLinkerTool" |
AdditionalDependencies="$libs" |
AdditionalOptions="$lflags" |
LinkIncremental="2" |
GenerateDebugInformation="true" |
SubSystem="1" |
TargetMachine="1" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCALinkTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCXDCMakeTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCBscMakeTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCFxCopTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCPostBuildEventTool" |
/> |
</Configuration> |
<Configuration |
Name="Release|Win32" |
OutputDirectory="$rel_dir" |
ConfigurationType="1" |
CharacterSet="0" |
WholeProgramOptimization="1" |
IntermediateDirectory="\$(ProjectDir)\$(ConfigurationName)" |
> |
<Tool |
Name="VCPreBuildEventTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCCustomBuildTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCMIDLTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCCLCompilerTool" |
AdditionalOptions="$cflags_release" |
Optimization="2" |
InlineFunctionExpansion="1" |
EnableIntrinsicFunctions="true" |
AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$includes" |
PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32,NDEBUG,$defines" |
RuntimeLibrary="0" |
EnableFunctionLevelLinking="true" |
UsePrecompiledHeader="0" |
ProgramDataBaseFileName="\$(IntDir)\\\$(TargetName).pdb" |
WarningLevel="3" |
DebugInformationFormat="3" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCPreLinkEventTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCLinkerTool" |
AdditionalDependencies="$libs" |
AdditionalOptions="$lflags" |
LinkIncremental="1" |
GenerateDebugInformation="true" |
SubSystem="1" |
TargetMachine="1" |
OptimizeReferences="2" |
EnableCOMDATFolding="2" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCALinkTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCXDCMakeTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCBscMakeTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCFxCopTool" |
/> |
<Tool |
Name="VCPostBuildEventTool" |
/> |
</Configuration> |
</Configurations> |
<Files> |
<Filter |
Name="Source Files" |
Filter="cpp;c;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx" |
UniqueIdentifier="{4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF}"> |
foreach(@sources) { |
print F << "EOM"; |
<File |
RelativePath="$_"/> |
} |
print F << "EOM"; |
</Filter> |
</Files> |
<Globals> |
</Globals> |
</VisualStudioProject> |
close F; |
} |
sub createGlueProject { |
my ($git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, %build_structure) = @_; |
print "Generate solutions file\n"; |
$rel_dir = "..\\$rel_dir"; |
$rel_dir =~ s/\//\\/g; |
my $SLN_HEAD = "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00\n# Visual Studio 2008\n"; |
my $SLN_PRE = "Project(\"{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}\") = "; |
my $SLN_POST = "\nEndProject\n"; |
my @libs = @{$build_structure{"LIBS"}}; |
my @tmp; |
foreach (@libs) { |
$_ =~ s/\//_/g; |
$_ =~ s/\.a//; |
push(@tmp, $_); |
} |
@libs = @tmp; |
my @apps = @{$build_structure{"APPS"}}; |
@tmp = (); |
foreach (@apps) { |
$_ =~ s/\//_/g; |
$_ =~ s/\.exe//; |
push(@tmp, $_); |
} |
@apps = @tmp; |
open F, ">git.sln" || die "Could not open git.sln for writing!\n"; |
binmode F, ":crlf"; |
print F "$SLN_HEAD"; |
foreach (@libs) { |
my $libname = $_; |
my $uuid = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_GUID"}; |
print F "$SLN_PRE"; |
print F "\"${libname}\", \"${libname}\\${libname}.vcproj\", \"${uuid}\""; |
print F "$SLN_POST"; |
} |
my $uuid_libgit = $build_structure{"LIBS_libgit_GUID"}; |
my $uuid_xdiff_lib = $build_structure{"LIBS_xdiff_lib_GUID"}; |
foreach (@apps) { |
my $appname = $_; |
my $uuid = $build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_GUID"}; |
print F "$SLN_PRE"; |
print F "\"${appname}\", \"${appname}\\${appname}.vcproj\", \"${uuid}\"\n"; |
print F " ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\n"; |
print F " ${uuid_libgit} = ${uuid_libgit}\n"; |
print F " ${uuid_xdiff_lib} = ${uuid_xdiff_lib}\n"; |
print F " EndProjectSection"; |
print F "$SLN_POST"; |
} |
print F << "EOM"; |
Global |
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution |
Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32 |
Release|Win32 = Release|Win32 |
EndGlobalSection |
print F << "EOM"; |
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution |
foreach (@libs) { |
my $libname = $_; |
my $uuid = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_GUID"}; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\n"; |
} |
foreach (@apps) { |
my $appname = $_; |
my $uuid = $build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_GUID"}; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\n"; |
print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\n"; |
} |
print F << "EOM"; |
EndGlobalSection |
EndGlobal |
close F; |
} |