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gittutorial-2(7) |
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gittutorial-2 - A tutorial introduction to Git: part two |
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[verse] |
git * |
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You should work through linkgit:gittutorial[7] before reading this tutorial. |
The goal of this tutorial is to introduce two fundamental pieces of |
Git's architecture--the object database and the index file--and to |
provide the reader with everything necessary to understand the rest |
of the Git documentation. |
The Git object database |
----------------------- |
Let's start a new project and create a small amount of history: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ mkdir test-project |
$ cd test-project |
$ git init |
Initialized empty Git repository in .git/ |
$ echo 'hello world' > file.txt |
$ git add . |
$ git commit -a -m "initial commit" |
[master (root-commit) 54196cc] initial commit |
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) |
create mode 100644 file.txt |
$ echo 'hello world!' >file.txt |
$ git commit -a -m "add emphasis" |
[master c4d59f3] add emphasis |
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) |
------------------------------------------------ |
What are the 7 digits of hex that Git responded to the commit with? |
We saw in part one of the tutorial that commits have names like this. |
It turns out that every object in the Git history is stored under |
a 40-digit hex name. That name is the SHA-1 hash of the object's |
contents; among other things, this ensures that Git will never store |
the same data twice (since identical data is given an identical SHA-1 |
name), and that the contents of a Git object will never change (since |
that would change the object's name as well). The 7 char hex strings |
here are simply the abbreviation of such 40 character long strings. |
Abbreviations can be used everywhere where the 40 character strings |
can be used, so long as they are unambiguous. |
It is expected that the content of the commit object you created while |
following the example above generates a different SHA-1 hash than |
the one shown above because the commit object records the time when |
it was created and the name of the person performing the commit. |
We can ask Git about this particular object with the `cat-file` |
command. Don't copy the 40 hex digits from this example but use those |
from your own version. Note that you can shorten it to only a few |
characters to save yourself typing all 40 hex digits: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git cat-file -t 54196cc2 |
commit |
$ git cat-file commit 54196cc2 |
tree 92b8b694ffb1675e5975148e1121810081dbdffe |
author J. Bruce Fields <bfields@puzzle.fieldses.org> 1143414668 -0500 |
committer J. Bruce Fields <bfields@puzzle.fieldses.org> 1143414668 -0500 |
initial commit |
------------------------------------------------ |
A tree can refer to one or more "blob" objects, each corresponding to |
a file. In addition, a tree can also refer to other tree objects, |
thus creating a directory hierarchy. You can examine the contents of |
any tree using ls-tree (remember that a long enough initial portion |
of the SHA-1 will also work): |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git ls-tree 92b8b694 |
100644 blob 3b18e512dba79e4c8300dd08aeb37f8e728b8dad file.txt |
------------------------------------------------ |
Thus we see that this tree has one file in it. The SHA-1 hash is a |
reference to that file's data: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git cat-file -t 3b18e512 |
blob |
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A "blob" is just file data, which we can also examine with cat-file: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git cat-file blob 3b18e512 |
hello world |
------------------------------------------------ |
Note that this is the old file data; so the object that Git named in |
its response to the initial tree was a tree with a snapshot of the |
directory state that was recorded by the first commit. |
All of these objects are stored under their SHA-1 names inside the Git |
directory: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ find .git/objects/ |
.git/objects/ |
.git/objects/pack |
.git/objects/info |
.git/objects/3b |
.git/objects/3b/18e512dba79e4c8300dd08aeb37f8e728b8dad |
.git/objects/92 |
.git/objects/92/b8b694ffb1675e5975148e1121810081dbdffe |
.git/objects/54 |
.git/objects/54/196cc2703dc165cbd373a65a4dcf22d50ae7f7 |
.git/objects/a0 |
.git/objects/a0/423896973644771497bdc03eb99d5281615b51 |
.git/objects/d0 |
.git/objects/d0/492b368b66bdabf2ac1fd8c92b39d3db916e59 |
.git/objects/c4 |
.git/objects/c4/d59f390b9cfd4318117afde11d601c1085f241 |
------------------------------------------------ |
and the contents of these files is just the compressed data plus a |
header identifying their length and their type. The type is either a |
blob, a tree, a commit, or a tag. |
The simplest commit to find is the HEAD commit, which we can find |
from .git/HEAD: |
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$ cat .git/HEAD |
ref: refs/heads/master |
------------------------------------------------ |
As you can see, this tells us which branch we're currently on, and it |
tells us this by naming a file under the .git directory, which itself |
contains a SHA-1 name referring to a commit object, which we can |
examine with cat-file: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ cat .git/refs/heads/master |
c4d59f390b9cfd4318117afde11d601c1085f241 |
$ git cat-file -t c4d59f39 |
commit |
$ git cat-file commit c4d59f39 |
tree d0492b368b66bdabf2ac1fd8c92b39d3db916e59 |
parent 54196cc2703dc165cbd373a65a4dcf22d50ae7f7 |
author J. Bruce Fields <bfields@puzzle.fieldses.org> 1143418702 -0500 |
committer J. Bruce Fields <bfields@puzzle.fieldses.org> 1143418702 -0500 |
add emphasis |
------------------------------------------------ |
The "tree" object here refers to the new state of the tree: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git ls-tree d0492b36 |
100644 blob a0423896973644771497bdc03eb99d5281615b51 file.txt |
$ git cat-file blob a0423896 |
hello world! |
------------------------------------------------ |
and the "parent" object refers to the previous commit: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git cat-file commit 54196cc2 |
tree 92b8b694ffb1675e5975148e1121810081dbdffe |
author J. Bruce Fields <bfields@puzzle.fieldses.org> 1143414668 -0500 |
committer J. Bruce Fields <bfields@puzzle.fieldses.org> 1143414668 -0500 |
initial commit |
------------------------------------------------ |
The tree object is the tree we examined first, and this commit is |
unusual in that it lacks any parent. |
Most commits have only one parent, but it is also common for a commit |
to have multiple parents. In that case the commit represents a |
merge, with the parent references pointing to the heads of the merged |
branches. |
Besides blobs, trees, and commits, the only remaining type of object |
is a "tag", which we won't discuss here; refer to linkgit:git-tag[1] |
for details. |
So now we know how Git uses the object database to represent a |
project's history: |
* "commit" objects refer to "tree" objects representing the |
snapshot of a directory tree at a particular point in the |
history, and refer to "parent" commits to show how they're |
connected into the project history. |
* "tree" objects represent the state of a single directory, |
associating directory names to "blob" objects containing file |
data and "tree" objects containing subdirectory information. |
* "blob" objects contain file data without any other structure. |
* References to commit objects at the head of each branch are |
stored in files under .git/refs/heads/. |
* The name of the current branch is stored in .git/HEAD. |
Note, by the way, that lots of commands take a tree as an argument. |
But as we can see above, a tree can be referred to in many different |
ways--by the SHA-1 name for that tree, by the name of a commit that |
refers to the tree, by the name of a branch whose head refers to that |
tree, etc.--and most such commands can accept any of these names. |
In command synopses, the word "tree-ish" is sometimes used to |
designate such an argument. |
The index file |
-------------- |
The primary tool we've been using to create commits is `git-commit |
-a`, which creates a commit including every change you've made to |
your working tree. But what if you want to commit changes only to |
certain files? Or only certain changes to certain files? |
If we look at the way commits are created under the cover, we'll see |
that there are more flexible ways creating commits. |
Continuing with our test-project, let's modify file.txt again: |
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$ echo "hello world, again" >>file.txt |
------------------------------------------------ |
but this time instead of immediately making the commit, let's take an |
intermediate step, and ask for diffs along the way to keep track of |
what's happening: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git diff |
--- a/file.txt |
+++ b/file.txt |
@@ -1 +1,2 @@ |
hello world! |
+hello world, again |
$ git add file.txt |
$ git diff |
------------------------------------------------ |
The last diff is empty, but no new commits have been made, and the |
head still doesn't contain the new line: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git diff HEAD |
diff --git a/file.txt b/file.txt |
index a042389..513feba 100644 |
--- a/file.txt |
+++ b/file.txt |
@@ -1 +1,2 @@ |
hello world! |
+hello world, again |
------------------------------------------------ |
So 'git diff' is comparing against something other than the head. |
The thing that it's comparing against is actually the index file, |
which is stored in .git/index in a binary format, but whose contents |
we can examine with ls-files: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git ls-files --stage |
100644 513feba2e53ebbd2532419ded848ba19de88ba00 0 file.txt |
$ git cat-file -t 513feba2 |
blob |
$ git cat-file blob 513feba2 |
hello world! |
hello world, again |
------------------------------------------------ |
So what our 'git add' did was store a new blob and then put |
a reference to it in the index file. If we modify the file again, |
we'll see that the new modifications are reflected in the 'git diff' |
output: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ echo 'again?' >>file.txt |
$ git diff |
index 513feba..ba3da7b 100644 |
--- a/file.txt |
+++ b/file.txt |
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ |
hello world! |
hello world, again |
+again? |
------------------------------------------------ |
With the right arguments, 'git diff' can also show us the difference |
between the working directory and the last commit, or between the |
index and the last commit: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git diff HEAD |
diff --git a/file.txt b/file.txt |
index a042389..ba3da7b 100644 |
--- a/file.txt |
+++ b/file.txt |
@@ -1 +1,3 @@ |
hello world! |
+hello world, again |
+again? |
$ git diff --cached |
diff --git a/file.txt b/file.txt |
index a042389..513feba 100644 |
--- a/file.txt |
+++ b/file.txt |
@@ -1 +1,2 @@ |
hello world! |
+hello world, again |
------------------------------------------------ |
At any time, we can create a new commit using 'git commit' (without |
the "-a" option), and verify that the state committed only includes the |
changes stored in the index file, not the additional change that is |
still only in our working tree: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git commit -m "repeat" |
$ git diff HEAD |
diff --git a/file.txt b/file.txt |
index 513feba..ba3da7b 100644 |
--- a/file.txt |
+++ b/file.txt |
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ |
hello world! |
hello world, again |
+again? |
------------------------------------------------ |
So by default 'git commit' uses the index to create the commit, not |
the working tree; the "-a" option to commit tells it to first update |
the index with all changes in the working tree. |
Finally, it's worth looking at the effect of 'git add' on the index |
file: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ echo "goodbye, world" >closing.txt |
$ git add closing.txt |
------------------------------------------------ |
The effect of the 'git add' was to add one entry to the index file: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git ls-files --stage |
100644 8b9743b20d4b15be3955fc8d5cd2b09cd2336138 0 closing.txt |
100644 513feba2e53ebbd2532419ded848ba19de88ba00 0 file.txt |
------------------------------------------------ |
And, as you can see with cat-file, this new entry refers to the |
current contents of the file: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git cat-file blob 8b9743b2 |
goodbye, world |
------------------------------------------------ |
The "status" command is a useful way to get a quick summary of the |
situation: |
------------------------------------------------ |
$ git status |
On branch master |
Changes to be committed: |
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) |
new file: closing.txt |
Changes not staged for commit: |
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) |
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) |
modified: file.txt |
------------------------------------------------ |
Since the current state of closing.txt is cached in the index file, |
it is listed as "Changes to be committed". Since file.txt has |
changes in the working directory that aren't reflected in the index, |
it is marked "changed but not updated". At this point, running "git |
commit" would create a commit that added closing.txt (with its new |
contents), but that didn't modify file.txt. |
Also, note that a bare `git diff` shows the changes to file.txt, but |
not the addition of closing.txt, because the version of closing.txt |
in the index file is identical to the one in the working directory. |
In addition to being the staging area for new commits, the index file |
is also populated from the object database when checking out a |
branch, and is used to hold the trees involved in a merge operation. |
See linkgit:gitcore-tutorial[7] and the relevant man |
pages for details. |
What next? |
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At this point you should know everything necessary to read the man |
pages for any of the git commands; one good place to start would be |
with the commands mentioned in linkgit:giteveryday[7]. You |
should be able to find any unknown jargon in linkgit:gitglossary[7]. |
The link:user-manual.html[Git User's Manual] provides a more |
comprehensive introduction to Git. |
linkgit:gitcvs-migration[7] explains how to |
import a CVS repository into Git, and shows how to use Git in a |
CVS-like way. |
For some interesting examples of Git use, see the |
link:howto-index.html[howtos]. |
For Git developers, linkgit:gitcore-tutorial[7] goes |
into detail on the lower-level Git mechanisms involved in, for |
example, creating a new commit. |
-------- |
linkgit:gittutorial[7], |
linkgit:gitcvs-migration[7], |
linkgit:gitcore-tutorial[7], |
linkgit:gitglossary[7], |
linkgit:git-help[1], |
linkgit:giteveryday[7], |
link:user-manual.html[The Git User's Manual] |
--- |
Part of the linkgit:git[1] suite.