232 lines
4.5 KiB
232 lines
4.5 KiB
package Git::SVN::Utils; |
use strict; |
use warnings; |
use SVN::Core; |
use base qw(Exporter); |
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( |
fatal |
can_compress |
canonicalize_path |
canonicalize_url |
join_paths |
add_path_to_url |
); |
=head1 NAME |
Git::SVN::Utils - utility functions used across Git::SVN |
=head1 SYNOPSIS |
use Git::SVN::Utils qw(functions to import); |
This module contains functions which are useful across many different |
parts of Git::SVN. Mostly it's a place to put utility functions |
rather than duplicate the code or have classes grabbing at other |
classes. |
=head1 FUNCTIONS |
All functions can be imported only on request. |
=head3 fatal |
fatal(@message); |
Display a message and exit with a fatal error code. |
=cut |
# Note: not certain why this is in use instead of die. Probably because |
# the exit code of die is 255? Doesn't appear to be used consistently. |
sub fatal (@) { print STDERR "@_\n"; exit 1 } |
=head3 can_compress |
my $can_compress = can_compress; |
Returns true if Compress::Zlib is available, false otherwise. |
=cut |
my $can_compress; |
sub can_compress { |
return $can_compress if defined $can_compress; |
return $can_compress = eval { require Compress::Zlib; }; |
} |
=head3 canonicalize_path |
my $canoncalized_path = canonicalize_path($path); |
Converts $path into a canonical form which is safe to pass to the SVN |
API as a file path. |
=cut |
# Turn foo/../bar into bar |
sub _collapse_dotdot { |
my $path = shift; |
1 while $path =~ s{/[^/]+/+\.\.}{}; |
1 while $path =~ s{[^/]+/+\.\./}{}; |
1 while $path =~ s{[^/]+/+\.\.}{}; |
return $path; |
} |
sub canonicalize_path { |
my $path = shift; |
my $rv; |
# The 1.7 way to do it |
if ( defined &SVN::_Core::svn_dirent_canonicalize ) { |
$path = _collapse_dotdot($path); |
$rv = SVN::_Core::svn_dirent_canonicalize($path); |
} |
# The 1.6 way to do it |
# This can return undef on subversion-perl-1.4.2-2.el5 (CentOS 5.2) |
elsif ( defined &SVN::_Core::svn_path_canonicalize ) { |
$path = _collapse_dotdot($path); |
$rv = SVN::_Core::svn_path_canonicalize($path); |
} |
return $rv if defined $rv; |
# No SVN API canonicalization is available, or the SVN API |
# didn't return a successful result, do it ourselves |
return _canonicalize_path_ourselves($path); |
} |
sub _canonicalize_path_ourselves { |
my ($path) = @_; |
my $dot_slash_added = 0; |
if (substr($path, 0, 1) ne "/") { |
$path = "./" . $path; |
$dot_slash_added = 1; |
} |
$path =~ s#/+#/#g; |
$path =~ s#/\.(?:/|$)#/#g; |
$path = _collapse_dotdot($path); |
$path =~ s#/$##g; |
$path =~ s#^\./## if $dot_slash_added; |
$path =~ s#^\.$##; |
return $path; |
} |
=head3 canonicalize_url |
my $canonicalized_url = canonicalize_url($url); |
Converts $url into a canonical form which is safe to pass to the SVN |
API as a URL. |
=cut |
sub canonicalize_url { |
my $url = shift; |
# The 1.7 way to do it |
if ( defined &SVN::_Core::svn_uri_canonicalize ) { |
return SVN::_Core::svn_uri_canonicalize($url); |
} |
# There wasn't a 1.6 way to do it, so we do it ourself. |
else { |
return _canonicalize_url_ourselves($url); |
} |
} |
sub _canonicalize_url_path { |
my ($uri_path) = @_; |
my @parts; |
foreach my $part (split m{/+}, $uri_path) { |
$part =~ s/([^!\$%&'()*+,.\/\w:=\@_`~-]|%(?![a-fA-F0-9]{2}))/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/eg; |
push @parts, $part; |
} |
return join('/', @parts); |
} |
sub _canonicalize_url_ourselves { |
my ($url) = @_; |
if ($url =~ m#^([^:]+)://([^/]*)(.*)$#) { |
my ($scheme, $domain, $uri) = ($1, $2, _canonicalize_url_path(canonicalize_path($3))); |
$url = "$scheme://$domain$uri"; |
} |
$url; |
} |
=head3 join_paths |
my $new_path = join_paths(@paths); |
Appends @paths together into a single path. Any empty paths are ignored. |
=cut |
sub join_paths { |
my @paths = @_; |
@paths = grep { defined $_ && length $_ } @paths; |
return '' unless @paths; |
return $paths[0] if @paths == 1; |
my $new_path = shift @paths; |
$new_path =~ s{/+$}{}; |
my $last_path = pop @paths; |
$last_path =~ s{^/+}{}; |
for my $path (@paths) { |
$path =~ s{^/+}{}; |
$path =~ s{/+$}{}; |
$new_path .= "/$path"; |
} |
return $new_path .= "/$last_path"; |
} |
=head3 add_path_to_url |
my $new_url = add_path_to_url($url, $path); |
Appends $path onto the $url. If $path is empty, $url is returned unchanged. |
=cut |
sub add_path_to_url { |
my($url, $path) = @_; |
return $url if !defined $path or !length $path; |
# Strip trailing and leading slashes so we don't |
# wind up with http://x.com///path |
$url =~ s{/+$}{}; |
$path =~ s{^/+}{}; |
# If a path has a % in it, URI escape it so it's not |
# mistaken for a URI escape later. |
$path =~ s{%}{%25}g; |
return join '/', $url, $path; |
} |