#!/bin/sh if test -z "$GIT_TEST_GIT_DAEMON" then skip_all="git-daemon testing disabled (define GIT_TEST_GIT_DAEMON to enable)" test_done fi LIB_GIT_DAEMON_PORT=${LIB_GIT_DAEMON_PORT-'8121'} GIT_DAEMON_PID= GIT_DAEMON_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH="$PWD"/repo GIT_DAEMON_URL=git://$LIB_GIT_DAEMON_PORT start_git_daemon() { if test -n "$GIT_DAEMON_PID" then error "start_git_daemon already called" fi mkdir -p "$GIT_DAEMON_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH" trap 'code=$?; stop_git_daemon; (exit $code); die' EXIT say >&3 "Starting git daemon ..." git daemon --listen= --port="$LIB_GIT_DAEMON_PORT" \ --reuseaddr --verbose \ --base-path="$GIT_DAEMON_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH" \ "$@" "$GIT_DAEMON_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH" \ >&3 2>&4 & GIT_DAEMON_PID=$! } stop_git_daemon() { if test -z "$GIT_DAEMON_PID" then return fi trap 'die' EXIT # kill git-daemon child of git say >&3 "Stopping git daemon ..." kill "$GIT_DAEMON_PID" wait "$GIT_DAEMON_PID" >&3 2>&4 ret=$? # expect exit with status 143 = 128+15 for signal TERM=15 if test $ret -ne 143 then error "git daemon exited with status: $ret" fi GIT_DAEMON_PID= }