#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2005 Junio C Hamano # test_description='git-pack-object ' . ./test-lib.sh TRASH=`pwd` test_expect_success \ 'setup' \ 'rm -f .git/index* for i in a b c do dd if=/dev/zero bs=4k count=1 | tr "\\0" $i >$i && git-update-cache --add $i || exit done && cat c >d && echo foo >>d && git-update-cache --add d && tree=`git-write-tree` && commit=`git-commit-tree $tree </dev/null` && { echo $tree && echo $commit && git-ls-tree $tree | sed -e "s/.* \\([0-9a-f]*\\) .*/\\1/" } >obj-list && { git-diff-tree --root -p $commit && while read object do t=`git-cat-file -t $object` && git-cat-file $t $object || exit 1 done <obj-list } >expect' test_expect_success \ 'pack without delta' \ 'packname_1=$(git-pack-objects --window=0 test-1 <obj-list)' rm -fr .git2 mkdir .git2 test_expect_success \ 'unpack without delta' \ "GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=.git2/objects && export GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY && git-init-db && git-unpack-objects -n <test-1-${packname_1}.pack && git-unpack-objects <test-1-${packname_1}.pack" unset GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY cd $TRASH/.git2 test_expect_success \ 'check unpack without delta' \ '(cd ../.git && find objects -type f -print) | while read path do cmp $path ../.git/$path || { echo $path differs. exit 1 } done' cd $TRASH test_expect_success \ 'pack with delta' \ 'pwd && packname_2=$(git-pack-objects test-2 <obj-list)' rm -fr .git2 mkdir .git2 test_expect_success \ 'unpack with delta' \ 'GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=.git2/objects && export GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY && git-init-db && git-unpack-objects -n <test-2-${packname_2}.pack && git-unpack-objects <test-2-${packname_2}.pack' unset GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY cd $TRASH/.git2 test_expect_success \ 'check unpack with delta' \ '(cd ../.git && find objects -type f -print) | while read path do cmp $path ../.git/$path || { echo $path differs. exit 1 } done' cd $TRASH rm -fr .git2 mkdir .git2 test_expect_success \ 'use packed objects' \ 'GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=.git2/objects && export GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY && git-init-db && cp test-1-${packname_1}.pack test-1-${packname_1}.idx .git2/objects/pack && { git-diff-tree --root -p $commit && while read object do t=`git-cat-file -t $object` && git-cat-file $t $object || exit 1 done <obj-list } >current && diff expect current' test_expect_success \ 'use packed deltified objects' \ 'GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=.git2/objects && export GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY && rm -f .git2/objects/pack/test-?.idx && cp test-2-${packname_2}.pack test-2-${packname_2}.idx .git2/objects/pack && { git-diff-tree --root -p $commit && while read object do t=`git-cat-file -t $object` && git-cat-file $t $object || exit 1 done <obj-list } >current && diff expect current' unset GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY test_expect_success \ 'verify pack' \ 'git-verify-pack test-1-${packname_1}.idx test-2-${packname_2}.idx' test_expect_success \ 'corrupt a pack and see if verify catches' \ 'cp test-1-${packname_1}.idx test-3.idx && cp test-2-${packname_2}.pack test-3.pack && if git-verify-pack test-3.idx then false else :; fi && cp test-1-${packname_1}.pack test-3.pack && dd if=/dev/zero of=test-3.pack count=1 bs=1 conv=notrunc seek=2 && if git-verify-pack test-3.idx then false else :; fi && cp test-1-${packname_1}.pack test-3.pack && dd if=/dev/zero of=test-3.pack count=1 bs=1 conv=notrunc seek=7 && if git-verify-pack test-3.idx then false else :; fi && cp test-1-${packname_1}.pack test-3.pack && dd if=/dev/zero of=test-3.pack count=1 bs=1 conv=notrunc seek=12 && if git-verify-pack test-3.idx then false else :; fi && :' test_done