/* * * Copyright 2005, Lukas Sandstrom <lukass@etek.chalmers.se> * * This file is licensed under the GPL v2. * */ #include "cache.h" #define BLKSIZE 512 static const char pack_redundant_usage[] = "git-pack-redundant [ --verbose ] [ --alt-odb ] < --all | <.pack filename> ...>"; static int load_all_packs = 0, verbose = 0, alt_odb = 0; struct llist_item { struct llist_item *next; unsigned char *sha1; }; static struct llist { struct llist_item *front; struct llist_item *back; size_t size; } *all_objects; /* all objects which must be present in local packfiles */ static struct pack_list { struct pack_list *next; struct packed_git *pack; struct llist *unique_objects; struct llist *all_objects; } *local_packs = NULL, *altodb_packs = NULL; struct pll { struct pll *next; struct pack_list *pl; }; static struct llist_item *free_nodes = NULL; static inline void llist_item_put(struct llist_item *item) { item->next = free_nodes; free_nodes = item; } static inline struct llist_item *llist_item_get(void) { struct llist_item *new; if ( free_nodes ) { new = free_nodes; free_nodes = free_nodes->next; } else { int i = 1; new = xmalloc(sizeof(struct llist_item) * BLKSIZE); for(;i < BLKSIZE; i++) { llist_item_put(&new[i]); } } return new; } static void llist_free(struct llist *list) { while((list->back = list->front)) { list->front = list->front->next; llist_item_put(list->back); } free(list); } static inline void llist_init(struct llist **list) { *list = xmalloc(sizeof(struct llist)); (*list)->front = (*list)->back = NULL; (*list)->size = 0; } static struct llist * llist_copy(struct llist *list) { struct llist *ret; struct llist_item *new, *old, *prev; llist_init(&ret); if ((ret->size = list->size) == 0) return ret; new = ret->front = llist_item_get(); new->sha1 = list->front->sha1; old = list->front->next; while (old) { prev = new; new = llist_item_get(); prev->next = new; new->sha1 = old->sha1; old = old->next; } new->next = NULL; ret->back = new; return ret; } static inline struct llist_item * llist_insert(struct llist *list, struct llist_item *after, unsigned char *sha1) { struct llist_item *new = llist_item_get(); new->sha1 = sha1; new->next = NULL; if (after != NULL) { new->next = after->next; after->next = new; if (after == list->back) list->back = new; } else {/* insert in front */ if (list->size == 0) list->back = new; else new->next = list->front; list->front = new; } list->size++; return new; } static inline struct llist_item *llist_insert_back(struct llist *list, unsigned char *sha1) { return llist_insert(list, list->back, sha1); } static inline struct llist_item *llist_insert_sorted_unique(struct llist *list, unsigned char *sha1, struct llist_item *hint) { struct llist_item *prev = NULL, *l; l = (hint == NULL) ? list->front : hint; while (l) { int cmp = memcmp(l->sha1, sha1, 20); if (cmp > 0) { /* we insert before this entry */ return llist_insert(list, prev, sha1); } if(!cmp) { /* already exists */ return l; } prev = l; l = l->next; } /* insert at the end */ return llist_insert_back(list, sha1); } /* returns a pointer to an item in front of sha1 */ static inline struct llist_item * llist_sorted_remove(struct llist *list, const unsigned char *sha1, struct llist_item *hint) { struct llist_item *prev, *l; redo_from_start: l = (hint == NULL) ? list->front : hint; prev = NULL; while (l) { int cmp = memcmp(l->sha1, sha1, 20); if (cmp > 0) /* not in list, since sorted */ return prev; if(!cmp) { /* found */ if (prev == NULL) { if (hint != NULL && hint != list->front) { /* we don't know the previous element */ hint = NULL; goto redo_from_start; } list->front = l->next; } else prev->next = l->next; if (l == list->back) list->back = prev; llist_item_put(l); list->size--; return prev; } prev = l; l = l->next; } return prev; } /* computes A\B */ static void llist_sorted_difference_inplace(struct llist *A, struct llist *B) { struct llist_item *hint, *b; hint = NULL; b = B->front; while (b) { hint = llist_sorted_remove(A, b->sha1, hint); b = b->next; } } static inline struct pack_list * pack_list_insert(struct pack_list **pl, struct pack_list *entry) { struct pack_list *p = xmalloc(sizeof(struct pack_list)); memcpy(p, entry, sizeof(struct pack_list)); p->next = *pl; *pl = p; return p; } static inline size_t pack_list_size(struct pack_list *pl) { size_t ret = 0; while(pl) { ret++; pl = pl->next; } return ret; } static struct pack_list * pack_list_difference(const struct pack_list *A, const struct pack_list *B) { struct pack_list *ret; const struct pack_list *pl; if (A == NULL) return NULL; pl = B; while (pl != NULL) { if (A->pack == pl->pack) return pack_list_difference(A->next, B); pl = pl->next; } ret = xmalloc(sizeof(struct pack_list)); memcpy(ret, A, sizeof(struct pack_list)); ret->next = pack_list_difference(A->next, B); return ret; } static void cmp_two_packs(struct pack_list *p1, struct pack_list *p2) { int p1_off, p2_off; unsigned char *p1_base, *p2_base; struct llist_item *p1_hint = NULL, *p2_hint = NULL; p1_off = p2_off = 256 * 4 + 4; p1_base = (unsigned char *) p1->pack->index_base; p2_base = (unsigned char *) p2->pack->index_base; while (p1_off <= p1->pack->index_size - 3 * 20 && p2_off <= p2->pack->index_size - 3 * 20) { int cmp = memcmp(p1_base + p1_off, p2_base + p2_off, 20); /* cmp ~ p1 - p2 */ if (cmp == 0) { p1_hint = llist_sorted_remove(p1->unique_objects, p1_base + p1_off, p1_hint); p2_hint = llist_sorted_remove(p2->unique_objects, p1_base + p1_off, p2_hint); p1_off+=24; p2_off+=24; continue; } if (cmp < 0) { /* p1 has the object, p2 doesn't */ p1_off+=24; } else { /* p2 has the object, p1 doesn't */ p2_off+=24; } } } static void pll_free(struct pll *l) { struct pll *old; struct pack_list *opl; while (l) { old = l; while (l->pl) { opl = l->pl; l->pl = opl->next; free(opl); } l = l->next; free(old); } } /* all the permutations have to be free()d at the same time, * since they refer to each other */ static struct pll * get_permutations(struct pack_list *list, int n) { struct pll *subset, *ret = NULL, *new_pll = NULL, *pll; if (list == NULL || pack_list_size(list) < n || n == 0) return NULL; if (n == 1) { while (list) { new_pll = xmalloc(sizeof(pll)); new_pll->pl = NULL; pack_list_insert(&new_pll->pl, list); new_pll->next = ret; ret = new_pll; list = list->next; } return ret; } while (list->next) { subset = get_permutations(list->next, n - 1); while (subset) { new_pll = xmalloc(sizeof(pll)); new_pll->pl = subset->pl; pack_list_insert(&new_pll->pl, list); new_pll->next = ret; ret = new_pll; subset = subset->next; } list = list->next; } return ret; } static int is_superset(struct pack_list *pl, struct llist *list) { struct llist *diff; diff = llist_copy(list); while (pl) { llist_sorted_difference_inplace(diff, pl->all_objects); if (diff->size == 0) { /* we're done */ llist_free(diff); return 1; } pl = pl->next; } llist_free(diff); return 0; } static size_t sizeof_union(struct packed_git *p1, struct packed_git *p2) { size_t ret = 0; int p1_off, p2_off; char *p1_base, *p2_base; p1_off = p2_off = 256 * 4 + 4; p1_base = (char *)p1->index_base; p2_base = (char *)p2->index_base; while (p1_off <= p1->index_size - 3 * 20 && p2_off <= p2->index_size - 3 * 20) { int cmp = memcmp(p1_base + p1_off, p2_base + p2_off, 20); /* cmp ~ p1 - p2 */ if (cmp == 0) { ret++; p1_off+=24; p2_off+=24; continue; } if (cmp < 0) { /* p1 has the object, p2 doesn't */ p1_off+=24; } else { /* p2 has the object, p1 doesn't */ p2_off+=24; } } return ret; } /* another O(n^2) function ... */ static size_t get_pack_redundancy(struct pack_list *pl) { struct pack_list *subset; size_t ret = 0; if (pl == NULL) return 0; while ((subset = pl->next)) { while(subset) { ret += sizeof_union(pl->pack, subset->pack); subset = subset->next; } pl = pl->next; } return ret; } static inline size_t pack_set_bytecount(struct pack_list *pl) { size_t ret = 0; while (pl) { ret += pl->pack->pack_size; ret += pl->pack->index_size; pl = pl->next; } return ret; } static void minimize(struct pack_list **min) { struct pack_list *pl, *unique = NULL, *non_unique = NULL, *min_perm = NULL; struct pll *perm, *perm_all, *perm_ok = NULL, *new_perm; struct llist *missing; size_t min_perm_size = (size_t)-1, perm_size; int n; pl = local_packs; while (pl) { if(pl->unique_objects->size) pack_list_insert(&unique, pl); else pack_list_insert(&non_unique, pl); pl = pl->next; } /* find out which objects are missing from the set of unique packs */ missing = llist_copy(all_objects); pl = unique; while (pl) { llist_sorted_difference_inplace(missing, pl->all_objects); pl = pl->next; } /* return if there are no objects missing from the unique set */ if (missing->size == 0) { *min = unique; return; } /* find the permutations which contain all missing objects */ for (n = 1; n <= pack_list_size(non_unique) && !perm_ok; n++) { perm_all = perm = get_permutations(non_unique, n); while (perm) { if (is_superset(perm->pl, missing)) { new_perm = xmalloc(sizeof(struct pll)); memcpy(new_perm, perm, sizeof(struct pll)); new_perm->next = perm_ok; perm_ok = new_perm; } perm = perm->next; } if (perm_ok) break; pll_free(perm_all); } if (perm_ok == NULL) die("Internal error: No complete sets found!\n"); /* find the permutation with the smallest size */ perm = perm_ok; while (perm) { perm_size = pack_set_bytecount(perm->pl); if (min_perm_size > perm_size) { min_perm_size = perm_size; min_perm = perm->pl; } perm = perm->next; } *min = min_perm; /* add the unique packs to the list */ pl = unique; while(pl) { pack_list_insert(min, pl); pl = pl->next; } } static void load_all_objects(void) { struct pack_list *pl = local_packs; struct llist_item *hint, *l; llist_init(&all_objects); while (pl) { hint = NULL; l = pl->all_objects->front; while (l) { hint = llist_insert_sorted_unique(all_objects, l->sha1, hint); l = l->next; } pl = pl->next; } /* remove objects present in remote packs */ pl = altodb_packs; while (pl) { llist_sorted_difference_inplace(all_objects, pl->all_objects); pl = pl->next; } } /* this scales like O(n^2) */ static void cmp_local_packs(void) { struct pack_list *subset, *pl = local_packs; while ((subset = pl)) { while((subset = subset->next)) cmp_two_packs(pl, subset); pl = pl->next; } } static void scan_alt_odb_packs(void) { struct pack_list *local, *alt; alt = altodb_packs; while (alt) { local = local_packs; while (local) { llist_sorted_difference_inplace(local->unique_objects, alt->all_objects); local = local->next; } llist_sorted_difference_inplace(all_objects, alt->all_objects); alt = alt->next; } } static struct pack_list * add_pack(struct packed_git *p) { struct pack_list l; size_t off; unsigned char *base; if (!p->pack_local && !(alt_odb || verbose)) return NULL; l.pack = p; llist_init(&l.all_objects); off = 256 * 4 + 4; base = (unsigned char *)p->index_base; while (off <= p->index_size - 3 * 20) { llist_insert_back(l.all_objects, base + off); off += 24; } /* this list will be pruned in cmp_two_packs later */ l.unique_objects = llist_copy(l.all_objects); if (p->pack_local) return pack_list_insert(&local_packs, &l); else return pack_list_insert(&altodb_packs, &l); } static struct pack_list * add_pack_file(char *filename) { struct packed_git *p = packed_git; if (strlen(filename) < 40) die("Bad pack filename: %s\n", filename); while (p) { if (strstr(p->pack_name, filename)) return add_pack(p); p = p->next; } die("Filename %s not found in packed_git\n", filename); } static void load_all(void) { struct packed_git *p = packed_git; while (p) { add_pack(p); p = p->next; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; struct pack_list *min, *red, *pl; struct llist *ignore; unsigned char *sha1; char buf[42]; /* 40 byte sha1 + \n + \0 */ setup_git_directory(); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { const char *arg = argv[i]; if(!strcmp(arg, "--")) { i++; break; } if(!strcmp(arg, "--all")) { load_all_packs = 1; continue; } if(!strcmp(arg, "--verbose")) { verbose = 1; continue; } if(!strcmp(arg, "--alt-odb")) { alt_odb = 1; continue; } if(*arg == '-') usage(pack_redundant_usage); else break; } prepare_packed_git(); if (load_all_packs) load_all(); else while (*(argv + i) != NULL) add_pack_file(*(argv + i++)); if (local_packs == NULL) die("Zero packs found!\n"); load_all_objects(); cmp_local_packs(); if (alt_odb) scan_alt_odb_packs(); /* ignore objects given on stdin */ llist_init(&ignore); if (!isatty(0)) { while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) { sha1 = xmalloc(20); if (get_sha1_hex(buf, sha1)) die("Bad sha1 on stdin: %s", buf); llist_insert_sorted_unique(ignore, sha1, NULL); } } llist_sorted_difference_inplace(all_objects, ignore); pl = local_packs; while (pl) { llist_sorted_difference_inplace(pl->unique_objects, ignore); pl = pl->next; } minimize(&min); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "There are %lu packs available in alt-odbs.\n", (unsigned long)pack_list_size(altodb_packs)); fprintf(stderr, "The smallest (bytewise) set of packs is:\n"); pl = min; while (pl) { fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", pl->pack->pack_name); pl = pl->next; } fprintf(stderr, "containing %lu duplicate objects " "with a total size of %lukb.\n", (unsigned long)get_pack_redundancy(min), (unsigned long)pack_set_bytecount(min)/1024); fprintf(stderr, "A total of %lu unique objects were considered.\n", (unsigned long)all_objects->size); fprintf(stderr, "Redundant packs (with indexes):\n"); } pl = red = pack_list_difference(local_packs, min); while (pl) { printf("%s\n%s\n", sha1_pack_index_name(pl->pack->sha1), pl->pack->pack_name); pl = pl->next; } if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%luMB of redundant packs in total.\n", (unsigned long)pack_set_bytecount(red)/(1024*1024)); return 0; }