/* * Simple text-based progress display module for GIT * * Copyright (c) 2007 by Nicolas Pitre <nico@fluxnic.net> * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #define GIT_TEST_PROGRESS_ONLY #include "cache.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "progress.h" #include "strbuf.h" #include "trace.h" #include "utf8.h" #include "config.h" #define TP_IDX_MAX 8 struct throughput { off_t curr_total; off_t prev_total; uint64_t prev_ns; unsigned int avg_bytes; unsigned int avg_misecs; unsigned int last_bytes[TP_IDX_MAX]; unsigned int last_misecs[TP_IDX_MAX]; unsigned int idx; struct strbuf display; }; struct progress { const char *title; uint64_t last_value; uint64_t total; unsigned last_percent; unsigned delay; unsigned sparse; struct throughput *throughput; uint64_t start_ns; struct strbuf counters_sb; int title_len; int split; }; static volatile sig_atomic_t progress_update; /* * These are only intended for testing the progress output, i.e. exclusively * for 'test-tool progress'. */ int progress_testing; uint64_t progress_test_ns = 0; void progress_test_force_update(void) { progress_update = 1; } static void progress_interval(int signum) { progress_update = 1; } static void set_progress_signal(void) { struct sigaction sa; struct itimerval v; if (progress_testing) return; progress_update = 0; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = progress_interval; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); v.it_interval.tv_sec = 1; v.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; v.it_value = v.it_interval; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &v, NULL); } static void clear_progress_signal(void) { struct itimerval v = {{0,},}; if (progress_testing) return; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &v, NULL); signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); progress_update = 0; } static int is_foreground_fd(int fd) { int tpgrp = tcgetpgrp(fd); return tpgrp < 0 || tpgrp == getpgid(0); } static void display(struct progress *progress, uint64_t n, const char *done) { const char *tp; struct strbuf *counters_sb = &progress->counters_sb; int show_update = 0; int last_count_len = counters_sb->len; if (progress->delay && (!progress_update || --progress->delay)) return; progress->last_value = n; tp = (progress->throughput) ? progress->throughput->display.buf : ""; if (progress->total) { unsigned percent = n * 100 / progress->total; if (percent != progress->last_percent || progress_update) { progress->last_percent = percent; strbuf_reset(counters_sb); strbuf_addf(counters_sb, "%3u%% (%"PRIuMAX"/%"PRIuMAX")%s", percent, (uintmax_t)n, (uintmax_t)progress->total, tp); show_update = 1; } } else if (progress_update) { strbuf_reset(counters_sb); strbuf_addf(counters_sb, "%"PRIuMAX"%s", (uintmax_t)n, tp); show_update = 1; } if (show_update) { if (is_foreground_fd(fileno(stderr)) || done) { const char *eol = done ? done : "\r"; size_t clear_len = counters_sb->len < last_count_len ? last_count_len - counters_sb->len + 1 : 0; /* The "+ 2" accounts for the ": ". */ size_t progress_line_len = progress->title_len + counters_sb->len + 2; int cols = term_columns(); if (progress->split) { fprintf(stderr, " %s%*s", counters_sb->buf, (int) clear_len, eol); } else if (!done && cols < progress_line_len) { clear_len = progress->title_len + 1 < cols ? cols - progress->title_len - 1 : 0; fprintf(stderr, "%s:%*s\n %s%s", progress->title, (int) clear_len, "", counters_sb->buf, eol); progress->split = 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s%*s", progress->title, counters_sb->buf, (int) clear_len, eol); } fflush(stderr); } progress_update = 0; } } static void throughput_string(struct strbuf *buf, uint64_t total, unsigned int rate) { strbuf_reset(buf); strbuf_addstr(buf, ", "); strbuf_humanise_bytes(buf, total); strbuf_addstr(buf, " | "); strbuf_humanise_rate(buf, rate * 1024); } static uint64_t progress_getnanotime(struct progress *progress) { if (progress_testing) return progress->start_ns + progress_test_ns; else return getnanotime(); } void display_throughput(struct progress *progress, uint64_t total) { struct throughput *tp; uint64_t now_ns; unsigned int misecs, count, rate; if (!progress) return; tp = progress->throughput; now_ns = progress_getnanotime(progress); if (!tp) { progress->throughput = CALLOC_ARRAY(tp, 1); tp->prev_total = tp->curr_total = total; tp->prev_ns = now_ns; strbuf_init(&tp->display, 0); return; } tp->curr_total = total; /* only update throughput every 0.5 s */ if (now_ns - tp->prev_ns <= 500000000) return; /* * We have x = bytes and y = nanosecs. We want z = KiB/s: * * z = (x / 1024) / (y / 1000000000) * z = x / y * 1000000000 / 1024 * z = x / (y * 1024 / 1000000000) * z = x / y' * * To simplify things we'll keep track of misecs, or 1024th of a sec * obtained with: * * y' = y * 1024 / 1000000000 * y' = y * (2^10 / 2^42) * (2^42 / 1000000000) * y' = y / 2^32 * 4398 * y' = (y * 4398) >> 32 */ misecs = ((now_ns - tp->prev_ns) * 4398) >> 32; count = total - tp->prev_total; tp->prev_total = total; tp->prev_ns = now_ns; tp->avg_bytes += count; tp->avg_misecs += misecs; rate = tp->avg_bytes / tp->avg_misecs; tp->avg_bytes -= tp->last_bytes[tp->idx]; tp->avg_misecs -= tp->last_misecs[tp->idx]; tp->last_bytes[tp->idx] = count; tp->last_misecs[tp->idx] = misecs; tp->idx = (tp->idx + 1) % TP_IDX_MAX; throughput_string(&tp->display, total, rate); if (progress->last_value != -1 && progress_update) display(progress, progress->last_value, NULL); } void display_progress(struct progress *progress, uint64_t n) { if (progress) display(progress, n, NULL); } static struct progress *start_progress_delay(const char *title, uint64_t total, unsigned delay, unsigned sparse) { struct progress *progress = xmalloc(sizeof(*progress)); progress->title = title; progress->total = total; progress->last_value = -1; progress->last_percent = -1; progress->delay = delay; progress->sparse = sparse; progress->throughput = NULL; progress->start_ns = getnanotime(); strbuf_init(&progress->counters_sb, 0); progress->title_len = utf8_strwidth(title); progress->split = 0; set_progress_signal(); trace2_region_enter("progress", title, the_repository); return progress; } static int get_default_delay(void) { static int delay_in_secs = -1; if (delay_in_secs < 0) delay_in_secs = git_env_ulong("GIT_PROGRESS_DELAY", 2); return delay_in_secs; } struct progress *start_delayed_progress(const char *title, uint64_t total) { return start_progress_delay(title, total, get_default_delay(), 0); } struct progress *start_progress(const char *title, uint64_t total) { return start_progress_delay(title, total, 0, 0); } /* * Here "sparse" means that the caller might use some sampling criteria to * decide when to call display_progress() rather than calling it for every * integer value in[0 .. total). In particular, the caller might not call * display_progress() for the last value in the range. * * When "sparse" is set, stop_progress() will automatically force the done * message to show 100%. */ struct progress *start_sparse_progress(const char *title, uint64_t total) { return start_progress_delay(title, total, 0, 1); } struct progress *start_delayed_sparse_progress(const char *title, uint64_t total) { return start_progress_delay(title, total, get_default_delay(), 1); } static void finish_if_sparse(struct progress *progress) { if (progress->sparse && progress->last_value != progress->total) display_progress(progress, progress->total); } static void force_last_update(struct progress *progress, const char *msg) { char *buf; struct throughput *tp = progress->throughput; if (tp) { uint64_t now_ns = progress_getnanotime(progress); unsigned int misecs, rate; misecs = ((now_ns - progress->start_ns) * 4398) >> 32; rate = tp->curr_total / (misecs ? misecs : 1); throughput_string(&tp->display, tp->curr_total, rate); } progress_update = 1; buf = xstrfmt(", %s.\n", msg); display(progress, progress->last_value, buf); free(buf); } static void log_trace2(struct progress *progress) { trace2_data_intmax("progress", the_repository, "total_objects", progress->total); if (progress->throughput) trace2_data_intmax("progress", the_repository, "total_bytes", progress->throughput->curr_total); trace2_region_leave("progress", progress->title, the_repository); } void stop_progress_msg(struct progress **p_progress, const char *msg) { struct progress *progress; if (!p_progress) BUG("don't provide NULL to stop_progress_msg"); progress = *p_progress; if (!progress) return; *p_progress = NULL; finish_if_sparse(progress); if (progress->last_value != -1) force_last_update(progress, msg); log_trace2(progress); clear_progress_signal(); strbuf_release(&progress->counters_sb); if (progress->throughput) strbuf_release(&progress->throughput->display); free(progress->throughput); free(progress); }