The 'save' subcommand in git stash has been deprecated in
fd2ebf14db ("stash: mark "git stash save" deprecated in the man page",
Stop showing it when the users enters 'git stash <tab>' or 'git stash
s<tab>'. Keep showing it however when the user enters 'git stash sa<tab>'
or any more characters of the 'save' subcommand. This is designed to
not encourage users to use 'git stash save', but still leaving the
completion option once it's clear that's what the user means.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Gummerer <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
To get the names of all '$__git_builtin_*' variables caching --options
of builtin commands in order to unset them, 8b0eaa41f2 (completion:
clear cached --options when sourcing the completion script,
2018-03-22) runs a 'set |sed s///' pipeline. This works both in Bash
and in ZSH, but has a higher than necessary overhead with the extra
In Bash we can do better: run the 'compgen -v __gitcomp_builtin_'
builtin command, which lists the same variables, but without a
pipeline and 'sed' it can do so with lower overhead.
ZSH will still continue to run that pipeline.
This change also happens to work around an issue in the default Bash
version shipped in macOS (3.2.57), reported by users of the Powerline
shell prompt, which was triggered by the same commit 8b0eaa41f2 as
well. Powerline uses several Unicode Private Use Area code points to
represent some of its pretty text UI elements (arrows and what not),
and these are stored in the $PS1 variable. Apparently the 'set'
builtin of said Bash version on macOS has issues with these code
points, and produces garbled output where Powerline's special symbols
should be in the $PS1 variable. This, in turn, triggers the following
error message in the downstream 'sed' process:
sed: RE error: illegal byte sequence
Other Bash versions, notably 4.4.19 on macOS via homebrew (i.e. a
newer version on the same platform) and 3.2.25 on CentOS (i.e. a
slightly earlier version, though on a different platform) are not
affected. ZSH in macOS (the versions shipped by default or installed
via homebrew) or on other platforms isn't affected either.
With this patch neither the 'set' builtin is invoked to print garbage,
nor 'sed' to choke on it.
Issue-on-macOS-reported-by: Stephon Harris <>
Issue-on-macOS-explained-by: Matthew Coleman <>
Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
During git-aware path completion, when a lot of path components have
to be listed, a significant amount of time is spent in
__gitcomp_file(), or more accurately in the shell loop of
__gitcompappend(), iterating over all the path components filtering
path components matching the current word to be completed, adding
prefix path components, and placing the resulting matching paths into
the COMPREPLY array.
Now, a previous patch in this series made 'git ls-files' and 'git
diff-index' list only paths matching the current word to be completed,
so an additional filtering in __gitcomp_file() is not necessary
anymore. Adding the prefix path components could be done much more
efficiently in __git_index_files()'s 'awk' script while stripping
trailing path components and removing duplicates and quoting. And
then the resulting paths won't require any more filtering or
processing before being handed over to Bash, so we could fill the
COMPREPLY array directly.
Unfortunately, we can't simply use the __gitcomp_direct() helper
function to do that, because __gitcomp_file() does one additional
thing: it tells Bash that we are doing filename completion, so the
shell will kindly do four important things for us:
1. Append a trailing space to all filenames.
2. Append a trailing '/' to all directory names.
3. Escape any meta, globbing, separator, etc. characters.
4. List only the current path component when listing possible
completions (i.e. 'dir/subdir/f<TAB>' will list 'file1', 'file2',
etc. instead of the whole 'dir/subdir/file1',
While we could let __git_index_files()'s 'awk' script take care of the
first two points, the third one gets tricky, and we absolutely need
the shell's support for the fourth.
Add the helper function __gitcomp_file_direct(), which, just like
__gitcomp_direct(), fills the COMPREPLY array with prefiltered and
preprocessed paths without any additional processing, without a shell
loop, with just one single compound assignment, and, similar to
__gitcomp_file(), tells Bash and ZSH that we are doing filename
completion. Extend __git_index_files()'s 'awk' script a bit to
prepend any prefix path components to all listed paths. Finally,
modify __git_complete_index_file() to feed __git_index_files()'s
output to ___gitcomp_file_direct() instead of __gitcomp_file().
After this patch there is no shell loop left in the path completion
code path.
This speeds up path completion when there are a lot of paths matching
the current word to be completed. In a pathological repository with
100k files in a single directory, listing all those files:
Before this patch, best of five, using GNU awk on Linux:
$ time cur=dir/ __git_complete_index_file
real 0m0.983s
user 0m1.004s
sys 0m0.033s
real 0m0.313s
user 0m0.341s
sys 0m0.029s
Difference: -68.2%
Speedup: 3.1x
To see the benefits of the whole patch series, the same command with
real 0m2.736s
user 0m2.472s
sys 0m0.610s
Difference: -88.6%
Speedup: 8.7x
Note that this patch changes the output of the __git_index_files()
helper function by unconditionally prepending the prefix path
components to every listed path. This would break users' completion
scriptlets that directly run:
__gitcomp_file "$(__git_index_files ...)" "$pfx" "$cur_"
because that would add the prefix path components once more.
However, __git_index_files() is kind of a "helper function of a helper
function", and users' completion scriptlets should have been using
__git_complete_index_file() for git-aware path completion in the first
place, so this is likely doesn't worth worrying about.
Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
If any pathname contains backslash, double quote, tab, newline, or any
control characters, 'git ls-files' and 'git diff-index' will enclose
that pathname in double quotes and escape those special characters
using C-style one-character escape sequences or \nnn octal values.
This prevents those files from being listed during git-aware path
completion, because due to the quoting they will never match the
current word to be completed.
Extend __git_index_files()'s 'awk' script to remove all that quoting
and escaping from unique path components, so even paths containing
(almost all) such special characters can be completed.
Paths containing newline characters are still an issue, though. We
use newlines as separator character when filling the COMPREPLY array,
so a path with one or more newline will end up split to two or more
elements in COMPREPLY, basically breaking completion. There is
nothing we can do about it without a significant performance hit, so
let's just ignore such paths for now. As far as paths with newlines
are concerned, this isn't any different from the previous behavior,
because those paths were always omitted, though in the past they were
omitted because due to the quoting they didn't match the current word
to be completed. Anyway, Bash's own filename completion (Meta-/) can
complete even those paths, if need be.
- We don't dequote path components right away as they are coming in,
because then we would have to dequote each directory name
repeatedly, as many times as it appears in the input, i.e. as many
times as the number of listed paths it contains. Instead, we
dequote them at the end, as we print unique path components.
- Even when a directory name itself does not contain any special
characters, it will still be quoted if any of its trailing path
components do. If a directory contains paths both with and
without special characters, then the name of that directory will
appear both quoted and unquoted in the output of 'git ls-files'
and 'git diff-index'. Consequently, we will add such a directory
name to the deduplicating associative array twice: once quoted and
once unquoted.
This means that we have to be careful after dequoting a directory
name, and only print it if we haven't seen the same directory name
- It would be wonderful if we could just pass '-z' to those git
commands to output \0-separated unquoted paths, and use \0 as
record separator in the 'awk' script processing their output...
this patch would be so much simpler, almost trivial even.
Unfortunately, however, POSIX and most 'awk' implementations don't
support \0 as record separator (GNU awk does support it).
- This patch makes the earlier change to list paths with
'core.quotePath=false' basically redundant, because this could
decode any \nnn-escaped non-ASCII character just fine, as well.
However, I suspect that 'git ls-files' can deal with those
non-ASCII characters faster than this updated 'awk' script; just
in case someone is burdened with tons of pathnames containing
non-ASCII characters.
Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
During git-aware path completion, after all the trailing path
components have been removed from the output of 'git ls-files' and
'git diff-index' (see previous patch), each directory name is repeated
as many times as the number of listed paths it contains. This can be
a lot of repetitions, especially when invoking path completion close
to the root of a big worktree, which would cause a considerable
overhead downstream of __git_index_files(), in particular in the shell
loop that fills the COMPREPLY array. To reduce this overhead,
__git_index_files() runs the classic '... |sort |uniq' pattern to
remove those repetitions from the function's output.
While removing repeated directory names is effective in reducing the
number of iterations in that shell loop, it still imposes the overhead
of fork()+exec()ing two external processes, and two additional stages
in the pipeline, where potentially relatively large amount of data can
be passed between two subsequent pipeline stages.
Extend __git_index_files()'s 'awk' script to remove repeated path
components by first creating and filling an associative array indexed
by all encountered path components (after the trailing path components
have been removed), and then iterating over this array and printing
the indices, i.e. unique path components. This way we can remove the
'|sort |uniq' pipeline stages, and their eliminated overhead results
in faster path completion.
Listing all tracked files (12) and directories (23) at the top of the
worktree in linux.git (over 62k files), i.e. what's doing all the hard
work behind 'git rm <TAB>':
Before this patch, best of five, using GNU awk on Linux:
real 0m0.069s
user 0m0.089s
sys 0m0.026s
real 0m0.052s
user 0m0.072s
sys 0m0.014s
Difference: -24.6%
Note that this changes order of elements in __git_index_files()'s
output. This is not an issue, because this function was only ever
intended to feed paths into the COMPREPLY array, and Bash will sort
its elements (according to the users locale) anyway.
Note also that using 'awk' to remove repeated path components is also
beneficial for the performance of the next two patches:
- The first will extend this 'awk' script to dequote quoted paths in
the output of 'git ls-files' and 'git diff-index'. With this
patch it will only have to dequote unique path components, not
- The second will, among other things, extend this 'awk' script to
prepend prefix path components from the command line to the
currently completed path component. Consequently, each line in
'awk's output will grow longer. Without this patch that '|sort
|uniq' would have to exchange and process that much more data.
Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
During git-aware path completion we complete one path component at a
time, i.e. 'git add <TAB>' offers only 'dir/' at first, not
'dir/subdir/file' right away, just like Bash's own filename
completion. However, since both 'git ls-files' and 'git diff-index'
dive deep into subdirectories, we have to strip all trailing path
components from the listed paths, keeping only the leading path
component. This stripping is currently done in a shell loop in
__git_index_files(), which can take a significant amount of time when
it has to iterate through a large number of paths.
Replace this shell loop with a little 'awk' script using '/' as input
field separator and printing the first field, which produces the same
output much faster.
Listing all tracked files (12) and directories (23) at the top of the
worktree in linux.git (over 62k files), i.e. what's doing all the hard
work behind 'git rm <TAB>':
Before this patch, best of five, using GNU awk on Linux:
$ time cur= __git_complete_index_file
real 0m2.149s
user 0m1.307s
sys 0m1.086s
real 0m0.067s
user 0m0.089s
sys 0m0.023s
Difference: -96.9%
Speedup: 32.1x
Note that this could be done with 'sed', or even with 'cut', just as
well, but the upcoming patches require 'awk's scriptability.
Note also that this change means one more fork()+exec()ed process
during path completion, adding more overhead especially on Windows,
but a later patch will more than make up for it by eliminating two
other processes in the same function.
Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
During git-aware path completion, e.g. 'git rm dir/fil<TAB>', both
'git ls-files' and 'git diff-index' list all paths in the given 'dir/'
matching certain criteria (cached, modified, untracked, etc.)
appropriate for the given git command, even paths whose names don't
begin with 'fil'. This comes with a considerable performance
penalty when the directory in question contains a lot of paths, but
the current word can be uniquely completed or when only a handful of
those paths match the current word.
Reduce the number of iterations in this codepath from the number of
paths to the number of matching paths by specifying an appropriate
globbing pattern to 'git ls-files' and 'git diff-index' to list only
paths that match the current word to be completed.
Note that both commands treat backslashes as escape characters in
their file arguments, e.g. to preserve the literal meaning of globbing
characters, so we have to double every backslash in the globbing
pattern. This is why one of the path completion tests specifically
checks the completion of a path containing a literal backslash
character (that test still fails, though, because both commands output
such paths enclosed in double quotes and the special characters
escaped; a later patch in this series will deal with those).
This speeds up path completion considerably when there are a lot of
non-matching paths to be filtered out. Uniquely completing a tracked
filename at the top of the worktree in linux.git (over 62k files),
i.e. what's doing all the hard work behind 'git rm Mak<TAB>' to
complete 'Makefile':
Before this patch, best of five, on Linux:
$ time cur=Mak __git_complete_index_file
real 0m2.159s
user 0m1.299s
sys 0m1.089s
real 0m0.033s
user 0m0.023s
sys 0m0.015s
Difference: -98.5%
Speedup: 65.4x
Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Our git-aware path completion doesn't work when it has to complete a
word already containing quoted and/or backslash-escaped characters on
the command line. The root cause of the issue is that completion
functions see all words on the command line verbatim, i.e. including
all backslash, single and double quote characters that the shell would
eventually remove when executing the finished command. These
quoting/escaping characters cause different issues depending on which
path component of the word to be completed contains them:
- The quoting/escaping is in the prefix path component(s).
Let's suppose we have a directory called 'New Dir', containing two
untracked files 'file.c' and 'file.o', and we have a gitignore
rule ignoring object files. In this case all of these:
git add New\ Dir/<TAB>
git add "New Dir/<TAB>
git add 'New Dir/<TAB>
should uniquely complete 'file.c' right away, but Bash offers both
'file.c' and 'file.o' instead. The reason for this behavior is
that our completion script uses the prefix directory name like
'git -C "New\ Dir/" ls-files ...", i.e. with the backslash inside
double quotes. Git then tries to enter a directory called
'New\ Dir', which (most likely) fails because such a directory
doesn't exists. As a result our completion script doesn't list
any files, leaves the COMPREPLY array empty, which in turn causes
Bash to fall back to its simple filename completion and lists all
files in that directory, i.e. both 'file.c' and 'file.o'.
- The quoting/escaping is in the path component to be completed.
Let's suppose we have two untracked files 'New File.c' and
'New File.o', and we have a gitignore rule ignoring object files.
In this case all of these:
git add New\ Fi<TAB>
git add "New Fi<TAB>
git add 'New Fi<TAB>
should uniquely complete 'New File.c' right away, but Bash offers
both 'New File.c' and 'New File.o' instead. The reason for this
behavior is that our completion script uses this 'New\ Fi' or
'"New Fi' etc. word to filter matching paths, and of course none
of the potential filenames will match because of the included
backslash or double quote. The end result is the same as above:
the completion script doesn't list any files, Bash falls back to
its filename completion, which then lists the matching object file
as well.
Add the new helper function __git_dequote() [1], which removes (most
of[2]) the quoting and escaping from the word it gets as argument. To
minimize the overhead of calling this function, store its result in
the variable $dequoted_word, supposed to be declared local in the
caller; simply printing the result would require a command
substitution imposing the overhead of fork()ing a subshell. Use this
function in __git_complete_index_file() to dequote the current word,
i.e. the path, to be completed, to avoid the above described
quoting-related issues, thereby fixing two of the failing quoted path
completion tests.
[1] The bash-completion project already has a dequote() function,
which I hoped I could borrow to deal with this, but unfortunately
it doesn't work quite well for this purpose (perhaps that's why
even the bash-completion project only rarely uses it). The main
issue is that their dequote() is implemented as:
eval printf %s "$1" 2> /dev/null
where $1 would contain the word to be completed. While it's a
short and sweet one-liner, the use of 'eval' requires that $1 is a
syntactically valid string, which is not the case when quoting the
path like 'git add "New Dir/<TAB>'. This causes 'eval' to fail,
because it can't find the matching closing double quote, and the
function returns nothing. The result is totally broken behavior,
as if the current word were empty, and the completion script would
then list all files from the current directory. This is why one
of the quoted path completion tests specifically checks the
completion of a path with an opening but without a corresponding
closing double quote character. Furthermore, the 'eval' performs
all kinds of expansions, which may or may not be desired; I think
it's the latter. Finally, using this function would require a
command substitution.
[2] Bash understands the $'string' quoting as well, which "expands to
'string', with backslash-escaped characters replaced as specified
by the ANSI C standard" (quoted from Bash manpage). Since shell
metacharacters, field separators, globbing, etc. can all be easily
entered using standard shell escaping or quoting, this type of
quoting comes in handly when dealing with control characters that
are otherwise difficult both to "type" and to see on the command
line. Because of this difficulty I would assume that people do
avoid pathnames with such control characters anyway, so I didn't
bother implementing it. This function is already way too long as
it is.
Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Unless the user has 'core.quotePath=false' somewhere in the
configuration, both 'git ls-files' and 'git diff-index' will by
default quote any pathnames that contain bytes with values higher than
0x80, and escape those bytes as '\nnn' octal values. This prevents
completing paths when the current path component to be completed
contains any non-ASCII, most notably UTF-8, characters, because none
of the listed quoted paths will match the current word on the command
Set 'core.quotePath=false' for those 'git ls-files' and 'git
diff-index' invocations, so they won't consider bytes higher than 0x80
as "unusual", and won't quote pathnames containing such characters.
Note that pathnames containing backslash, double quote, or control
characters will still be quoted; a later patch in this series will
deal with those.
Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Once upon a time 'git -C "" cmd' errored out with "Cannot change to
'': No such file or directory", therefore the completion script took
extra steps to run 'git -C "." cmd' instead; see fca416a41e
(completion: use "git -C $there" instead of (cd $there && git ...),
Those extra steps are not needed since 6a536e2076 (git: treat "git -C
'<path>'" as a no-op when <path> is empty, 2015-03-06), so remove
While at it, also simplify how the trailing '/' is appended to the
variable holding the prefix path components.
Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
It's much easier to read, understand and modify the functions related
to git-aware path completion when they are right next to each other.
Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
From the output of ls-files, we remove all but the leftmost path
component and then we eliminate duplicates. We do this in a while loop,
which is a performance bottleneck when the number of iterations is large
(e.g. for 60000 files in linux.git).
$ COMP_WORDS=(git status -- ar) COMP_CWORD=3; time _git
real 0m11.876s
user 0m4.685s
sys 0m6.808s
Replacing the loop with the cut command improves performance
$ COMP_WORDS=(git status -- ar) COMP_CWORD=3; time _git
real 0m1.372s
user 0m0.263s
sys 0m0.167s
The measurements were done with Msys2 bash, which is used by Git for
When filtering the ls-files output we take care not to touch absolute
paths. This is redundant, because ls-files will never output absolute
paths. Remove the unnecessary operations.
The issue was reported here:
Signed-off-by: Clemens Buchacher <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Teach git the 'commit-graph' builtin that will be used for writing and
reading packed graph files. The current implementation is mostly
empty, except for an '--object-dir' option.
Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
The new function __git_complete_common can take over this job with
less code to maintain.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Many builtin commands use parseopt which can expose the option list
via --git-completion-helper but do not have explicit support in
git-completion.bash. This patch detects those commands and uses
__gitcomp_builtin for option completion.
This does not pollute the command name completion though. "git <tab>"
will show you the same set as before. This only kicks in when you type
the correct command name.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
The established way to update the completion script in an already
running shell is to simply source it again: this brings in any new
--options and features, and clears caching variables. E.g. it clears
the variables caching the list of (all|porcelain) git commands, so
when they are later lazy-initialized again, then they will list and
cache any newly installed commmands as well.
Unfortunately, since d401f3debc (git-completion.bash: introduce
__gitcomp_builtin, 2018-02-09) and subsequent patches this doesn't
work for a lot of git commands' options. To eliminate a lot of
hard-to-maintain hard-coded lists of options, those commits changed
the completion script to use a bunch of programmatically created and
lazy-initialized variables to cache the options of those builtin
porcelain commands that use parse-options. These variables are not
cleared upon sourcing the completion script, therefore they continue
caching the old lists of options, even when some commands recently
learned new options or when deprecated options were removed.
Always 'unset' these variables caching the options of builtin commands
when sourcing the completion script.
Redirect 'unset's stderr to /dev/null, because ZSH's 'unset' complains
if it's invoked without any arguments, i.e. no variables caching
builtin's options are set. This can happen, if someone were to source
the completion script twice without completing any --options in
between. Bash stays silent in this case.
Add tests to ensure that these variables are indeed cleared when the
completion script is sourced; not just the variables caching options,
but all other caching variables, i.e. the variables caching commands,
porcelain commands and merge strategies as well.
Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Completion of tag names has worked for the short -d/-v options since
88e21dc746 ("Teach bash about completing arguments for git-tag",
2007-08-31). The long options were not added to "git tag" until many
years later, in c97eff5a95 ("git-tag: introduce long forms for the
options", 2011-08-28).
Extend tag name completion to --delete/--verify.
Signed-off-by: Todd Zullinger <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Two subcommands are added for completion: merge and get-ref. get-ref
is more like plumbing. But since it does not share the prefix with any
other subcommands, it won't slow anybody down.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
The new subcommand that takes these options is 'git notes edit'. Just
accept the options from subcommands since we handle them the same way
in builtin/notes.c anyway. If a user does
git prune --reuse-message=...
just let the command catches that error when it's executed.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
This also adds completion for 'git notes remove' and 'git notes edit'.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
There is not a strong reason to hide this option, and git-merge already
completes this one. Let's allow to complete this for all commands (and
let git-completion.bash do the suppressing if needed).
This makes --rerere-autoupdate completable for am, cherry-pick and
revert. rebase completion is fixed manually because it's a shell
script and does not benefit from --git-completion-helper.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
In some projects contributions from groups are only accepted from a
common group email address. But every individual may want to receive
replies to her own personal address. That's what we have 'Reply-To'
headers for in SMTP. So introduce an optional '--reply-to' command
line option.
This patch re-uses the $reply_to variable. This could break
out-of-tree patches!
Signed-off-by: Christian Ludwig <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Among the "in progress" commands, only git-am and git-merge do not
support --quit. Support --quit in git-am too.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
The new command `git rebase --show-current-patch` is useful for seeing
the commit related to the current rebase state. Some however may find
the "git show" command behind it too limiting. You may want to
increase context lines, do a diff that ignores whitespaces...
For these advanced use cases, the user can execute any command they
want with the new pseudo ref REBASE_HEAD.
This also helps show where the stopped commit is from, which is hard
to see from the previous patch which implements --show-current-patch.
Helped-by: Tim Landscheidt <>
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
It is useful to see the full patch while resolving conflicts in a
rebase. The only way to do it now is
less .git/rebase-*/patch
which could turn out to be a lot longer to type if you are in a
linked worktree, or not at top-dir. On top of that, an ordinary user
should not need to peek into .git directory. The new option is
provided to examine the patch.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Pointing the user to $GIT_DIR/rebase-apply may encourage them to mess
around in there, which is not a good thing. With this, the user does
not have to keep the path around somewhere (because after a couple of
commands, the path may be out of scrollback buffer) when they need to
look at the patch.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
This command allows to delete a worktree. Like 'move' you cannot
remove the main worktree, or one with submodules inside [1].
For deleting $GIT_WORK_TREE, Untracked files or any staged entries are
considered precious and therefore prevent removal by default. Ignored
files are not precious.
When it comes to deleting $GIT_DIR, there's no "clean" check because
there should not be any valuable data in there, except:
- HEAD reflog. There is nothing we can do about this until somebody
steps up and implements the ref graveyard.
- Detached HEAD. Technically it can still be recovered. Although it
may be nice to warn about orphan commits like 'git checkout' does.
[1] We do 'git status' with --ignore-submodules=all for safety
anyway. But this needs a closer look by submodule people before we
can allow deletion. For example, if a submodule is totally clean,
but its repo not absorbed to the main .git dir, then deleting
worktree also deletes the valuable .submodule repo too.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
This command allows to relocate linked worktrees. Main worktree cannot
(yet) be moved.
There are two options to move the main worktree, but both have
complications, so it's not implemented yet. Anyway the options are:
- convert the main worktree to a linked one and move it away, leave
the git repository where it is. The repo essentially becomes bare
after this move.
- move the repository with the main worktree. The tricky part is make
sure all file descriptors to the repository are closed, or it may
fail on Windows.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Add a --prune-tags option to git-fetch, along with fetch.pruneTags
config option and a -P shorthand (-p is --prune). This allows for
doing any of:
git fetch -p -P
git fetch --prune --prune-tags
git fetch -p -P origin
git fetch --prune --prune-tags origin
Or simply:
git config fetch.prune true &&
git config fetch.pruneTags true &&
git fetch
Instead of the much more verbose:
git fetch --prune origin 'refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*' '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'
Before this feature it was painful to support the use-case of pulling
from a repo which is having both its branches *and* tags deleted
regularly, and have our local references to reflect upstream.
At work we create deployment tags in the repo for each rollout, and
there's *lots* of those, so they're archived within weeks for
performance reasons.
Without this change it's hard to centrally configure such repos in
/etc/gitconfig (on servers that are only used for working with
them). You need to set fetch.prune=true globally, and then for each
git -C {} config --replace-all remote.origin.fetch "refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*" "^\+*refs/tags/\*:refs/tags/\*$"
Now I can simply set fetch.pruneTags=true in /etc/gitconfig as well,
and users running "git pull" will automatically get the pruning
semantics I want.
Even though "git remote" has corresponding "prune" and "update
--prune" subcommands I'm intentionally not adding a corresponding
prune-tags or "update --prune --prune-tags" mode to that command.
It's advertised (as noted in my recent "git remote doc: correct
dangerous lies about what prune does") as only modifying remote
tracking references, whereas any --prune-tags option is always going
to modify what from the user's perspective is a local copy of the tag,
since there's no such thing as a remote tracking tag.
Ideally add_prune_tags_to_fetch_refspec() would be something that
would use ALLOC_GROW() to grow the 'fetch` member of the 'remote'
struct. Instead I'm realloc-ing remote->fetch and adding the
tag_refspec to the end.
The reason is that parse_{fetch,push}_refspec which allocate the
refspec (ultimately remote->fetch) struct are called many places that
don't have access to a 'remote' struct. It would be hard to change all
their callsites to be amenable to carry around the bookkeeping
variables required for dynamic allocation.
All the other callers of the API first incrementally construct the
string version of the refspec in remote->fetch_refspec via
add_fetch_refspec(), before finally calling parse_fetch_refspec() via
some variation of remote_get().
It's less of a pain to deal with the one special case that needs to
modify already constructed refspecs than to chase down and change all
the other callsites. The API I'm adding is intentionally not
generalized because if we add more of these we'd probably want to
re-visit how this is done.
See my "Re: [BUG] git remote prune removes local tags, depending on
fetch config" (; for
more background info.
Signed-off-by: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
The new completable options for "worktree add" are:
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
The new completable options are:
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
The new completable options are --null and --show-stash.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
The new completable option is --gpg-sign
In-progress options like --continue will be part of --git-completion-helper
then filtered out by _git_revert() unless the operation is in
progress. This helps keep marking of these operations in just one place.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
The new completable options are:
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
This is really nice. Since pull_options[] already declares all
passthru options to 'merge' or 'fetch', a single
git pull --git-completion-helper
would provide all completable options (--no- variants are a separate
issue). Dead shell variables can now be deleted.
New completable options are:
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
The new completable options are:
--allow-empty (notes add and notes append)
--for-rewrite= (notes copy)
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
New completable options are:
The variable $__git_merge_options remains because _git_pull() still
needs it. It will soon be gone after _git_pull() is updated.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
The new completable options are --quiet and --upload-pack=.
Signed-off-by: Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>