@ -1040,44 +1040,121 @@ static char *path_lookup(const char *cmd, int exe_only)
@@ -1040,44 +1040,121 @@ static char *path_lookup(const char *cmd, int exe_only)
return prog;
static int do_putenv(char **env, const char *name, int size, int free_old);
static const wchar_t *wcschrnul(const wchar_t *s, wchar_t c)
while (*s && *s != c)
return s;
/* Compare only keys */
static int wenvcmp(const void *a, const void *b)
wchar_t *p = *(wchar_t **)a, *q = *(wchar_t **)b;
size_t p_len, q_len;
/* Find the keys */
p_len = wcschrnul(p, L'=') - p;
q_len = wcschrnul(q, L'=') - q;
/* If the length differs, include the shorter key's NUL */
if (p_len < q_len)
else if (p_len > q_len)
p_len = q_len + 1;
return _wcsnicmp(p, q, p_len);
/* used number of elements of environ array, including terminating NULL */
static int environ_size = 0;
/* allocated size of environ array, in bytes */
static int environ_alloc = 0;
/* We need a stable sort to convert the environment between UTF-16 <-> UTF-8 */
#include "qsort.c"
* Create environment block suitable for CreateProcess. Merges current
* process environment and the supplied environment changes.
* Build an environment block combining the inherited environment
* merged with the given list of settings.
* Values of the form "KEY=VALUE" in deltaenv override inherited values.
* Values of the form "KEY" in deltaenv delete inherited values.
* Multiple entries in deltaenv for the same key are explicitly allowed.
* We return a contiguous block of UNICODE strings with a final trailing
* zero word.
static wchar_t *make_environment_block(char **deltaenv)
wchar_t *wenvblk = NULL;
char **tmpenv;
int i = 0, size = environ_size, wenvsz = 0, wenvpos = 0;
wchar_t *wenv = GetEnvironmentStringsW(), *wdeltaenv, *result, *p;
size_t wlen, s, delta_size, size;
wchar_t **array = NULL;
size_t alloc = 0, nr = 0, i;
size = 1; /* for extra NUL at the end */
/* If there is no deltaenv to apply, simply return a copy. */
if (!deltaenv || !*deltaenv) {
for (p = wenv; p && *p; ) {
size_t s = wcslen(p) + 1;
size += s;
p += s;
ALLOC_ARRAY(result, size);
memcpy(result, wenv, size * sizeof(*wenv));
return result;
* If there is a deltaenv, let's accumulate all keys into `array`,
* sort them using the stable git_qsort() and then copy, skipping
* duplicate keys
for (p = wenv; p && *p; ) {
ALLOC_GROW(array, nr + 1, alloc);
s = wcslen(p) + 1;
array[nr++] = p;
p += s;
size += s;
/* (over-)assess size needed for wchar version of deltaenv */
for (delta_size = 0, i = 0; deltaenv[i]; i++)
delta_size += strlen(deltaenv[i]) * 2 + 1;
ALLOC_ARRAY(wdeltaenv, delta_size);
/* convert the deltaenv, appending to array */
for (i = 0, p = wdeltaenv; deltaenv[i]; i++) {
ALLOC_GROW(array, nr + 1, alloc);
wlen = xutftowcs(p, deltaenv[i], wdeltaenv + delta_size - p);
array[nr++] = p;
p += wlen + 1;
while (deltaenv && deltaenv[i])
git_qsort(array, nr, sizeof(*array), wenvcmp);
ALLOC_ARRAY(result, size + delta_size);
/* copy the environment, leaving space for changes */
ALLOC_ARRAY(tmpenv, size + i);
memcpy(tmpenv, environ, size * sizeof(char*));
for (p = result, i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
/* Skip any duplicate keys; last one wins */
while (i + 1 < nr && !wenvcmp(array + i, array + i + 1))
/* merge supplied environment changes into the temporary environment */
for (i = 0; deltaenv && deltaenv[i]; i++)
size = do_putenv(tmpenv, deltaenv[i], size, 0);
/* Skip "to delete" entry */
if (!wcschr(array[i], L'='))
/* create environment block from temporary environment */
for (i = 0; tmpenv[i]; i++) {
size = 2 * strlen(tmpenv[i]) + 2; /* +2 for final \0 */
ALLOC_GROW(wenvblk, (wenvpos + size) * sizeof(wchar_t), wenvsz);
wenvpos += xutftowcs(&wenvblk[wenvpos], tmpenv[i], size) + 1;
size = wcslen(array[i]) + 1;
memcpy(p, array[i], size * sizeof(*p));
p += size;
/* add final \0 terminator */
wenvblk[wenvpos] = 0;
return wenvblk;
*p = L'\0';
return result;
struct pinfo_t {
@ -1319,87 +1396,83 @@ int mingw_kill(pid_t pid, int sig)
@@ -1319,87 +1396,83 @@ int mingw_kill(pid_t pid, int sig)
* Compare environment entries by key (i.e. stopping at '=' or '\0').
* UTF-8 versions of getenv(), putenv() and unsetenv().
* Internally, they use the CRT's stock UNICODE routines
* to avoid data loss.
static int compareenv(const void *v1, const void *v2)
char *mingw_getenv(const char *name)
const char *e1 = *(const char**)v1;
const char *e2 = *(const char**)v2;
static char *values[GETENV_MAX_RETAIN];
static int value_counter;
int len_key, len_value;
wchar_t *w_key;
char *value;
wchar_t w_value[32768];
for (;;) {
int c1 = *e1++;
int c2 = *e2++;
c1 = (c1 == '=') ? 0 : tolower(c1);
c2 = (c2 == '=') ? 0 : tolower(c2);
if (c1 > c2)
return 1;
if (c1 < c2)
return -1;
if (c1 == 0)
return 0;
if (!name || !*name)
return NULL;
static int bsearchenv(char **env, const char *name, size_t size)
unsigned low = 0, high = size;
while (low < high) {
unsigned mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
int cmp = compareenv(&env[mid], &name);
if (cmp < 0)
low = mid + 1;
else if (cmp > 0)
high = mid;
return mid;
len_key = strlen(name) + 1;
/* We cannot use xcalloc() here because that uses getenv() itself */
w_key = calloc(len_key, sizeof(wchar_t));
if (!w_key)
die("Out of memory, (tried to allocate %u wchar_t's)", len_key);
xutftowcs(w_key, name, len_key);
len_value = GetEnvironmentVariableW(w_key, w_value, ARRAY_SIZE(w_value));
if (!len_value && GetLastError() == ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND) {
return NULL;
return ~low; /* not found, return 1's complement of insert position */
len_value = len_value * 3 + 1;
/* We cannot use xcalloc() here because that uses getenv() itself */
value = calloc(len_value, sizeof(char));
if (!value)
die("Out of memory, (tried to allocate %u bytes)", len_value);
xwcstoutf(value, w_value, len_value);
* We return `value` which is an allocated value and the caller is NOT
* expecting to have to free it, so we keep a round-robin array,
* invalidating the buffer after GETENV_MAX_RETAIN getenv() calls.
values[value_counter++] = value;
if (value_counter >= ARRAY_SIZE(values))
value_counter = 0;
return value;
* If name contains '=', then sets the variable, otherwise it unsets it
* Size includes the terminating NULL. Env must have room for size + 1 entries
* (in case of insert). Returns the new size. Optionally frees removed entries.
static int do_putenv(char **env, const char *name, int size, int free_old)
int mingw_putenv(const char *namevalue)
int i = bsearchenv(env, name, size - 1);
int size;
wchar_t *wide, *equal;
BOOL result;
/* optionally free removed / replaced entry */
if (i >= 0 && free_old)
if (!namevalue || !*namevalue)
return 0;
if (strchr(name, '=')) {
/* if new value ('key=value') is specified, insert or replace entry */
if (i < 0) {
i = ~i;
memmove(&env[i + 1], &env[i], (size - i) * sizeof(char*));
env[i] = (char*) name;
} else if (i >= 0) {
/* otherwise ('key') remove existing entry */
memmove(&env[i], &env[i + 1], (size - i) * sizeof(char*));
size = strlen(namevalue) * 2 + 1;
wide = calloc(size, sizeof(wchar_t));
if (!wide)
die("Out of memory, (tried to allocate %u wchar_t's)", size);
xutftowcs(wide, namevalue, size);
equal = wcschr(wide, L'=');
if (!equal)
result = SetEnvironmentVariableW(wide, NULL);
else {
*equal = L'\0';
result = SetEnvironmentVariableW(wide, equal + 1);
return size;
char *mingw_getenv(const char *name)
char *value;
int pos = bsearchenv(environ, name, environ_size - 1);
if (pos < 0)
return NULL;
value = strchr(environ[pos], '=');
return value ? &value[1] : NULL;
if (!result)
errno = err_win_to_posix(GetLastError());
int mingw_putenv(const char *namevalue)
ALLOC_GROW(environ, (environ_size + 1) * sizeof(char*), environ_alloc);
environ_size = do_putenv(environ, namevalue, environ_size, 1);
return 0;
return result ? 0 : -1;
@ -2261,17 +2334,6 @@ void mingw_startup(void)
@@ -2261,17 +2334,6 @@ void mingw_startup(void)
maxlen = wcslen(wargv[0]);
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
maxlen = max(maxlen, wcslen(wargv[i]));
for (i = 0; wenv[i]; i++)
maxlen = max(maxlen, wcslen(wenv[i]));
* nedmalloc can't free CRT memory, allocate resizable environment
* list. Note that xmalloc / xmemdupz etc. call getenv, so we cannot
* use it while initializing the environment itself.
environ_size = i + 1;
environ_alloc = alloc_nr(environ_size * sizeof(char*));
environ = malloc_startup(environ_alloc);
/* allocate buffer (wchar_t encodes to max 3 UTF-8 bytes) */
maxlen = 3 * maxlen + 1;
@ -2280,14 +2342,8 @@ void mingw_startup(void)
@@ -2280,14 +2342,8 @@ void mingw_startup(void)
/* convert command line arguments and environment to UTF-8 */
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
__argv[i] = wcstoutfdup_startup(buffer, wargv[i], maxlen);
for (i = 0; wenv[i]; i++)
environ[i] = wcstoutfdup_startup(buffer, wenv[i], maxlen);
environ[i] = NULL;
/* sort environment for O(log n) getenv / putenv */
qsort(environ, i, sizeof(char*), compareenv);
/* fix Windows specific environment settings */