Browse Source

Merge branch 'master' into dev

Paul Mackerras 17 years ago
  1. 10
  2. 196
  3. 890
  4. 527
  5. 890
  6. 887


@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ gitk_libdir ?= $(sharedir)/gitk/lib @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ gitk_libdir ?= $(sharedir)/gitk/lib
msgsdir ?= $(gitk_libdir)/msgs
msgsdir_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(msgsdir))

TCL_PATH ?= tclsh
TCLTK_PATH ?= wish
INSTALL ?= install
RM ?= rm -f
@ -22,6 +23,9 @@ ifdef NO_MSGFMT @@ -22,6 +23,9 @@ ifdef NO_MSGFMT
MSGFMT ?= msgfmt
ifneq ($(shell $(MSGFMT) --tcl -l C -d . /dev/null 2>/dev/null; echo $$?),0)

PO_TEMPLATE = po/gitk.pot
@ -36,9 +40,9 @@ endif @@ -36,9 +40,9 @@ endif
all:: gitk-wish $(ALL_MSGFILES)

install:: all
$(INSTALL) gitk-wish '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(bindir_SQ)'/gitk
$(INSTALL) -d '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(msgsdir_SQ)'
$(foreach p,$(ALL_MSGFILES), $(INSTALL) $p '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(msgsdir_SQ)' &&) true
$(INSTALL) -m 755 gitk-wish '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(bindir_SQ)'/gitk
$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(msgsdir_SQ)'
$(foreach p,$(ALL_MSGFILES), $(INSTALL) -m 644 $p '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(msgsdir_SQ)' &&) true

$(foreach p,$(ALL_MSGFILES), $(RM) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(msgsdir_SQ)'/$(notdir $p) &&) true


@ -2110,7 +2110,7 @@ proc makewindow {} { @@ -2110,7 +2110,7 @@ proc makewindow {} {
bindkey k "selnextline 1"
bindkey j "goback"
bindkey l "goforw"
bindkey b "$ctext yview scroll -1 pages"
bindkey b prevfile
bindkey d "$ctext yview scroll 18 units"
bindkey u "$ctext yview scroll -18 units"
bindkey / {dofind 1 1}
@ -2182,6 +2182,8 @@ proc makewindow {} { @@ -2182,6 +2182,8 @@ proc makewindow {} {
-command {flist_hl 0}
$flist_menu add command -label [mc "Highlight this only"] \
-command {flist_hl 1}
$flist_menu add command -label [mc "External diff"] \
-command {external_diff}

# Windows sends all mouse wheel events to the current focused window, not
@ -2286,7 +2288,7 @@ proc savestuff {w} { @@ -2286,7 +2288,7 @@ proc savestuff {w} {
global viewname viewfiles viewargs viewargscmd viewperm nextviewnum
global cmitmode wrapcomment datetimeformat limitdiffs
global colors bgcolor fgcolor diffcolors diffcontext selectbgcolor
global autoselect
global autoselect extdifftool

if {$stuffsaved} return
if {![winfo viewable .]} return
@ -2312,6 +2314,7 @@ proc savestuff {w} { @@ -2312,6 +2314,7 @@ proc savestuff {w} {
puts $f [list set diffcolors $diffcolors]
puts $f [list set diffcontext $diffcontext]
puts $f [list set selectbgcolor $selectbgcolor]
puts $f [list set extdifftool $extdifftool]

puts $f "set geometry(main) [wm geometry .]"
puts $f "set geometry(topwidth) [winfo width .tf]"
@ -2862,6 +2865,12 @@ proc pop_flist_menu {w X Y x y} { @@ -2862,6 +2865,12 @@ proc pop_flist_menu {w X Y x y} {
set e [lindex $treediffs($diffids) [expr {$l-2}]]
set flist_menu_file $e
set xdiffstate "normal"
if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} {
set xdiffstate "disabled"
# Disable "External diff" item in tree mode
$flist_menu entryconf 2 -state $xdiffstate
tk_popup $flist_menu $X $Y

@ -2877,6 +2886,113 @@ proc flist_hl {only} { @@ -2877,6 +2886,113 @@ proc flist_hl {only} {
set gdttype [mc "touching paths:"]

proc save_file_from_commit {filename output what} {
global nullfile

if {[catch {exec git show $filename -- > $output} err]} {
if {[string match "fatal: bad revision *" $err]} {
return $nullfile
error_popup "Error getting \"$filename\" from $what: $err"
return {}
return $output

proc external_diff_get_one_file {diffid filename diffdir} {
global nullid nullid2 nullfile
global gitdir

if {$diffid == $nullid} {
set difffile [file join [file dirname $gitdir] $filename]
if {[file exists $difffile]} {
return $difffile
return $nullfile
if {$diffid == $nullid2} {
set difffile [file join $diffdir "\[index\] [file tail $filename]"]
return [save_file_from_commit :$filename $difffile index]
set difffile [file join $diffdir "\[$diffid\] [file tail $filename]"]
return [save_file_from_commit $diffid:$filename $difffile \
"revision $diffid"]

proc external_diff {} {
global gitktmpdir nullid nullid2
global flist_menu_file
global diffids
global diffnum
global gitdir extdifftool

if {[llength $diffids] == 1} {
# no reference commit given
set diffidto [lindex $diffids 0]
if {$diffidto eq $nullid} {
# diffing working copy with index
set diffidfrom $nullid2
} elseif {$diffidto eq $nullid2} {
# diffing index with HEAD
set diffidfrom "HEAD"
} else {
# use first parent commit
global parentlist selectedline
set diffidfrom [lindex $parentlist $selectedline 0]
} else {
set diffidfrom [lindex $diffids 0]
set diffidto [lindex $diffids 1]

# make sure that several diffs wont collide
if {![info exists gitktmpdir]} {
set gitktmpdir [file join [file dirname $gitdir] \
[format ".gitk-tmp.%s" [pid]]]
if {[catch {file mkdir $gitktmpdir} err]} {
error_popup "Error creating temporary directory $gitktmpdir: $err"
unset gitktmpdir
set diffnum 0
incr diffnum
set diffdir [file join $gitktmpdir $diffnum]
if {[catch {file mkdir $diffdir} err]} {
error_popup "Error creating temporary directory $diffdir: $err"

# gather files to diff
set difffromfile [external_diff_get_one_file $diffidfrom $flist_menu_file $diffdir]
set difftofile [external_diff_get_one_file $diffidto $flist_menu_file $diffdir]

if {$difffromfile ne {} && $difftofile ne {}} {
set cmd [concat | [shellsplit $extdifftool] \
[list $difffromfile $difftofile]]
if {[catch {set fl [open $cmd r]} err]} {
file delete -force $diffdir
error_popup [mc "$extdifftool: command failed: $err"]
} else {
fconfigure $fl -blocking 0
filerun $fl [list delete_at_eof $fl $diffdir]

# delete $dir when we see eof on $f (presumably because the child has exited)
proc delete_at_eof {f dir} {
while {[gets $f line] >= 0} {}
if {[eof $f]} {
if {[catch {close $f} err]} {
error_popup "External diff viewer failed: $err"
file delete -force $dir
return 0
return 1

# Functions for adding and removing shell-type quoting

proc shellquote {str} {
@ -6053,11 +6169,12 @@ proc gettreeline {gtf id} { @@ -6053,11 +6169,12 @@ proc gettreeline {gtf id} {
if {$diffids eq $nullid} {
set fname $line
} else {
if {$diffids ne $nullid2 && [lindex $line 1] ne "blob"} continue
set i [string first "\t" $line]
if {$i < 0} continue
set sha1 [lindex $line 2]
set fname [string range $line [expr {$i+1}] end]
set line [string range $line 0 [expr {$i-1}]]
if {$diffids ne $nullid2 && [lindex $line 1] ne "blob"} continue
set sha1 [lindex $line 2]
if {[string index $fname 0] eq "\""} {
set fname [lindex $fname 0]
@ -6539,26 +6656,44 @@ proc changediffdisp {} { @@ -6539,26 +6656,44 @@ proc changediffdisp {} {
$ctext tag conf d1 -elide [lindex $diffelide 1]

proc highlightfile {loc cline} {
global ctext cflist cflist_top

$ctext yview $loc
$cflist tag remove highlight $cflist_top.0 "$cflist_top.0 lineend"
$cflist tag add highlight $cline.0 "$cline.0 lineend"
$cflist see $cline.0
set cflist_top $cline

proc prevfile {} {
global difffilestart ctext
set prev [lindex $difffilestart 0]
global difffilestart ctext cmitmode

if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} return
set prev 0.0
set prevline 1
set here [$ctext index @0,0]
foreach loc $difffilestart {
if {[$ctext compare $loc >= $here]} {
$ctext yview $prev
highlightfile $prev $prevline
set prev $loc
incr prevline
$ctext yview $prev
highlightfile $prev $prevline

proc nextfile {} {
global difffilestart ctext
global difffilestart ctext cmitmode

if {$cmitmode eq "tree"} return
set here [$ctext index @0,0]
set line 1
foreach loc $difffilestart {
incr line
if {[$ctext compare $loc > $here]} {
$ctext yview $loc
highlightfile $loc $line
@ -7070,7 +7205,11 @@ proc rowmenu {x y id} { @@ -7070,7 +7205,11 @@ proc rowmenu {x y id} {
if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} {
set menu $rowctxmenu
$menu entryconfigure 7 -label [mc "Reset %s branch to here" $mainhead]
if {$mainhead ne {}} {
$menu entryconfigure 7 -label [mc "Reset %s branch to here" $mainhead]
} else {
$menu entryconfigure 7 -label [mc "Detached head: can't reset" $mainhead] -state disabled
} else {
set menu $fakerowmenu
@ -8917,9 +9056,15 @@ proc showtag {tag isnew} { @@ -8917,9 +9056,15 @@ proc showtag {tag isnew} {

proc doquit {} {
global stopped
global gitktmpdir

set stopped 100
savestuff .
destroy .

if {[info exists gitktmpdir]} {
catch {file delete -force $gitktmpdir}

proc mkfontdisp {font top which} {
@ -9048,7 +9193,7 @@ proc doprefs {} { @@ -9048,7 +9193,7 @@ proc doprefs {} {
global maxwidth maxgraphpct
global oldprefs prefstop showneartags showlocalchanges
global bgcolor fgcolor ctext diffcolors selectbgcolor
global tabstop limitdiffs autoselect
global tabstop limitdiffs autoselect extdifftool

set top .gitkprefs
set prefstop $top
@ -9100,15 +9245,24 @@ proc doprefs {} { @@ -9100,15 +9245,24 @@ proc doprefs {} {
pack $top.ldiff.b $top.ldiff.l -side left
grid x $top.ldiff -sticky w

entry $top.extdifft -textvariable extdifftool
frame $top.extdifff
label $top.extdifff.l -text [mc "External diff tool" ] -font optionfont \
-padx 10
button $top.extdifff.b -text [mc "Choose..."] -font optionfont \
-command choose_extdiff
pack $top.extdifff.l $top.extdifff.b -side left
grid x $top.extdifff $top.extdifft -sticky w

label $top.cdisp -text [mc "Colors: press to choose"]
grid $top.cdisp - -sticky w -pady 10
label $ -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $bgcolor
button $top.bgbut -text [mc "Background"] -font optionfont \
-command [list choosecolor bgcolor 0 $ background setbg]
-command [list choosecolor bgcolor {} $ background setbg]
grid x $top.bgbut $ -sticky w
label $top.fg -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $fgcolor
button $top.fgbut -text [mc "Foreground"] -font optionfont \
-command [list choosecolor fgcolor 0 $top.fg foreground setfg]
-command [list choosecolor fgcolor {} $top.fg foreground setfg]
grid x $top.fgbut $top.fg -sticky w
label $top.diffold -padx 40 -relief sunk -background [lindex $diffcolors 0]
button $top.diffoldbut -text [mc "Diff: old lines"] -font optionfont \
@ -9128,7 +9282,7 @@ proc doprefs {} { @@ -9128,7 +9282,7 @@ proc doprefs {} {
grid x $top.hunksepbut $top.hunksep -sticky w
label $top.selbgsep -padx 40 -relief sunk -background $selectbgcolor
button $top.selbgbut -text [mc "Select bg"] -font optionfont \
-command [list choosecolor selectbgcolor 0 $top.selbgsep background setselbg]
-command [list choosecolor selectbgcolor {} $top.selbgsep background setselbg]
grid x $top.selbgbut $top.selbgsep -sticky w

label $top.cfont -text [mc "Fonts: press to choose"]
@ -9147,6 +9301,15 @@ proc doprefs {} { @@ -9147,6 +9301,15 @@ proc doprefs {} {
bind $top <Visibility> "focus $top.buts.ok"

proc choose_extdiff {} {
global extdifftool

set prog [tk_getOpenFile -title "External diff tool" -multiple false]
if {$prog ne {}} {
set extdifftool $prog

proc choosecolor {v vi w x cmd} {
global $v

@ -9574,6 +9737,8 @@ set limitdiffs 1 @@ -9574,6 +9737,8 @@ set limitdiffs 1
set datetimeformat "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
set autoselect 1

set extdifftool "meld"

set colors {green red blue magenta darkgrey brown orange}
set bgcolor white
set fgcolor black
@ -9680,6 +9845,7 @@ if {$i >= [llength $argv] && $revtreeargs ne {}} { @@ -9680,6 +9845,7 @@ if {$i >= [llength $argv] && $revtreeargs ne {}} {

set nullid "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
set nullid2 "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
set nullfile "/dev/null"

set have_tk85 [expr {[package vcompare $tk_version "8.5"] >= 0}]


@ -0,0 +1,890 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
# Translation of gitk
# Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Santiago Gala
# This file is distributed under the same license as the gitk package.
# Santiago Gala <>, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gitk\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-13 17:29+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-25 11:20+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Santiago Gala <>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: gitk:111
msgid "Error executing git rev-list:"
msgstr "Error al ejecutar git rev-list:"

#: gitk:124
msgid "Reading"
msgstr "Leyendo"

#: gitk:151 gitk:2191
msgid "Reading commits..."
msgstr "Leyendo revisiones..."

#: gitk:275
msgid "Can't parse git log output:"
msgstr "Error analizando la salida de git log:"

#: gitk:386 gitk:2195
msgid "No commits selected"
msgstr "No se seleccionaron revisiones"

#: gitk:500
msgid "No commit information available"
msgstr "Falta información sobre las revisiones"

#: gitk:599 gitk:621 gitk:1955 gitk:6423 gitk:7923 gitk:8082
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Aceptar"

#: gitk:623 gitk:1956 gitk:6107 gitk:6178 gitk:6275 gitk:6321 gitk:6425
#: gitk:7924 gitk:8083
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"

#: gitk:661
msgid "File"
msgstr "Archivo"

#: gitk:663
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Actualizar"

#: gitk:664
msgid "Reread references"
msgstr "Releer referencias"

#: gitk:665
msgid "List references"
msgstr "Lista de referencias"

#: gitk:666
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Salir"

#: gitk:668
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"

#: gitk:669
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Preferencias"

#: gitk:672 gitk:1892
msgid "View"
msgstr "Vista"

#: gitk:673
msgid "New view..."
msgstr "Nueva vista..."

#: gitk:674 gitk:2133 gitk:8722
msgid "Edit view..."
msgstr "Modificar vista..."

#: gitk:676 gitk:2134 gitk:8723
msgid "Delete view"
msgstr "Eliminar vista"

#: gitk:678
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Todos los archivos"

#: gitk:682
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Ayuda"

#: gitk:683 gitk:1317
msgid "About gitk"
msgstr "Acerca de gitk"

#: gitk:684
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Combinaciones de teclas"

#: gitk:741
msgid "SHA1 ID: "
msgstr "SHA1 ID: "

#: gitk:791
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Buscar"

#: gitk:792
msgid "next"
msgstr "<<"

#: gitk:793
msgid "prev"
msgstr ">>"

#: gitk:794
msgid "commit"
msgstr "revisión"

#: gitk:797 gitk:799 gitk:2356 gitk:2379 gitk:2403 gitk:4306 gitk:4369
msgid "containing:"
msgstr "que contiene:"

#: gitk:800 gitk:1778 gitk:1783 gitk:2431
msgid "touching paths:"
msgstr "que modifica la ruta:"

#: gitk:801 gitk:2436
msgid "adding/removing string:"
msgstr "que añade/elimina cadena:"

#: gitk:810 gitk:812
msgid "Exact"
msgstr "Exacto"

#: gitk:812 gitk:2514 gitk:4274
msgid "IgnCase"
msgstr "NoMayús"

#: gitk:812 gitk:2405 gitk:2512 gitk:4270
msgid "Regexp"
msgstr "Regex"

#: gitk:814 gitk:815 gitk:2533 gitk:2563 gitk:2570 gitk:4380 gitk:4436
msgid "All fields"
msgstr "Todos los campos"

#: gitk:815 gitk:2531 gitk:2563 gitk:4336
msgid "Headline"
msgstr "Título"

#: gitk:816 gitk:2531 gitk:4336 gitk:4436 gitk:4827
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentarios"

#: gitk:816 gitk:2531 gitk:2535 gitk:2570 gitk:4336 gitk:4763 gitk:5956
#: gitk:5971
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"

#: gitk:816 gitk:2531 gitk:4336 gitk:4765
msgid "Committer"
msgstr ""

#: gitk:845
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Buscar"

#: gitk:852
msgid "Diff"
msgstr "Diferencia"

#: gitk:854
msgid "Old version"
msgstr "Versión antigua"

#: gitk:856
msgid "New version"
msgstr "Versión nueva"

#: gitk:858
msgid "Lines of context"
msgstr "Líneas de contexto"

#: gitk:868
msgid "Ignore space change"
msgstr "Ignora cambios de espaciado"

#: gitk:926
msgid "Patch"
msgstr "Parche"

#: gitk:928
msgid "Tree"
msgstr "Árbol"

#: gitk:1053 gitk:1068 gitk:6022
msgid "Diff this -> selected"
msgstr "Diferencia de esta -> seleccionada"

#: gitk:1055 gitk:1070 gitk:6023
msgid "Diff selected -> this"
msgstr "Diferencia de seleccionada -> esta"

#: gitk:1057 gitk:1072 gitk:6024
msgid "Make patch"
msgstr "Crear patch"

#: gitk:1058 gitk:6162
msgid "Create tag"
msgstr "Crear etiqueta"

#: gitk:1059 gitk:6255
msgid "Write commit to file"
msgstr "Escribir revisiones a archivo"

#: gitk:1060 gitk:6309
msgid "Create new branch"
msgstr "Crear nueva rama"

#: gitk:1061
msgid "Cherry-pick this commit"
msgstr "Añadir esta revisión a la rama actual (cherry-pick)"

#: gitk:1063
msgid "Reset HEAD branch to here"
msgstr "Traer la rama HEAD aquí"

#: gitk:1079
msgid "Check out this branch"
msgstr "Cambiar a esta rama"

#: gitk:1081
msgid "Remove this branch"
msgstr "Eliminar esta rama"

#: gitk:1087
msgid "Highlight this too"
msgstr "Seleccionar también"

#: gitk:1089
msgid "Highlight this only"
msgstr "Seleccionar sólo"

#: gitk:1318
msgid ""
"Gitk - a commit viewer for git\n"
"Copyright © 2005-2006 Paul Mackerras\n"
"Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License"
msgstr ""
"Gitk - un visualizador de revisiones para git\n"
"Copyright © 2005-2006 Paul Mackerras\n"
"Uso y redistribución permitidos según los términos de la Licencia Pública General de "

#: gitk:1326 gitk:1387 gitk:6581
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Cerrar"

#: gitk:1345
msgid "Gitk key bindings"
msgstr "Combinaciones de tecla de Gitk"

#: gitk:1347
msgid "Gitk key bindings:"
msgstr "Combinaciones de tecla de Gitk:"

#: gitk:1349
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-Q>\t\tQuit"
msgstr "<%s-Q>\t\tSalir"

#: gitk:1350
msgid "<Home>\t\tMove to first commit"
msgstr "<Home>\t\tIr a la primera revisión"

#: gitk:1351
msgid "<End>\t\tMove to last commit"
msgstr "<End>\t\tIr a la última revisión"

#: gitk:1352
msgid "<Up>, p, i\tMove up one commit"
msgstr "<Up>, p, i\tSubir una revisión"

#: gitk:1353
msgid "<Down>, n, k\tMove down one commit"
msgstr "<Down>, n, k\tBajar una revisión"

#: gitk:1354
msgid "<Left>, z, j\tGo back in history list"
msgstr "<Left>, z, j\tRetroceder en la historia"

#: gitk:1355
msgid "<Right>, x, l\tGo forward in history list"
msgstr "<Right>, x, l\tAvanzar en la historia"

#: gitk:1356
msgid "<PageUp>\tMove up one page in commit list"
msgstr "<PageUp>\tSubir una página en la lista de revisiones"

#: gitk:1357
msgid "<PageDown>\tMove down one page in commit list"
msgstr "<PageDown>\tBajar una página en la lista de revisiones"

#: gitk:1358
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-Home>\tScroll to top of commit list"
msgstr "<%s-Home>\tDesplazarse al inicio de la lista de revisiones"

#: gitk:1359
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-End>\tScroll to bottom of commit list"
msgstr "<%s-End>\tDesplazarse al final de la lista de revisiones"

#: gitk:1360
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-Up>\tScroll commit list up one line"
msgstr "<%s-Up>\tDesplazar una línea hacia arriba la lista de revisiones"

#: gitk:1361
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-Down>\tScroll commit list down one line"
msgstr "<%s-Down>\tDesplazar una línea hacia abajo la lista de revisiones"

#: gitk:1362
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-PageUp>\tScroll commit list up one page"
msgstr "<%s-PageUp>\tDesplazar una página hacia arriba la lista de revisiones"

#: gitk:1363
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-PageDown>\tScroll commit list down one page"
msgstr "<%s-PageDown>\tDesplazar una página hacia abajo la lista de revisiones"

#: gitk:1364
msgid "<Shift-Up>\tFind backwards (upwards, later commits)"
msgstr "<Shift-Up>\tBuscar hacia atrás (arriba, revisiones siguientes)"

#: gitk:1365
msgid "<Shift-Down>\tFind forwards (downwards, earlier commits)"
msgstr "<Shift-Down>\tBuscar hacia adelante (abajo, revisiones anteriores)"

#: gitk:1366
msgid "<Delete>, b\tScroll diff view up one page"
msgstr "<Delete>, b\tDesplaza hacia arriba una página la vista de diferencias"

#: gitk:1367
msgid "<Backspace>\tScroll diff view up one page"
msgstr "<Backspace>\tDesplaza hacia arriba una página la vista de diferencias"

#: gitk:1368
msgid "<Space>\t\tScroll diff view down one page"
msgstr "<Space>\t\tDesplaza hacia abajo una página la vista de diferencias"

#: gitk:1369
msgid "u\t\tScroll diff view up 18 lines"
msgstr "u\t\tDesplaza hacia arriba 18 líneas la vista de diferencias"

#: gitk:1370
msgid "d\t\tScroll diff view down 18 lines"
msgstr "d\t\tDesplaza hacia abajo 18 líneas la vista de diferencias"

#: gitk:1371
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-F>\t\tFind"
msgstr "<%s-F>\t\tBuscar"

#: gitk:1372
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-G>\t\tMove to next find hit"
msgstr "<%s-G>\t\tBuscar el siguiente"

#: gitk:1373
msgid "<Return>\tMove to next find hit"
msgstr "<Return>\tBuscar el siguiente"

#: gitk:1374
msgid "/\t\tMove to next find hit, or redo find"
msgstr "/\t\tBuscar el siguiente, o reiniciar la búsqueda"

#: gitk:1375
msgid "?\t\tMove to previous find hit"
msgstr "?\t\tBuscar el anterior"

#: gitk:1376
msgid "f\t\tScroll diff view to next file"
msgstr "f\t\tDesplazar la vista de diferencias al archivo siguiente"

#: gitk:1377
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-S>\t\tSearch for next hit in diff view"
msgstr "<%s-S>\t\tBuscar siguiente en la vista de diferencias"

#: gitk:1378
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-R>\t\tSearch for previous hit in diff view"
msgstr "<%s-R>\t\tBuscar anterior en la vista de diferencias"

#: gitk:1379
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-KP+>\tIncrease font size"
msgstr "<%s-KP+>\tAumentar tamaño del texto"

#: gitk:1380
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-plus>\tIncrease font size"
msgstr "<%s-plus>\tAumentar tamaño del texto"

#: gitk:1381
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-KP->\tDecrease font size"
msgstr "<%s-KP->\tDisminuir tamaño del texto"

#: gitk:1382
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-minus>\tDecrease font size"
msgstr "<%s-minus>\tDisminuir tamaño del texto"

#: gitk:1383
msgid "<F5>\t\tUpdate"
msgstr "<F5>\t\tActualizar"

#: gitk:1896
msgid "Gitk view definition"
msgstr "Definición de vistas de Gitk"

#: gitk:1921
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"

#: gitk:1924
msgid "Remember this view"
msgstr "Recordar esta vista"

#: gitk:1928
msgid "Commits to include (arguments to git rev-list):"
msgstr "Revisiones a incluir (argumentos a git rev-list):"

#: gitk:1935
msgid "Command to generate more commits to include:"
msgstr "Comando que genera más revisiones a incluir:"

#: gitk:1942
msgid "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"
msgstr "Introducir archivos y directorios a incluir, uno por línea:"

#: gitk:1989
msgid "Error in commit selection arguments:"
msgstr "Error en los argumentos de selección de las revisiones:"

#: gitk:2043 gitk:2127 gitk:2583 gitk:2597 gitk:3781 gitk:8688 gitk:8689
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ninguno"

#: gitk:2531 gitk:4336 gitk:5958 gitk:5973
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"

#: gitk:2531 gitk:4336
msgid "CDate"
msgstr "Fecha de creación"

#: gitk:2680 gitk:2685
msgid "Descendant"
msgstr "Descendiente"

#: gitk:2681
msgid "Not descendant"
msgstr "No descendiente"

#: gitk:2688 gitk:2693
msgid "Ancestor"
msgstr "Antepasado"

#: gitk:2689
msgid "Not ancestor"
msgstr "No antepasado"

#: gitk:2924
msgid "Local changes checked in to index but not committed"
msgstr "Cambios locales añadidos al índice pero sin completar revisión"

#: gitk:2954
msgid "Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index"
msgstr "Cambios locales sin añadir al índice"

#: gitk:4305
msgid "Searching"
msgstr "Buscando"

#: gitk:4767
msgid "Tags:"
msgstr "Etiquetas:"

#: gitk:4784 gitk:4790 gitk:5951
msgid "Parent"
msgstr "Padre"

#: gitk:4795
msgid "Child"
msgstr "Hija"

#: gitk:4804
msgid "Branch"
msgstr "Rama"

#: gitk:4807
msgid "Follows"
msgstr "Sigue-a"

#: gitk:4810
msgid "Precedes"
msgstr "Precede-a"

#: gitk:5093
msgid "Error getting merge diffs:"
msgstr "Error al leer las diferencias de fusión:"

#: gitk:5778
msgid "Goto:"
msgstr "Ir a:"

#: gitk:5780
msgid "SHA1 ID:"
msgstr "SHA1 ID:"

#: gitk:5805
#, tcl-format
msgid "Short SHA1 id %s is ambiguous"
msgstr "La id SHA1 abreviada %s es ambigua"

#: gitk:5817
#, tcl-format
msgid "SHA1 id %s is not known"
msgstr "La id SHA1 %s es desconocida"

#: gitk:5819
#, tcl-format
msgid "Tag/Head %s is not known"
msgstr "La etiqueta/rama %s es deconocida"

#: gitk:5961
msgid "Children"
msgstr "Hijas"

#: gitk:6018
#, tcl-format
msgid "Reset %s branch to here"
msgstr "Poner la rama %s en esta revisión"

#: gitk:6049
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Origen"

#: gitk:6050
msgid "From"
msgstr "De"

#: gitk:6055
msgid "To"
msgstr "A"

#: gitk:6078
msgid "Generate patch"
msgstr "Generar parche"

#: gitk:6080
msgid "From:"
msgstr "De:"

#: gitk:6089
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Para:"

#: gitk:6098
msgid "Reverse"
msgstr "Invertir"

#: gitk:6100 gitk:6269
msgid "Output file:"
msgstr "Escribir a archivo:"

#: gitk:6106
msgid "Generate"
msgstr "Generar"

#: gitk:6142
msgid "Error creating patch:"
msgstr "Error en la creación del parche:"

#: gitk:6164 gitk:6257 gitk:6311
msgid "ID:"
msgstr "ID:"

#: gitk:6173
msgid "Tag name:"
msgstr "Nombre de etiqueta:"

#: gitk:6177 gitk:6320
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Crear"

#: gitk:6192
msgid "No tag name specified"
msgstr "No se ha especificado etiqueta"

#: gitk:6196
#, tcl-format
msgid "Tag \"%s\" already exists"
msgstr "La etiqueta \"%s\" ya existe"

#: gitk:6202
msgid "Error creating tag:"
msgstr "Error al crear la etiqueta:"

#: gitk:6266
msgid "Command:"
msgstr "Comando:"

#: gitk:6274
msgid "Write"
msgstr "Escribir"

#: gitk:6290
msgid "Error writing commit:"
msgstr "Error al escribir revisión:"

#: gitk:6316
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nombre:"

#: gitk:6335
msgid "Please specify a name for the new branch"
msgstr "Especifique un nombre para la nueva rama"

#: gitk:6364
#, tcl-format
msgid "Commit %s is already included in branch %s -- really re-apply it?"
msgstr "La revisión %s ya está incluida en la rama %s -- ¿Volver a aplicarla?"

#: gitk:6369
msgid "Cherry-picking"
msgstr "Eligiendo revisiones (cherry-picking)"

#: gitk:6381
msgid "No changes committed"
msgstr "No se han guardado cambios"

#: gitk:6404
msgid "Confirm reset"
msgstr "Confirmar git reset"

#: gitk:6406
#, tcl-format
msgid "Reset branch %s to %s?"
msgstr "¿Reponer la rama %s a %s?"

#: gitk:6410
msgid "Reset type:"
msgstr "Tipo de reposición:"

#: gitk:6414
msgid "Soft: Leave working tree and index untouched"
msgstr "Suave: No altera la copia de trabajo ni el índice"

#: gitk:6417
msgid "Mixed: Leave working tree untouched, reset index"
msgstr "Mixta: Actualiza el índice, no altera la copia de trabajo"

#: gitk:6420
msgid ""
"Hard: Reset working tree and index\n"
"(discard ALL local changes)"
msgstr ""
"Dura: Actualiza el índice y la copia de trabajo\n"
"(abandona TODAS las modificaciones locales)"

#: gitk:6436
msgid "Resetting"
msgstr "Reponiendo"

#: gitk:6493
msgid "Checking out"
msgstr "Creando copia de trabajo"

#: gitk:6523
msgid "Cannot delete the currently checked-out branch"
msgstr "No se puede borrar la rama actual"

#: gitk:6529
#, tcl-format
msgid ""
"The commits on branch %s aren't on any other branch.\n"
"Really delete branch %s?"
msgstr ""
"Las revisiones de la rama %s no están presentes en otras ramas.\n"
"¿Borrar la rama %s?"

#: gitk:6560
#, tcl-format
msgid "Tags and heads: %s"
msgstr "Etiquetas y ramas: %s"

#: gitk:6574
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtro"

#: gitk:6868
msgid ""
"Error reading commit topology information; branch and preceding/following "
"tag information will be incomplete."
msgstr ""
"Error al leer la topología de revisiones: la información sobre "
"las ramas y etiquetas precedentes y siguientes será incompleta."

#: gitk:7852
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "Etiqueta"

#: gitk:7852
msgid "Id"
msgstr "Id"

#: gitk:7892
msgid "Gitk font chooser"
msgstr "Selector de tipografías gitk"

#: gitk:7909
msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

#: gitk:7912
msgid "I"
msgstr "I"

#: gitk:8005
msgid "Gitk preferences"
msgstr "Preferencias de gitk"

#: gitk:8006
msgid "Commit list display options"
msgstr "Opciones de visualización de la lista de revisiones"

#: gitk:8009
msgid "Maximum graph width (lines)"
msgstr "Ancho máximo del gráfico (en líneas)"

#: gitk:8013
#, tcl-format
msgid "Maximum graph width (% of pane)"
msgstr "Ancho máximo del gráfico (en % del panel)"

#: gitk:8018
msgid "Show local changes"
msgstr "Mostrar cambios locales"

#: gitk:8023
msgid "Auto-select SHA1"
msgstr "Seleccionar automáticamente SHA1 hash"

#: gitk:8028
msgid "Diff display options"
msgstr "Opciones de visualización de diferencias"

#: gitk:8030
msgid "Tab spacing"
msgstr "Espaciado de tabulador"

#: gitk:8034
msgid "Display nearby tags"
msgstr "Mostrar etiquetas cercanas"

#: gitk:8039
msgid "Limit diffs to listed paths"
msgstr "Limitar las diferencias a las rutas seleccionadas"

#: gitk:8044
msgid "Colors: press to choose"
msgstr "Colores: pulse para seleccionar"

#: gitk:8047
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Fondo"

#: gitk:8051
msgid "Foreground"
msgstr "Primer plano"

#: gitk:8055
msgid "Diff: old lines"
msgstr "Diff: líneas viejas"

#: gitk:8060
msgid "Diff: new lines"
msgstr "Diff: líneas nuevas"

#: gitk:8065
msgid "Diff: hunk header"
msgstr "Diff: cabecera de fragmento"

#: gitk:8071
msgid "Select bg"
msgstr "Color de fondo de la selección"

#: gitk:8075
msgid "Fonts: press to choose"
msgstr "Tipografías: pulse para elegir"

#: gitk:8077
msgid "Main font"
msgstr "Tipografía principal"

#: gitk:8078
msgid "Diff display font"
msgstr "Tipografía para diferencias"

#: gitk:8079
msgid "User interface font"
msgstr "Tipografía para interfaz de usuario"

#: gitk:8095
#, tcl-format
msgid "Gitk: choose color for %s"
msgstr "Gitk: elegir color para %s"

#: gitk:8476
msgid ""
"Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n"
" Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."
msgstr ""
"Esta versión de Tcl/Tk es demasiado antigua.\n"
" Gitk requiere Tcl/Tk versión 8.4 o superior."

#: gitk:8565
msgid "Cannot find a git repository here."
msgstr "No hay un repositorio git aquí."

#: gitk:8569
#, tcl-format
msgid "Cannot find the git directory \"%s\"."
msgstr "No hay directorio git \"%s\"."

#: gitk:8612
#, tcl-format
msgid "Ambiguous argument '%s': both revision and filename"
msgstr "Argumento ambiguo: '%s' es tanto una revisión como un nombre de archivo"

#: gitk:8624
msgid "Bad arguments to gitk:"
msgstr "Argumentos incorrectos a Gitk:"

#: gitk:8636
msgid "Couldn't get list of unmerged files:"
msgstr "Imposible obtener la lista de archivos pendientes de fusión:"

#: gitk:8652
msgid "No files selected: --merge specified but no files are unmerged."
msgstr ""
"No hay archivos seleccionados: se seleccionó la opción --merge pero no hay "
"archivos pendientes de fusión."

#: gitk:8655
msgid ""
"No files selected: --merge specified but no unmerged files are within file "
msgstr ""
"No hay archivos seleccionados: se seleccionó la opción --merge pero los archivos "
"especificados no necesitan fusión."

#: gitk:8716
msgid "Command line"
msgstr "Línea de comandos"


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


@ -0,0 +1,890 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
# Translation of gitk
# Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Paul Mackerras
# This file is distributed under the same license as the gitk package.
# Michele Ballabio <>, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gitk\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-13 17:29+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-13 17:34+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Michele Ballabio <>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: gitk:111
msgid "Error executing git rev-list:"
msgstr "Errore nell'esecuzione di git rev-list:"

#: gitk:124
msgid "Reading"
msgstr "Lettura in corso"

#: gitk:151 gitk:2191
msgid "Reading commits..."
msgstr "Lettura delle revisioni in corso..."

#: gitk:275
msgid "Can't parse git log output:"
msgstr "Impossibile elaborare i dati di git log:"

#: gitk:386 gitk:2195
msgid "No commits selected"
msgstr "Nessuna revisione selezionata"

#: gitk:500
msgid "No commit information available"
msgstr "Nessuna informazione disponibile sulle revisioni"

#: gitk:599 gitk:621 gitk:1955 gitk:6423 gitk:7923 gitk:8082
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: gitk:623 gitk:1956 gitk:6107 gitk:6178 gitk:6275 gitk:6321 gitk:6425
#: gitk:7924 gitk:8083
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annulla"

#: gitk:661
msgid "File"
msgstr "File"

#: gitk:663
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aggiorna"

#: gitk:664
msgid "Reread references"
msgstr "Rileggi riferimenti"

#: gitk:665
msgid "List references"
msgstr "Elenca riferimenti"

#: gitk:666
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Esci"

#: gitk:668
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifica"

#: gitk:669
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Preferenze"

#: gitk:672 gitk:1892
msgid "View"
msgstr "Vista"

#: gitk:673
msgid "New view..."
msgstr "Nuova vista..."

#: gitk:674 gitk:2133 gitk:8722
msgid "Edit view..."
msgstr "Modifica vista..."

#: gitk:676 gitk:2134 gitk:8723
msgid "Delete view"
msgstr "Elimina vista"

#: gitk:678
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Tutti i file"

#: gitk:682
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aiuto"

#: gitk:683 gitk:1317
msgid "About gitk"
msgstr "Informazioni su gitk"

#: gitk:684
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Scorciatoie da tastiera"

#: gitk:741
msgid "SHA1 ID: "
msgstr "SHA1 ID: "

#: gitk:791
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Trova"

#: gitk:792
msgid "next"
msgstr "succ"

#: gitk:793
msgid "prev"
msgstr "prec"

#: gitk:794
msgid "commit"
msgstr "revisione"

#: gitk:797 gitk:799 gitk:2356 gitk:2379 gitk:2403 gitk:4306 gitk:4369
msgid "containing:"
msgstr "contenente:"

#: gitk:800 gitk:1778 gitk:1783 gitk:2431
msgid "touching paths:"
msgstr "che riguarda i percorsi:"

#: gitk:801 gitk:2436
msgid "adding/removing string:"
msgstr "che aggiunge/rimuove la stringa:"

#: gitk:810 gitk:812
msgid "Exact"
msgstr "Esatto"

#: gitk:812 gitk:2514 gitk:4274
msgid "IgnCase"
msgstr ""

#: gitk:812 gitk:2405 gitk:2512 gitk:4270
msgid "Regexp"
msgstr ""

#: gitk:814 gitk:815 gitk:2533 gitk:2563 gitk:2570 gitk:4380 gitk:4436
msgid "All fields"
msgstr "Tutti i campi"

#: gitk:815 gitk:2531 gitk:2563 gitk:4336
msgid "Headline"
msgstr "Titolo"

#: gitk:816 gitk:2531 gitk:4336 gitk:4436 gitk:4827
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Commenti"

#: gitk:816 gitk:2531 gitk:2535 gitk:2570 gitk:4336 gitk:4763 gitk:5956
#: gitk:5971
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autore"

#: gitk:816 gitk:2531 gitk:4336 gitk:4765
msgid "Committer"
msgstr "Revisione creata da"

#: gitk:845
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Cerca"

#: gitk:852
msgid "Diff"
msgstr ""

#: gitk:854
msgid "Old version"
msgstr "Vecchia versione"

#: gitk:856
msgid "New version"
msgstr "Nuova versione"

#: gitk:858
msgid "Lines of context"
msgstr "Linee di contesto"

#: gitk:868
msgid "Ignore space change"
msgstr "Ignora modifiche agli spazi"

#: gitk:926
msgid "Patch"
msgstr "Modifiche"

#: gitk:928
msgid "Tree"
msgstr "Directory"

#: gitk:1053 gitk:1068 gitk:6022
msgid "Diff this -> selected"
msgstr "Diff questo -> selezionato"

#: gitk:1055 gitk:1070 gitk:6023
msgid "Diff selected -> this"
msgstr "Diff selezionato -> questo"

#: gitk:1057 gitk:1072 gitk:6024
msgid "Make patch"
msgstr "Crea patch"

#: gitk:1058 gitk:6162
msgid "Create tag"
msgstr "Crea etichetta"

#: gitk:1059 gitk:6255
msgid "Write commit to file"
msgstr "Scrivi revisione in un file"

#: gitk:1060 gitk:6309
msgid "Create new branch"
msgstr "Crea un nuovo ramo"

#: gitk:1061
msgid "Cherry-pick this commit"
msgstr "Porta questa revisione in cima al ramo attuale"

#: gitk:1063
msgid "Reset HEAD branch to here"
msgstr "Aggiorna il ramo HEAD a questa revisione"

#: gitk:1079
msgid "Check out this branch"
msgstr "Attiva questo ramo"

#: gitk:1081
msgid "Remove this branch"
msgstr "Elimina questo ramo"

#: gitk:1087
msgid "Highlight this too"
msgstr "Evidenzia anche questo"

#: gitk:1089
msgid "Highlight this only"
msgstr "Evidenzia solo questo"

#: gitk:1318
msgid ""
"Gitk - a commit viewer for git\n"
"Copyright © 2005-2006 Paul Mackerras\n"
"Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License"
msgstr ""
"Gitk - un visualizzatore di revisioni per git\n"
"Copyright © 2005-2006 Paul Mackerras\n"
"Utilizzo e redistribuzione permessi sotto i termini della GNU General Public "

#: gitk:1326 gitk:1387 gitk:6581
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Chiudi"

#: gitk:1345
msgid "Gitk key bindings"
msgstr "Scorciatoie da tastiera di Gitk"

#: gitk:1347
msgid "Gitk key bindings:"
msgstr "Scorciatoie da tastiera di Gitk:"

#: gitk:1349
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-Q>\t\tQuit"
msgstr "<%s-Q>\t\tEsci"

#: gitk:1350
msgid "<Home>\t\tMove to first commit"
msgstr "<Home>\t\tVai alla prima revisione"

#: gitk:1351
msgid "<End>\t\tMove to last commit"
msgstr "<End>\t\tVai all'ultima revisione"

#: gitk:1352
msgid "<Up>, p, i\tMove up one commit"
msgstr "<Up>, p, i\tVai più in alto di una revisione"

#: gitk:1353
msgid "<Down>, n, k\tMove down one commit"
msgstr "<Down>, n, k\tVai più in basso di una revisione"

#: gitk:1354
msgid "<Left>, z, j\tGo back in history list"
msgstr "<Left>, z, j\tTorna indietro nella cronologia"

#: gitk:1355
msgid "<Right>, x, l\tGo forward in history list"
msgstr "<Right>, x, l\tVai avanti nella cronologia"

#: gitk:1356
msgid "<PageUp>\tMove up one page in commit list"
msgstr "<PageUp>\tVai più in alto di una pagina nella lista delle revisioni"

#: gitk:1357
msgid "<PageDown>\tMove down one page in commit list"
msgstr "<PageDown>\tVai più in basso di una pagina nella lista delle revisioni"

#: gitk:1358
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-Home>\tScroll to top of commit list"
msgstr "<%s-Home>\tScorri alla cima della lista delle revisioni"

#: gitk:1359
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-End>\tScroll to bottom of commit list"
msgstr "<%s-End>\tScorri alla fine della lista delle revisioni"

#: gitk:1360
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-Up>\tScroll commit list up one line"
msgstr "<%s-Up>\tScorri la lista delle revisioni in alto di una riga"

#: gitk:1361
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-Down>\tScroll commit list down one line"
msgstr "<%s-Down>\tScorri la lista delle revisioni in basso di una riga"

#: gitk:1362
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-PageUp>\tScroll commit list up one page"
msgstr "<%s-PageUp>\tScorri la lista delle revisioni in alto di una pagina"

#: gitk:1363
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-PageDown>\tScroll commit list down one page"
msgstr "<%s-PageDown>\tScorri la lista delle revisioni in basso di una pagina"

#: gitk:1364
msgid "<Shift-Up>\tFind backwards (upwards, later commits)"
msgstr "<Shift-Up>\tTrova all'indietro (verso l'alto, revisioni successive)"

#: gitk:1365
msgid "<Shift-Down>\tFind forwards (downwards, earlier commits)"
msgstr "<Shift-Down>\tTrova in avanti (verso il basso, revisioni precedenti)"

#: gitk:1366
msgid "<Delete>, b\tScroll diff view up one page"
msgstr "<Delete>, b\tScorri la vista delle differenze in alto di una pagina"

#: gitk:1367
msgid "<Backspace>\tScroll diff view up one page"
msgstr "<Backspace>\tScorri la vista delle differenze in alto di una pagina"

#: gitk:1368
msgid "<Space>\t\tScroll diff view down one page"
msgstr "<Space>\t\tScorri la vista delle differenze in basso di una pagina"

#: gitk:1369
msgid "u\t\tScroll diff view up 18 lines"
msgstr "u\t\tScorri la vista delle differenze in alto di 18 linee"

#: gitk:1370
msgid "d\t\tScroll diff view down 18 lines"
msgstr "d\t\tScorri la vista delle differenze in basso di 18 linee"

#: gitk:1371
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-F>\t\tFind"
msgstr "<%s-F>\t\tTrova"

#: gitk:1372
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-G>\t\tMove to next find hit"
msgstr "<%s-G>\t\tTrova in avanti"

#: gitk:1373
msgid "<Return>\tMove to next find hit"
msgstr "<Return>\tTrova in avanti"

#: gitk:1374
msgid "/\t\tMove to next find hit, or redo find"
msgstr "/\t\tTrova in avanti, o cerca di nuovo"

#: gitk:1375
msgid "?\t\tMove to previous find hit"
msgstr "?\t\tTrova all'indietro"

#: gitk:1376
msgid "f\t\tScroll diff view to next file"
msgstr "f\t\tScorri la vista delle differenze al file successivo"

#: gitk:1377
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-S>\t\tSearch for next hit in diff view"
msgstr "<%s-S>\t\tCerca in avanti nella vista delle differenze"

#: gitk:1378
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-R>\t\tSearch for previous hit in diff view"
msgstr "<%s-R>\t\tCerca all'indietro nella vista delle differenze"

#: gitk:1379
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-KP+>\tIncrease font size"
msgstr "<%s-KP+>\tAumenta grandezza carattere"

#: gitk:1380
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-plus>\tIncrease font size"
msgstr "<%s-plus>\tAumenta grandezza carattere"

#: gitk:1381
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-KP->\tDecrease font size"
msgstr "<%s-KP->\tDiminuisci grandezza carattere"

#: gitk:1382
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-minus>\tDecrease font size"
msgstr "<%s-minus>\tDiminuisci grandezza carattere"

#: gitk:1383
msgid "<F5>\t\tUpdate"
msgstr "<F5>\t\tAggiorna"

#: gitk:1896
msgid "Gitk view definition"
msgstr "Scelta vista Gitk"

#: gitk:1921
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"

#: gitk:1924
msgid "Remember this view"
msgstr "Ricorda questa vista"

#: gitk:1928
msgid "Commits to include (arguments to git rev-list):"
msgstr "Revisioni da includere (argomenti di git rev-list):"

#: gitk:1935
msgid "Command to generate more commits to include:"
msgstr "Comando che genera altre revisioni da visualizzare:"

#: gitk:1942
msgid "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"
msgstr "Inserire file e directory da includere, uno per riga:"

#: gitk:1989
msgid "Error in commit selection arguments:"
msgstr "Errore negli argomenti di selezione delle revisioni:"

#: gitk:2043 gitk:2127 gitk:2583 gitk:2597 gitk:3781 gitk:8688 gitk:8689
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nessuno"

#: gitk:2531 gitk:4336 gitk:5958 gitk:5973
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"

#: gitk:2531 gitk:4336
msgid "CDate"
msgstr ""

#: gitk:2680 gitk:2685
msgid "Descendant"
msgstr "Discendente"

#: gitk:2681
msgid "Not descendant"
msgstr "Non discendente"

#: gitk:2688 gitk:2693
msgid "Ancestor"
msgstr "Ascendente"

#: gitk:2689
msgid "Not ancestor"
msgstr "Non ascendente"

#: gitk:2924
msgid "Local changes checked in to index but not committed"
msgstr "Modifiche locali presenti nell'indice ma non nell'archivio"

#: gitk:2954
msgid "Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index"
msgstr "Modifiche locali non presenti né nell'archivio né nell'indice"

#: gitk:4305
msgid "Searching"
msgstr "Ricerca in corso"

#: gitk:4767
msgid "Tags:"
msgstr "Etichette:"

#: gitk:4784 gitk:4790 gitk:5951
msgid "Parent"
msgstr "Genitore"

#: gitk:4795
msgid "Child"
msgstr "Figlio"

#: gitk:4804
msgid "Branch"
msgstr "Ramo"

#: gitk:4807
msgid "Follows"
msgstr "Segue"

#: gitk:4810
msgid "Precedes"
msgstr "Precede"

#: gitk:5093
msgid "Error getting merge diffs:"
msgstr "Errore nella lettura delle differenze di fusione:"

#: gitk:5778
msgid "Goto:"
msgstr "Vai a:"

#: gitk:5780
msgid "SHA1 ID:"
msgstr "SHA1 ID:"

#: gitk:5805
#, tcl-format
msgid "Short SHA1 id %s is ambiguous"
msgstr "La SHA1 id abbreviata %s è ambigua"

#: gitk:5817
#, tcl-format
msgid "SHA1 id %s is not known"
msgstr "La SHA1 id %s è sconosciuta"

#: gitk:5819
#, tcl-format
msgid "Tag/Head %s is not known"
msgstr "L'etichetta/ramo %s è sconosciuto"

#: gitk:5961
msgid "Children"
msgstr "Figli"

#: gitk:6018
#, tcl-format
msgid "Reset %s branch to here"
msgstr "Aggiorna il ramo %s a questa revisione"

#: gitk:6049
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Inizio"

#: gitk:6050
msgid "From"
msgstr "Da"

#: gitk:6055
msgid "To"
msgstr "A"

#: gitk:6078
msgid "Generate patch"
msgstr "Genera patch"

#: gitk:6080
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Da:"

#: gitk:6089
msgid "To:"
msgstr "A:"

#: gitk:6098
msgid "Reverse"
msgstr "Inverti"

#: gitk:6100 gitk:6269
msgid "Output file:"
msgstr "Scrivi sul file:"

#: gitk:6106
msgid "Generate"
msgstr "Genera"

#: gitk:6142
msgid "Error creating patch:"
msgstr "Errore nella creazione della patch:"

#: gitk:6164 gitk:6257 gitk:6311
msgid "ID:"
msgstr "ID:"

#: gitk:6173
msgid "Tag name:"
msgstr "Nome etichetta:"

#: gitk:6177 gitk:6320
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Crea"

#: gitk:6192
msgid "No tag name specified"
msgstr "Nessuna etichetta specificata"

#: gitk:6196
#, tcl-format
msgid "Tag \"%s\" already exists"
msgstr "L'etichetta \"%s\" esiste già"

#: gitk:6202
msgid "Error creating tag:"
msgstr "Errore nella creazione dell'etichetta:"

#: gitk:6266
msgid "Command:"
msgstr "Comando:"

#: gitk:6274
msgid "Write"
msgstr "Scrivi"

#: gitk:6290
msgid "Error writing commit:"
msgstr "Errore nella scrittura della revisione:"

#: gitk:6316
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nome:"

#: gitk:6335
msgid "Please specify a name for the new branch"
msgstr "Specificare un nome per il nuovo ramo"

#: gitk:6364
#, tcl-format
msgid "Commit %s is already included in branch %s -- really re-apply it?"
msgstr "La revisione %s è già inclusa nel ramo %s -- applicarla di nuovo?"

#: gitk:6369
msgid "Cherry-picking"
msgstr ""

#: gitk:6381
msgid "No changes committed"
msgstr "Nessuna modifica archiviata"

#: gitk:6404
msgid "Confirm reset"
msgstr "Conferma git reset"

#: gitk:6406
#, tcl-format
msgid "Reset branch %s to %s?"
msgstr "Aggiornare il ramo %s a %s?"

#: gitk:6410
msgid "Reset type:"
msgstr "Tipo di aggiornamento:"

#: gitk:6414
msgid "Soft: Leave working tree and index untouched"
msgstr "Soft: Lascia la direcory di lavoro e l'indice come sono"

#: gitk:6417
msgid "Mixed: Leave working tree untouched, reset index"
msgstr "Mixed: Lascia la directory di lavoro come è, aggiorna l'indice"

#: gitk:6420
msgid ""
"Hard: Reset working tree and index\n"
"(discard ALL local changes)"
msgstr ""
"Hard: Aggiorna la directory di lavoro e l'indice\n"
"(abbandona TUTTE le modifiche locali)"

#: gitk:6436
msgid "Resetting"
msgstr "git reset in corso"

#: gitk:6493
msgid "Checking out"
msgstr "Attivazione in corso"

#: gitk:6523
msgid "Cannot delete the currently checked-out branch"
msgstr "Impossibile cancellare il ramo attualmente attivo"

#: gitk:6529
#, tcl-format
msgid ""
"The commits on branch %s aren't on any other branch.\n"
"Really delete branch %s?"
msgstr ""
"Le revisioni nel ramo %s non sono presenti su altri rami.\n"
"Cancellare il ramo %s?"

#: gitk:6560
#, tcl-format
msgid "Tags and heads: %s"
msgstr "Etichette e rami: %s"

#: gitk:6574
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtro"

#: gitk:6868
msgid ""
"Error reading commit topology information; branch and preceding/following "
"tag information will be incomplete."
msgstr ""
"Errore nella lettura della topologia delle revisioni: le informazioni sul "
"ramo e le etichette precedenti e seguenti saranno incomplete."

#: gitk:7852
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "Etichetta"

#: gitk:7852
msgid "Id"
msgstr "Id"

#: gitk:7892
msgid "Gitk font chooser"
msgstr "Scelta caratteri gitk"

#: gitk:7909
msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

#: gitk:7912
msgid "I"
msgstr "I"

#: gitk:8005
msgid "Gitk preferences"
msgstr "Preferenze gitk"

#: gitk:8006
msgid "Commit list display options"
msgstr "Opzioni visualizzazione dell'elenco revisioni"

#: gitk:8009
msgid "Maximum graph width (lines)"
msgstr "Larghezza massima del grafico (in linee)"

#: gitk:8013
#, tcl-format
msgid "Maximum graph width (% of pane)"
msgstr "Larghezza massima del grafico (% del pannello)"

#: gitk:8018
msgid "Show local changes"
msgstr "Mostra modifiche locali"

#: gitk:8023
msgid "Auto-select SHA1"
msgstr "Seleziona automaticamente SHA1 hash"

#: gitk:8028
msgid "Diff display options"
msgstr "Opzioni di visualizzazione delle differenze"

#: gitk:8030
msgid "Tab spacing"
msgstr "Spaziatura tabulazioni"

#: gitk:8034
msgid "Display nearby tags"
msgstr "Mostra etichette vicine"

#: gitk:8039
msgid "Limit diffs to listed paths"
msgstr "Limita le differenze ai percorsi elencati"

#: gitk:8044
msgid "Colors: press to choose"
msgstr "Colori: premere per scegliere"

#: gitk:8047
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Sfondo"

#: gitk:8051
msgid "Foreground"
msgstr "Primo piano"

#: gitk:8055
msgid "Diff: old lines"
msgstr "Diff: vecchie linee"

#: gitk:8060
msgid "Diff: new lines"
msgstr "Diff: nuove linee"

#: gitk:8065
msgid "Diff: hunk header"
msgstr "Diff: intestazione della sezione"

#: gitk:8071
msgid "Select bg"
msgstr "Sfondo selezione"

#: gitk:8075
msgid "Fonts: press to choose"
msgstr "Carattere: premere per scegliere"

#: gitk:8077
msgid "Main font"
msgstr "Carattere principale"

#: gitk:8078
msgid "Diff display font"
msgstr "Carattere per differenze"

#: gitk:8079
msgid "User interface font"
msgstr "Carattere per interfaccia utente"

#: gitk:8095
#, tcl-format
msgid "Gitk: choose color for %s"
msgstr "Gitk: scegliere un colore per %s"

#: gitk:8476
msgid ""
"Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n"
" Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."
msgstr ""
"Questa versione di Tcl/Tk non può avviare gitk.\n"
" Gitk richiede Tcl/Tk versione 8.4 o superiore."

#: gitk:8565
msgid "Cannot find a git repository here."
msgstr "Archivio git non trovato."

#: gitk:8569
#, tcl-format
msgid "Cannot find the git directory \"%s\"."
msgstr "Directory git \"%s\" non trovata."

#: gitk:8612
#, tcl-format
msgid "Ambiguous argument '%s': both revision and filename"
msgstr "Argomento ambiguo: '%s' è sia revisione che nome di file"

#: gitk:8624
msgid "Bad arguments to gitk:"
msgstr "Gitk: argomenti errati:"

#: gitk:8636
msgid "Couldn't get list of unmerged files:"
msgstr "Impossibile ottenere l'elenco dei file in attesa di fusione:"

#: gitk:8652
msgid "No files selected: --merge specified but no files are unmerged."
msgstr ""
"Nessun file selezionato: è stata specificata l'opzione --merge ma non ci "
"sono file in attesa di fusione."

#: gitk:8655
msgid ""
"No files selected: --merge specified but no unmerged files are within file "
msgstr ""
"Nessun file selezionato: è stata specificata l'opzione --merge ma i file "
"specificati non sono in attesa di fusione."

#: gitk:8716
msgid "Command line"
msgstr "Linea di comando"


@ -0,0 +1,887 @@ @@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
# Swedish translation for gitk
# Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Paul Mackerras
# This file is distributed under the same license as the gitk package.
# Peter Karlsson <>, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sv\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-14 15:03+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-14 16:06CET-1\n"
"Last-Translator: Peter Karlsson <>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"

#: gitk:111
msgid "Error executing git rev-list:"
msgstr "Fel vid körning av git rev-list:"

#: gitk:124
msgid "Reading"
msgstr "Läser"

#: gitk:151 gitk:2191
msgid "Reading commits..."
msgstr "Läser incheckningar..."

#: gitk:275
msgid "Can't parse git log output:"
msgstr "Kan inte tolka utdata från git log:"

#: gitk:386 gitk:2195
msgid "No commits selected"
msgstr "Inga incheckningar markerade"

#: gitk:500
msgid "No commit information available"
msgstr "Ingen incheckningsinformation är tillgänglig"

#: gitk:599 gitk:621 gitk:1955 gitk:6423 gitk:7923 gitk:8082
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"

#: gitk:623 gitk:1956 gitk:6107 gitk:6178 gitk:6275 gitk:6321 gitk:6425
#: gitk:7924 gitk:8083
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Avbryt"

#: gitk:661
msgid "File"
msgstr "Arkiv"

#: gitk:663
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Uppdatera"

#: gitk:664
msgid "Reread references"
msgstr "Läs om referenser"

#: gitk:665
msgid "List references"
msgstr "Visa referenser"

#: gitk:666
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Avsluta"

#: gitk:668
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Redigera"

#: gitk:669
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Inställningar"

#: gitk:672 gitk:1892
msgid "View"
msgstr "Visa"

#: gitk:673
msgid "New view..."
msgstr "Ny vy..."

#: gitk:674 gitk:2133 gitk:8722
msgid "Edit view..."
msgstr "Ändra vy..."

#: gitk:676 gitk:2134 gitk:8723
msgid "Delete view"
msgstr "Ta bort vy"

#: gitk:678
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Alla filer"

#: gitk:682
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hjälp"

#: gitk:683 gitk:1317
msgid "About gitk"
msgstr "Om gitk"

#: gitk:684
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Tangentbordsbindningar"

#: gitk:741
msgid "SHA1 ID: "
msgstr "SHA1-id: "

#: gitk:791
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Sök"

#: gitk:792
msgid "next"
msgstr "nästa"

#: gitk:793
msgid "prev"
msgstr "föreg"

#: gitk:794
msgid "commit"
msgstr "incheckning"

#: gitk:797 gitk:799 gitk:2356 gitk:2379 gitk:2403 gitk:4306 gitk:4369
msgid "containing:"
msgstr "som innehåller:"

#: gitk:800 gitk:1778 gitk:1783 gitk:2431
msgid "touching paths:"
msgstr "som rör sökväg:"

#: gitk:801 gitk:2436
msgid "adding/removing string:"
msgstr "som lägger/till tar bort sträng:"

#: gitk:810 gitk:812
msgid "Exact"
msgstr "Exakt"

#: gitk:812 gitk:2514 gitk:4274
msgid "IgnCase"
msgstr "IgnVersaler"

#: gitk:812 gitk:2405 gitk:2512 gitk:4270
msgid "Regexp"
msgstr "Reg.uttr."

#: gitk:814 gitk:815 gitk:2533 gitk:2563 gitk:2570 gitk:4380 gitk:4436
msgid "All fields"
msgstr "Alla fält"

#: gitk:815 gitk:2531 gitk:2563 gitk:4336
msgid "Headline"
msgstr "Rubrik"

#: gitk:816 gitk:2531 gitk:4336 gitk:4436 gitk:4827
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Kommentarer"

#: gitk:816 gitk:2531 gitk:2535 gitk:2570 gitk:4336 gitk:4763 gitk:5956
#: gitk:5971
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Författare"

#: gitk:816 gitk:2531 gitk:4336 gitk:4765
msgid "Committer"
msgstr "Incheckare"

#: gitk:845
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Sök"

#: gitk:852
msgid "Diff"
msgstr "Diff"

#: gitk:854
msgid "Old version"
msgstr "Gammal version"

#: gitk:856
msgid "New version"
msgstr "Ny version"

#: gitk:858
msgid "Lines of context"
msgstr "Rader sammanhang"

#: gitk:868
msgid "Ignore space change"
msgstr "Ignorera ändringar i blanksteg"

#: gitk:926
msgid "Patch"
msgstr "Patch"

#: gitk:928
msgid "Tree"
msgstr "Träd"

#: gitk:1053 gitk:1068 gitk:6022
msgid "Diff this -> selected"
msgstr "Diff denna -> markerad"

#: gitk:1055 gitk:1070 gitk:6023
msgid "Diff selected -> this"
msgstr "Diff markerad -> denna"

#: gitk:1057 gitk:1072 gitk:6024
msgid "Make patch"
msgstr "Skapa patch"

#: gitk:1058 gitk:6162
msgid "Create tag"
msgstr "Skapa tagg"

#: gitk:1059 gitk:6255
msgid "Write commit to file"
msgstr "Skriv incheckning till fil"

#: gitk:1060 gitk:6309
msgid "Create new branch"
msgstr "Skapa ny gren"

#: gitk:1061
msgid "Cherry-pick this commit"
msgstr "Plocka denna incheckning"

#: gitk:1063
msgid "Reset HEAD branch to here"
msgstr "Återställ HEAD-grenen hit"

#: gitk:1079
msgid "Check out this branch"
msgstr "Checka ut denna gren"

#: gitk:1081
msgid "Remove this branch"
msgstr "Ta bort denna gren"

#: gitk:1087
msgid "Highlight this too"
msgstr "Markera även detta"

#: gitk:1089
msgid "Highlight this only"
msgstr "Markera bara detta"

#: gitk:1318
msgid ""
"Gitk - a commit viewer for git\n"
"Copyright © 2005-2006 Paul Mackerras\n"
"Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License"
msgstr ""
"Gitk - en incheckningsvisare för git\n"
"Copyright © 2005-2006 Paul Mackerras\n"
"Använd och vidareförmedla enligt villkoren i GNU General Public License"

#: gitk:1326 gitk:1387 gitk:6581
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Stäng"

#: gitk:1345
msgid "Gitk key bindings"
msgstr "Tangentbordsbindningar för Gitk"

#: gitk:1347
msgid "Gitk key bindings:"
msgstr "Tangentbordsbindningar för Gitk:"

#: gitk:1349
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-Q>\t\tQuit"
msgstr "<%s-Q>\t\tAvsluta"

#: gitk:1350
msgid "<Home>\t\tMove to first commit"
msgstr "<Home>\t\tGå till första incheckning"

#: gitk:1351
msgid "<End>\t\tMove to last commit"
msgstr "<End>\t\tGå till sista incheckning"

#: gitk:1352
msgid "<Up>, p, i\tMove up one commit"
msgstr "<Upp>, p, i\tGå en incheckning upp"

#: gitk:1353
msgid "<Down>, n, k\tMove down one commit"
msgstr "<Ned>, n, k\tGå en incheckning ned"

#: gitk:1354
msgid "<Left>, z, j\tGo back in history list"
msgstr "<Vänster>, z, j\tGå bakåt i historiken"

#: gitk:1355
msgid "<Right>, x, l\tGo forward in history list"
msgstr "<Höger>, x, l\tGå framåt i historiken"

#: gitk:1356
msgid "<PageUp>\tMove up one page in commit list"
msgstr "<PageUp>\tGå upp en sida i incheckningslistan"

#: gitk:1357
msgid "<PageDown>\tMove down one page in commit list"
msgstr "<PageDown>\tGå ned en sida i incheckningslistan"

#: gitk:1358
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-Home>\tScroll to top of commit list"
msgstr "<%s-Home>\tRulla till början av incheckningslistan"

#: gitk:1359
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-End>\tScroll to bottom of commit list"
msgstr "<%s-End>\tRulla till slutet av incheckningslistan"

#: gitk:1360
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-Up>\tScroll commit list up one line"
msgstr "<%s-Upp>\tRulla incheckningslistan upp ett steg"

#: gitk:1361
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-Down>\tScroll commit list down one line"
msgstr "<%s-Ned>\tRulla incheckningslistan ned ett steg"

#: gitk:1362
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-PageUp>\tScroll commit list up one page"
msgstr "<%s-PageUp>\tRulla incheckningslistan upp en sida"

#: gitk:1363
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-PageDown>\tScroll commit list down one page"
msgstr "<%s-PageDown>\tRulla incheckningslistan ned en sida"

#: gitk:1364
msgid "<Shift-Up>\tFind backwards (upwards, later commits)"
msgstr "<Skift-Upp>\tSök bakåt (uppåt, senare incheckningar)"

#: gitk:1365
msgid "<Shift-Down>\tFind forwards (downwards, earlier commits)"
msgstr "<Skift-Ned>\tSök framåt (nedåt, tidigare incheckningar)"

#: gitk:1366
msgid "<Delete>, b\tScroll diff view up one page"
msgstr "<Delete>, b\tRulla diffvisningen upp en sida"

#: gitk:1367
msgid "<Backspace>\tScroll diff view up one page"
msgstr "<Baksteg>\tRulla diffvisningen upp en sida"

#: gitk:1368
msgid "<Space>\t\tScroll diff view down one page"
msgstr "<Blanksteg>\tRulla diffvisningen ned en sida"

#: gitk:1369
msgid "u\t\tScroll diff view up 18 lines"
msgstr "u\t\tRulla diffvisningen upp 18 rader"

#: gitk:1370
msgid "d\t\tScroll diff view down 18 lines"
msgstr "d\t\tRulla diffvisningen ned 18 rader"

#: gitk:1371
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-F>\t\tFind"
msgstr "<%s-F>\t\tSök"

#: gitk:1372
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-G>\t\tMove to next find hit"
msgstr "<%s-G>\t\tGå till nästa sökträff"

#: gitk:1373
msgid "<Return>\tMove to next find hit"
msgstr "<Return>\t\tGå till nästa sökträff"

#: gitk:1374
msgid "/\t\tMove to next find hit, or redo find"
msgstr "/\t\tGå till nästa sökträff, eller sök på nytt"

#: gitk:1375
msgid "?\t\tMove to previous find hit"
msgstr "?\t\tGå till föregående sökträff"

#: gitk:1376
msgid "f\t\tScroll diff view to next file"
msgstr "f\t\tRulla diffvisningen till nästa fil"

#: gitk:1377
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-S>\t\tSearch for next hit in diff view"
msgstr "<%s-S>\t\tGå till nästa sökträff i diffvisningen"

#: gitk:1378
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-R>\t\tSearch for previous hit in diff view"
msgstr "<%s-R>\t\tGå till föregående sökträff i diffvisningen"

#: gitk:1379
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-KP+>\tIncrease font size"
msgstr "<%s-Num+>\tÖka teckenstorlek"

#: gitk:1380
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-plus>\tIncrease font size"
msgstr "<%s-plus>\tÖka teckenstorlek"

#: gitk:1381
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-KP->\tDecrease font size"
msgstr "<%s-Num->\tMinska teckenstorlek"

#: gitk:1382
#, tcl-format
msgid "<%s-minus>\tDecrease font size"
msgstr "<%s-minus>\tMinska teckenstorlek"

#: gitk:1383
msgid "<F5>\t\tUpdate"
msgstr "<F5>\t\tUppdatera"

#: gitk:1896
msgid "Gitk view definition"
msgstr "Definition av Gitk-vy"

#: gitk:1921
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Namn"

#: gitk:1924
msgid "Remember this view"
msgstr "Spara denna vy"

#: gitk:1928
msgid "Commits to include (arguments to git rev-list):"
msgstr "Incheckningar att ta med (argument till git rev-list):"

#: gitk:1935
msgid "Command to generate more commits to include:"
msgstr "Kommando för att generera fler incheckningar att ta med:"

#: gitk:1942
msgid "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"
msgstr "Ange filer och kataloger att ta med, en per rad:"

#: gitk:1989
msgid "Error in commit selection arguments:"
msgstr "Fel i argument för val av incheckningar:"

#: gitk:2043 gitk:2127 gitk:2583 gitk:2597 gitk:3781 gitk:8688 gitk:8689
msgid "None"
msgstr "Inget"

#: gitk:2531 gitk:4336 gitk:5958 gitk:5973
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"

#: gitk:2531 gitk:4336
msgid "CDate"
msgstr "Skapat datum"

#: gitk:2680 gitk:2685
msgid "Descendant"
msgstr "Avkomling"

#: gitk:2681
msgid "Not descendant"
msgstr "Inte avkomling"

#: gitk:2688 gitk:2693
msgid "Ancestor"
msgstr "Förfader"

#: gitk:2689
msgid "Not ancestor"
msgstr "Inte förfader"

#: gitk:2924
msgid "Local changes checked in to index but not committed"
msgstr "Lokala ändringar sparade i indexet men inte incheckade"

#: gitk:2954
msgid "Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index"
msgstr "Lokala ändringar, ej sparade i indexet"

#: gitk:4305
msgid "Searching"
msgstr "Söker"

#: gitk:4767
msgid "Tags:"
msgstr "Taggar:"

#: gitk:4784 gitk:4790 gitk:5951
msgid "Parent"
msgstr "Förälder"

#: gitk:4795
msgid "Child"
msgstr "Barn"

#: gitk:4804
msgid "Branch"
msgstr "Gren"

#: gitk:4807
msgid "Follows"
msgstr "Följer"

#: gitk:4810
msgid "Precedes"
msgstr "Föregår"

#: gitk:5093
msgid "Error getting merge diffs:"
msgstr "Fel vid hämtning av sammanslagningsdiff:"

#: gitk:5778
msgid "Goto:"
msgstr "Gå till:"

#: gitk:5780
msgid "SHA1 ID:"
msgstr "SHA1-id:"

#: gitk:5805
#, tcl-format
msgid "Short SHA1 id %s is ambiguous"
msgstr "Förkortat SHA1-id %s är tvetydigt"

#: gitk:5817
#, tcl-format
msgid "SHA1 id %s is not known"
msgstr "SHA-id:t %s är inte känt"

#: gitk:5819
#, tcl-format
msgid "Tag/Head %s is not known"
msgstr "Tagg/huvud %s är okänt"

#: gitk:5961
msgid "Children"
msgstr "Barn"

#: gitk:6018
#, tcl-format
msgid "Reset %s branch to here"
msgstr "Återställ grenen %s hit"

#: gitk:6049
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Topp"

#: gitk:6050
msgid "From"
msgstr "Från"

#: gitk:6055
msgid "To"
msgstr "Till"

#: gitk:6078
msgid "Generate patch"
msgstr "Generera patch"

#: gitk:6080
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Från:"

#: gitk:6089
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Till:"

#: gitk:6098
msgid "Reverse"
msgstr "Vänd"

#: gitk:6100 gitk:6269
msgid "Output file:"
msgstr "Utdatafil:"

#: gitk:6106
msgid "Generate"
msgstr "Generera"

#: gitk:6142
msgid "Error creating patch:"
msgstr "Fel vid generering av patch:"

#: gitk:6164 gitk:6257 gitk:6311
msgid "ID:"
msgstr "Id:"

#: gitk:6173
msgid "Tag name:"
msgstr "Taggnamn:"

#: gitk:6177 gitk:6320
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Skapa"

#: gitk:6192
msgid "No tag name specified"
msgstr "Inget taggnamn angavs"

#: gitk:6196
#, tcl-format
msgid "Tag \"%s\" already exists"
msgstr "Taggen \"%s\" finns redan"

#: gitk:6202
msgid "Error creating tag:"
msgstr "Fel vid skapande av tagg:"

#: gitk:6266
msgid "Command:"
msgstr "Kommando:"

#: gitk:6274
msgid "Write"
msgstr "Skriv"

#: gitk:6290
msgid "Error writing commit:"
msgstr "Fel vid skrivning av incheckning:"

#: gitk:6316
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Namn:"

#: gitk:6335
msgid "Please specify a name for the new branch"
msgstr "Ange ett namn för den nya grenen"

#: gitk:6364
#, tcl-format
msgid "Commit %s is already included in branch %s -- really re-apply it?"
msgstr "Incheckningen %s finns redan på grenen %s -- skall den verkligen appliceras på nytt?"

#: gitk:6369
msgid "Cherry-picking"
msgstr "Plockar"

#: gitk:6381
msgid "No changes committed"
msgstr "Inga ändringar incheckade"

#: gitk:6404
msgid "Confirm reset"
msgstr "Bekräfta återställning"

#: gitk:6406
#, tcl-format
msgid "Reset branch %s to %s?"
msgstr "Återställa grenen %s till %s?"

#: gitk:6410
msgid "Reset type:"
msgstr "Typ av återställning:"

#: gitk:6414
msgid "Soft: Leave working tree and index untouched"
msgstr "Mjuk: Rör inte utcheckning och index"

#: gitk:6417
msgid "Mixed: Leave working tree untouched, reset index"
msgstr "Blandad: Rör inte utcheckning, återställ index"

#: gitk:6420
msgid ""
"Hard: Reset working tree and index\n"
"(discard ALL local changes)"
msgstr ""
"Hård: Återställ utcheckning och index\n"
"(förkastar ALLA lokala ändringar)"

#: gitk:6436
msgid "Resetting"
msgstr "Återställer"

#: gitk:6493
msgid "Checking out"
msgstr "Checkar ut"

#: gitk:6523
msgid "Cannot delete the currently checked-out branch"
msgstr "Kan inte ta bort den just nu utcheckade grenen"

#: gitk:6529
#, tcl-format
msgid ""
"The commits on branch %s aren't on any other branch.\n"
"Really delete branch %s?"
msgstr ""
"Incheckningarna på grenen %s existerar inte på någon annan gren.\n"
"Vill du verkligen ta bort grenen %s?"

#: gitk:6560
#, tcl-format
msgid "Tags and heads: %s"
msgstr "Taggar och huvuden: %s"

#: gitk:6574
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filter"

#: gitk:6868
msgid ""
"Error reading commit topology information; branch and preceding/following "
"tag information will be incomplete."
msgstr ""
"Fel vid läsning av information om incheckningstopologi; information om "
"grenar och föregående/senare taggar kommer inte vara komplett."

#: gitk:7852
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "Tagg"

#: gitk:7852
msgid "Id"
msgstr "Id"

#: gitk:7892
msgid "Gitk font chooser"
msgstr "Teckensnittsväljare för Gitk"

#: gitk:7909
msgid "B"
msgstr "F"

#: gitk:7912
msgid "I"
msgstr "K"

#: gitk:8005
msgid "Gitk preferences"
msgstr "Inställningar för Gitk"

#: gitk:8006
msgid "Commit list display options"
msgstr "Alternativ för incheckningslistvy"

#: gitk:8009
msgid "Maximum graph width (lines)"
msgstr "Maximal grafbredd (rader)"

#: gitk:8013
#, tcl-format
msgid "Maximum graph width (% of pane)"
msgstr "Maximal grafbredd (% av ruta)"

#: gitk:8018
msgid "Show local changes"
msgstr "Visa lokala ändringar"

#: gitk:8023
msgid "Auto-select SHA1"
msgstr "Välj SHA1 automatiskt"

#: gitk:8028
msgid "Diff display options"
msgstr "Alternativ för diffvy"

#: gitk:8030
msgid "Tab spacing"
msgstr "Blanksteg för tabulatortecken"

#: gitk:8034
msgid "Display nearby tags"
msgstr "Visa närliggande taggar"

#: gitk:8039
msgid "Limit diffs to listed paths"
msgstr "Begränsa diff till listade sökvägar"

#: gitk:8044
msgid "Colors: press to choose"
msgstr "Färger: tryck för att välja"

#: gitk:8047
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Bakgrund"

#: gitk:8051
msgid "Foreground"
msgstr "Förgrund"

#: gitk:8055
msgid "Diff: old lines"
msgstr "Diff: gamla rader"

#: gitk:8060
msgid "Diff: new lines"
msgstr "Diff: nya rader"

#: gitk:8065
msgid "Diff: hunk header"
msgstr "Diff: delhuvud"

#: gitk:8071
msgid "Select bg"
msgstr "Markerad bakgrund"

#: gitk:8075
msgid "Fonts: press to choose"
msgstr "Teckensnitt: tryck för att välja"

#: gitk:8077
msgid "Main font"
msgstr "Huvudteckensnitt"

#: gitk:8078
msgid "Diff display font"
msgstr "Teckensnitt för diffvisning"

#: gitk:8079
msgid "User interface font"
msgstr "Teckensnitt för användargränssnitt"

#: gitk:8095
#, tcl-format
msgid "Gitk: choose color for %s"
msgstr "Gitk: välj färg för %s"

#: gitk:8476
msgid ""
"Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n"
" Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."
msgstr ""
"Gitk kan tyvärr inte köra med denna version av Tcl/Tk.\n"
" Gitk kräver åtminstone Tcl/Tk 8.4."

#: gitk:8565
msgid "Cannot find a git repository here."
msgstr "Hittar inget gitk-arkiv här."

#: gitk:8569
#, tcl-format
msgid "Cannot find the git directory \"%s\"."
msgstr "Hittar inte git-katalogen \"%s\"."

#: gitk:8612
#, tcl-format
msgid "Ambiguous argument '%s': both revision and filename"
msgstr "Tvetydigt argument \"%s\": både revision och filnamn"

#: gitk:8624
msgid "Bad arguments to gitk:"
msgstr "Felaktiga argument till gitk:"

#: gitk:8636
msgid "Couldn't get list of unmerged files:"
msgstr "Kunde inta hämta lista över ej sammanslagna filer:"

#: gitk:8652
msgid "No files selected: --merge specified but no files are unmerged."
msgstr "Inga filer valdes: --merge angavs men det finns inga filer som inte har slagits samman."

#: gitk:8655
msgid ""
"No files selected: --merge specified but no unmerged files are within file "
msgstr ""
"Inga filer valdes: --merge angavs men det finns inga filer inom "

#: gitk:8716
msgid "Command line"
msgstr "Kommandorad"
