@ -96,11 +96,40 @@ The --cc option must be repeated for each user you want on the cc list.
@@ -96,11 +96,40 @@ The --cc option must be repeated for each user you want on the cc list.
servers typically listen to smtp port 25 and ssmtp port
--smtp-user, --smtp-pass::
Username and password for SMTP-AUTH. Defaults are the values of
the configuration values 'sendemail.smtpuser' and
'sendemail.smtppass', but see also 'sendemail.identity'.
If not set, authentication is not attempted.
Username for SMTP-AUTH. In place of this option, the following
configuration variables can be specified:
* sendemail.smtpuser
* sendemail.<identity>.smtpuser (see sendemail.identity).
However, --smtp-user always overrides these variables.
If a username is not specified (with --smtp-user or a
configuration variable), then authentication is not attempted.
Password for SMTP-AUTH. The argument is optional: If no
argument is specified, then the empty string is used as
the password.
In place of this option, the following configuration variables
can be specified:
* sendemail.smtppass
* sendemail.<identity>.smtppass (see sendemail.identity).
However, --smtp-pass always overrides these variables.
Furthermore, passwords need not be specified in configuration files
or on the command line. If a username has been specified (with
--smtp-user or a configuration variable), but no password has been
specified (with --smtp-pass or a configuration variable), then the
user is prompted for a password while the input is masked for privacy.