@ -592,16 +592,31 @@ proc fetch_from {remote} {
set w [new_console "fetch $remote" \
set w [new_console "fetch $remote" \
"Fetching new changes from $remote"]
"Fetching new changes from $remote"]
set cmd [list git fetch]
set cmd [list git fetch]
lappend cmd -v
lappend cmd $remote
lappend cmd $remote
console_exec $w $cmd
console_exec $w $cmd
proc pull_remote {remote branch} {
set w [new_console "pull $remote $branch" \
"Pulling new changes from branch $branch in $remote"]
set cmd [list git pull]
lappend cmd $remote
lappend cmd $branch
console_exec $w $cmd [list post_pull_remote $remote $branch]
proc post_pull_remote {remote branch success} {
if {$success} {
update_status "Successfully pulled $branch from $remote."
} else {
update_status "Conflicts detected while pulling $branch from $remote."
proc push_to {remote} {
proc push_to {remote} {
set w [new_console "push $remote" \
set w [new_console "push $remote" \
"Pushing changes to $remote"]
"Pushing changes to $remote"]
set cmd [list git push]
set cmd [list git push]
lappend -v
lappend cmd $remote
lappend cmd $remote
console_exec $w $cmd
console_exec $w $cmd
@ -829,7 +844,7 @@ proc load_all_remotes {} {
proc populate_remote_menu {m pfx op} {
proc populate_remote_menu {m pfx op} {
global gitdir all_remotes mainfont
global all_remotes mainfont
foreach remote $all_remotes {
foreach remote $all_remotes {
$m add command -label "$pfx $remote..." \
$m add command -label "$pfx $remote..." \
@ -838,6 +853,40 @@ proc populate_remote_menu {m pfx op} {
proc populate_pull_menu {m} {
global gitdir repo_config all_remotes mainfont
foreach remote $all_remotes {
set rb {}
if {[array get repo_config remote.$remote.url] != {}} {
if {[array get repo_config remote.$remote.fetch] != {}} {
regexp {^([^:]+):} \
[lindex $repo_config(remote.$remote.fetch) 0] \
line rb
} else {
catch {
set fd [open [file join $gitdir remotes $remote] r]
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
if {[regexp {^Pull:[ \t]*([^:]+):} $line line rb]} {
close $fd
set rb_short $rb
regsub ^refs/heads/ $rb {} rb_short
if {$rb_short != {}} {
$m add command \
-label "Branch $rb_short from $remote..." \
-command [list pull_remote $remote $rb] \
-font $mainfont
## icons
## icons
@ -966,7 +1015,9 @@ proc show_msg {w top msg} {
pack $w.ok -side bottom
pack $w.ok -side bottom
bind $top <Visibility> "grab $top; focus $top"
bind $top <Visibility> "grab $top; focus $top"
bind $top <Key-Return> "destroy $top"
bind $top <Key-Return> "destroy $top"
wm title $top "error: $appname ([file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]])"
wm title $w "$appname ([lindex [file split \
[file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]]] \
end]): error"
tkwait window $top
tkwait window $top
@ -1011,7 +1062,9 @@ proc hook_failed_popup {hook msg} {
bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
wm title $w "error: $appname ([file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]])"
wm title $w "$appname ([lindex [file split \
[file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]]] \
end]): error"
tkwait window $w
tkwait window $w
@ -1060,11 +1113,13 @@ proc console_init {w} {
pack $w.ok -side bottom
pack $w.ok -side bottom
bind $w <Visibility> "focus $w"
bind $w <Visibility> "focus $w"
wm title $w "$appname ([file dirname [file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]]]): [lindex $console_data($w) 0]"
wm title $w "$appname ([lindex [file split \
[file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]]] \
end]): [lindex $console_data($w) 0]"
return $w
return $w
proc console_exec {w cmd} {
proc console_exec {w cmd {after {}}} {
global tcl_platform
global tcl_platform
# -- Windows tosses the enviroment when we exec our child.
# -- Windows tosses the enviroment when we exec our child.
@ -1081,10 +1136,10 @@ proc console_exec {w cmd} {
set fd_f [open $cmd r]
set fd_f [open $cmd r]
fconfigure $fd_f -blocking 0 -translation binary
fconfigure $fd_f -blocking 0 -translation binary
fileevent $fd_f readable [list console_read $w $fd_f]
fileevent $fd_f readable [list console_read $w $fd_f $after]
proc console_read {w fd} {
proc console_read {w fd after} {
global console_cr console_data
global console_cr console_data
set buf [read $fd]
set buf [read $fd]
@ -1123,13 +1178,18 @@ proc console_read {w fd} {
$w.m.s conf -background red -text {Error: Command Failed}
$w.m.s conf -background red -text {Error: Command Failed}
$w.ok conf -text Close
$w.ok conf -text Close
$w.ok conf -state normal
$w.ok conf -state normal
set ok 0
} elseif {[winfo exists $w]} {
} elseif {[winfo exists $w]} {
$w.m.s conf -background green -text {Success}
$w.m.s conf -background green -text {Success}
$w.ok conf -text Close
$w.ok conf -text Close
$w.ok conf -state normal
$w.ok conf -state normal
set ok 1
array unset console_cr $w
array unset console_cr $w
array unset console_data $w
array unset console_data $w
if {$after != {}} {
uplevel #0 $after $ok
fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
@ -1558,4 +1618,5 @@ load_repo_config
populate_remote_menu .mbar.fetch From fetch_from
populate_remote_menu .mbar.fetch From fetch_from
populate_remote_menu .mbar.push To push_to
populate_remote_menu .mbar.push To push_to
populate_pull_menu .mbar.pull