@ -4575,28 +4575,33 @@ sub git_tag {
@@ -4575,28 +4575,33 @@ sub git_tag {
sub git_blame {
my $fd;
my $ftype;
# permissions
or die_error(403, "Blame view not allowed");
or die_error(403, "Blame view not allowed");
# error checking
die_error(400, "No file name given") unless $file_name;
$hash_base ||= git_get_head_hash($project);
die_error(404, "Couldn't find base commit") unless ($hash_base);
die_error(404, "Couldn't find base commit") unless $hash_base;
my %co = parse_commit($hash_base)
or die_error(404, "Commit not found");
my $ftype = "blob";
if (!defined $hash) {
$hash = git_get_hash_by_path($hash_base, $file_name, "blob")
or die_error(404, "Error looking up file");
} else {
$ftype = git_get_type($hash);
if ($ftype !~ "blob") {
die_error(400, "Object is not a blob");
$ftype = git_get_type($hash);
if ($ftype !~ "blob") {
die_error(400, "Object is not a blob");
open ($fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "blame", '-p', '--',
$file_name, $hash_base)
# run git-blame --porcelain
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "blame", '-p',
$hash_base, '--', $file_name
or die_error(500, "Open git-blame failed");
# page header
my $formats_nav =
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", -replay=>1)},
@ -4610,40 +4615,44 @@ sub git_blame {
@@ -4610,40 +4615,44 @@ sub git_blame {
git_print_page_nav('','', $hash_base,$co{'tree'},$hash_base, $formats_nav);
git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $hash_base);
git_print_page_path($file_name, $ftype, $hash_base);
my @rev_color = (qw(light2 dark2));
# page body
my @rev_color = qw(light2 dark2);
my $num_colors = scalar(@rev_color);
my $current_color = 0;
my $last_rev;
my %metainfo = ();
print <<HTML;
<div class="page_body">
<table class="blame">
my %metainfo = ();
while (1) {
$_ = <$fd>;
last unless defined $_;
while (my $line = <$fd>) {
chomp $line;
# the header: <SHA-1> <src lineno> <dst lineno> [<lines in group>]
# no <lines in group> for subsequent lines in group of lines
my ($full_rev, $orig_lineno, $lineno, $group_size) =
/^([0-9a-f]{40}) (\d+) (\d+)(?: (\d+))?$/;
($line =~ /^([0-9a-f]{40}) (\d+) (\d+)(?: (\d+))?$/);
if (!exists $metainfo{$full_rev}) {
$metainfo{$full_rev} = {};
my $meta = $metainfo{$full_rev};
while (<$fd>) {
last if (s/^\t//);
if (/^(\S+) (.*)$/) {
my $data;
while ($data = <$fd>) {
chomp $data;
last if ($data =~ s/^\t//); # contents of line
if ($data =~ /^(\S+) (.*)$/) {
$meta->{$1} = $2;
my $data = $_;
chomp $data;
my $rev = substr($full_rev, 0, 8);
my $short_rev = substr($full_rev, 0, 8);
my $author = $meta->{'author'};
my %date = parse_date($meta->{'author-time'},
my %date =
parse_date($meta->{'author-time'}, $meta->{'author-tz'});
my $date = $date{'iso-tz'};
if ($group_size) {
$current_color = ++$current_color % $num_colors;
$current_color = ($current_color + 1) % $num_colors;
print "<tr id=\"l$lineno\" class=\"$rev_color[$current_color]\">\n";
if ($group_size) {
@ -4654,7 +4663,7 @@ HTML
@@ -4654,7 +4663,7 @@ HTML
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit",
print "</td>\n";
open (my $dd, "-|", git_cmd(), "rev-parse", "$full_rev^")
@ -4677,6 +4686,8 @@ HTML
@@ -4677,6 +4686,8 @@ HTML
print "</div>";
close $fd
or print "Reading blob failed\n";
# page footer