@ -29,67 +29,65 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
@@ -29,67 +29,65 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
test_expect_success 'git diff-tree HEAD^ HEAD' '
git diff-tree --quiet HEAD^ HEAD >cnt
test $? = 1 && test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_code 1 git diff-tree --quiet HEAD^ HEAD >cnt &&
test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_success 'git diff-tree HEAD^ HEAD -- a' '
git diff-tree --quiet HEAD^ HEAD -- a >cnt
test $? = 0 && test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_code 0 git diff-tree --quiet HEAD^ HEAD -- a >cnt &&
test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_success 'git diff-tree HEAD^ HEAD -- b' '
git diff-tree --quiet HEAD^ HEAD -- b >cnt
test $? = 1 && test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_code 1 git diff-tree --quiet HEAD^ HEAD -- b >cnt &&
test_line_count = 0 cnt
# this diff outputs one line: sha1 of the given head
test_expect_success 'echo HEAD | git diff-tree --stdin' '
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD) | git diff-tree --quiet --stdin >cnt
test $? = 1 && test_line_count = 1 cnt
echo $(git rev-parse HEAD) |
test_expect_code 1 git diff-tree --quiet --stdin >cnt &&
test_line_count = 1 cnt
test_expect_success 'git diff-tree HEAD HEAD' '
git diff-tree --quiet HEAD HEAD >cnt
test $? = 0 && test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_code 0 git diff-tree --quiet HEAD HEAD >cnt &&
test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_success 'git diff-files' '
git diff-files --quiet >cnt
test $? = 0 && test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_code 0 git diff-files --quiet >cnt &&
test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_success 'git diff-index --cached HEAD' '
git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD >cnt
test $? = 0 && test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_code 0 git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD >cnt &&
test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_success 'git diff-index --cached HEAD^' '
git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD^ >cnt
test $? = 1 && test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_code 1 git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD^ >cnt &&
test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_success 'git diff-index --cached HEAD^' '
echo text >>b &&
echo 3 >c &&
git add . && {
git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD^ >cnt
test $? = 1 && test_line_count = 0 cnt
git add . &&
test_expect_code 1 git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD^ >cnt &&
test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_success 'git diff-tree -Stext HEAD^ HEAD -- b' '
git commit -m "text in b" && {
git diff-tree --quiet -Stext HEAD^ HEAD -- b >cnt
test $? = 1 && test_line_count = 0 cnt
git commit -m "text in b" &&
test_expect_code 1 git diff-tree --quiet -Stext HEAD^ HEAD -- b >cnt &&
test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_success 'git diff-tree -Snot-found HEAD^ HEAD -- b' '
git diff-tree --quiet -Snot-found HEAD^ HEAD -- b >cnt
test $? = 0 && test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_code 0 git diff-tree --quiet -Snot-found HEAD^ HEAD -- b >cnt &&
test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_success 'git diff-files' '
echo 3 >>c && {
git diff-files --quiet >cnt
test $? = 1 && test_line_count = 0 cnt
echo 3 >>c &&
test_expect_code 1 git diff-files --quiet >cnt &&
test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_success 'git diff-index --cached HEAD' '
git update-index c && {
git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD >cnt
test $? = 1 && test_line_count = 0 cnt
git update-index c &&
test_expect_code 1 git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD >cnt &&
test_line_count = 0 cnt
test_expect_success 'git diff, one file outside repo' '