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Merge branch 'jn/gitweb-search'

* jn/gitweb-search:
  gitweb: Make git_search_* subroutines render whole pages
  gitweb: Clean up code in git_search_* subroutines
  gitweb: Split body of git_search into subroutines
  gitweb: Check permissions first in git_search
Junio C Hamano 14 years ago
  1. 440


@ -321,6 +321,10 @@ our %feature = ( @@ -321,6 +321,10 @@ our %feature = (
# Enable text search, which will list the commits which match author,
# committer or commit text to a given string. Enabled by default.
# Project specific override is not supported.
# Note that this controls all search features, which means that if
# it is disabled, then 'grep' and 'pickaxe' search would also be
# disabled.
'search' => {
'override' => 0,
'default' => [1]},
@ -5521,6 +5525,216 @@ sub git_remotes_body { @@ -5521,6 +5525,216 @@ sub git_remotes_body {

sub git_search_message {
my %co = @_;

my $greptype;
if ($searchtype eq 'commit') {
$greptype = "--grep=";
} elsif ($searchtype eq 'author') {
$greptype = "--author=";
} elsif ($searchtype eq 'committer') {
$greptype = "--committer=";
$greptype .= $searchtext;
my @commitlist = parse_commits($hash, 101, (100 * $page), undef,
$greptype, '--regexp-ignore-case',
$search_use_regexp ? '--extended-regexp' : '--fixed-strings');

my $paging_nav = '';
if ($page > 0) {
$paging_nav .=
$cgi->a({-href => href(-replay=>1, page=>undef)},
"first") .
" ⋅ " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(-replay=>1, page=>$page-1),
-accesskey => "p", -title => "Alt-p"}, "prev");
} else {
$paging_nav .= "first ⋅ prev";
my $next_link = '';
if ($#commitlist >= 100) {
$next_link =
$cgi->a({-href => href(-replay=>1, page=>$page+1),
-accesskey => "n", -title => "Alt-n"}, "next");
$paging_nav .= " ⋅ $next_link";
} else {
$paging_nav .= " ⋅ next";


git_print_page_nav('','', $hash,$co{'tree'},$hash, $paging_nav);
git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $hash);
if ($page == 0 && !@commitlist) {
print "<p>No match.</p>\n";
} else {
git_search_grep_body(\@commitlist, 0, 99, $next_link);


sub git_search_changes {
my %co = @_;

local $/ = "\n";
open my $fd, '-|', git_cmd(), '--no-pager', 'log', @diff_opts,
'--pretty=format:%H', '--no-abbrev', '--raw', "-S$searchtext",
($search_use_regexp ? '--pickaxe-regex' : ())
or die_error(500, "Open git-log failed");


git_print_page_nav('','', $hash,$co{'tree'},$hash);
git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $hash);

print "<table class=\"pickaxe search\">\n";
my $alternate = 1;
undef %co;
my @files;
while (my $line = <$fd>) {
chomp $line;
next unless $line;

my %set = parse_difftree_raw_line($line);
if (defined $set{'commit'}) {
# finish previous commit
if (%co) {
print "</td>\n" .
"<td class=\"link\">" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit", hash=>$co{'id'})},
"commit") .
" | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$co{'tree'},
"tree") .
"</td>\n" .

if ($alternate) {
print "<tr class=\"dark\">\n";
} else {
print "<tr class=\"light\">\n";
$alternate ^= 1;
%co = parse_commit($set{'commit'});
my $author = chop_and_escape_str($co{'author_name'}, 15, 5);
print "<td title=\"$co{'age_string_age'}\"><i>$co{'age_string_date'}</i></td>\n" .
"<td><i>$author</i></td>\n" .
"<td>" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit", hash=>$co{'id'}),
-class => "list subject"},
chop_and_escape_str($co{'title'}, 50) . "<br/>");
} elsif (defined $set{'to_id'}) {
next if ($set{'to_id'} =~ m/^0{40}$/);

print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash_base=>$co{'id'},
hash=>$set{'to_id'}, file_name=>$set{'to_file'}),
-class => "list"},
"<span class=\"match\">" . esc_path($set{'file'}) . "</span>") .
close $fd;

# finish last commit (warning: repetition!)
if (%co) {
print "</td>\n" .
"<td class=\"link\">" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit", hash=>$co{'id'})},
"commit") .
" | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$co{'tree'},
"tree") .
"</td>\n" .

print "</table>\n";


sub git_search_files {
my %co = @_;

local $/ = "\n";
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), 'grep', '-n',
$search_use_regexp ? ('-E', '-i') : '-F',
$searchtext, $co{'tree'}
or die_error(500, "Open git-grep failed");


git_print_page_nav('','', $hash,$co{'tree'},$hash);
git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $hash);

print "<table class=\"grep_search\">\n";
my $alternate = 1;
my $matches = 0;
my $lastfile = '';
while (my $line = <$fd>) {
chomp $line;
my ($file, $lno, $ltext, $binary);
last if ($matches++ > 1000);
if ($line =~ /^Binary file (.+) matches$/) {
$file = $1;
$binary = 1;
} else {
(undef, $file, $lno, $ltext) = split(/:/, $line, 4);
if ($file ne $lastfile) {
$lastfile and print "</td></tr>\n";
if ($alternate++) {
print "<tr class=\"dark\">\n";
} else {
print "<tr class=\"light\">\n";
print "<td class=\"list\">".
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash=>$co{'hash'},
-class => "list"}, esc_path($file));
print "</td><td>\n";
$lastfile = $file;
if ($binary) {
print "<div class=\"binary\">Binary file</div>\n";
} else {
$ltext = untabify($ltext);
if ($ltext =~ m/^(.*)($search_regexp)(.*)$/i) {
$ltext = esc_html($1, -nbsp=>1);
$ltext .= '<span class="match">';
$ltext .= esc_html($2, -nbsp=>1);
$ltext .= '</span>';
$ltext .= esc_html($3, -nbsp=>1);
} else {
$ltext = esc_html($ltext, -nbsp=>1);
print "<div class=\"pre\">" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash=>$co{'hash'},
-class => "linenr"}, sprintf('%4i', $lno))
. ' ' . $ltext . "</div>\n";
if ($lastfile) {
print "</td></tr>\n";
if ($matches > 1000) {
print "<div class=\"diff nodifferences\">Too many matches, listing trimmed</div>\n";
} else {
print "<div class=\"diff nodifferences\">No matches found</div>\n";
close $fd;

print "</table>\n";


sub git_search_grep_body {
my ($commitlist, $from, $to, $extra) = @_;
$from = 0 unless defined $from;
@ -7076,7 +7290,23 @@ sub git_history { @@ -7076,7 +7290,23 @@ sub git_history {

sub git_search {
gitweb_check_feature('search') or die_error(403, "Search is disabled");
$searchtype ||= 'commit';

# check if appropriate features are enabled
or die_error(403, "Search is disabled");
if ($searchtype eq 'pickaxe') {
# pickaxe may take all resources of your box and run for several minutes
# with every query - so decide by yourself how public you make this feature
or die_error(403, "Pickaxe search is disabled");
if ($searchtype eq 'grep') {
# grep search might be potentially CPU-intensive, too
or die_error(403, "Grep search is disabled");

if (!defined $searchtext) {
die_error(400, "Text field is empty");
@ -7091,205 +7321,17 @@ sub git_search { @@ -7091,205 +7321,17 @@ sub git_search {
$page = 0;

$searchtype ||= 'commit';
if ($searchtype eq 'pickaxe') {
# pickaxe may take all resources of your box and run for several minutes
# with every query - so decide by yourself how public you make this feature
or die_error(403, "Pickaxe is disabled");
if ($searchtype eq 'grep') {
or die_error(403, "Grep is disabled");


if ($searchtype eq 'commit' or $searchtype eq 'author' or $searchtype eq 'committer') {
my $greptype;
if ($searchtype eq 'commit') {
$greptype = "--grep=";
} elsif ($searchtype eq 'author') {
$greptype = "--author=";
} elsif ($searchtype eq 'committer') {
$greptype = "--committer=";
$greptype .= $searchtext;
my @commitlist = parse_commits($hash, 101, (100 * $page), undef,
$greptype, '--regexp-ignore-case',
$search_use_regexp ? '--extended-regexp' : '--fixed-strings');

my $paging_nav = '';
if ($page > 0) {
$paging_nav .=
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"search", hash=>$hash,
$paging_nav .= " &sdot; " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(-replay=>1, page=>$page-1),
-accesskey => "p", -title => "Alt-p"}, "prev");
} else {
$paging_nav .= "first";
$paging_nav .= " &sdot; prev";
my $next_link = '';
if ($#commitlist >= 100) {
$next_link =
$cgi->a({-href => href(-replay=>1, page=>$page+1),
-accesskey => "n", -title => "Alt-n"}, "next");
$paging_nav .= " &sdot; $next_link";
} else {
$paging_nav .= " &sdot; next";

git_print_page_nav('','', $hash,$co{'tree'},$hash, $paging_nav);
git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $hash);
if ($page == 0 && !@commitlist) {
print "<p>No match.</p>\n";
} else {
git_search_grep_body(\@commitlist, 0, 99, $next_link);

if ($searchtype eq 'pickaxe') {
git_print_page_nav('','', $hash,$co{'tree'},$hash);
git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $hash);

print "<table class=\"pickaxe search\">\n";
my $alternate = 1;
local $/ = "\n";
open my $fd, '-|', git_cmd(), '--no-pager', 'log', @diff_opts,
'--pretty=format:%H', '--no-abbrev', '--raw', "-S$searchtext",
($search_use_regexp ? '--pickaxe-regex' : ());
undef %co;
my @files;
while (my $line = <$fd>) {
chomp $line;
next unless $line;

my %set = parse_difftree_raw_line($line);
if (defined $set{'commit'}) {
# finish previous commit
if (%co) {
print "</td>\n" .
"<td class=\"link\">" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit", hash=>$co{'id'})}, "commit") .
" | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$co{'tree'}, hash_base=>$co{'id'})}, "tree");
print "</td>\n" .

if ($alternate) {
print "<tr class=\"dark\">\n";
} else {
print "<tr class=\"light\">\n";
$alternate ^= 1;
%co = parse_commit($set{'commit'});
my $author = chop_and_escape_str($co{'author_name'}, 15, 5);
print "<td title=\"$co{'age_string_age'}\"><i>$co{'age_string_date'}</i></td>\n" .
"<td><i>$author</i></td>\n" .
"<td>" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit", hash=>$co{'id'}),
-class => "list subject"},
chop_and_escape_str($co{'title'}, 50) . "<br/>");
} elsif (defined $set{'to_id'}) {
next if ($set{'to_id'} =~ m/^0{40}$/);

print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash_base=>$co{'id'},
hash=>$set{'to_id'}, file_name=>$set{'to_file'}),
-class => "list"},
"<span class=\"match\">" . esc_path($set{'file'}) . "</span>") .
close $fd;

# finish last commit (warning: repetition!)
if (%co) {
print "</td>\n" .
"<td class=\"link\">" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit", hash=>$co{'id'})}, "commit") .
" | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$co{'tree'}, hash_base=>$co{'id'})}, "tree");
print "</td>\n" .

print "</table>\n";

if ($searchtype eq 'grep') {
git_print_page_nav('','', $hash,$co{'tree'},$hash);
git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $hash);

print "<table class=\"grep_search\">\n";
my $alternate = 1;
my $matches = 0;
local $/ = "\n";
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), 'grep', '-n',
$search_use_regexp ? ('-E', '-i') : '-F',
$searchtext, $co{'tree'};
my $lastfile = '';
while (my $line = <$fd>) {
chomp $line;
my ($file, $lno, $ltext, $binary);
last if ($matches++ > 1000);
if ($line =~ /^Binary file (.+) matches$/) {
$file = $1;
$binary = 1;
} else {
(undef, $file, $lno, $ltext) = split(/:/, $line, 4);
if ($file ne $lastfile) {
$lastfile and print "</td></tr>\n";
if ($alternate++) {
print "<tr class=\"dark\">\n";
} else {
print "<tr class=\"light\">\n";
print "<td class=\"list\">".
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash=>$co{'hash'},
-class => "list"}, esc_path($file));
print "</td><td>\n";
$lastfile = $file;
if ($binary) {
print "<div class=\"binary\">Binary file</div>\n";
} else {
$ltext = untabify($ltext);
if ($ltext =~ m/^(.*)($search_regexp)(.*)$/i) {
$ltext = esc_html($1, -nbsp=>1);
$ltext .= '<span class="match">';
$ltext .= esc_html($2, -nbsp=>1);
$ltext .= '</span>';
$ltext .= esc_html($3, -nbsp=>1);
} else {
$ltext = esc_html($ltext, -nbsp=>1);
print "<div class=\"pre\">" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash=>$co{'hash'},
-class => "linenr"}, sprintf('%4i', $lno))
. ' ' . $ltext . "</div>\n";
if ($lastfile) {
print "</td></tr>\n";
if ($matches > 1000) {
print "<div class=\"diff nodifferences\">Too many matches, listing trimmed</div>\n";
} else {
print "<div class=\"diff nodifferences\">No matches found</div>\n";
close $fd;

print "</table>\n";
if ($searchtype eq 'commit' ||
$searchtype eq 'author' ||
$searchtype eq 'committer') {
} elsif ($searchtype eq 'pickaxe') {
} elsif ($searchtype eq 'grep') {
} else {
die_error(400, "Unknown search type");

sub git_search_help {
