Create a tag by using the tags_subdir instead of the branches_subdir
specified during git svn init.
If more than one --branches (or --tags) option was given to the 'init'
or 'clone' command, you must provide the location of the branch (or
tag) you wish to create in the SVN repository. The value of this
option must match one of the paths specified by a --branches (or
--tags) option. You can see these paths with the commands
git config --get-all svn-remote.<name>.branches
git config --get-all svn-remote.<name>.tags
where <name> is the name of the SVN repository as specified by the -R option to
'init' (or "svn" by default).
Create a tag in the SVN repository. This is a shorthand for
'branch -t'.
@ -727,6 +743,16 @@ already dcommitted. It is considered bad practice to --amend commits
@@ -727,6 +743,16 @@ already dcommitted. It is considered bad practice to --amend commits
you've already pushed to a remote repository for other users, and
dcommit with SVN is analogous to that.
When using multiple --branches or --tags, 'git-svn' does not automatically
handle name collisions (for example, if two branches from different paths have
the same name, or if a branch and a tag have the same name). In these cases,
use 'init' to set up your git repository then, before your first 'fetch', edit
the .git/config file so that the branches and tags are associated with