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Merge branch 'pb/web'

* pb/web:
  gitweb: Support for 'forks'
Junio C Hamano 19 years ago
  1. 256


@ -160,6 +160,21 @@ our %feature = ( @@ -160,6 +160,21 @@ our %feature = (
'pathinfo' => {
'override' => 0,
'default' => [0]},

# Make gitweb consider projects in project root subdirectories
# to be forks of existing projects. Given project $projname.git,
# projects matching $projname/*.git will not be shown in the main
# projects list, instead a '+' mark will be added to $projname
# there and a 'forks' view will be enabled for the project, listing
# all the forks. This feature is supported only if project list
# is taken from a directory, not file.

# To enable system wide have in $GITWEB_CONFIG
# $feature{'forks'}{'default'} = [1];
# Project specific override is not supported.
'forks' => {
'override' => 0,
'default' => [0]},

sub gitweb_check_feature {
@ -405,6 +420,7 @@ my %actions = ( @@ -405,6 +420,7 @@ my %actions = (
"commitdiff" => \&git_commitdiff,
"commitdiff_plain" => \&git_commitdiff_plain,
"commit" => \&git_commit,
"forks" => \&git_forks,
"heads" => \&git_heads,
"history" => \&git_history,
"log" => \&git_log,
@ -897,15 +913,21 @@ sub git_get_project_url_list { @@ -897,15 +913,21 @@ sub git_get_project_url_list {

sub git_get_projects_list {
my ($filter) = @_;
my @list;

$filter ||= '';
$filter =~ s/\.git$//;

if (-d $projects_list) {
# search in directory
my $dir = $projects_list;
my $dir = $projects_list . ($filter ? "/$filter" : '');
# remove the trailing "/"
$dir =~ s!/+$!!;
my $pfxlen = length("$dir");

my $check_forks = gitweb_check_feature('forks');

follow_fast => 1, # follow symbolic links
dangling_symlinks => 0, # ignore dangling symlinks, silently
@ -917,8 +939,10 @@ sub git_get_projects_list { @@ -917,8 +939,10 @@ sub git_get_projects_list {

my $subdir = substr($File::Find::name, $pfxlen + 1);
# we check related file in $projectroot
if (check_export_ok("$projectroot/$subdir")) {
push @list, { path => $subdir };
if ($check_forks and $subdir =~ m#/.#) {
$File::Find::prune = 1;
} elsif (check_export_ok("$projectroot/$filter/$subdir")) {
push @list, { path => ($filter ? "$filter/" : '') . $subdir };
$File::Find::prune = 1;
@ -2185,6 +2209,124 @@ sub git_patchset_body { @@ -2185,6 +2209,124 @@ sub git_patchset_body {

# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

sub git_project_list_body {
my ($projlist, $order, $from, $to, $extra, $no_header) = @_;

my $check_forks = gitweb_check_feature('forks');

my @projects;
foreach my $pr (@$projlist) {
my (@aa) = git_get_last_activity($pr->{'path'});
unless (@aa) {
($pr->{'age'}, $pr->{'age_string'}) = @aa;
if (!defined $pr->{'descr'}) {
my $descr = git_get_project_description($pr->{'path'}) || "";
$pr->{'descr'} = chop_str($descr, 25, 5);
if (!defined $pr->{'owner'}) {
$pr->{'owner'} = get_file_owner("$projectroot/$pr->{'path'}") || "";
if ($check_forks) {
my $pname = $pr->{'path'};
$pname =~ s/\.git$//;
$pr->{'forks'} = -d "$projectroot/$pname";
push @projects, $pr;

$order ||= "project";
$from = 0 unless defined $from;
$to = $#projects if (!defined $to || $#projects < $to);

print "<table class=\"project_list\">\n";
unless ($no_header) {
print "<tr>\n";
if ($check_forks) {
print "<th></th>\n";
if ($order eq "project") {
@projects = sort {$a->{'path'} cmp $b->{'path'}} @projects;
print "<th>Project</th>\n";
} else {
print "<th>" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>undef, order=>'project'),
-class => "header"}, "Project") .
if ($order eq "descr") {
@projects = sort {$a->{'descr'} cmp $b->{'descr'}} @projects;
print "<th>Description</th>\n";
} else {
print "<th>" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>undef, order=>'descr'),
-class => "header"}, "Description") .
if ($order eq "owner") {
@projects = sort {$a->{'owner'} cmp $b->{'owner'}} @projects;
print "<th>Owner</th>\n";
} else {
print "<th>" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>undef, order=>'owner'),
-class => "header"}, "Owner") .
if ($order eq "age") {
@projects = sort {$a->{'age'} <=> $b->{'age'}} @projects;
print "<th>Last Change</th>\n";
} else {
print "<th>" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>undef, order=>'age'),
-class => "header"}, "Last Change") .
print "<th></th>\n" .
my $alternate = 1;
for (my $i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++) {
my $pr = $projects[$i];
if ($alternate) {
print "<tr class=\"dark\">\n";
} else {
print "<tr class=\"light\">\n";
$alternate ^= 1;
if ($check_forks) {
print "<td>";
if ($pr->{'forks'}) {
print $cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"forks")}, "+");
print "</td>\n";
print "<td>" . $cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"summary"),
-class => "list"}, esc_html($pr->{'path'})) . "</td>\n" .
"<td>" . esc_html($pr->{'descr'}) . "</td>\n" .
"<td><i>" . chop_str($pr->{'owner'}, 15) . "</i></td>\n";
print "<td class=\"". age_class($pr->{'age'}) . "\">" .
$pr->{'age_string'} . "</td>\n" .
"<td class=\"link\">" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"summary")}, "summary") . " | " .
$cgi->a({-href => '/git-browser/by-commit.html?r='.$pr->{'path'}}, "graphiclog") . " | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"log")}, "log") . " | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"tree")}, "tree") .
($pr->{'forks'} ? " | " . $cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"forks")}, "forks") : '') .
"</td>\n" .
if (defined $extra) {
print "<tr>\n";
if ($check_forks) {
print "<td></td>\n";
print "<td colspan=\"5\">$extra</td>\n" .
print "</table>\n";

sub git_shortlog_body {
# uses global variable $project
my ($revlist, $from, $to, $refs, $extra) = @_;
@ -2402,25 +2544,9 @@ sub git_project_list { @@ -2402,25 +2544,9 @@ sub git_project_list {

my @list = git_get_projects_list();
my @projects;
if (!@list) {
die_error(undef, "No projects found");
foreach my $pr (@list) {
my (@aa) = git_get_last_activity($pr->{'path'});
unless (@aa) {
($pr->{'age'}, $pr->{'age_string'}) = @aa;
if (!defined $pr->{'descr'}) {
my $descr = git_get_project_description($pr->{'path'}) || "";
$pr->{'descr'} = chop_str($descr, 25, 5);
if (!defined $pr->{'owner'}) {
$pr->{'owner'} = get_file_owner("$projectroot/$pr->{'path'}") || "";
push @projects, $pr;

if (-f $home_text) {
@ -2430,75 +2556,30 @@ sub git_project_list { @@ -2430,75 +2556,30 @@ sub git_project_list {
close $fd;
print "</div>\n";
print "<table class=\"project_list\">\n" .
$order ||= "project";
if ($order eq "project") {
@projects = sort {$a->{'path'} cmp $b->{'path'}} @projects;
print "<th>Project</th>\n";
} else {
print "<th>" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>undef, order=>'project'),
-class => "header"}, "Project") .
if ($order eq "descr") {
@projects = sort {$a->{'descr'} cmp $b->{'descr'}} @projects;
print "<th>Description</th>\n";
} else {
print "<th>" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>undef, order=>'descr'),
-class => "header"}, "Description") .
if ($order eq "owner") {
@projects = sort {$a->{'owner'} cmp $b->{'owner'}} @projects;
print "<th>Owner</th>\n";
} else {
print "<th>" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>undef, order=>'owner'),
-class => "header"}, "Owner") .
if ($order eq "age") {
@projects = sort {$a->{'age'} <=> $b->{'age'}} @projects;
print "<th>Last Change</th>\n";
} else {
print "<th>" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>undef, order=>'age'),
-class => "header"}, "Last Change") .
git_project_list_body(\@list, $order);

sub git_forks {
my $order = $cgi->param('o');
if (defined $order && $order !~ m/project|descr|owner|age/) {
die_error(undef, "Unknown order parameter");
print "<th></th>\n" .
my $alternate = 1;
foreach my $pr (@projects) {
if ($alternate) {
print "<tr class=\"dark\">\n";
} else {
print "<tr class=\"light\">\n";
$alternate ^= 1;
print "<td>" . $cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"summary"),
-class => "list"}, esc_html($pr->{'path'})) . "</td>\n" .
"<td>" . esc_html($pr->{'descr'}) . "</td>\n" .
"<td><i>" . chop_str($pr->{'owner'}, 15) . "</i></td>\n";
print "<td class=\"". age_class($pr->{'age'}) . "\">" .
$pr->{'age_string'} . "</td>\n" .
"<td class=\"link\">" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"summary")}, "summary") . " | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"shortlog")}, "shortlog") . " | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"log")}, "log") . " | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"tree")}, "tree") .
"</td>\n" .

my @list = git_get_projects_list($project);
if (!@list) {
die_error(undef, "No forks found");
print "</table>\n";

git_print_header_div('summary', "$project forks");
git_project_list_body(\@list, $order);

sub git_project_index {
my @projects = git_get_projects_list();
my @projects = git_get_projects_list($project);

print $cgi->header(
-type => 'text/plain',
@ -2532,6 +2613,10 @@ sub git_summary { @@ -2532,6 +2613,10 @@ sub git_summary {
my $refs = git_get_references();
my @taglist = git_get_tags_list(15);
my @headlist = git_get_heads_list(15);
my @forklist;
if (gitweb_check_feature('forks')) {
@forklist = git_get_projects_list($project);

git_print_page_nav('summary','', $head);
@ -2582,6 +2667,13 @@ sub git_summary { @@ -2582,6 +2667,13 @@ sub git_summary {
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"heads")}, "..."));

if (@forklist) {
git_project_list_body(\@forklist, undef, 0, 15,
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"forks")}, "..."),

