@ -72,14 +72,29 @@ interleaved with S-R-Q.
@@ -72,14 +72,29 @@ interleaved with S-R-Q.
This capability means that the server can send a 'thin' pack, a pack
which does not contain base objects; if those base objects are available
on client side. Client requests 'thin-pack' capability when it
understands how to "thicken" it by adding required delta bases making
it self-contained.
Client MUST NOT request 'thin-pack' capability if it cannot turn a thin
pack into a self-contained pack.
A thin pack is one with deltas which reference base objects not
contained within the pack (but are known to exist at the receiving
end). This can reduce the network traffic significantly, but it
requires the receiving end to know how to "thicken" these packs by
adding the missing bases to the pack.
The upload-pack server advertises 'thin-pack' when it can generate
and send a thin pack. A client requests the 'thin-pack' capability
when it understands how to "thicken" it, notifying the server that
it can receive such a pack. A client MUST NOT request the
'thin-pack' capability if it cannot turn a thin pack into a
self-contained pack.
Receive-pack, on the other hand, is assumed by default to be able to
handle thin packs, but can ask the client not to use the feature by
advertising the 'no-thin' capability. A client MUST NOT send a thin
pack if the server advertises the 'no-thin' capability.
The reasons for this asymmetry are historical. The receive-pack
program did not exist until after the invention of thin packs, so
historically the reference implementation of receive-pack always
understood thin packs. Adding 'no-thin' later allowed receive-pack
to disable the feature in a backwards-compatible manner.
side-band, side-band-64k