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git-gui: Redesign the display of annotated files.

Using 180 columns worth of screen space to display just 20 columns of
file data and 160 columns worth of annotation information is not
practically useful.  Users need/want to see the file data, and have
the anotation associated with it displayed in a detail pane only when
they have focused on a particular region of the file.

Now our file viewer has a small 10-line high pane below the file
which shows the commit message for the commit this line was blamed
on.  The columns have all been removed, except the current line
number column as that has some real value when trying to locate an
interesting block.

To keep the user entertained we have a progress meter in the status
bar of the viewer which lets them know how many lines have been
annotated, and how much has been completed.  We use a grey background
on the line numbers for lines which we have obtained annotation from,
and we color all lines in the current commit with a yellow background,
so they stand out when scanning through the file.  All other lines
are kept with a white background, making the yellow really pop.

Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
Shawn O. Pearce 18 years ago
  1. 359


@ -3235,7 +3235,6 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} { @@ -3235,7 +3235,6 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} {
set tl .
set blame_status($w) {Loading current file content...}
set texts [list]

label $w.path -text "$commit:$path" \
-anchor w \
@ -3245,84 +3244,7 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} { @@ -3245,84 +3244,7 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} {
-font font_uibold
pack $w.path -side top -fill x

set hbg #e2effa
frame $w.out
label $w.out.commit_l -text Commit \
-relief solid \
-borderwidth 1 \
-background $hbg \
-font font_uibold
text $w.out.commit_t \
-background white -borderwidth 0 \
-state disabled \
-wrap none \
-height 40 \
-width 9 \
-font font_diff
lappend texts $w.out.commit_t

label $w.out.author_l -text Author \
-relief solid \
-borderwidth 1 \
-background $hbg \
-font font_uibold
text $w.out.author_t \
-background white -borderwidth 0 \
-state disabled \
-wrap none \
-height 40 \
-width 20 \
-font font_diff
lappend texts $w.out.author_t

label $w.out.date_l -text Date \
-relief solid \
-borderwidth 1 \
-background $hbg \
-font font_uibold
text $w.out.date_t \
-background white -borderwidth 0 \
-state disabled \
-wrap none \
-height 40 \
-width [string length "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"] \
-font font_diff
lappend texts $w.out.date_t

label $w.out.filename_l -text Filename \
-relief solid \
-borderwidth 1 \
-background $hbg \
-font font_uibold
text $w.out.filename_t \
-background white -borderwidth 0 \
-state disabled \
-wrap none \
-height 40 \
-width 20 \
-font font_diff
lappend texts $w.out.filename_t

label $w.out.origlinenumber_l -text {Orig Line} \
-relief solid \
-borderwidth 1 \
-background $hbg \
-font font_uibold
text $w.out.origlinenumber_t \
-background white -borderwidth 0 \
-state disabled \
-wrap none \
-height 40 \
-width 5 \
-font font_diff
$w.out.origlinenumber_t tag conf linenumber -justify right
lappend texts $w.out.origlinenumber_t

label $w.out.linenumber_l -text {Curr Line} \
-relief solid \
-borderwidth 1 \
-background $hbg \
-font font_uibold
text $w.out.linenumber_t \
-background white -borderwidth 0 \
-state disabled \
@ -3330,14 +3252,9 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} { @@ -3330,14 +3252,9 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} {
-height 40 \
-width 5 \
-font font_diff
$w.out.linenumber_t tag conf annotated -background grey
$w.out.linenumber_t tag conf linenumber -justify right
lappend texts $w.out.linenumber_t

label $w.out.file_l -text {File Content} \
-relief solid \
-borderwidth 1 \
-background $hbg \
-font font_uibold
text $w.out.file_t \
-background white -borderwidth 0 \
-state disabled \
@ -3346,22 +3263,17 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} { @@ -3346,22 +3263,17 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} {
-width 80 \
-xscrollcommand [list $w.out.sbx set] \
-font font_diff
lappend texts $w.out.file_t

scrollbar $w.out.sbx -orient h -command [list $w.out.file_t xview]
scrollbar $w.out.sby -orient v \
-command [list scrollbar2many $texts yview]
set labels [list]
foreach i $texts {
regsub {_t$} $i _l l
lappend labels $l
set file_col [expr {[llength $texts] - 1}]
eval grid $labels -sticky we
eval grid $texts $w.out.sby -sticky nsew
grid conf $w.out.sbx -column $file_col -sticky we
grid columnconfigure $w.out $file_col -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $w.out 1 -weight 1
-command [list scrollbar2many [list \
$w.out.linenumber_t \
$w.out.file_t \
] yview]
grid $w.out.linenumber_t $w.out.file_t $w.out.sby -sticky nsew
grid conf $w.out.sbx -column 1 -sticky we
grid columnconfigure $w.out 1 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $w.out 0 -weight 1
pack $w.out -fill both -expand 1

label $w.status -textvariable blame_status($w) \
@ -3372,18 +3284,45 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} { @@ -3372,18 +3284,45 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} {
-font font_ui
pack $w.status -side bottom -fill x

frame $
text $ \
-background white -borderwidth 0 \
-state disabled \
-wrap none \
-height 10 \
-width 80 \
-xscrollcommand [list $ set] \
-yscrollcommand [list $ set] \
-font font_diff
scrollbar $ -orient h -command [list $ xview]
scrollbar $ -orient v -command [list $ yview]
pack $ -side right -fill y
pack $ -side bottom -fill x
pack $ -expand 1 -fill both
pack $ -side bottom -fill x

menu $w.ctxm -tearoff 0
$w.ctxm add command -label "Copy Commit" \
-font font_ui \
-command "blame_copycommit $w \$cursorW @\$cursorX,\$cursorY"

foreach i $texts {
foreach i [list $w.out.linenumber_t $w.out.file_t] {
$i tag conf in_sel \
-background [$i cget -foreground] \
-foreground [$i cget -background]
$i conf -yscrollcommand \
[list many2scrollbar $texts yview $w.out.sby]
bind $i <Button-1> "blame_highlight $i @%x,%y $texts;break"
[list many2scrollbar [list \
$w.out.linenumber_t \
$w.out.file_t \
] yview $w.out.sby]
bind $i <Button-1> "
blame_highlight {$w} \\
$ \\
$w.out.linenumber_t \\
$w.out.file_t \\
$i @%x,%y
bind_button3 $i "
set cursorX %x
set cursorY %y
@ -3392,8 +3331,6 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} { @@ -3392,8 +3331,6 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} {

set blame_data($w,colors) {}

bind $tl <Visibility> "focus $tl"
bind $tl <Destroy> "
array unset blame_status {$w}
@ -3402,15 +3339,18 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} { @@ -3402,15 +3339,18 @@ proc show_blame {commit path} {
wm title $tl "[appname] ([reponame]): File Viewer"

set blame_data($w,total_lines) 0
set blame_data($w,blame_lines) 0
set blame_data($w,highlight_commit) {}
set blame_data($w,highlight_line) -1
set cmd [list git cat-file blob "$commit:$path"]
set fd [open "| $cmd" r]
fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation lf -encoding binary
fileevent $fd readable [list read_blame_catfile \
$fd $w $commit $path \
$texts $w.out.linenumber_t $w.out.file_t]
$ $w.out.linenumber_t $w.out.file_t]

proc read_blame_catfile {fd w commit path texts w_lno w_file} {
proc read_blame_catfile {fd w commit path w_cmit w_line w_file} {
global blame_status blame_data

if {![winfo exists $w_file]} {
@ -3419,55 +3359,38 @@ proc read_blame_catfile {fd w commit path texts w_lno w_file} { @@ -3419,55 +3359,38 @@ proc read_blame_catfile {fd w commit path texts w_lno w_file} {

set n $blame_data($w,total_lines)
foreach i $texts {$i conf -state normal}
$w_line conf -state normal
$w_file conf -state normal
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
regsub "\r\$" $line {} line
incr n
$w_lno insert end $n linenumber
$w_file insert end $line
foreach i $texts {$i insert end "\n"}
$w_line insert end "$n\n" linenumber
$w_file insert end "$line\n"
foreach i $texts {$i conf -state disabled}
$w_line conf -state disabled
$w_file conf -state disabled
set blame_data($w,total_lines) $n

if {[eof $fd]} {
close $fd
set blame_status($w) {Loading annotations...}
blame_incremental_status $w
set cmd [list git blame -M -C --incremental]
lappend cmd $commit -- $path
set fd [open "| $cmd" r]
fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation lf -encoding binary
set handler [list read_blame_incremental $fd $w]
append handler " $texts"
fileevent $fd readable $handler
fileevent $fd readable [list read_blame_incremental $fd $w \
$w_cmit $w_line $w_file]

proc read_blame_incremental {fd w
w_commit w_author w_date w_filename w_olno
w_lno w_file} {
proc read_blame_incremental {fd w w_cmit w_line w_file} {
global blame_status blame_data

if {![winfo exists $w_commit]} {
if {![winfo exists $w_file]} {
catch {close $fd}

set all [list \
$w_commit \
$w_author \
$w_date \
$w_filename \
$w_olno \
$w_lno \

$w_commit conf -state normal
$w_author conf -state normal
$w_date conf -state normal
$w_filename conf -state normal
$w_olno conf -state normal

while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
if {[regexp {^([a-z0-9]{40}) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)$} $line line \
cmit original_line final_line line_count]} {
@ -3477,102 +3400,140 @@ proc read_blame_incremental {fd w @@ -3477,102 +3400,140 @@ proc read_blame_incremental {fd w
set blame_data($w,line_count) $line_count

if {[catch {set g $blame_data($w,$cmit,seen)}]} {
if {$blame_data($w,colors) eq {}} {
set blame_data($w,colors) {
set c [lindex $blame_data($w,colors) 0]
set blame_data($w,colors) \
[lrange $blame_data($w,colors) 1 end]
foreach t $all {
$t tag conf g$cmit -background $c
} else {
$w_line tag conf g$cmit
$w_file tag conf g$cmit
$w_line tag raise in_sel
$w_file tag raise in_sel
set blame_data($w,$cmit,seen) 1
} elseif {[string match {filename *} $line]} {
set file [string range $line 9 end]
set n $blame_data($w,line_count)
set lno $blame_data($w,final_line)
set ol $blame_data($w,original_line)
set file [string range $line 9 end]
set cmit $blame_data($w,commit)
set abbrev [string range $cmit 0 8]

if {[catch {set author $blame_data($w,$cmit,author)} err]} {
set author {}

if {[catch {set atime $blame_data($w,$cmit,author-time)}]} {
set atime {}
} else {
set atime [clock format $atime -format {%Y-%m-%d %T}]

while {$n > 0} {
if {![catch {set g g$blame_data($w,line$lno,commit)}]} {
foreach t $all {
$t tag remove $g $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend + 1c"

foreach t [list \
$w_commit \
$w_author \
$w_date \
$w_filename \
$w_olno] {
$t delete $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend"
if {[catch {set g g$blame_data($w,line$lno,commit)}]} {
$w_line tag add annotated $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend + 1c"
} else {
$w_line tag remove g$g $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend + 1c"
$w_file tag remove g$g $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend + 1c"

$w_commit insert $lno.0 $abbrev
$w_author insert $lno.0 $author
$w_date insert $lno.0 $atime
$w_filename insert $lno.0 $file
$w_olno insert $lno.0 $ol linenumber
set blame_data($w,line$lno,commit) $cmit
set blame_data($w,line$lno,file) $file
$w_line tag add g$cmit $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend + 1c"
$w_file tag add g$cmit $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend + 1c"

set g g$cmit
foreach t $all {
$t tag add $g $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend + 1c"
if {$blame_data($w,highlight_line) == $lno} {
blame_showcommit $w $w_cmit $w_line $w_file $lno

set blame_data($w,line$lno,commit) $cmit

incr n -1
incr lno
incr ol
incr blame_data($w,blame_lines)
} elseif {[regexp {^([a-z-]+) (.*)$} $line line header data]} {
set blame_data($w,$blame_data($w,commit),$header) $data

$w_commit conf -state disabled
$w_author conf -state disabled
$w_date conf -state disabled
$w_filename conf -state disabled
$w_olno conf -state disabled

if {[eof $fd]} {
close $fd
set blame_status($w) {Annotation complete.}
} else {
blame_incremental_status $w

proc blame_highlight {w pos args} {
set lno [lindex [split [$w index $pos] .] 0]
foreach i $args {
$i tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
proc blame_incremental_status {w} {
global blame_status blame_data

set blame_status($w) [format \
"Loading annotations... %i of %i lines annotated (%2i%%)" \
$blame_data($w,blame_lines) \
$blame_data($w,total_lines) \
[expr {100 * $blame_data($w,blame_lines)
/ $blame_data($w,total_lines)}]]

proc blame_highlight {w w_cmit w_line w_file cur_w pos} {
set lno [lindex [split [$cur_w index $pos] .] 0]
if {$lno eq {}} return
foreach i $args {
$i tag add in_sel $lno.0 "$lno.0 + 1 line"

$w_line tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
$w_file tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
$w_line tag add in_sel $lno.0 "$lno.0 + 1 line"
$w_file tag add in_sel $lno.0 "$lno.0 + 1 line"

blame_showcommit $w $w_cmit $w_line $w_file $lno

proc blame_showcommit {w w_cmit w_line w_file lno} {
global blame_data repo_config

set cmit $blame_data($w,highlight_commit)
if {$cmit ne {}} {
$w_line tag conf g$cmit -background white
$w_file tag conf g$cmit -background white
$w_line tag raise annotated g$cmit

$w_cmit conf -state normal
$w_cmit delete 0.0 end
if {[catch {set cmit $blame_data($w,line$lno,commit)}]} {
set cmit {}
$w_cmit insert end "Computing..."
} else {
$w_line tag conf g$cmit -background yellow
$w_file tag conf g$cmit -background yellow
$w_line tag raise g$cmit annotated

if {[catch {set msg $blame_data($w,$cmit,message)}]} {
set msg {}
catch {
set fd [open "| git cat-file commit $cmit" r]
fconfigure $fd -encoding binary -translation lf
if {[catch {set enc $repo_config(i18n.commitencoding)}]} {
set enc utf-8
while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
if {[string match {encoding *} $line]} {
set enc [string tolower [string range $line 9 end]]
fconfigure $fd -encoding $enc
set msg [string trim [read $fd]]
close $fd
set blame_data($w,$cmit,message) $msg

set author_name {}
set author_email {}
set author_time {}
catch {set author_name $blame_data($w,$cmit,author)}
catch {set author_email $blame_data($w,$cmit,author-mail)}
catch {set author_time [clock format $blame_data($w,$cmit,author-time)]}

set committer_name {}
set committer_email {}
set committer_time {}
catch {set committer_name $blame_data($w,$cmit,committer)}
catch {set committer_email $blame_data($w,$cmit,committer-mail)}
catch {set committer_time [clock format $blame_data($w,$cmit,committer-time)]}

$w_cmit insert end "commit $cmit\n"
$w_cmit insert end "Author: $author_name $author_email $author_time\n"
$w_cmit insert end "Committer: $committer_name $committer_email $committer_time\n"
$w_cmit insert end "Original File: [escape_path $blame_data($w,line$lno,file)]\n"
$w_cmit insert end "\n"
$w_cmit insert end $msg
$w_cmit conf -state disabled

set blame_data($w,highlight_line) $lno
set blame_data($w,highlight_commit) $cmit

proc blame_copycommit {w i pos} {
