Here are the topics that have been cooking. Commits prefixed with '-' are
@ -11,90 +11,13 @@ only in 'pu' while commits prefixed with '+' are in 'next'. The ones
@@ -11,90 +11,13 @@ only in 'pu' while commits prefixed with '+' are in 'next'. The ones
marked with '.' do not appear in any of the integration branches, but I am
still holding onto them.
The tip of 'master' is now at 1.7.3-rc2; I am hoping that we can do the
real 1.7.3 release perhaps this weekend. Please give it a final round of
beating so that we can find and fix the last minute regressions.
This came up at $WORK; should be safe to be among the first batch after
1.7.3 release.
* dm/mergetool-vimdiff (2010-09-14) 2 commits
(merged to 'next' on 2010-09-18 at df51bf2)
+ mergetool-lib: add a three-way diff view for vim/gvim
+ mergetool-lib: combine vimdiff and gvimdiff run blocks
The bottom one should be without controversy. I don't use vimdiff, so
cannot comment on the other one.
* by/line-log (2010-09-11) 18 commits
(merged to 'next' on 2010-09-12 at e29a029)
+ log -L: do not free parents lists we might need again
@ -188,6 +146,8 @@ How would one trace history of lines 440,450 in t/ starting
@@ -188,6 +146,8 @@ How would one trace history of lines 440,450 in t/ starting
from the tip of 'pu'? "git log -p -L 440,450 pu -- t/"
would be the most natural but it does not work (it wants "pu" to be a
And "git log -p pu -L440,450 t/" goes totally against our
command line convention.
The command line parser of this series needs to be rethought (didn't I say
that many times? Perhaps I was ignored). Might want to kick this out of
@ -208,7 +168,8 @@ Half-written but it is a good start. I may need to give some help in
@@ -208,7 +168,8 @@ Half-written but it is a good start. I may need to give some help in