@ -227,36 +227,6 @@ our %avatar_size = (
@@ -227,36 +227,6 @@ our %avatar_size = (
# Leave it undefined (or set to 'undef') to turn off load checking.
our $maxload = 300;
# syntax highlighting
our %highlight_type = (
# match by basename
'SConstruct' => 'py',
'Program' => 'py',
'Library' => 'py',
'Makefile' => 'make',
# match by extension
'\.py$' => 'py', # Python
'\.c$' => 'c',
'\.h$' => 'c',
'\.cpp$' => 'cpp',
'\.cxx$' => 'cpp',
'\.rb$' => 'ruby',
'\.java$' => 'java',
'\.css$' => 'css',
'\.php3?$' => 'php',
'\.sh$' => 'sh', # Bash / shell script
'\.pl$' => 'pl', # Perl
'\.js$' => 'js', # JavaScript
'\.tex$' => 'tex', # TeX and LaTeX
'\.bib$' => 'bib', # BibTeX
'\.x?html$' => 'xml',
'\.xml$' => 'xml',
'\.awk$' => 'awk',
'\.bat$' => 'bat', # DOS Batch script
'\.ini$' => 'ini',
'\.spec$' => 'spec', # RPM Spec
# You define site-wide feature defaults here; override them with
# $GITWEB_CONFIG as necessary.
our %feature = (
@ -478,8 +448,8 @@ our %feature = (
@@ -478,8 +448,8 @@ our %feature = (
# Syntax highlighting support. This is based on Daniel Svensson's
# and Sham Chukoury's work in gitweb-xmms2.git.
# It requires the 'highlight' program, and therefore is disabled
# by default.
# It requires the 'highlight' program present in $PATH,
# and therefore is disabled by default.
# To enable system wide have in $GITWEB_CONFIG
# $feature{'highlight'}{'default'} = [1];
@ -3198,6 +3168,61 @@ sub blob_contenttype {
@@ -3198,6 +3168,61 @@ sub blob_contenttype {
return $type;
# guess file syntax for syntax highlighting; return undef if no highlighting
# the name of syntax can (in the future) depend on syntax highlighter used
sub guess_file_syntax {
my ($highlight, $mimetype, $file_name) = @_;
return undef unless ($highlight && defined $file_name);
# configuration for 'highlight' (http://www.andre-simon.de/)
# match by basename
my %highlight_basename = (
#'Program' => 'py',
#'Library' => 'py',
'SConstruct' => 'py', # SCons equivalent of Makefile
'Makefile' => 'make',
# match by extension
my %highlight_ext = (
# main extensions, defining name of syntax;
# see files in /usr/share/highlight/langDefs/ directory
map { $_ => $_ }
qw(py c cpp rb java css php sh pl js tex bib xml awk bat ini spec tcl),
# alternate extensions, see /etc/highlight/filetypes.conf
'h' => 'c',
map { $_ => 'cpp' } qw(cxx c++ cc),
map { $_ => 'php' } qw(php3 php4),
map { $_ => 'pl' } qw(perl pm), # perhaps also 'cgi'
'mak' => 'make',
map { $_ => 'xml' } qw(xhtml html htm),
my $basename = basename($file_name, '.in');
return $highlight_basename{$basename}
if exists $highlight_basename{$basename};
$basename =~ /\.([^.]*)$/;
my $ext = $1 or return undef;
return $highlight_ext{$ext}
if exists $highlight_ext{$ext};
return undef;
# run highlighter and return FD of its output,
# or return original FD if no highlighting
sub run_highlighter {
my ($fd, $highlight, $syntax) = @_;
return $fd unless ($highlight && defined $syntax);
close $fd
or die_error(404, "Reading blob failed");
open $fd, quote_command(git_cmd(), "cat-file", "blob", $hash)." | ".
"highlight --xhtml --fragment --syntax $syntax |"
or die_error(500, "Couldn't open file or run syntax highlighter");
return $fd;
## ======================================================================
## functions printing HTML: header, footer, error page
@ -5397,24 +5422,10 @@ sub git_blob {
@@ -5397,24 +5422,10 @@ sub git_blob {
# we can have blame only for text/* mimetype
$have_blame &&= ($mimetype =~ m!^text/!);
my $have_highlight = gitweb_check_feature('highlight');
my $syntax;
if ($have_highlight && defined($file_name)) {
my $basename = basename($file_name, '.in');
foreach my $regexp (keys %highlight_type) {
if ($basename =~ /$regexp/) {
$syntax = $highlight_type{$regexp};
if ($syntax) {
close $fd;
open $fd, quote_command(git_cmd(), "cat-file", "blob", $hash)." | ".
"highlight --xhtml --fragment -t 8 --syntax $syntax |"
or die_error(500, "Couldn't open file or run syntax highlighter");
my $highlight = gitweb_check_feature('highlight');
my $syntax = guess_file_syntax($highlight, $mimetype, $file_name);
$fd = run_highlighter($fd, $highlight, $syntax)
if $syntax;
git_header_html(undef, $expires);
my $formats_nav = '';
@ -5465,9 +5476,8 @@ sub git_blob {
@@ -5465,9 +5476,8 @@ sub git_blob {
chomp $line;
$line = untabify($line);
printf "<div class=\"pre\"><a id=\"l%i\" href=\"" . href(-replay => 1)
. "#l%i\" class=\"linenr\">%4i</a> %s</div>\n",
$nr, $nr, $nr, $syntax ? $line : esc_html($line, -nbsp=>1);
printf qq!<div class="pre"><a id="l%i" href="%s#l%i" class="linenr">%4i</a> %s</div>\n!,
$nr, href(-replay => 1), $nr, $nr, $syntax ? $line : esc_html($line, -nbsp=>1);
close $fd