@ -862,3 +862,314 @@ int transport_helper_init(struct transport *transport, const char *name)
@@ -862,3 +862,314 @@ int transport_helper_init(struct transport *transport, const char *name)
transport->smart_options = &(data->transport_options);
return 0;
* Linux pipes can buffer 65536 bytes at once (and most platforms can
* buffer less), so attempt reads and writes with up to that size.
#define BUFFERSIZE 65536
/* This should be enough to hold debugging message. */
#define PBUFFERSIZE 8192
/* Print bidirectional transfer loop debug message. */
static void transfer_debug(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
char msgbuf[PBUFFERSIZE];
static int debug_enabled = -1;
if (debug_enabled < 0)
debug_enabled = getenv("GIT_TRANSLOOP_DEBUG") ? 1 : 0;
if (!debug_enabled)
va_start(args, fmt);
vsnprintf(msgbuf, PBUFFERSIZE, fmt, args);
fprintf(stderr, "Transfer loop debugging: %s\n", msgbuf);
/* Stream state: More data may be coming in this direction. */
* Stream state: No more data coming in this direction, flushing rest of
* data.
/* Stream state: Transfer in this direction finished. */
#define STATE_NEEDS_WRITING(state) ((state) <= SSTATE_FLUSHING)
#define STATE_NEEDS_CLOSING(state) ((state) == SSTATE_FLUSHING)
/* Unidirectional transfer. */
struct unidirectional_transfer {
/* Source */
int src;
/* Destination */
int dest;
/* Is source socket? */
int src_is_sock;
/* Is destination socket? */
int dest_is_sock;
int state;
/* Buffer. */
char buf[BUFFERSIZE];
/* Buffer used. */
size_t bufuse;
/* Name of source. */
const char *src_name;
/* Name of destination. */
const char *dest_name;
/* Closes the target (for writing) if transfer has finished. */
static void udt_close_if_finished(struct unidirectional_transfer *t)
if (STATE_NEEDS_CLOSING(t->state) && !t->bufuse) {
if (t->dest_is_sock)
shutdown(t->dest, SHUT_WR);
transfer_debug("Closed %s.", t->dest_name);
* Tries to read read data from source into buffer. If buffer is full,
* no data is read. Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
static int udt_do_read(struct unidirectional_transfer *t)
ssize_t bytes;
if (t->bufuse == BUFFERSIZE)
return 0; /* No space for more. */
transfer_debug("%s is readable", t->src_name);
bytes = read(t->src, t->buf + t->bufuse, BUFFERSIZE - t->bufuse);
if (bytes < 0 && errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != EAGAIN &&
errno != EINTR) {
error("read(%s) failed: %s", t->src_name, strerror(errno));
return -1;
} else if (bytes == 0) {
transfer_debug("%s EOF (with %i bytes in buffer)",
t->src_name, t->bufuse);
} else if (bytes > 0) {
t->bufuse += bytes;
transfer_debug("Read %i bytes from %s (buffer now at %i)",
(int)bytes, t->src_name, (int)t->bufuse);
return 0;
/* Tries to write data from buffer into destination. If buffer is empty,
* no data is written. Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
static int udt_do_write(struct unidirectional_transfer *t)
size_t bytes;
if (t->bufuse == 0)
return 0; /* Nothing to write. */
transfer_debug("%s is writable", t->dest_name);
bytes = write(t->dest, t->buf, t->bufuse);
if (bytes < 0 && errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != EAGAIN &&
errno != EINTR) {
error("write(%s) failed: %s", t->dest_name, strerror(errno));
return -1;
} else if (bytes > 0) {
t->bufuse -= bytes;
if (t->bufuse)
memmove(t->buf, t->buf + bytes, t->bufuse);
transfer_debug("Wrote %i bytes to %s (buffer now at %i)",
(int)bytes, t->dest_name, (int)t->bufuse);
return 0;
/* State of bidirectional transfer loop. */
struct bidirectional_transfer_state {
/* Direction from program to git. */
struct unidirectional_transfer ptg;
/* Direction from git to program. */
struct unidirectional_transfer gtp;
static void *udt_copy_task_routine(void *udt)
struct unidirectional_transfer *t = (struct unidirectional_transfer *)udt;
while (t->state != SSTATE_FINISHED) {
if (STATE_NEEDS_READING(t->state))
if (udt_do_read(t))
return NULL;
if (STATE_NEEDS_WRITING(t->state))
if (udt_do_write(t))
return NULL;
if (STATE_NEEDS_CLOSING(t->state))
return udt; /* Just some non-NULL value. */
* Join thread, with apporiate errors on failure. Name is name for the
* thread (for error messages). Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
static int tloop_join(pthread_t thread, const char *name)
int err;
void *tret;
err = pthread_join(thread, &tret);
if (!tret) {
error("%s thread failed", name);
return 1;
if (err) {
error("%s thread failed to join: %s", name, strerror(err));
return 1;
return 0;
* Spawn the transfer tasks and then wait for them. Returns 0 on success,
* -1 on failure.
static int tloop_spawnwait_tasks(struct bidirectional_transfer_state *s)
pthread_t gtp_thread;
pthread_t ptg_thread;
int err;
int ret = 0;
err = pthread_create(>p_thread, NULL, udt_copy_task_routine,
if (err)
die("Can't start thread for copying data: %s", strerror(err));
err = pthread_create(&ptg_thread, NULL, udt_copy_task_routine,
if (err)
die("Can't start thread for copying data: %s", strerror(err));
ret |= tloop_join(gtp_thread, "Git to program copy");
ret |= tloop_join(ptg_thread, "Program to git copy");
return ret;
/* Close the source and target (for writing) for transfer. */
static void udt_kill_transfer(struct unidirectional_transfer *t)
* Socket read end left open isn't a disaster if nobody
* attempts to read from it (mingw compat headers do not
* have SHUT_RD)...
* We can't fully close the socket since otherwise gtp
* task would first close the socket it sends data to
* while closing the ptg file descriptors.
if (!t->src_is_sock)
if (t->dest_is_sock)
shutdown(t->dest, SHUT_WR);
* Join process, with apporiate errors on failure. Name is name for the
* process (for error messages). Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
static int tloop_join(pid_t pid, const char *name)
int tret;
if (waitpid(pid, &tret, 0) < 0) {
error("%s process failed to wait: %s", name, strerror(errno));
return 1;
if (!WIFEXITED(tret) || WEXITSTATUS(tret)) {
error("%s process failed", name);
return 1;
return 0;
* Spawn the transfer tasks and then wait for them. Returns 0 on success,
* -1 on failure.
static int tloop_spawnwait_tasks(struct bidirectional_transfer_state *s)
pid_t pid1, pid2;
int ret = 0;
/* Fork thread #1: git to program. */
pid1 = fork();
if (pid1 < 0)
die_errno("Can't start thread for copying data");
else if (pid1 == 0) {
exit(udt_copy_task_routine(&s->gtp) ? 0 : 1);
/* Fork thread #2: program to git. */
pid2 = fork();
if (pid2 < 0)
die_errno("Can't start thread for copying data");
else if (pid2 == 0) {
exit(udt_copy_task_routine(&s->ptg) ? 0 : 1);
* Close both streams in parent as to not interfere with
* end of file detection and wait for both tasks to finish.
ret |= tloop_join(pid1, "Git to program copy");
ret |= tloop_join(pid2, "Program to git copy");
return ret;
* Copies data from stdin to output and from input to stdout simultaneously.
* Additionally filtering through given filter. If filter is NULL, uses
* identity filter.
int bidirectional_transfer_loop(int input, int output)
struct bidirectional_transfer_state state;
/* Fill the state fields. */
state.ptg.src = input;
state.ptg.dest = 1;
state.ptg.src_is_sock = (input == output);
state.ptg.dest_is_sock = 0;
state.ptg.state = SSTATE_TRANSFERING;
state.ptg.bufuse = 0;
state.ptg.src_name = "remote input";
state.ptg.dest_name = "stdout";
state.gtp.src = 0;
state.gtp.dest = output;
state.gtp.src_is_sock = 0;
state.gtp.dest_is_sock = (input == output);
state.gtp.state = SSTATE_TRANSFERING;
state.gtp.bufuse = 0;
state.gtp.src_name = "stdin";
state.gtp.dest_name = "remote output";
return tloop_spawnwait_tasks(&state);