Browse Source

Calculate the list of interesting files for a merge.

If there is a GCA for the parents of the merge, then a file is
interesting if some parent has a version that is different from both
the child and the GCA.  If there is no GCA (e.g. for a merge that
pulls in an external project) then a file is interesting if the child's
version is different from all of the parents.

Next step is to actually show the differences for the interesting
Paul Mackerras 20 years ago committed by Paul Mackerras
  1. 180


@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ proc donefilediff {} {
} }

proc findcont {ids} { proc findcont {ids} {
global findids treediffs parents nparents treepending global findids treediffs parents nparents
global ffileline findstartline finddidsel global ffileline findstartline finddidsel
global lineid numcommits matchinglines findinprogress global lineid numcommits matchinglines findinprogress
global findmergefiles global findmergefiles
@ -1692,27 +1692,121 @@ proc selectline {l} {

$cflist delete 0 end $cflist delete 0 end
$cflist insert end "Comments" $cflist insert end "Comments"
startdiff $id $parents($id) if {$nparents($id) == 1} {
startdiff [concat $id $parents($id)]
} elseif {$nparents($id) > 1} {
mergediff $id

proc selnextline {dir} {
global selectedline
if {![info exists selectedline]} return
set l [expr $selectedline + $dir]
selectline $l
} }

proc startdiff {id vs} { proc mergediff {id} {
global diffpending diffpindex global parents diffmergeid diffmergegca mergefilelist diffpindex
global diffindex difffilestart
global curdifftag curtagstart

set diffpending $vs set diffmergeid $id
set diffpindex 0 set diffpindex -1
set diffindex 0 set diffmergegca [findgca $parents($id)]
catch {unset difffilestart} if {[info exists mergefilelist($id)]} {
set curdifftag Comments showmergediff
set curtagstart 0.0 } else {
contdiff [list $id [lindex $vs 0]] contmergediff {}

proc findgca {ids} {
set gca {}
foreach id $ids {
if {$gca eq {}} {
set gca $id
} else {
if {[catch {
set gca [exec git-merge-base $gca $id]
} err]} {
return {}
return $gca

proc contmergediff {ids} {
global diffmergeid diffpindex parents nparents diffmergegca
global treediffs mergefilelist diffids

# diff the child against each of the parents, and diff
# each of the parents against the GCA.
while 1 {
if {[lindex $ids 0] == $diffmergeid && $diffmergegca ne {}} {
set ids [list [lindex $ids 1] $diffmergegca]
} else {
if {[incr diffpindex] >= $nparents($diffmergeid)} break
set p [lindex $parents($diffmergeid) $diffpindex]
set ids [list $diffmergeid $p]
if {![info exists treediffs($ids)]} {
set diffids $ids
gettreediffs $ids

# If a file in some parent is different from the child and also
# different from the GCA, then it's interesting.
# If we don't have a GCA, then a file is interesting if it is
# different from the child in all the parents.
if {$diffmergegca ne {}} {
set files {}
foreach p $parents($diffmergeid) {
set gcadiffs $treediffs([list $p $diffmergegca])
foreach f $treediffs([list $diffmergeid $p]) {
if {[lsearch -exact $files $f] < 0
&& [lsearch -exact $gcadiffs $f] >= 0} {
lappend files $f
set files [lsort $files]
} else {
set p [lindex $parents($diffmergeid) 0]
set files $treediffs([list $diffmergeid $p])
for {set i 1} {$i < $nparents($diffmergeid) && $files ne {}} {incr i} {
set p [lindex $parents($diffmergeid) $i]
set df $treediffs([list $diffmergeid $p])
set nf {}
foreach f $files {
if {[lsearch -exact $df $f] >= 0} {
lappend nf $f
set files $nf

set mergefilelist($diffmergeid) $files

proc showmergediff {} {
global cflist diffmergeid mergefilelist

set files $mergefilelist($diffmergeid)
foreach f $files {
$cflist insert end $f
} }

proc contdiff {ids} { proc startdiff {ids} {
global treediffs diffids treepending global treediffs diffids treepending diffmergeid

set diffids $ids set diffids $ids
catch {unset diffmergeid}
if {![info exists treediffs($ids)]} { if {![info exists treediffs($ids)]} {
if {![info exists treepending]} { if {![info exists treepending]} {
gettreediffs $ids gettreediffs $ids
@ -1722,47 +1816,39 @@ proc contdiff {ids} {
} }
} }

proc selnextline {dir} {
global selectedline
if {![info exists selectedline]} return
set l [expr $selectedline + $dir]
selectline $l

proc addtocflist {ids} { proc addtocflist {ids} {
global treediffs cflist diffpindex global treediffs cflist

set colors {black blue green red cyan magenta}
set color [lindex $colors [expr {$diffpindex % [llength $colors]}]]
foreach f $treediffs($ids) { foreach f $treediffs($ids) {
$cflist insert end $f $cflist insert end $f
$cflist itemconf end -foreground $color
} }
getblobdiffs $ids getblobdiffs $ids
} }

proc gettreediffs {ids} { proc gettreediffs {ids} {
global treediffs parents treepending global treediff parents treepending
set treepending $ids set treepending $ids
set treediffs($ids) {} set treediff {}
set id [lindex $ids 0] set id [lindex $ids 0]
set p [lindex $ids 1] set p [lindex $ids 1]
if [catch {set gdtf [open "|git-diff-tree -r $p $id" r]}] return if [catch {set gdtf [open "|git-diff-tree -r $p $id" r]}] return
fconfigure $gdtf -blocking 0 fconfigure $gdtf -blocking 0
fileevent $gdtf readable "gettreediffline $gdtf {$ids}" fileevent $gdtf readable [list gettreediffline $gdtf $ids]
} }

proc gettreediffline {gdtf ids} { proc gettreediffline {gdtf ids} {
global treediffs treepending diffids global treediff treediffs treepending diffids diffmergeid

set n [gets $gdtf line] set n [gets $gdtf line]
if {$n < 0} { if {$n < 0} {
if {![eof $gdtf]} return if {![eof $gdtf]} return
close $gdtf close $gdtf
set treediffs($ids) $treediff
unset treepending unset treepending
if {[info exists diffids]} { if {$ids != $diffids} {
if {$ids != $diffids} { gettreediffs $diffids
gettreediffs $diffids } else {
if {[info exists diffmergeid]} {
contmergediff $ids
} else { } else {
addtocflist $ids addtocflist $ids
} }
@ -1770,31 +1856,36 @@ proc gettreediffline {gdtf ids} {
return return
} }
set file [lindex $line 5] set file [lindex $line 5]
lappend treediffs($ids) $file lappend treediff $file
} }

proc getblobdiffs {ids} { proc getblobdiffs {ids} {
global diffopts blobdifffd diffids env global diffopts blobdifffd diffids env curdifftag curtagstart
global nextupdate diffinhdr global diffindex difffilestart nextupdate diffinhdr

set id [lindex $ids 0] set id [lindex $ids 0]
set p [lindex $ids 1] set p [lindex $ids 1]
set env(GIT_DIFF_OPTS) $diffopts set env(GIT_DIFF_OPTS) $diffopts
if [catch {set bdf [open "|git-diff-tree -r -p $p $id" r]} err] { set cmd [list | git-diff-tree -r -p -C $p $id]
if {[catch {set bdf [open $cmd r]} err]} {
puts "error getting diffs: $err" puts "error getting diffs: $err"
return return
} }
set diffinhdr 0 set diffinhdr 0
fconfigure $bdf -blocking 0 fconfigure $bdf -blocking 0
set blobdifffd($ids) $bdf set blobdifffd($ids) $bdf
fileevent $bdf readable [list getblobdiffline $bdf $ids] set curdifftag Comments
set curtagstart 0.0
set diffindex 0
catch {unset difffilestart}
fileevent $bdf readable [list getblobdiffline $bdf $diffids]
set nextupdate [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] + 100}] set nextupdate [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] + 100}]
} }

proc getblobdiffline {bdf ids} { proc getblobdiffline {bdf ids} {
global diffids blobdifffd ctext curdifftag curtagstart global diffids blobdifffd ctext curdifftag curtagstart
global diffnexthead diffnextnote diffindex difffilestart global diffnexthead diffnextnote diffindex difffilestart
global nextupdate diffpending diffpindex diffinhdr global nextupdate diffinhdr
global gaudydiff global gaudydiff

set n [gets $bdf line] set n [gets $bdf line]
@ -1803,11 +1894,6 @@ proc getblobdiffline {bdf ids} {
close $bdf close $bdf
if {$ids == $diffids && $bdf == $blobdifffd($ids)} { if {$ids == $diffids && $bdf == $blobdifffd($ids)} {
$ctext tag add $curdifftag $curtagstart end $ctext tag add $curdifftag $curtagstart end
if {[incr diffpindex] < [llength $diffpending]} {
set id [lindex $ids 0]
set p [lindex $diffpending $diffpindex]
contdiff [list $id $p]
} }
} }
return return
@ -2157,7 +2243,7 @@ proc diffvssel {dirn} {
$ctext conf -state disabled $ctext conf -state disabled
$ctext tag delete Comments $ctext tag delete Comments
$ctext tag remove found 1.0 end $ctext tag remove found 1.0 end
startdiff [list $newid $oldid] startdiff $newid [list $oldid]
} }

proc mkpatch {} { proc mkpatch {} {
